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12 Blueberries, Soil, T5 Lights, Advanced Nutrients


New member
Not bad! Most people wish to get .57 grams with an hid! Your pull isn't bad at all.

Is the nugs dense or did the t5 lights make them fluffy?


Active member
Nice and Dense:yummy:

Clearing out the bigger fan leaves and lower branches helped alot.

Very happy with the density and the texture.


Active member
Last night, right after posting this last post ^^

I decided to take a nug, about 3 grams and smoke it all through my bong.

You See, I read that Blueberry will just keep getting better and better and wanted to test the theory.

Holy shit did I succeed haha.

I packed 8 Full bong loads back to back to back... and when I say full bong load, I mean bowls so big most all of my homies freak if I passed it to them as a personal bowl.

Anyways, long story short, I was already high and my tollerance is strong so I wasn't expecting much....


Best Hi I've had in YEARS, I seriously felt it creep on and get heavier and heavier for 35 minutes....

I went to bed to watch a movie and I was seriously floating in my bed trying to watch a movie... I felt like I had muscle relaxers and a shot with my bowls haha

The nice thing was, the flush was so long, I didn't even need a glass of water before bed after 8 bowls!

I guess the whole point is, grow some Blueberry and smoke 8 bowls, it's awesome.


silver hawaiian

Active member

Loving it. True BB is probably at the top of my list of favorites, .. Nearby to Juicy Fruit and Jamaican Ice, .. Yum city.

Like omgomg said, .57g/w under T5's is nothing to sneeze at, .. Very impressed dudeman. I'm following the new one, and just can't wait..

Positive energy your way man - though it doesn't appear that you need any help from me!


Active member
Silver - Thanks! Appreciate the positivity, I'm always willing to receive more good vibes.

I almost forgot!!!!

I pulled two of the plants early because they were tall and lanky and hermied....

Even so, there was about an ounce there...

Thats even better than I previously calculated.


Active member
Some Bud Porn For you guys :yummy:

.... and some blueberry bho hash in the background.

These are the best I could do with my cellphone.



Density with T5's?

This picture is of me squeezing HARD on my nug :dance013:


Okay I have a really quick question... I have always been taught that you have your light as close to your girls as possible. And with FL bulbs you can have them touch. I am new to the site but have seen so much, but the most common thing I see is people using FL bulbs and having them really high above. They are all long and weak looking<<<<< no offense. Just wondering why people are doing this.


Active member
Okay I have a really quick question... I have always been taught that you have your light as close to your girls as possible. And with FL bulbs you can have them touch. I am new to the site but have seen so much, but the most common thing I see is people using FL bulbs and having them really high above. They are all long and weak looking<<<<< no offense. Just wondering why people are doing this.

I agree with you! Keep the lights close as possible. Most of the people can't get any good pictures of their plants while the lights are low.... so we raise them for the photo shoot.

With HO fluoro or VHO you absolutely cannot have them touching your plant!

These bulbs are very warm and will burn your plants bad if left touching.

You can however put them about 2-3" away.... problem is, some plants can grow that much in less than 10 hours.... good luck when your plants grow into the bulbs and burn, then hermaphrodite on you later on.

I would know lol, I love putting the lights close, and if you notice about half way through my diary I had to kill two plants because they burned on the light and a month later the showed nanners all over.

The buds???

The smell is great, but not nearly as strong as it should be, they dried to fast in my room with almost 0 humidity :(

I caught the problem in time and was able to save them, but the smell even after weeks of curing leaves you wanting a more.

the taste is excellent and very smooth, I attribute that to the longest flush I've ever done.

They smell like Blueberry with lavender and vanilla ground in the dirt with a deep balanced earthy smell that reminds you of outdoor weed. :dance013:

The density of the Cola's is excellent for T5 but not near what HPS can do, personally I find this appealing because the bud tastes better and packs easier smokes smoother without dense rocks that you have to practically cut up before you pack.

