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14g for $75cad my friend bought


heads on the east coast....400 to 500 a zip...in northern east coast i know people that pay 600 to 700 a oz...no joke...

RooR HeaD

i live in Buffalo New York and ive never seen prices like that and thats Northern East coast were do u live abouts im gonna move their and start slinging again ill have kids eating out my hands if peps are paying 700 a o iget 2 for that price!


Active member
NC isn't bad

If you go anywhere in NC to get some hippie lettuce, go to Boone/Asheville.

Anywhere else, it'll be marked up probably 20-40%...

And I have yet to see bad stuff in the mountains. This guy had some suprisingly nice asian beast on him and he called it mountain schwag...so I guess that should explain the level of quality in that area.


Active member
Black Ra1n said:
Sorry I just found this thread and read it from the start. I have to say that M39 is not a less potent early strain. With lineage of Skunk 1 and Northern Lights 5 that's just not possible. When it's grown properly (60-65 days) it's amazing, any weed is shit when it's grown for greed.

A recently harvest of 39.


no serious

m39 is shit
big bud

that commercial chinese-quebecois bud
Your right about that , I'll stick to my own to,
but people can buy that commercial shit cheap
and still make a good profit with resonable prices
its all about the dollar signs. young kids with there
weekly allowance will buy that shit right up, were
flooded with it.