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Howdy everyone, hell of a thread eh folks?

Just a word of warning on the idea of runnin iso/bho with fresh cut gear...I am pretty sure i read of folks having some serious issues with butane and damp/wet material which makes sense because the butane process ends up so cold . pretty sure i read of folks having the tubes freeze up n then explode in the face when presssure built up.
Using iso i dont see what could cause a problem and Julian yer right some well made n properly purged iso oil can be some awesome smoke.

Just a heads up to be extra careful with the butane.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Harvest always a time of excessive consumption for me.., but, this year, really on the oil...been smoking it like crack :biglaugh:...I do like (love) smoking.....truly, but...oil and eating (and bubble and blade hash) always more appealing to me on many levels.......(Of course to people who don't....reason being, each product completely different high....etc...so.....)

One of last rounds of oil....can say pretty sure have never been that high in my entire life :biglaugh: (and, that's a fuckin statement...believe it :biglaugh:....)

Switched it up cause want to address the below.....

BubsNugs said:
Just a word of warning on the idea of runnin iso/bho with fresh cut gear...I am pretty sure i read of folks having some serious issues with butane and damp/wet material which makes sense because the butane process ends up so cold . pretty sure i read of folks having the tubes freeze up n then explode in the face when presssure built up.

Using iso i dont see what could cause a problem and Julian yer right some well made n properly purged iso oil can be some awesome smoke.

Just a heads up to be extra careful with the butane.
Good note on that. I ended up doing semi fresh (1-2 day hang, rough trim) ISO....(hadn't assembled materials, obtained butane, etc), but was relayed to me and general consensus to give it a day or two hang, and that quality and potency would also be a factor, but could see the above issue....(Still in the process actually of assembling the above...ps amounts one thing, volume another, but might do a little here and there to get the hang of it before the large runs...plus going to have a lot of indoor product coming in shortly, so, might start dedicating indoor scrap exclusively to it....(Maybe split it up......any stray popcorn BHO and store up trim for the bubble.....or any variation.....outdoor bubble hasn't been astounding, (rain, contaminants, dried material, etc), so....would welcome a nice FM indoor run ....

Good note though......initial thrill with it being not having to put it all through same as in past, as everything else...ie: Just get to it, minimal work, etc......)

Kushed said:
Julian, yours posts are amazing, reallly. Not tryin to kiss ass but its just like wow reading it can draw sooo much, and when you say

"we all have 20-30, up to 50 more seasons ahead of us"

I just love the positiveness you bring to this place, and I completly agree we all got a long time to grow :smoke:, to learn, to change, to progress where we want to be in life. love ya man hope next seasons best yet
Thanks for the kind words...and I don't view it as such.....I extend quite a few thanks...experience quite a few realizations, and raw quite a bit from many....the oil being a recent case, and, setting up lots of in's, so, spending a lot of time on that and drawing lo of ideas from others experiences and inputs and trying things I haven't, etc.....

You know......sometimes....things are rough, and, a positive spin on the overview can change quite a bit, and help quite a bit,so.....the above one of those little things that gets me through rough spots.....ie: A bad time just a bad time....nothing to do with tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.....

Indoor things really have me revitalized....outdoor ready to go and, thanks.....next year might very well be back to what it is, was, supposed to be, etc......I'm very confident.....have identified and corrected all problem areas, and, gearing up already....lot of indoor spaces to work with, lot of new outs to work with...going back to fem stock...(although first indoor runs have some potential moms identified and going to reveg shortly.....to be used as who knows what, for who knows what right now.....but....enjoying it, and confidence returning .....

Was just discussing with someone yesterday.......truth of the matter is I am not going to quit this anytime soon, or within next 20 years :biglaugh:, so, kind of put everything in perspective.....(for them......we were doing the "what if" thing:.....)

20 years....30....50 years........

That's a lotta green :smoke:

janus375 said:
Hey Julian,
you were right. shoulda cloned and waited to plant next season. Got 1 Plant! lol. the rest were eaten or just dried up.

It was so small it wasn't even a mini, more like a mini mini.

so will clone and plant during proper season.
Well....sorry for loss, and, I take absolutely no pleasure in being right.....

