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18 x 200 gal smartpots, Northern California, LVPK, Cherry Kush, OG kush, LA Con


Active member
either way i will be appreciative of your aggressive tone because it got me to look up IPM when you got on my case last year....

and this year i will for sure be cutting eagle20 out....this season i am apprenticing under a mendo master grower who is strictly organic...so i will be using their PM prevention methods which are some kind of organic spray, i forgot to ask him about it last week when i was up in the 707 but il get on that..

and gonna do some research about brix sprays because thats something we totally skipped out on last season...

Veg N Out

You can take it personally but if you read what I have to say all I am doing is commenting on the general logic shared among "growers" trying to fight PM and other garden problems. If I happened to take something you posted in context to help make my point it is just because we are in your thread talking about a subject that I'm very passionate about...which is growing the finest quality healthiest medicine possible..mycotoxin, fungicide, carcinogen, miticide and insecticide FREE.........!

33-66 days is for Turf grass and ornamental fruit trees..Not all plants work and process things the same>> You also will not find non organic grapes or non organic wine in my house because Grapes are among the highest pesticide/fungicide/insecticide that are OK'd for use on them...Not to mention phosphites and other disgusting chemicals...Just because something is Labeled for use doesn't mean it is OK to use.. Mycobutanil is a known carcinogen and should NOT be used. It is also EXTREMELY harmful to the environment...Saying "OK well the label says its OK" when you know its the same carcinogenic compound and then consuming it is in my opinion not very smart practice or having Raspect for your body which in again my opinion is your one and only living temple that houses the spirit of Jah..So Yes I think we should go buss up all the bottles and casks of vineyards using this type of Ag practice yes I think we should put fire to all the poison crops that are tryin to be fed to the youths. Extreme? Maybe..At this point...So far one way on the pendulum that the back lash is going to have to be as harsh before the lash back can settle.

You have to think about all things when it comes to agriculture in 2012. Who is trying to sell you the seed, the fertilizer, the pesticide, the fungicide, the insecticide?

Big Ag...Big Petro...Its all a scam to keep farmers dependent on their synthetic products when 100% organic practice can help to change the planet for the better..Something that will decrease the profit margins because of a decrease in need for pesticide, insecticide, fertilizer etc., because the soil is doing it all itself and farmers goin back to non Terminator seed lines..

Going back to 100% heirloom seed and 100% organic standard and localizing agriculture is the lynch pin to start loosening Babylons grip..Once we break their control over our food we can work to break their control over our finance since so much of our life is spent to make money to spend on food...

To think that you can stop a fungus with a chemical is silly. It takes fungi to stop fungi. This is just the way of nature.



yeah as stated just pretty much work from the bottom up.. it really all starts with a good organic soil mix and from there you really shouldnt experience problems. if you have a good soil mix, and are using ACT's with a good room thats ventilated, sterilized, the whole shibang.. you should cruise through very nicely.. and i always prevent before trying to act during the problem... ive used milk solution in the past only hit em once right before they started to flower.. but again.. if you use compost teas throughout veg you should have no fungal problems come time for flower. also, a good product for powdery mildew is dyna grows pro-tekt formula.. derived from mostly silicon and prevents fungal disease, pests.. also increased plant tolerance.. just apply once or twice in veg as a foliar spray.


Active member
yea i hear good things about the protekt silica..and the milk solution was what my mendo friends use...

cant really argue with what vegnout says...its scary to think what commercial pesticides are in things most americans eat...let alone smoke

Veg N Out

Look up AgSil 16H. They have to make Protekt , rhinoskin, silica blast etc., out of something :)

You might as well use something similar instead of paying beau coup for a stock solution :)


I love my life
the finest quality healthiest medicine possible..mycotoxin, fungicide, carcinogen, miticide and insecticide FREE.........!

Going back to 100% heirloom seed and 100% organic standard and localizing agriculture is the lynch pin to start loosening Babylons grip..Once we break their control over our food we can work to break their control over our finance since so much of our life is spent to make money to spend on food...

To think that you can stop a fungus with a chemical is silly. It takes fungi to stop fungi. This is just the way of nature.


Do the labs test for all the things you mention above? If the labs don't test, how do we know if a cannabis plant has been exposed to those items you mention? If the do test, and the plant was sprayed in VEG (prior to the existence of flowers) will there be any residual amounts of the bad stuff left for the lab to find?

It would help a lot of growers if we had some test results that showed what was in the cannabis after being sprayed IN VEG ONLY and compare those results with cannabis that was NEVER sprayed.