And, for those that are caregivers... who doesn't love a FAT sack instead if a teeny tiny one... "I swear it's an ounce, it's just REALLY dense" sucks

I will say, I'm curious to see what one 600 Watt HPS would do in the middle of Two 8 Bulb T5's...maybe soon?


Active member
Oh, and to answer your question, with T5's most would keep them about 5-6" away so long as you can check them once or twice per day.... You can keep them closer slightly closer in Veg, and after stretch is done. 3-5"

Sometimes with an uneven canopy you just have to put them as close to the top cola as you can.


wow... thank for being cool and answering my questions. didnt know that about the burn and the hermi's learning new stuff everyday. Ill keep you posted on my very first grow. I have sat in on a couple with my dad but not all the way through. So this should be interesting. I have 6 plants, they are Bubblegum from serious seeds. I started them in soil... so I will take cuttings from them and then sex them then kill the males. Finish the grows all the way through then determine the best pheno. Maybe im doing it wrong but this way I have the one momma I want with the best genetics. Ill post pics soon.


Active member
It's up to you, but I would Sex the plants, kill the males, then clone the females only...

Label the clones and keep the bud from each plant separate.

At the end, you will know which of the clones to keep as mother.

If all else fails, fuck it, grow what you got, and then get some more!!!

Read up on cloning and don't worry too much about waiting to pull you clones... it will be fine to wait until after you sex.

I find that clones pulled after I just switch to 12/12 are much better and have more branching anyways.


what do you mean? the clones pulled after 12/12... I know its the light cycle but you put your mother into 12/12?

silver hawaiian

Active member
He's probably talking about taking cuttings off of plants that are/have been on a flowering cycle. (Clones from plants currently in flower, ..)


Active member
Ahhh Yes. Exactly.... Pulled was a poor choice..

I've read somewhere that cutting clones off of plants about 1-2 weeks after you have switched the light cycle works best.... but I've cloned off of young plants and even taken bottom cuttings from plants half way through flower with no problem.


Active member
And to answer your question about the mother.... No... You don't have a mom yet, you're still looking.

Because you grew from seeds you will have some variation in the shape, size, color, odor... etc. of the plants.... Since you will be flowering all of the females you have, you will want to clone every one... and you can wait until you start flower, no problem... that's why I said to just wait until you kill all of the males.

Then pick the best female of them all, go back and grow out that clone as your mother.... you see what I'm saying mang?


Okay.. I get ya now. I think thats what I was going to do in the first place. Maybe I worded it wrong. but now i know I can "pull" clones from them after they are in flower. I thought it was bad, maybe not. Anyways. Im going to turn them to 12/12 then sex them. Kill the males and then clone the females. Veg the clones and keep them that way until I cycle through the first batch. then decide which female Im going to keep based on smell, taste, smoke, color and hardiness. Then kill the other females or something with them? Havent gotten that far. Then keep my mother under a 6500k fluorescent light, well 4 of them and keep pulling clones from her. Gosh that was alot clearer but more said. Man have I had problems with this already. I started them in soil thinking i could start them in soil then transplant them to hydro. Then used perlite from miracle grow, which locked up my nutes. So I flushed with distilled water that I adjusted with PH down to 6.5. BUT!!!!!! I saved them and They have grown 1'' within the last 24 hours and they are starting to smell great. damn Im learning alot. I really appreciate you guys helping me out. I am going nut trying to find my camera.


:dance013:I just went and bought the 50 site Rapid rooter setup with the hood and I think Im going to start the Blueberry seeds a Trusted pro gave me. Guess he got the seeds from Dutch Passion and grew then for years inbreeding them and getting the best genetics he could. So on the label it says BBDP Large Calyx Stinky Fruit ...lmao Anyways... I am excited about my new crap... sorry. This is exciting for me. Now I understand why this herb costs so much... Any thoughts on Rapid rooters?