Is what it is, but, in the process, review why...ie: dried up....size....Holes, prep, rainfall, starts....."how you got them in".....all of which will assist in future....mom and clones and option, but, have been discussing recently again my preferences for fem stock.....ie: Lead time...any number ready, for in or out in a week...(Have contemplated, mentioned above, some potential moms, etc...but, I still prefer them fem seed...minimal lead time, no prolonged veg centers anywhere, (which equals less expenses, which carry over to expense of the stock........yes, stock costs money.....but so does maintaining a veg center in monthly expense of all from location to power to supplies and so on...so....when I look at it that way...it's really a wash in the end as far as outlay...

Lot of angles in overview for anyones situation...but...if you learn something...broadens ones overview and thinking and approach?...well....can't put a price on that.....

Best of luck on all future ops....

GroBoy2000 said:
Congrats on success Vod. I've yet to pull something I call worthy, not even a half years PS, but I'm reminded that it doesn't always come the first try.
Big picture......a great season for some, bad for others, mediocre for some....is what it is......2 bad back to back for me....so....and, as shared....the worse result for me is confidence issues and such...(but, again...can consider it any number of positive things also.....ie: Universe gave me a slap but gave me a cookie after :biglaugh:, so....

Kinda funny actually......coming into these 2 seasons......failure?.....PFFFffttTTTTT I didn't even know WTF that was :biglaugh:......but....have drawn so many positive things, and, have changed so much in so many ways....thought process's also....etc, so.....as before...maybe exactly what I needed...and all those lessons being reflected upon every aspect of my life day to day, so.....
The 'wet'/'fresh' BHO sounds amazing. I got the Deep Chunk about to flower and can only imagine what I'll do with the trim from that. I also just received the SourSaver, was late and missed the SB, but saw lifesaver and thought how nice, then saw mistake, and felt blessed, lol. So couple good genetics again, and couple 50-55 day finishers possible, ie, clone to spring run. But won't do if can't get 5-10lbs. And really, the numbers necessary, have me wishing I could get more. But too fast, will be happy to see 300-400 in spring.
Ahhhhh c'monnnnn...(not going to do it if can't hit target...) That's not the words of a grower :biglaugh:....You'll do something regardless of target....we all will :smoke:......

With everything recent, and a lot of changes, and in's and such...going to be running a lot more different things than have lately, and, looking forward to it....DC of interest, and a BOG fan, so, and will do many other things also......

Whatever you do.....best of luck...working and planning it now only going to help avoid future problems and issues and better prepare you for whatever target, so......every season......time between seasons?....just a fuckin hiccup :smoke:...a commercial break.......a cigarette....:smoke:.....
Also of note, throughout the year, not even MY mentioning, learned 2, 3 other people, known/ worked with around 2-5 years, also enjoy growing. Yet they do bagseed, and get 2 ounces per 5 foot plant. Maybe not much convincing necessary, but the spread is 'growing' for sure.

20-30 more seasons, lol, that's great.
Maybe even 50 more seasons for some.....:smoke: (And, in my case?.....Oh well....I have 2 bad out of 26 good ones and another 30 ahead...:smoke:...You know....things not so bad I guess :smoke:.....

I've come across a few myself here and there in travels, and, in some cases.....my god......the stories I could tell :biglaugh:...(I was actually somewhere recently.....hold in...this gets really fun :biglaugh:......Okay, so, I was somewhere where about 6 people started through the entire process beginning to end (from room set up through harvest, and everything in between.....)

Of course..... I did provide a stray question here and there to steer it that way :smoke:

I wish I could have taped and transcribed it......people here would find it the funniest thing they ever heard (not an exaggeration.....I could read it every day for next 5 years and laugh out loud each time....)

Of course, in the end...that is how I "find" "new" people......so....I do try to be quiet, pay attention, and be polite and matter of fact.....

For me also it's a matter of "screening" them for security issues.....ie: who they know, do they talk too much, their level of skill, knowledge, and interest.....etc, etc.....