I have eaten a shit ton of commercially grown grapes over my 40 or so years (some right out of the pack in the store BEFORE paying or washing!), and don't recognize any negative effects. Before we get all worked up over flowers should we see some test results.

As you said just because a label or a random dude on the internet says something is good or bad doesn't make it so.

I'd be willing to kick a few bucks at a lab for some tests.


PS Athlete's foot is a fungus, but I think Desitin / Tenactin / ETC. are all chemical remedies to a fungus, so I am not sure I follow your logic that chems can't be used to kill fungus.


Look up AgSil 16H. They have to make Protekt , rhinoskin, silica blast etc., out of something :)

You might as well use something similar instead of paying beau coup for a stock solution :)

If you are so inclined, you might also try a fermented plant extract of horsetail for foliar, it's extremely high in silica.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
This is the kind of logic that makes me NEVER smoke any one else's herb! You don't know how far their head is in the sand. Even if there is a chance of .01% of a carcinogenic fungicide residue you should NOT consume said "MEDICINE" ...What a joke! I'm so glad I am not one of your "patients" !! Disgusting practice!

The tissue you spray in veg grows those nuggets! Flushed out? Like a toilet? Do you even understand how roots work? How the plants metabolism works? Mycobutanil becomes part of its tissue, even if the half life of the fungicide is X,,I guarantee once a test is made by Halent or Analytical360 to test for Mycobutanil you will find MAJOR concentrations of this fungicide because it not intended to be used up by the metabolism of Cannabis plants..ITS FOR GRASS AND ORNAMENTAL FRUIT TREES>>!>!!!

If you keep your sap pH 6.2-6.4 and brix above 12 PM isn't even an issue!! Its hyphae are unable to spread under these conditions.

Indoor PM and Mold? What the fuck is that! Build a better grow room ! Increase the microbiology in your soil ! The species living on the roots also live on the leaf...Stop resorting to carcinogenic fungicides that are not labeled for consumable products.

Eagle20 is for turf grass and ornamental fruit trees...EPIC FAIL for using this on cannabis and then calling it medicine.

I won't even go near the Eagle 20 users in the Indoor Soil forum..Their heads are so far up their ass that they think they need a fungicide like Mycobutanil when really what they need is a lesson in organic growing....

What I would love to see is all the people in the Eagle20 camp bust out some research books, google fu, and some hard fucking work, to find ways to stop PM with out using an incorrectly labeled fungicide because Krunchbubble said so...instead of saying " Well jus tell us the right way to do it instead... "

But I'll throw a bone...If you really need to kill PM, make up a solution of ~8 grams per gallon AgSil16H and spray down , apply compost tea to roots and leaves , apply brix increasing foliar sprays , spray with Micronized sulfur a couple times...Bam. Gone. No carcinogens.

Blessings and please, try to have more RASPECT for yourself, what you're doing, and Mother Earth..

Another know it all swinging the e-peeny, u loose all resect for your basic premise when you get personal....Yes4prop215 has EARNED my respect by his obvious mad growing skillsz and genetics, I've even met him...top notch dude, you however .....well let's just say your at a much lower level.....flame away!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
either way i will be appreciative of your aggressive tone because it got me to look up IPM when you got on my case last year....

and this year i will for sure be cutting eagle20 out....this season i am apprenticing under a mendo master grower who is strictly organic...so i will be using their PM prevention methods which are some kind of organic spray, i forgot to ask him about it last week when i was up in the 707 but il get on that..

and gonna do some research about brix sprays because thats something we totally skipped out on last season...

What a great opportunity Yes....would it be possible to share some of your experiences with us? I for one am researching organic methodologies for PM control after last years early rains (remember?)....we are also building a greenhouse to help prevent early harvest like we had to do last year as I am moving up to 45 gallon smarties.

good luck brah, I'm sure you'll kill it! Have you picked your strains yet?


Active member
its cool mega vegn does it big ive seen his grows before....so i dont mind a little advice from them im just a youngster out here even though i try to take this more serious then some of the vets...

basically my mendo guys been growin since 1990, does mostly 200s...hes at a seperate grow but he taught my partner everything since they grew together for almost a decade....so my partner will be implementing his organic tactics, with close advise from the OG because he lives right down the road...the property isnt in the best shape, kind of rundown and needs a ton of work so i might just do this one year at that spot and let him take over, im dumping all my $$ into a butte county spot that has a much more private meadow...gonna do mostly 200s, with a few 45s..i love the butte county spot, 20 private acres, lots of offroading trails everywhere, we were out scouting the property on the ATVs today got most of the garden plotted out..

random strains..mostly LVPK and LA con, with some OGs, cherry pies, sour bubble, some of ganjaD's dieselberry crosses.....and gonna run some cookie testers this year too


Hey Yes!

