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18 x 200 gal smartpots, Northern California, LVPK, Cherry Kush, OG kush, LA Con


Active member
yea man durban poison is something special unfortunately dont have access to her right now...but the cherry pie has durban in her and she was very mold resistant...sat outside in the rain for a week and turned dark purple, stunk like crazy, and zero mold..

LVPK was also mold resistant and the colas were pretty big too....i have gotten budrot on larger LVPK colas indoors though but i believe it was related to other issues..

but yeah next year we are breaking out the IPM for all the pests..combining multiple avenues of attack, i use the met52 for my indoors to fight aphids. outdoors main concern is cats so gonna use the BT, spinosad, and il check out some other things as well...


just be careful, even the stuff that says organic or food grade leaves some nasty stuff i definitely wouldnt want to puff


just be careful, even the stuff that says organic or food grade leaves some nasty stuff i definitely wouldnt want to puff

yeah for sure.. try and get rid of the problem before flowering.. just use preventative foliage sprays before they flower. try compost tea.. ewc will fight off whatever buggers ya got.. or neem seed cake in your soil would help.. use the spinosad if you need too.. or just take garlic, crushed red pepper and soft soap in warm water and dilute it 1:1 water/mix and spray once ever 2 weeks.. also foliage spray with compost tea would be great


exactly, compost tea is the shit and easy to make. Lots of companies make large brewers as well to facilitate the industry demands.

Good soil recipes will also result in good pest and disease resistance


Active member
really? foliar spray with compost tea will actually prevent cats from landing and destroying my crops?

also gonna put those light zapper things up, a friend said he had good results with that..
Yeah also helps with mold and rot resistance. It puts a large colony of benificial bacteria and fungi to help fight off diseases and bug issues and also changes the PH value on the leaves exterior to make it an inhospitable place for bugs to live or eat.

Plus .. Its a great thing to do on a cloudy day or early before sunrise or an hour before sunset .. You'd be surprised the extra growth it promotes .. Steroids for plants .. Just this way is organic .. I foliar spray mine with EWC, kelp and humic acid(may-mid July) and fulvic acid(mid-July-late August) but its strain dependent when I stop spraying .. I stop spraying when crowns are present.

Thanks for the info on the LVPK .. She'll have to go to a non-swamp spot or maybe try 1 in my swamp spot to see how she does

I ordered Dutch Passion Durban femmed and 8 of 10 popped and every single one looked like the last .. They got stressed a couple times from lack of water and still no hermie issue with them. So if you need Durban its cheap enough in seed form for reg seeds and femmed seeds, but I recommend getting them early for a veg .. I popped mine a week before they went out and put them in 18-gal totes and they put out 8-10oz each.


good info gemini

Ive been keeping my ear to a lot of really pro old school growers and some new school when it comes to tea recipes

certain recipes are great for certain stages of growth.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Looking forward to running that Cherry Pie and LA Con outdoor this year Yes.....gunna run the SFV OG just indoor though.


Active member
what kind of foliar sprays are you guys using for powder mildew...organic prefered. i think my buddy over in mendo sprays their plants with some kind of milk solution it changes the PH on the surface of the fan leaves so that mold cant grow....

this is more for my indoor grows than outdoors...havent seen PM on outdoor buds ever...botrytis is the main killer and we had zero budrot this year...the only stuff that rotted was the colas hit by cats..

gearing up this summer its just around the corner.....got around 60 BOG seeds im gonna pop, plus cali connection feminized seeds...those are for a special guerilla style grow. gonna do the 200 gal smartpots again too...2 seperate gardens on 2 seperate properties with around 25 smartpots each....one garden all cherry pie and cookies in mendo, and another in butte county which will be LVPK and LA Con..


definitely not organic, but eagle 20 has been the end of pm for me, I don't regularly use the eagle 20 it's so effective on motherstock, no one I trade cuts with seems to have it ... it never comes back. oxidate is a great product also, no residue. I'll be spraying dipel earlier on, the cats were my only real bug problem.


Active member
yea i spray eagle in veg as well...but was looking for something to hit them in flower in week 3-4 or so......i gotta talk to my mendo homie about what they do, i swear it was something simple like milk and vinegar or something he said it changes the PH on the plant surface so PM cant even take hold...

im also thinking about the OMRI sulfur sprays from SAFE.....gonna spray a few test plants and see what the results are..
Final weight?

Final weight?

Willl you please post what your final weights were? I think a lot of people would be interested to know! Great grow btw :tiphat:


Read cover to cover and also wanted to know the final results and if you split evenly amongst the four of you.


Active member
we did decent...LVPK hit 3lbs, 2 of the cherries hit 2.5...and the rest got around 1.5-2 each...only 2 people worked one this so split down the middle.