I really enjoy the topic.....wish I had more people in life to have conversations with.....(That's why newer people sometimes re-energize me...new topics, questions, etc.....I have 2 people, newer who I really enjoy talking with.....)

abuldur said:
didn't think it was possible or not worth it
i still gave it a try using those waterguard cristals.
It worked out great and this within 10 minutes of a major city and with almost no rain during all summer.
I followed your tips and only went there 3 times (preparation,planting,harvesting) and guess what it worked out great.
Well....glad everything came out well....crystals worth their weight in gold and have endless scenarios myself where back to back they performed better than other things, but, you were probably pushing it with the rainfall :smoke:

I had, like always, a lot of things which most would consider impossible this year.....:smoke:, and, 2 new people , in the end, amazed.....(both locations basically major metro area.....minis..."high traffic" surrounding per se.....and both ended season with the "You were right, we should have done more" :biglaugh: (which I always tell people starting the season they will end up saying to me before it's over :smoke:....)

How you get them in and rainfall determines more than most think..(in a lot of cases, can dictate entire season from the start....)

Just make sure to take every situation, situation, and location for what it is......each presents a different set of issues to address...so....can't do the same necessarily in every situation without a little tweaking of something here and there.....

Glad it worked out.....and congratulations on a successful "urban mini" run .......

(Was telling someone in life recently how those things just never cease to amuse me and how I "get a kick" out of running something, essentially "right in front of everybody"....:biglaugh:.....mental exercise of some sorts I suppose :biglaugh:.....

Hope all are well, had good seasons, safe and have everything in or will shortly, and, doing well on prep for next season......and that anyone who hasn't moves ahead and turns the negatives the positives.....know a lot suffered losses this year......of varying sizes......I'm over mine and moving forward...and as such...I know hard to sometimes.......very hard, but...can't let yesterday ruin tomorrow.....ya know?....(and that tomorrow could be best day of your life :smoke:....)
'Sup J ?
It has been a minute. Sorry to hear about the loss,but keep that stiff upper lip right?
My auto project didn't go as planned. I did get the beans that Silverback (RIP) suggested. BSXNL. I didnt find any autos in the ones that I grew out. While trying to make an auto fem, I did suceed in making 1000's of fem beans just no autos in there. He was correct in the quality of the genetics however. Quality is up there with just about anything else that i have grown,and I have grown a few. We had rain here almost everyday this summer. On more than one occasion I was looking for the animals to start the two by two. No mold to speak of,and the buds were dense. Not a plug for the beans,just calling it like I see it,if someone wants some great beans,that produce well and are frosty for outdoor. Funny story: Im in the local home inprovement store with a buddy, looking for some parts for an outdoor grill. They are located by the outdoor power equipment. Anyway, we are there talking about what he needed. I could hear some people one isle over, by the outdoor augers, they could not see us for the big boxes that are stacked up. I hear one of them say " they only have the 6" bits, and Julin says we need the 10" one. I'm laughing so hard, I'm about to piss myself. My buddy (doesnt grow) is like,WTF is wrong with you man? Hope everyone is doing well,and has those genetics picked out for next year. Clock is ticking get the supplies NOW.


About Fems - And Volume Involved

About Fems - And Volume Involved

"Okay. So I do what I have always (and worked), and, just stick with the fems..(clone or seed...but seed preferred as always due to lead times....)"

So Julian - a question about your methods, and their inherent difficulties.

I'm not sure that I have read correctly, but I gather that your method typically involves planting from seed, and returning to rip the unwanted males.

Per your recent posts, this poses one problem in having to rely on your co-workers to correctly identify the males. Not to mention that you have to re-visit your plots to do the sex sorting -has to be sort of time intensive doesn't it? A.K.A added danger?

Is there a better way?

Recently had the joy -THANKS to your having sung the praises of "late season mini's" - of harvesting ten girls I started as fem. clones. Total joy
to discover how well the girls had done outodoors for 2 mos. without any help 'cept the steady breeze provided by cars on the Interstate off-ramp. The problem with my method is no doubt obvious to you - how can you get a volume (100?) of fem. clones ready to be planted in a "guerilla" situation.

The biggest obstacle would seem to be having enough mother plants (space takers...)on hand to get the volume of clones from.
This small quantity may seem laughable for you, but your thoughts would be appreciated nonetheless.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Jungle Jim said:
'Sup J ?
It has been a minute. Sorry to hear about the loss,but keep that stiff upper lip right?
Thanks, but, it's alright....almost in the distant past...(almost....)

