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126w Hydro-Grow LED vs 250w HID, the definitive test


Active member
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay on the update. The plants are drying and should be trimmed tomorrow probably.

I have pictures of the cut down and will post them hopefully today. I've been very busy and a family emergency has required my attention these past few days.
Also very excited. Wish I was there through the whole thing, but i'm glad I could just read the whole thing in one day and not have to wait all this time haha. I'm hopin LED is close if not better, I'm in a very hot place so it would be awesome if LED is the better route. I love your style, very clean and professional. You have very good technique.


Active member
Harvest Update :dance013:

Hey everyone! I have been dealing with some unfortunate circumstances but things are working out.

I haven't smoked either yet. Waiting just another few/several days, maybe a week until I try it.

The density of the HID nugs possibly seem to be more dense, but in reality its too close to tell so, its hard for me to say.

Also, keep in mind this was the first time I have flowered without an HID. There is a tad of a learning curve with watering frequency. I took good care of them, but I know my HID plants to a T. The LED plants did work on a tad different schedule. So what am I saying? A few more runs with LED and I think I could make up the difference, at least close to it. Also, the LED uses about half the amount of electricity, maybe slightly less! I'm impressed.

Again, the real result is when it smokes, but so far, it looks/smells really good.

HID 250w- 156.3g [#1=74.2g, #2=82.1g]
LED 126w- 137.8g [#3=72.6g, #4=65.2g]

HS_1 (HID)

HS_2 (HID)

HS_3 (LED)

HS_4 (LED)



Active member
Have Fun Snippen!
:wave: I love harvest time. Get a break from homework, a nice reason to watch a good movie and smoke a joint :joint:

Looking foward to the update Frozen! This is always the best time of the cycle, harvest! yeah!!!

Keep it up!
I love harvest time. :smokeit: The air always smells so good. Can't wait to test the results.

:wave: i was wondering if you had the 2 grows separated
Yes they were. They took air in from the same source as well.

can't wait to see the results.. :p
Hope you like them! I'm impressed so far! :jump:

can't wait to see the update photos :D
Found some time today and knew exactly what to do with it :tiphat: The nugs are so sparkly.

Also very excited. Wish I was there through the whole thing, but i'm glad I could just read the whole thing in one day and not have to wait all this time haha. I'm hopin LED is close if not better, I'm in a very hot place so it would be awesome if LED is the better route. I love your style, very clean and professional. You have very good technique.
Hey thanks a bunch MrFlyinHigh :thank you: I appreciate the compliments. I hope this thread helps you out! The results were very close! The initial smoke reports will be coming out within a week.


Active member
Frozenguy - Mad props buddy - the LED definitely changes things up a bit but those numbers are very impressive!!


Daaaamn, ledgirl is gonna love those numbers. 88% HID yield for HALF the power. Not to mention this is still the first grow, not even dialed in on the LED yet and the HID setup was fine tuned.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The LED uses 118 watts and the hid and ballast prolly uses about 300, not counting the extra cooling watts. Really more like 3 to 1 on watts.

I am flowering under 126 watts of hgl LED, WISH ME LUCK!


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Were the pics and numbers posted dry or wet weights??? Looks like some frosty buds!! Enjoy the smoke ;)


Active member
Frozenguy - Mad props buddy - the LED definitely changes things up a bit but those numbers are very impressive!!
Yes I was/am quite impressed with its performance. We'll have to see how it smokes, be beyond that, I'm very happy with the unit. Its outstanding actually. I keep trying to come up with a reason why they are bad. But damn, just look! Lol I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

Daaaamn, ledgirl is gonna love those numbers. 88% HID yield for HALF the power. Not to mention this is still the first grow, not even dialed in on the LED yet and the HID setup was fine tuned.
I am very impressed by the units cabalities, and now know why LED has such confidence in her product.

The LED uses 118 watts and the hid and ballast prolly uses about 300, not counting the extra cooling watts. Really more like 3 to 1 on watts.

I am flowering under 126 watts of hgl LED, WISH ME LUCK!
Amazing isn't it? I was surprised this whole grow at how the LED kept up. I'm really interested in the smoke.. I can't wait..
GOOD LUCK :jump: The unit will do you well.

the led buds look frostier!cant wait for the smoke report!
Dont they? I'm way excited to try it out.

Were the pics and numbers posted dry or wet weights??? Looks like some frosty buds!! Enjoy the smoke ;)

Those are essentially dry weights. It will dry up a little more during cure, but not much. I can't wait to try it. Whenever I burp the jars I peek at my pipe. Gotta wait just a few more days :joint:



"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Frozenguy...good stuff ..i think on ur next strain ur gonna yield big ..hindu crosses arent really good yielders and u worked her like a pro..i have a question..would u get a led for supplemental lighting a 600w hps?? if so would they have 2 be really close 2 the tops?


New member
Frozenguy, does this mean you will continue to grow with leds?
If not, what are the reasons?

Still haven't heard much about the footprint of leds and would like to know more about it. Much more even :)

Does anyone know of any good ledunits for sale in Europe?

I found one http://www.dutchgreengrowlights.eu/dutchgreen/home.php with a connected video http://www.youtube.com/user/underdok?blend=2&ob=1#p/a/u/2/zNfm7XSxVPs but they seem to only use 2 wavelengths, 1 blue and 1 red from what I understand, and that is still the first generation build which is supposed to be obsolete. So I find it strange that he gets such good results.

Thanks for the good work, can't wait for the smokereport and maybe some hi-res pics on ledbuds. Cheers!


a model with plug in,easy to change led units is needed


LED lifespan is enormous with supposedly very little degradation in light output. Also, if the LEDs aren't manufactured in such a way that they are plug and play as you describe, then it would require a lot of re-engineering and expensive low-volume manufacturing runs. This would make this already expensive product go up even more in price.

Honestly I just don't see the necessity at this point. I don't know ledgirl's warranty details but I'd imagine if you had a diode blow out after only a fraction of the lifespan for such an expensive product they'd probably take it in on warranty for repair or replacement.

I can see this becoming reality in 10-20 years once these high-powered leds become more common and the economies of scale kick into play. With lower cost this kind of plug-and-play LED packaging becomes affordable enough to be done. For now though, it just doesn't make sense and any dissatisfaction with lifespan should imo be handled as a warranty issue.

:tiphat: Cheers.