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161 watts easyryder grow in a pc


Lets see some pics of the FULL Plant.LOL also I will check about this stuff. Usually I dont add antyhing I dont know about or really care about.

Umm she looks good, Did you get that Microscope? She looks really ripe and ready to be harvest soon.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Roor..yeah she is short..
I kept it too close to the lights as she was in her veg stage..next time I'll let her stretch a bit..
Microscope is in hand and I'll check when its lights on..
Sheesh this micro growing is addictive!I want to start another grow but that will mean I can't use my pc to dry this plant..
Anyone have good methods of drying? Fast ones?
Thanks all


Carboard box
News Paper
Nails or hooks, screws

Prune the Plant while she is wet. She will be alot easier to do. Then use the rest for Butane Hash. Pretty easy and simple to get some more out of the baby. Shred the news paper to whatever way you want. And lay down inside the box. Get somthing to hang string across the middle of the box. Hang the Plant upside down for a few days. Then cut the branches off and lay them inside the news paper. Turning the paper every other day or so. Then u just stick in the jar for curing. 2weeks. Open the jars 4-5 times a day for 20-30 mins for the first few days.
always dry your buds in a dark well ventalated place.

The way I dry is as follows

turn off all lights in my grow area, and erect strings to hang the plants upside down then leave them in there on strings for 5 to 12 days with the fans and filter active and no light in the room!

peace nice plant enjoy

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Roor! thanks Gene-weaver! nice to hear from you again..
thanks for the info on drying...
I am making a micro-drying box as we speak..here are a couple of pics..
I am going to use 2 fans, 1 for intake(blowing through the buds) and 1 for ehaust with a mini scrubber..of course I will cover the box so its dark but after I install the fans..I'll post pics of it being built so maybe it can help someone else..
Let me know what you think..
ok bro looking good! try to keep direct air intake off the buds bro, have the inflow pointed towards the bottom so the air finds its own way around your greens, you have done a pretty good job bro considering all the earlier problems and the confusion in all the advice given, she's looking purty


let her go a little more orange before you harvest her bro! are the hairs receeding back into the calyxes yet? your doing a good job either way, and are your next grow you'll be ready for most they can throw at ya

kepp it green

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks again Gene-weaver1 Glad you are popping in again..
Okay, so I'll make sure the strings for the buds are away from the fan..
thank you very much!!
I can't find any microscopes in this little town(crazy huh!) so how about a strong magnifying glass? That should work should'nt it?
What are onyx seeds like?
Has anyone heard of them or tried them?
let me know


listen to Gene, But what about the Mircroscope we bought? Are the Trichs 50/50 dont worrry really about the hairs. As they turn fast. Just look at the Trichs and get them 50/50
are we still flushing every other day with water?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Roor...
The microscope I bought was in a set for children!! UGH..There wasn't ANY in my town and of course, this one I got , is a very cheap plastic one that resembles CRAP...
I'd have better luck looking through a coke bottle! Thats why I was wodering if a regular magnifying glass would work?
Can you let me know..
I have watered twice now..plain water w/molasses
Don't I have to wait till the soil completely dries?
ok so now your nearly finished take these notes into consideration, if you get your red hairs to 75 80% red/brown then you should be good bro, im not sure about a strong mag glass though, ive only gone with microscopes but as you cant get one then just go with 75% red pistols, now feed her every other day with plain ph'd water
and the day before she's ready to come down give her complete dark for about 24 hours, this will make her throw out thc, then on with the drying bro. keep up the hard work bro

good see you having a go and believe bro i know people that have been growing years that dont except help and there results are not as good as what i see in yours

Keep it green

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Gene-weaver!!! you are a great help...
I was always taught that I will NEVER know enough so the more quetions I ask, the more I can learn and pass it on..thank you very much bro..
So even if the soil is still wet, I am supposed to just keep watering?
Is that correct?
i want to make totally sure as not to drown her..
The main cola is starting to tilt to the left as like its getting very heavy..sweeeeet..
I love auto's..they are so fascinating..
Here are pics of the drying box almost completed..I just have to cover the outside to keep it dark..
Can you see the strings? if so, are they well enough away from the fan?
thanks for your help and I'll check the hairs right now..
yeah those strings are about perfect there bc,yeah basically every 2 days give the plant 3 times the volume of the pot (fresh flush water) once every 3 days so
if you pots 5 litres for example you give 15L fresh 6.5 ph water every other day,

if the plant looks like she's being over watered then cut back a little you can basically give her the same regime as before but with just pure water bro, feed her every second day though atleast for 1 week before harvest

hope that helps bro


Good Luck with the rest. I am done trying to help you. You just wana keep doin ur own thing. And listening to the rest of this world. Take care
wtfs this guys problem? bro you make growing cannabis sound like a really hard thing the advice is easy and simple to understand put in the right words!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Gene-weaver..Roor too?!
Whats up with that guy..sheesh...what have I done different?Roor, you said to start flushing etc. and thats what I've done..Gene-weaver has been very helpful too..
I think its a good thing when all your peers here try to help...sheeesh again...
I tried a magnifying glas( for the heck of it!) and it looks ALMOST 50/50 but thats probably not exact but I can see the darker glands and the clear ones...
Come on Roor, Gene is just trying to help like you have and you have been a huge help..
Thanks all
i believe he believes his advice is the only sound advice when infact the fact is you have said it and said it again, you dont have anyway to get a microscope... wtf is so hard to understand about that? what your going to blow the guy out cus he cant get a micro scope? and because someone comes along and tells him how simple it really is without confusing the guy and causing maybe worse damage to the plant
get with it dude,
sorry bc hope all is good


Thanks Gene-weaver..Roor too?!
Whats up with that guy..sheesh...what have I done different?Roor, you said to start flushing etc. and thats what I've done..Gene-weaver has been very helpful too..
I think its a good thing when all your peers here try to help...sheeesh again...
I tried a magnifying glas( for the heck of it!) and it looks ALMOST 50/50 but thats probably not exact but I can see the darker glands and the clear ones...
Come on Roor, Gene is just trying to help like you have and you have been a huge help..
Thanks all

My buddy is a dick and wrote that. Idk why he thinks he is god. But that Box your making to dry ur bud is is not gunna work. light can go thru that.

And how aer you flushing your plant? How much water at a time? ANd how many days?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Roor..
No, I still have to cover it and I'm going to do it now cause she's pretty close..
I realized that we have a hydro store in town( its new so I keep forgetting) so I bought a microscope..30x it is..
Just watered her ...I should say I poured 4 litres through her! That better?
its turning complete green now..sheesh..days before its supposed to die, it comes back to life!
I kinda feel bad now that I have to cut her down..lol..
getting thick huh! Buds I mean...
with the scope,I saw that its close to 50/50 and she also has lots of red hairs too..don't know if you can tell by the pic..
Its day63 by my count too..
Do I cut her when its 50/50 or wait till the full 70 days?
thanks for your help everyone..You too Roor!