I was just readin thru ...a couple of pages back...

(Beautiful pics, btw) :respect:

... sad we lost around 5-10% of our tops to the god damn cats...i made myself feel better by skewering some ...
:kitty: :shooty:

... then I saw you were talking worms... LOL

Your new property sounds VERY nice!

I dream of a sunshine garden one day...24/7...

luv the organics!


avant gardener

33-66 days is for Turf grass and ornamental fruit trees..Not all plants work and process things the same>> You also will not find non organic grapes or non organic wine in my house because Grapes are among the highest pesticide/fungicide/insecticide that are OK'd for use on them...Not to mention phosphites and other disgusting chemicals...Just because something is Labeled for use doesn't mean it is OK to use.. Mycobutanil is a known carcinogen and should NOT be used. It is also EXTREMELY harmful to the environment...Saying "OK well the label says its OK" when you know its the same carcinogenic compound and then consuming it is in my opinion not very smart practice or having Raspect for your body which in again my opinion is your one and only living temple that houses the spirit of Jah..So Yes I think we should go buss up all the bottles and casks of vineyards using this type of Ag practice yes I think we should put fire to all the poison crops that are tryin to be fed to the youths. Extreme? Maybe..At this point...So far one way on the pendulum that the back lash is going to have to be as harsh before the lash back can settle.

You have to think about all things when it comes to agriculture in 2012. Who is trying to sell you the seed, the fertilizer, the pesticide, the fungicide, the insecticide?

Big Ag...Big Petro...Its all a scam to keep farmers dependent on their synthetic products when 100% organic practice can help to change the planet for the better..Something that will decrease the profit margins because of a decrease in need for pesticide, insecticide, fertilizer etc., because the soil is doing it all itself and farmers goin back to non Terminator seed lines..

Going back to 100% heirloom seed and 100% organic standard and localizing agriculture is the lynch pin to start loosening Babylons grip..Once we break their control over our food we can work to break their control over our finance since so much of our life is spent to make money to spend on food...

To think that you can stop a fungus with a chemical is silly. It takes fungi to stop fungi. This is just the way of nature.


oh wow. another self-righteous white kid carrying on about rastafari and babylon. that's novel.

fact of the matter is that plenty of products that are listed as organic have not been adequately tested to determine if they are safe or not. they aren't usually subjected to the same level of scrutiny that petrochemicals and other synthetics are. this is because 1. people erroneously assume that because a product is natural that it is automatically safe, and 2. OMRI is a pretty powerful lobby anymore. greenwashing generates a metric shit ton of cash every 7.6 seconds.

100 years ago there were no synthetic pesticides. not in agriculture. not in gardens. nowhere. the leading pesticide was 100% organic. and it was made of lead and arsenic. the same thing still happens. sabadilla is toxic as fuck, but it's organic. pyrethrum is organic too but it's still a potent neurotoxin and incredibly dangerous to infants. hell, you could culture C. botulinum and ebola virus and make an aerosol out of it. it'd still be organic, but that sure as shit doesn't make it safe. on the other hand, i've never heard of any of the synthetic haters out there who have actually produced a test that affirms their claims that something applied as labeled in early veg will still be detectable, much less harmful after 60+ days. it's just a lot of yelling with very little evidence to support it.

i'm not saying that most organic products are harmful or that it's a good idea to use final solutions if they can possibly be avoided. i'm just saying that we could use a lot more good science and not nearly so much granola logic.

and what is this bullshit about it taking a fungus to control a fungus? nilla please. if that load of crap were true, i could avoid everyone i dislike with a bottle of patchouli, a bag of crystal, and a badge.

Veg N Out

oh wow. another self-righteous white kid carrying on about rastafari and babylon. that's novel.

EPIC failure on your part for making the assumption I'm white! Oops on your part !! Way to be a bigot!

fact of the matter is that plenty of products that are listed as organic have not been adequately tested to determine if they are safe or not. they aren't usually subjected to the same level of scrutiny that petrochemicals and other synthetics are. this is because 1. people erroneously assume that because a product is natural that it is automatically safe, and 2. OMRI is a pretty powerful lobby anymore. greenwashing generates a metric shit ton of cash every 7.6 seconds.

Do you think I'm talking about Pure Blend Pro bro? No..I'm not ..I'm talking about sticking to the NOP standard for Agriculture....

