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Help a newbie out?

So im about to start putting together a little grow room in my closet with the help of an experienced grower, however, I was wondering if someone could lead me in the right direction with sort of a guideline on how to grow from start to finish
for a guide line all ive been doing is lurking on peoples grow reports and self edumaktion, just read differ forums and such


Active member
So im about to start putting together a little grow room in my closet with the help of an experienced grower, however, I was wondering if someone could lead me in the right direction with sort of a guideline on how to grow from start to finish

Buy a book (I really enjoyed Jorge Cervante's Indoor Marijuana Horticulture:The Indoor Bible.

Read all the stickies in each forum,read other members grow diaries.

Search this site,when searching use the advanced search.

GL...Happy Learning,and happy growing.
4 noobs there really isnt any guideline u just have 2 react to your plants. good ventilation good light good soil don't over feed don't over/under water keep temps in check keep ph in check if pests invade do away wit them immediately and have fun and read as many threads as you can


i second the jorge cervantes book. all color pictures and lots of them. covers the basics.
another thing is get good soil! dont go cheap on one of the most important things. if you want simple yet effective i reccomend fox farms ocean forest straight out of the bag and just put some(an inch) rock or hydroton in the bottom for drainage. dont fertilize until they are decent size. thats about it

there is a killer lil guide should have info on about any thing you want to know. and also as someone else said use the search engine there is almost unlimited info on this site and tons of people who are very informative and helpful. also down the road if you have questions ask but ask specifically it makes it easier to help you. get to readin
First off, welcome to ICMag!

Alright my man here's what I pulled for you. Before we get started, I will say that the most valuable information will be in your fellow growers diaries, logs, and journals.

Organics For Beginners in case you were wondering about going "Organic". There's a whole lot of science involved in Organics, but it's main goal is using bacteria, fungi, and other beneficial micro-organisms to increase plant prosperity and decrease the workload on you.

Topping, Training, and Pruning is a basic guide written for beginners about different training techniques, and what situations each may be beneficial in. You can find a lot out about these just by reading other's grow diaries.

The D.I.Y. Link-O-Rama is for all do-it-yourself icmagger's out there. There's always a buck to be saved, and some of these projects turn out to be more effective than their commercial counterparts. Hell, some of the projects don't even have a commercial solution. Definitely check it out.

I've got a couple other links saved on my home computer, I'll put them up tonight when I head back there.

Got one more for ya. Mynamestich's Comeplete Guide to Sick Plants has proved itself an invaluable resource for me, and countless other icmaggers bother new and experienced. Definitely read through this, before you start your grow - you'll learn what to look for as far as healthy vs. sickly goes, and how to treat the conditions. Also, the people over in the Cannabis Infirmary are great for second opinions or plants that you are unable to diagnose.

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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Read everything on the site. Twice. Then do it again. OK not everything but, everything that touches on what you want to do. I read through Greenhouse and Organics even though I never plan to grow that way.

Besidehimself gave you the link-O-rama (great set of links, that) Also worth perusal is the Library of Links my own Shortcuts to links link in my sig has a mini list of starter links as well.
Yep - just keep reading!

The only other thing to say is that the most common beginner mistake is to give their plants tooooo much love and they often die through overfeeding/overwatering/over pruning/too much prodding etc...

...Just bear in mind that it is a weed after all.


Mother nature will take care of the rest!



I used to be here years ago, heres what I did and will always continue to do:

Find nice pictures and click the links to peoples grows in the bottom of their forum post.

Check out Freezerboy's stuff. He's not a novice by any means. If he can fit it into an old refrigerator, anyone can in a closet.
i need help light proofing my closet door...any ideas? its a normal size door...

also this is what i have so far


im gonna get some rope today so i can pull the lights up and down and the lights will probably be up against the wall with the reflection stuff. looking to germinate 6 seeds sometime these next 2 days, but i need to light proof this closet door...also i have not yet installed any sort of vent system and the temperature with the lights on has been pretty consistent around 81/82 F so any feedback is appreciated thanks


I have a few ideas for you. Go to Costco/wallyworld and get yourself some of those black painter's plastic things. There is a black kind which has enough just by itself to cover a lot or surprisingly well if you fold it. If you want to take it to the next level, you can buy the walmart brand white trashbags, cut them up and tape with duct or doublesided tape to the black poly. The thicker it is the more it will keep the light from penetrating. I did a doorway once like that, it worked pretty well and only cost around 6-7 bucks total, its actually better than this 15X15 black and white poly I got once. The more you contain the light the better it is for your plants anyway-- as long as you vent it well.

I used bedsheets, darker colors of course... trashbags... cardboard... newspaper... anything you can think of because light is your biggest friend but biggest enemy as well. :)


Active member
Could he be talking about poly?

He's basically talking about panda film,the black side faces out and the white side faces the inside of the grow area to reflect light back.Available at hydro stores.


wade county - The plastic sheeting is basically a big super thin tarp of sorts (as thin as a garbage bag almost though). This is a big sheet that comes in a tiny cardboard box that spreads out across the floor when you are painting. They cost about 3-4 bucks the last I checked. You can fold it over and over so it becomes the size of the area you want to block. Then you even have the option of blocking it out and venting through it. :)

what do you guys think of this set up?

should i add anything?

like previously mentioned there is no vent to take air out however the max temp was 81.8 F with the lights running so?

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