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150w+soil microvert



28 days of 12/12

28 days of 12/12

Thanks Stupidboy for commenting,

I trimmed the back and some bottom.

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weed fiend
Yeah, man! Looks like you've got vertical down pat. That's gonna be a good haul for a 150, a real efficient setup.


Thanks Disco

Canopy management is starting to get there (edit: not really, more veg would have done good), air circulation/exhaust and temps is good. Medium might/will need some tweaks. Ph seems ok, tested runoff with liquid ph-test kit, seemed to come around neutral. Some aeration via perlite (already in, but a bit more) or such might be good too.

I think that 4 plants and bigger pots would be better in soil, unless I'd wanna do vertical sog, which could use bigger plant numbers.
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34 days 12/12

34 days 12/12

Thanks bobblehead

At the edge of 5th week

Interesting to see how they end up yieldwise, not the best run, quessing around barely decent :D But there's some variety to enjoy.


Active member
Thanks bobblehead

At the edge of 5th week

Interesting to see how they end up yieldwise, not the best run, quessing around barely decent :D But there's some variety to enjoy.

Yeah, the smallest lamp I ever used was a 400w... b/c no matter how bad I did, I still ended up with a good amount of bud. ha ha... I still have the same 400w magnetic hps hanging around.

Looks like your canopy could be bigger... Plants a little happier... but you'll get there. Just keep working at it.


Thanks bobblehead and polipaja

The biggest lamp I've ever tried was 250w :D, hitting 0,5g/w at best. Seems like for some of us it takes a longer to really get it even when all the information is out (t)here.

Beyond that, nice variety of smells coming from them, chem dd and orient are more smelly, but different from each other chem dd being fuely and orient being organic smelling. The rest are putting subtler sweet haze-hybrid like smells.



Hate to admit it but this one probably bombed yieldwise because of many reasons which include undervegging, thrips and atleast some combination of too small pots/nutrient problem. In soil bigger seems to be always better from my experience. There's still weeks to go of course but i'm not expecting a miracle at this point(6 weeks of 12/12)

But all is not lost! I still get some variety and hopefully learned something..last run with this lamp went better and eventually landed to 0.56 gpw which is decent but far from maximum. Failure at hobby level is not catastrophe but still it isn't nice.

But some budshots at 40ish days and a group shot of 2 extremes of this run showing the differences in size. We'll this is the lottery you get with trying bunch of different stuff at once. Might have been a decent run if done with the 6 clones of the bigger plant only (chem dd)

Chem dd:




Both together, chemdd on left



Great Job Unthing, this is STILL a good example of what can be done even on a smaller scale, keep trying you will do MUCH better next time I am sure!


Thanks for the kind words mrktwitz

Also many phenos from seed seemed to be nothing special really..little trichs, little smell, little buds and little stretch, seems to be fast though. Seems like a waste of time unless the smoke itself is mythical which i higly doubt. But these things you'll knever know until you try them.


Hey unthing...your grow is far from a failure man...a failure wouldn't produce frosty sticky buds...it may not be what you want as far as weight goes but I'd be damn happy if my current 150 grow goes as good as yours is :good:

You're asking too much for a seed grow IMO...if you want the yield to increase you have to go with your best girls in clone form. With seeds you just never know what exactly you're going to get...



Chomp..lol...your Avatar just freaks me out man..not in a real bad way but I just hit my new OG Kush (in a brownie I made) and it's kinda just talking to me....weird lmao..I am so baked.


Thanks for comments Chomp, mrktwiz and StupidBoy

Yeah, sounding bit negative, it doesn't always come through as what i tried to mean. I'm not devastated but i feel that some issues could have been prevented with bit of planning. It's also true that seeds are always a bit of lottery.

But enough about that, some nice closeups.

Another one from seed, not so frosty leaves but calyxes are quite white with really small trichomes:


orient express:



That orient express looks real nice unthing :good: glad that you're not as down as it sounded about your grow man...keep the updates coming...the more pics the better, nice job! I have an old camera or I would have much nicer pics like yours on my thread...



Thanks :-(, Chomp, Disco and megayields commenting.

Took another closeup yesterday maybe..

Another one from seed, quite mild smell from this one too