100 years ago there were no synthetic pesticides. not in agriculture. not in gardens. nowhere. the leading pesticide was 100% organic. and it was made of lead and arsenic. the same thing still happens. sabadilla is toxic as fuck, but it's organic. pyrethrum is organic too but it's still a potent neurotoxin and incredibly dangerous to infants. hell, you could culture C. botulinum and ebola virus and make an aerosol out of it. it'd still be organic, but that sure as shit doesn't make it safe. The type of argument you're making here is called a Red Herring argument...What you're talking about doesn't apply ...Any one aspirating botulism or Ebola virus tryin' to harm their brethren..I'm talking on growing healthy food and Ganja organically to promote the health of the people. on the other hand, i've never heard of any of the synthetic haters out there who have actually produced a test that affirms their claims that something applied as labeled in early veg will still be detectable, much less harmful after 60+ days. I understand that you have not seen the test, but that is because labs are not testing for Mycobutanil...So how you gonna have something come up that isn't being looked for? it's just a lot of yelling with very little evidence to support it. That's what I'm getting from your way...

i'm not saying that most organic products are harmful or that it's a good idea to use final solutions if they can possibly be avoided. i'm just saying that we could use a lot more good science and not nearly so much granola logic. There's no granola logic in any of my post even if I talk about Raspect - The truth is that the science say Organic is the best way.

and what is this bullshit about it taking a fungus to control a fungus? nilla please. if that load of crap were true, i could avoid everyone i dislike with a bottle of patchouli, a bag of crystal, and a badge. Can you show me a situation where a chemical can completely control a fungus? In numerous field trial I've read about the necessary reapplication of fungicide being necessary to suppress disease..1 year treatment with ORGANIC Biological fungicide ContansWG , White Mold aka Sclerotinium sclerotiorum a disease that attack 360 crop WORLDWIDE fully controlled and fields it was applied to go on to break world yield record of over 140 bushel of Soy bean per acre....

:thank you:


what kinda bumbaclott this avant gardener....Too many assumptions...you obviously dont overstand

Bless up veggie! One love and Raspect everytime


Active member
i said it in the other thread i would love to see the labs start testing for myclobutanil to see how much residual is left in the plants after 2 months of flower...

im not using e20 on my outdoor crops this year...rarely have issues with PM outdoors. gonna use the mendo organic way and do milk and sulfur sprays...

its just weird because sulfur is organic, yet i dont imagine that being any healthier to injest than other pesticides and fungicides....

avant gardener


i can only guess who the two cats that negged my post were...

anyway i was just looking over the NOP STANDARDS.

pretty dry read, but a few things did occur to me.

1. lead and arsenic ARE on the list of prohibited substances, so i need to withdraw that remark from my previous post. all the rest of the shit i mentioned is perfectly acceptable though. pbp on the other hand is not organic by any standard. wachoo talkin bout mang?

2. the NOP is administered by the USDA. that, in and of itself, makes me not trust it. there are more trustworthy certifying organizations. oregon tilth is the first that comes to mind. even then, it doesn't mean the products are coming from companies that anyone should have warm fuzzies about. spinosad comes from dow chemical. most pyrethrins are produced by BASF. bayer and ortho both have organic product lines. monsanto can't be far behind.

3. i'm not as ignorant as you might think simply because i'm not an organics guy per se. i do hydro because i've always done hydro, and if it ain't broke, i try not to break it. in my own experience, organic hydro is not at all practical, so i use synthetics. but bill mollison's book on permaculture changed my life (and my garden that has nothing to do with work) immensely. when i'm not doing this, i build aquaponics setups for the local refugee community. you can think i'm an asshole or call me a bigot, but my anarchist bona fides are all in order and my conscience is clear.

4. that said, let's have a little reality check fellas, shall we? whether we are using organic or conventional production methods, what we do cannot really be called sustainable. for one thing, we're damn dirty monoculturists. for most of us it doesn't make sense to plant anything else. beyond that, every single indoor grow and a vast majority of outdoor grows are huge sucks of resources and vectors of pollution. now i'm pretty sure one of you is going to tell me how you grow using nothing but well water, a wind turbine, and your own soil that you amended using nothing but table scraps, yard waste and castings from your worm farm. and you just might be telling the truth. same goes for the second guy. but the third guy? he's full of shit. that's not what most of us are doing.

5. yo veg. you're so white. c'mon man. you can admit that shit. there's nothing to be ashamed of, and no one is going to judge you for it either. i think you just need a hug dude. holler at yer boy. i got you man.


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