Tomorrow more important than yesterday....
My auto project didn't go as planned. I did get the beans that Silverback (RIP) suggested. BSXNL. I didnt find any autos in the ones that I grew out. While trying to make an auto fem, I did suceed in making 1000's of fem beans just no autos in there. He was correct in the quality of the genetics however. Quality is up there with just about anything else that i have grown,and I have grown a few. We had rain here almost everyday this summer. On more than one occasion I was looking for the animals to start the two by two. No mold to speak of,and the buds were dense. Not a plug for the beans,just calling it like I see it,if someone wants some great beans,that produce well and are frosty for outdoor.
Well....sorry about problem with target and project.....(I actually haven't started that yet myself and times weighing heavily on me...)

Lot of AF's out there now......last count, was about 70 different things available.....really hope I can get it done....some very suitable spots upcoming season for them......
Funny story: Im in the local home inprovement store with a buddy, looking for some parts for an outdoor grill. They are located by the outdoor power equipment. Anyway, we are there talking about what he needed. I could hear some people one isle over, by the outdoor augers, they could not see us for the big boxes that are stacked up. I hear one of them say " they only have the 6" bits, and Julin says we need the 10" one. I'm laughing so hard, I'm about to piss myself. My buddy (doesnt grow) is like,WTF is wrong with you man?
Well, I like the 12's actually :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:......

I wouldn't have been able to resist getting into that :smoke:..(very quietly....very casually and carefully.....:smoke:).....

That's funny....well....I hope they had a good season...came in safe...got done what they wanted to nonetheless :smoke:....
Hope everyone is doing well,and has those genetics picked out for next year. Clock is ticking get the supplies NOW.
Ticking so loud I can't hear anything else :biglaugh:..

I'm very optimistic and excited (so far....almost....)

DaDank said:
So Julian - a question about your methods, and their inherent difficulties.

I'm not sure that I have read correctly, but I gather that your method typically involves planting from seed, and returning to rip the unwanted males.

Per your recent posts, this poses one problem in having to rely on your co-workers to correctly identify the males. Not to mention that you have to re-visit your plots to do the sex sorting -has to be sort of time intensive doesn't it? A.K.A added danger?

Is there a better way?
No.........my preference fem stock...first and foremost.....cloning and such not preferred and done random for various reasons but never my main interest......(All addressed earlier. Lead time, individual (mother) potential issues, vigor, growth, selection and on and on.......)

2. Has not been a matter of help correctly sexing.....more amatter of what we all know regarding sexing...ie: You get in...might still be too early.....none...you come back again...a couple showing, they;re gone.....you come back again, a couple more, and on and on.....Of course, as we know....much more than going in one time, and, of course, each trip in creates another security (potential) issue, and on and on......

Nah....my peoples issues are they might not get back in on schedule when they should, miss things, things go too long, etc....(And, as always...not like I push it all off on them....I might go half of the time, and, in the process show and explain, etc, but, I mean.......if I am doing everything than I should get everything right? :smoke:...so...lot of the times it's just a matter of efficiency to me...ie: If your 15 minutes away and I am 3hrs away......maybe you can stop in? :smoke:...Save me a 6hr round trip for 10 minutes which you could do yourself?....Ya know...that kind of stuff.....

Lot in first post about what and why and when I might clone and such.....but for whole season most of the time absolutely not....(First post I had an issue with stock (delivery), had some was holding for something in somewhere, shifted them over and so on, so......might also hold back things if only a little of something special...(Example...I still have a small handful of the BOG SB from couple yrs ago.....maybe 2 dozen at most....so, something like that I wouldn't do from seed..(12 plants?...yeah, maybe if they were 2lb'ers....but then no more stock....so...something like that might grow couple out to larger size then shave them all down....ie: Couple hundred or more from couple seeds, etc....)

Nah...I prefer fem seed.....as demonstrated many times throughout....can prep 1,000.......2,000 on a moments notice with a week turnaround...

7 day lead time by the 1,000......(I was going to go on about what you are not doing, paying for, but, as above and my stance......it's a wash....ie: No power, no expenses, no supplies, no location for months, but you have to outlay for the stock, so.......you want to spend $10,000 in expenses for location and prepping from January to May?...or spend on stock....

For me it just seems more efficient and really in the end, the same cost give or take....(Not to mon security issues.....although veg centers infinitely more safe......they do still exist, and, your up into the numbers during that period, so......ie: 5 months sitting on a veg center with 1,000's going at high point...

