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1969 Mekong Delta strain


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By not active he means that the compound he was talking about does not have binding affinity to a cannbinoid receptor. Or any receptor in the human body for that matter. I.e it is a bystander, inactive in terms of intoxication, or any impairment.

I cant tell if you're being an ass or you're genuinely confused. Why would you be dead if it was inactive?


By not active he means that the compound he was talking about does not have binding affinity to a cannbinoid receptor. Or any receptor in the human body for that matter. I.e it is a bystander, inactive in terms of intoxication, or any impairment.

I cant tell if you're being an ass or you're genuinely confused. Why would you be dead if it was inactive?[/quote

...smoke a bowl ...lol

in play or not ,if they are there they control space within mass ,a unknown future , much like cancer cells . they can be inactive for 25 years and then become active . so who is to say .. you , Sam .. come on ....who is brain fu**ing who ...

so why dose RNA even have a 3d fold structure ...?

you don't get high you get impaired ....good one ...are you going to run in 2016 ...don't inhale it might impair your chance ...lol

ok back to work ...Binding .. are we in 8th grade ?

Cell adhesion is the binding of a cell to a surface or substrate, such as an extracellular matrix of another cell

cell adhesion vs active or inactive ....the abilities for receptors to link with other compounds or other particles has nothing to do with the fact of active or inactive ...cell adhesion is a matter of surface or substrate tension & structure ,the abilities to infuse and create a extracellular matrix ...
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By not active he means that the compound he was talking about does not have binding affinity to a cannbinoid receptor. Or any receptor in the human body for that matter. I.e it is a bystander, inactive in terms of intoxication, or any impairment.

I cant tell if you're being an ass or you're genuinely confused. Why would you be dead if it was inactive?[/quote

...smoke a bowl ...lol

in play or not ,if they are there they control space within mass ,a unknown future , much like cancer cells . they can be inactive for 25 years and then become active . so who is to say .. you , Sam .. come on ....who is brain fu**ing who ...

Now I understand, you have zero idea of what you are saying.
11-nor-9-carboxy-THC will not become active in 25 or 25,000 years. Anyone that thinks so has a serious lack of scientific understanding, 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC unlike a cell or anything living is not alive and unable to change, get it?

so why dose RNA even have a 3d fold structure ...?

Until I see that you can understand what we have already discussed I have no interest in discussing RNA with you, to be honest.

you don't get high you get impaired ....good one ...are you going to run in 2016 ...don't inhale it might impair your chance ...lol

ok back to work ...Binding .. are we in 8th grade ?

Cell adhesion is the binding of a cell to a surface or substrate, such as an extracellular matrix of another cell

cell adhesion vs active or inactive ....the abilities for receptors to link with other compounds or other particles has nothing to do with the fact of active or inactive ...cell adhesion is a matter of surface or substrate tension & structure ,the abilities to infuse and create a extracellular matrix ...

By active or un-active I really meant in terms of effecting the high or making one high. That is accomplished by THC binding to the CB1 and by a few other ways to modulate the binding.
11-nor-9-carboxy-THC does not get you high and so I called it inactive for this goal.


By active or un-active I really meant in terms of effecting the high or making one high. That is accomplished by THC binding to the CB1 and by a few other ways to modulate the binding.
11-nor-9-carboxy-THC does not get you high and so I called it inactive for this goal.

friends get me high .....but most of them don't look to active ...lol

as for Abducted I get to start over .. took them out of the humidity bags and they died in 10 hours .. 6 months down the train ...20"Thai was correct so far they will live in door under normal conditions ...roots still look alive but the tops are dead...they were some what healthy as soon as I took them out of the humidity they dry out ..I even had no fan running ...this sucks .. I was smart enough to cut a clone from each a few days ago...so I 100% agree with 20'Thai they are not like any other cannabis ,,,totally different...I don't get it . I can freeze them but I cant put them in a normal environment ,,, this blows ...

I don't get it .. some of the fan leafs started to mold . so I remove them from the humidity and they die ...


Maybe God does not way you to have or grow this variety of Cannabis? Must be.....

friends get me high .....but most of them don't look to active ...lol

as for Abducted I get to start over .. took them out of the humidity bags and they died in 10 hours .. 6 months down the train ...20"Thai was correct so far they will live in door under normal conditions ...roots still look alive but the tops are dead...they were some what healthy as soon as I took them out of the humidity they dry out ..I even had no fan running ...this sucks .. I was smart enough to cut a clone from each a few days ago...so I 100% agree with 20'Thai they are not like any other cannabis ,,,totally different...I don't get it . I can freeze them but I cant put them in a normal environment ,,, this blows ...

