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"$10,000 a month weed habit"

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
  • Start date


and BTW that pure kush from cali is niiiiice! friend of mine had some imported to the East Coast and people fiend for that. BIG TIME. 8's for 70, zips for 450-500. People cant get enough of that aroma/effect. shit is proper



he was obviously talking about "his crew" being "his" weed habit per month...

as we all know that can vary widely.

that being said, smoke on!



Cannabrex Formulator
Up here in Canukistan $10K would git ya a good 4-5 lbs (at least)......so pound a week or a bit more.
2-3 oz's a day for 10+ heavy smokers is not unreasonable......only thing unreasonable is paying $6K+ for a pound..........


Active member



that comic from super high me..yea he smoked a ton and has the video to prove it

real ting

Braggadacio has been part of hip hop since the beginning. Some of you people sound ridiculous.

I can imagine if you lot were around back in 1979 when sugarhill gang came out "MY GOD! A Lincoln continental AND a brand new cadillac? These negros can not possibly be serious!"


My opinions of the dude are based on experiences years back...in no way is that necessarily an accurate representation of WK but it is the impression that I (and a few friends) have of WK.

Secondly I think we all agree that more than one person can smoke through 10,000 worth of weed in a month...but I think we also all agree on the fact that ONE person cannot physically smoke 10,000 (2-4 pounds) of weed...

PS...ounces go for 4-600 in pittsburgh, if he is getting wholesale diff story if not, 10k pound = 600oz...


dude, really ? gypsy doesnt even need to bother, he can just hit delete. So, why test the guy ? take his advice and move on brotha.

Yes really. I feel like i asked a legit question. And how am i to take advice that i don't clearly understand? I could care less if he decided to delete the thread, my post, or whatever else he wanted to delete. I'm not testing anyone, just asking for an explanation as to why he directed his comments @ me specifically.


Yes really. I feel like i asked a legit question. And how am i to take advice that i don't clearly understand? I could care less if he decided to delete the thread, my post, or whatever else he wanted to delete. I'm not testing anyone, just asking for an explanation as to why he directed his comments @ me specifically.

Mainly because this thread was on track until your stupid ass comments reared their head:

how big of a douche are you to believe everything you read/hear in the news.

...so you come into a thread verbally attacking me simply because i copied/pasted an article and threw in my 2 cents? you didn't kindly disagree you came in name calling at which point i told you to fuck off and it seems like gypsy saw the same thing we all saw - you coming into an otherwise calm discussion which then turns into a name calling battle...oh i could very well type out 2 and 3 paragraph responses to you (which are apparently very important to you as you have made mention almost 3 times that you want me to respond to you) but you aren't worth my time. you have now joined the ignored group on icmag.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Braggadacio has been part of hip hop since the beginning. Some of you people sound ridiculous.

I can imagine if you lot were around back in 1979 when sugarhill gang came out "MY GOD! A Lincoln continental AND a brand new cadillac? These negros can not possibly be serious!"



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I dunno....

Personally if I smoke joint, I smoke approximately .5 to 1 gram in one bone....by MYSELF.

I can go through more than a few joints a day at least when given the time.

Now, if I had a posse to smoke out and all sorts of other hanger-on-ers, I'd imagine a copious amount of weed would be consumed.

Could I blow through an ounce in a day? Quite possibly. Given the prices, IF i had to pay for it......(which in itself is ridiculous).....you could imagine the figure quoted is possible.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'll also throw in FTR that if that ahole has some sort of "rolling paper" company, you can bet dimes to donuts that he's factoring in the "10K" habit as part of his financing of the overhead.


As a daily smoker I would say 1-3 grams would keep me stoned ALL day if the weed was top notch. Any more is a waste and should be a signal that you need to lower your tolerance.

I say that for many reasons...yeah weed isn't nearly as harmful as the MSM makes it out to be but to be pounding your lungs with smoke THAT frequently and in that quantity...you are bound to have respiratory issues at some point. I know people who claim to smoke a ton and they are always the ones to get bronchitis, colds, etc before anyone else....not saying its a 'rule' if you smoke a lot, but i just don't see the point.

Quit for a few weeks. Lower your tolerance and go back to getting high off a half gram...I make ounces last me 1-2 months when i know i wont have any for a long time (harvest)
As a daily smoker I would say 1-3 grams would keep me stoned ALL day if the weed was top notch. Any more is a waste and should be a signal that you need to lower your tolerance.

I say that for many reasons...yeah weed isn't nearly as harmful as the MSM makes it out to be but to be pounding your lungs with smoke THAT frequently and in that quantity...you are bound to have respiratory issues at some point. I know people who claim to smoke a ton and they are always the ones to get bronchitis, colds, etc before anyone else....not saying its a 'rule' if you smoke a lot, but i just don't see the point.

Quit for a few weeks. Lower your tolerance and go back to getting high off a half gram...I make ounces last me 1-2 months when i know i wont have any for a long time (harvest)

Who are you to tell me smoking more than 3 grams a day is a sign I need to lower my tolerance? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


Active member
As a daily smoker I would say 1-3 grams would keep me stoned ALL day if the weed was top notch. Any more is a waste and should be a signal that you need to lower your tolerance.

Or maybe he's smoking with people, you know it's a social thing as well, not just about getting high. But thanks for sharing.


Who are you to tell me smoking more than 3 grams a day is a sign I need to lower my tolerance? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

No human begins smoking highly potent marijuana and needs to consume an 8th of an ounce to get stoned. Simple as that. Years of smoking create conditions in which you NEED high doses just to get stoned...tolerance...in my OPINION I think anyone who wants to ensure the smallest impact on their health should obviously smoke the least amount that gets them high...if you don't grow it saves you money and if you do grow your stash lasts you longer...and even if you have 'unlimited' because of perpetual harvests then health concerns come into play...quarters, half ounce to the head every day will most definitely bring upon symptoms of respiratory issues quicker than someone who only smokes a half gram...

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