Veg N Out

Spraying Eagle 20 on your plants is gross. Please do the right kind of research before applying toxic and carcinogenic fungicides to supposed medicine.


Veggie man! Where are you over in the indoor soil forum on that Eagle 20 shit???

A few seriously ignorant people over there disregarding the dangers of that crap, You should stick your head in and drop some knowledge...

I am against using it by my gut feel, maybe you could put in some words for the anti-Eagle a little more eloquently, Residual myclobutanil, etc.




Active member
i would love to hear some organic alternatives to fighting PM....we barely used anything last year and didnt have an issue, seems to be a indoor problem mostly.

i would never spray anything on flowering nugs...there might be some residue left over from veg but hopefully by that point most is flushed out..

Veg N Out

i would love to hear some organic alternatives to fighting PM....we barely used anything last year and didnt have an issue, seems to be a indoor problem mostly.

i would never spray anything on flowering nugs...there might be some residue left over from veg but hopefully by that point most is flushed out..

This is the kind of logic that makes me NEVER smoke any one else's herb! You don't know how far their head is in the sand. Even if there is a chance of .01% of a carcinogenic fungicide residue you should NOT consume said "MEDICINE" ...What a joke! I'm so glad I am not one of your "patients" !! Disgusting practice!

The tissue you spray in veg grows those nuggets! Flushed out? Like a toilet? Do you even understand how roots work? How the plants metabolism works? Mycobutanil becomes part of its tissue, even if the half life of the fungicide is X,,I guarantee once a test is made by Halent or Analytical360 to test for Mycobutanil you will find MAJOR concentrations of this fungicide because it not intended to be used up by the metabolism of Cannabis plants..ITS FOR GRASS AND ORNAMENTAL FRUIT TREES>>!>!!!

If you keep your sap pH 6.2-6.4 and brix above 12 PM isn't even an issue!! Its hyphae are unable to spread under these conditions.

Indoor PM and Mold? What the fuck is that! Build a better grow room ! Increase the microbiology in your soil ! The species living on the roots also live on the leaf...Stop resorting to carcinogenic fungicides that are not labeled for consumable products.

Eagle20 is for turf grass and ornamental fruit trees...EPIC FAIL for using this on cannabis and then calling it medicine.

I won't even go near the Eagle 20 users in the Indoor Soil forum..Their heads are so far up their ass that they think they need a fungicide like Mycobutanil when really what they need is a lesson in organic growing....

What I would love to see is all the people in the Eagle20 camp bust out some research books, google fu, and some hard fucking work, to find ways to stop PM with out using an incorrectly labeled fungicide because Krunchbubble said so...instead of saying " Well jus tell us the right way to do it instead... "

But I'll throw a bone...If you really need to kill PM, make up a solution of ~8 grams per gallon AgSil16H and spray down , apply compost tea to roots and leaves , apply brix increasing foliar sprays , spray with Micronized sulfur a couple times...Bam. Gone. No carcinogens.

Blessings and please, try to have more RASPECT for yourself, what you're doing, and Mother Earth..


Active member
If you keep your sap pH 6.2-6.4 and brix above 12 PM isn't even an issue!! Its hyphae are unable to spread under these conditions.

Increase the microbiology in your soil ! The species living on the roots also live on the leaf...Stop resorting to carcinogenic fungicides that are not labeled for consumable products.

But I'll throw a bone...If you really need to kill PM, make up a solution of ~8 grams per gallon AgSil16H and spray down , apply compost tea to roots and leaves , apply brix increasing foliar sprays , spray with Micronized sulfur a couple times...Bam. Gone. No carcinogens.

thanks for your informative post vegn..but were the personal shots necessary?...not sure why i offend you so much since we know a few of the same people, granted im younger and have much to learn in this game but there are "nicer" ways to put your information out there....none of my "patients" smoked any eagle 20 because i didnt spray any on my outdoor crop! my indoor got sprayed in veg only...if i see PM or anything on my nugs it goes straight to the butane tube, should we get into another debate with oil users about the harms of butane residue as well? PM is a big problem in most california indoor grows, the damn PM lives everywhere...also some passed around cuts already have PM which is unfortunate....its an issue that wont be solved until full out legalization and quality controls are enacted..

i was under the impression mycobutanil only lasted 30 days in the plant...so if you sprayed in veg by end of flower it had already broken down...but im all ears to other information..

okay did a quick google search and it says half-life of myclobutanil is 33-66 days...and it does degrade

also eagle20 is used in viticulture for wine grape crops....does that mean people should stop drinking wine? our vineyard strives to be organic so we use sulfur sprays, but i know for a fact that myclobutanil is used in some vineyards as well as for table grapes..