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150 watt Bogglegum SCROG


Active member
:wave: Ya know its bad when it A) tastes like shit B)ONly gives you a slight buzz and C) you start thinking bout choppin up your mums for some more.

I think I may have been one of the first IC members to admit to smoking fan leaves but your the only one that goes around braggin about it. :woohoo: :joint:


Active member
damn damn damn. Fuck fuck fuck. well from all the seeds I started the skunks diddnt sprout and all but one of the bogbubbles did. Why I decided to start them in a plug tray I dont know. seemed like a good idea at the time. Damn soil in the plug tray will not stay wet enough so the tap roots on the seedlings were drying up and the cottledond were starting to darken and dry up also. Well I pulled em out and put em in 4 peat pellets that were soaked in water with 2 drops of superthrive. Hopefully I can save them or I wont be able to try anything new or different for some time.

My clones on the other hand are doing good. Internodal branching has begun slowly on a few of them. Maybe ill do some lst as they start to get taller. 1 clone however is rather crispy looking and may not be flowered. I plan to pick the best 4 out of the 6.

Ill take some pics tomorrow. Please pray for my poor lil seedlings.


you are having some hard luck, immortal. please, please please, for your plants sake as well as mine, try to learn to not pull your clones out to see if they have rooted. it hurts my eyes and brain just reading it :p


Active member
Sorry BB, Your more than welcome to stick around and keep me in check.

Well I went to Lowes and got some pvc piping and what not to construct a new screen for this grow. Tomorrow I will have pics of the construction as well as the clones.

As of right now the plan is to scrog all six of the plants in a rubbermaid tub. I was gonna narrow it down to the best 4 but I figure I can save a week of veg time using all six.


Active member
Well I got home today and 1 clone was laying flat on the dirt. Luckily I changed the photoperiod to 20-4 last night or I might have lost it. I watered all of em and she perked right back up within an hour.

I constructed a new frame for my screen. It took like 3 hours but it looks great. I still gotta string it up and whatnot but ill get to it tomorrow.

Also it looks like 3 of the 4 BG seedlings are gonna pull through. they are growing very slowly though.



Active member
hey thanks. Believe it or not I had planned on having the pipes inside the tub. After struggling to get them inside I put the top under for the drip tray and it just fit perfectly like that. What are the odds huh.

Im adding 3 more 2 inch passive intakes sometime also. When I close the cab doors i can hear my exhaust fan start working harder. temps are running at around 90 right under the glass with room temps around 80.


Active member
:wave: Ill try. The screen is now completely removable. At least if i get hermies ill know about it.

I found two seeds from my last grow in my dresser. Better yet I foud a quarter joint under the dresser :yoinks: :joint:. Anyway I saoked the seeds for a day then I had em in a paper towel for a day. They still havent popped. So I squeezed to crack em and put em back in the shot glass. It looked kinda black inside where I cracked it though. Should it be white if its viable?

My 3 seedlings are still growing kinda slowly. Ill take pics of them tomorrow.


Active member
well they have sprouted tails, nice white ones.

I was checking on the clones and gave one a light tug to see if it had rooted into the new pot. It came right up with the peat pellet and no roots coming out whatsoever. This clone is the tallest of the bunch although all the other clones have rooted into the new pot.


Active member
Both seedling were up this mornin. The clone that ran out of water is not doing good. Most of its leaves died so I trimmed them off and it still hasnt really recovered.

One of the clonesis doing excellent. 2 of them are kinda droopy looking, They look almost like they have been overwatered which is possible. I dont think ill be flowering 6 clones anymore. 4 at most at this point but maybe as few as 2.

I left my mums too close to the light for a few days and they were very badly burned. Im gonna replace them with fresh ones soon because I didnt really succeed in training them how I had originally planned.


Active member
Well I couldnt take it anymore so I took the 2 clones that were looking weak and pathetic and killed them. I just dried em in the microwave and im smokin em right now.

Other than the 1 clone thats in excellent health the other 3 are looking pretty dismal. I think at least 1 of them will make it so ill be flowering 2 ladies.

I think I can tel the two phenos I have apart now in veg. the trifoliate mum smells much stronger than the other. Unfortunately none of the clones smelled like it so I think im flowering the weak pheno this run.

I built a cloner using just perlite In a few small 6 inch square tubs with attached lids. Left the lid on the top one for the humidity dome. I made it following a thread by Grat3fulH3ad.

I tried cloning like this before in a pot with perlite and vermucilite mixed 50 50 but I found it hard to tell if its wet enought. This cloner solves that problem. My clones root fine in peat pellets but dont like to root when transplanted.
Gonna transfer them from the cloner to a plug tray where it will root for at least a week.

Now if I can remeber to take strong healthy cuttings instead of weak dying ones. Ill never do that again. My laziness and impatience have cause me more problems than anything else. Finally I think I have learned that patience is a must and that mums do you not good if your too lazy to maintain them. I made my veg chamber so hard to get into thinking that I was being stealthy but I never even added ventilation or even sealed in the light and I always leave the closet doors open as whel as the blinds.

Damn these fan leaves are like truth serum or somethin. Ill have pics up next month.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Hopefully the other three clones will pull though...are you leaving them in stasis (weak light) till they are well rooted?


Active member
:bat: No they are under the 150. I killed all but 1 clone. they keep looking worse. I was gonna put them in the veg chamber but I never got around to putting the fans in there and I think its hotter than the flower cab. IM using the fans that were suposed to go in there in the flower cab.

Is 85 degrees too hot for seedlings. They are also under the 150 and 2 of them are frying, 1 is close to death. I also had 3 clones in a try about 1 inch lower than those two and farther away from the fan and they are doing great.

the 1 heathy clone had a few lower leaves that were much more yellow than yesturday. I fed it last night. I mustve overfed it. :bat:


Active member
Well unfortunately the sole surviving clone did not make it. I have 2 seedlings left that are doing good. Another seedling is still in a peat pellet and Ive seen no roots yet and its growing very slowly. Looks like another scrog for seed for me. I have moved my mums into the flower chamber so I can get some clones and get rid of them.


Active member
uh-oh I underwatered the seedlings. They are a lil dried up and might not make it. 1 of my mums was put out of its misery. The other is recovering and is the better pheno anyway. Damn ive never had such bad luck with plants. I got habeneros growing outside im gonna start takin pics of those for everyone. AT least they have flowers on em. Nice thimb sized peppers.


The Tri Guy
Damn man, sorry to hear you lost your tri clone. I'm having trouble getting one of my plants to clone, so I've made a coca cloner. Coke bottle cut in half, bottom half filled with soil, top half placed so that it slides over the bottom and the cap left on. I don't know if it has rooted, but it's still alive 1 week on. Good luck,


Active member
Yeah those two seedlings dont look like they will make it. I pulled one up today. I still have the tri mum GMT and ill be ready to take clones in 2 weeks I hope. I plan on rooting a few clones under 12 12 lighting and flowering in the veg chamber so I can get some smoke before the big harvest.

Im going back to the KISS technique I was supposed to be using anyways. I wont be doing anything to my plants unless they absolutely need it.


The Tri Guy
Oh I'm so happy you still have the mom going strong, and that your returning to kiss. Planning any breeding?

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