I don't get it .. some of the fan leafs started to mold . so I remove them from the humidity and they die ...
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Send me a leaf, even dead, I will extract the DNA and sequence it and see what it is related to, Thai, Yunnan, or whatever. And maybe see how it fits into Cannabis evolution, in a Cannabis family tree.
PM me if you are interested?



This is a strain from vietnam that was brought back by GI's.. i believe it to be the wide leaf sativa , also fits the description exactly that DJ Shot wrote about Vietnamese strains from 70's
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PM me if you have any leaves of this? Even dead is fine for the DNA extraction. I will extract the DNA and sequence it and see what it is related to, Thai, Yunnan, or whatever. And maybe see how it fits into Cannabis evolution, in a Cannabis family tree.




I have clones and seed I can tell you just what they are . they are major pain in the ass ! I was gone away for the day and this strain can not be grown indoor ..20'Thai was correct ....this also tells me something about the evolution of this strain it has been in jungle for a long time .. thousands of years type of long ....with out the rain forest type environment it dies fast ... I had it in bags and it was not great but it was growing . as soon as it did not have the humidity they died within 10 hours ...its not like any strain I have ever seen before but I don't live in a rain forest ether ...I think it would grow in Hawaii or Subic bay ..I could change lighting but I don't know if that will help enough . could rise the C02 level ...could try DWC ,... got to try something different .I have like $700 in fertilizers and additives that's most likely why they lasted that long ...

so why do they get to a given height and then stop growing .. I have never seen a plant do this before ..it was growing fast like it was out of control then just stopped for no reason .. could it be because I staked it up and it could not run along the ground ...?

it is pissing me off . I work with it for 6 months to watch it die and I don't know why ...

I can tell you one thing for a fact it dose not play by the rules of normal cannabis ...


The DNA ?

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57091&pictureid=1433218&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

Fucked Up, Big Time.

If you want to know about the Cannabinoid content, you can get in touch with the Guys at @ CANNA and tell them to show you the REAL TEST, not the fake ones that they sent to me.

Funny innit?

why do you say it was fake ?

the reason I ask is ,there maybe something different about your strain that dose not show up in their test ....

how long is that plant been in veg and has it shown gender ...?

the reason ask is that looks very close to my strain ...and the Abducted strain base did have some of the seeds end up in SoCal...

why did you say you fucked up big time ... did your plant died at that stage of growth...? that's the same stage my plants just died at ...LOl

did you top the plant ...?

let me explain why I ask those questions ,,

see I think this strain is very different from normal cannabis in one way . it has to make massive root systems to stay alive .. see you did not do anything to let the plant put out runners across the ground .. don't feel bad I did not do that ether and my plants died ,and I think that's way ,,....with out a group of plants link together anyone plant can not grow on its own past a given stage ... that's what I think is happing ... if I am correct and your strain is the same type as mine there is nothing you could do to keep it alive ...the only difference is I have 48 seeds ...
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solved that problem .gave my clones & seeds to a friend and I am retiring ,boxing up my gear and I guess 45 years is long enough .. ...good luck guys ...

stay safe stay free


as for what I learned about Abducted . it stunned it to top it . it did not super crop well.. I tried almost everything I know about cannabis on this strain it had little to no effect at all ...

it can be grown in side to a given stage and then I just stops growing ...I don't know why ..?, my friend said the seeds would not do him any good if I could not grow it he had no chance what so ever . so the seeds will have to wait ...for better conditions ..who knows maybe better lighting or mass rooting ...not this year maybe in a few years ....latter ...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
operation rescue the abducted

operation rescue the abducted

The legends are true, abducted is real and while displaying WLD traits is undoubtedly as sativa or NLD as they come in modern day...

Once I saw this thread I set out on a search to find this plant... I had to have it in my collection. I knew I needed to save this specimen as tazz would undoubtedly not be able to nurture it and it would inevitably die and be lost to the world forever. So I pushed off with my lady friend to hunt down this elusive strain base to modern drug cannabis, it wasn't easy as nobody was willing to say anything until after they had worked us for whatever they could get (sex, drugs, rock and roll, and the almighty dolla) but we finally managed to track down the infamous Mike H. and arrange a meeting with him... or so we thought.

Already in a far off land, we were given directions to a strange isolated place in the middle of nowhere... after camping out overnight on the trail there, we arrived to a small oasis amidst miles and miles of wasteland. After getting out of the vehicle and making our way to the creek that lead to the pond in order to clean up and such, we were stopped "You there, freeze! Or you'll be the next hide mounted on my walls" a loud and intimidating voice bellows out about 100 ft behind us "why are you all the way out here, and stealing my water?" the man asks. In town I was told a phrase that would signal to Mike H. that I was cool, so I smirked and confidently turned to find a double barrel shotgun aimed right at me... my mouth went dry and my mind went blank... "WTF was the code phrase?!" I thought to myself.

All I could think of was the sight of a shotgun blast and the smell of gunpowder... that moment felt like forever, then suddenly I just blurted "we're here for the Jumbuck rodeo". "The jumbuck rodeo?" he repeats suspiciously as he moves closer... still with the shotgun aimed squarely at my midsection. I thought, "Oh fuck... that wasn't right... did that guy give me some BS info... why did I trust my life to the advice of a toothless stranger?!" As he moves even closer, still holding an assertive look on his face I was sure I was in for trouble. Then he grabs me in a loose headlock "Why didn't ya say so, come now, lets go fuck some sheep!" as he laughed in a boisterous manner which didn't tell me if he was serious or kidding.

On the way back to his lair, I couldn't help but notice him eyeing my lady a few times... I didn't like the way he was looking but I wasnt going to make any fuss over it... not with him anywhere near a gun nor before we got what we came for. After sharing a couple joints outside his den we got to talking about strains and I started by telling him all bout my genetics and some of the NLD's I work with. This instantly sparked up his ego "I'll show you something you won't beleive, after dinner" he claimed.

In a cave that smelled of rotting bear, seal farts and spoiled indian food, we sat on rocks which lay on the dirt floor eating a stew of what I assume was mostly reptilian in nature. While choking down the food I again catch Mike H. eyeing my girl (in a specific area of her body)... she gives me a look acknowledging the same. After dinner, he takes me to a small corner of the cave where he has a few crazy looking but scraggly plants in a small ghetto rigged setup.

There was a mother plant of the abducted several iffy looking clones of the abducted plant and two seedlings Mike H. said were siblings to the abducted plant. I nonchalantly respond as I listen to him go on and on about his theories and tales of him smoking the fan leaf... eventually I ask him if he wants to go smoke some of my herb... with me and my girl.

We make our way more toward the front cave where we relax on some animal pelts and begin puffing. After a few minutes of burning, we are all good and toasty, when I notice Mike H's gaze again focus on my lady... specifically her legs and feet. I give a look to her, she looks back and then begins to complain about her feet aching as she rubs them. I notice this peaks Mike H's interest and his undevided attention... she then engauges him in conversation and lots of eye contact as I slip into the back of the cave.

I procure the abducted cut and also the two sibling seedlings and begin my way back to the front of the cave as I try to make it past Mike and out of the cave without him noticing me... luckily my girl was on top of it and was in the middle of giving Mike H. a footjob.

So while Mike is getting his jollies I rush to the car fire up the engine and bring it around to the cave entrance, after a couple more minutes... from the cave comes a noise earily close to whale songs followed by my girl running to and jumping in the car before we tore off down the rocky dirt road.

I am sure we were half way back to civilization before Mike H. stopped pinching his nipples and realized we were gone and with his secret super rare genetics too.

ABDUCTED, Preserved For the WORLD!

here are the leaf details showing the morphology from indica dominance through sativa dominant expressions..



some flowers @ 14 weeks, grown under 1k MH with a waning photoperiod with no veg time... down from 12/12 to 10.25/13.75 currently



more pics...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
abducted @14 weeks flower...

each one of these florettes will make you trip balls like the best LSD you've had, for over 12 hours... each calyx is covered in microscopic THC crystals




this plant will be preserved in hypostasis, a form of suspendid animation and regular experimental trials conducted... possibly a lifetime of work will be needed for this strain base to be properly understood.



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Turkey foot phenotype

Turkey foot phenotype

sibling seed plant also @ 14 weeks flowering...

I've read that this mutation correlates with polyploidy, a condition where a mutation occurs causing an individual to have more chromosomes than the normal homologous pair... polyploidy can be caused by the use of mutagens such as colchicine or through natural anomalies such as non disjunction of the gamete cells.







my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
other sibling from seed... also @ 14 weeks flowering...




these clones will be kept and researched, no clones or seeds will be shared....

to much work has gone into this variety to give it away, and money is no object when it comes to these genetics.