M/F stock last 2 seasons was done because had on hand...and all parents involved were serious quality...but, again......cost vs. efficiency, etc...ie: Yeah, sure...stock on hand and saved money, why not, blah,blah,blah.......well, if I would have known....well, again......that little bit of expense would have saved me almost 100 times more in profit...

No. Fem stock my preferred. Worth every penny in all of the above aspects, and, also regarding visits and such.95% of the time, once they "grab", they're good to go and nothing is stopping them.....and then next set of issues becomes later season discovery and mold potential, so.....

(Several spots that could not be sexed due to potential security issues......no ones fault....so, yet another example....straight fem would have pulled them all in, and, actually, probably extremely nice since pushed cut dates back due to concern......ie: as much time as possible passing before heading back to check and cut....)

Nah. I'm going back to fem seed (clones if applicable here and there as above)....

Recently had the joy -THANKS to your having sung the praises of "late season mini's" - of harvesting ten girls I started as fem. clones. Total joy
to discover how well the girls had done outodoors for 2 mos. without any help
'cept the steady breeze provided by cars on the Interstate off-ramp. The problem with my method is no doubt obvious to you - how can you get a volume (100?) of fem. clones ready to be planted in a "guerilla" situation.

The biggest obstacle would seem to be having enough mother plants (space takers...)on hand to get the volume of clones from.

This small quantity may seem laughable for you, but your thoughts would be appreciated nonetheless.
I love the minis :smoke:.....and actually do even better with no maintenance in many ways.....(not in some also....but better due to quicker, smaller, can be placed more open, etc.......not as good as larger ones once grabbed can become damn near indestructible in many cases....)

The above exactly why I prefer stock......100?.....7 day turnaround and a tray or 2 depending on how you do it......expense?.....well, I'll leave negotiating any discounts to the reader but even at retail....talking $500 bucks for 100 seeds retail (fems)....

That's 2 z's :smoke:...(Likewise my analysis and justification with stock...some would say "3-4-5k (or much more) on seed???"

Okay.....so I get 1,000 female plants for the price of a single p.....(a single plant may very well be that p if doing them earlier.....5k?....5 p's pay for 5,000 fems...and so on.......)

But if talking clones...100?....that';s not that big a deal...and could do from a single mom..(larger..)

First post of thread......change ups....:
Could go early season....hold even one back....30 days, shave that down.....then hold a couple of those back....30 more days, shave them down, and so on......

Single large mother could get you couple thousand an entire season........(But, again...overview, maintenance, time, effort, etc....for me easier just germ, start, move out :smoke:....)

Cost? (which most focus on...)....there is always a price tag on everything...ie: "cheaper to run clones from a mom"....location, power, nutes, medium, time/effort,etc, etc........

Nothing is free.......I just compare the price tags and timelines and from seed seems most efficient..(and plus I get my variance of individuals for ps...vigor and growth and such, and on and on......)

Just my preference....I can clone, and of course do it very well with volume and never a problem.....but, again, lead time the bigger issue for me.....(Another fine point is coming into the season...I'm pretty much uniform also....ie: everything in a veg space started and gone the same time, etc, so, not many different things, many different sizes, many different time settings....all started same time, all out same time, and repeat, etc....

Of course....all depends......now getting a lot of things in started,so....starting to finish one of first in runs and already have my eye on 1-2 things that are very spacial..:smoke:, inking about revegging, keeping them on hand to start to take care of other in's, etc....or on hand for out next year, etc.....(Extremely heavy, extremely dense, extremely sticky and greasy :biglaugh:....was also thinking about jut turning them over to someone else to keep on hand till spring....(and just keep growing out till then...)....again....options?......limitless.........truly.....there is no end to how any one thing can be scheduled, planned, executed, etc and changed up in the meantime......

Glad those worked out for ya.......glad you got to see the magic behind them :smoke:.........I really get a fuckin kick out of running them.....and yield sometimes not so bad, especially with greater numbers and such.....(again..one could go a little earlier and top and train and could be smaller, lower and heavier, etc.......again with options.....and no limit on them......)

Was reading something, somewhere (been going over too much written material lately)....and liked this quote:

If we all did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.
Thomas Edison

Fuckin A men. :smoke:

Nah man.......nothing about one doing what they can, what they want, trying to achieve is "laughable".....As with overall tone though....just adopt a process.....address efficiency....etc, and 100 becomes very manageable.....(or any number one wants.....)...

What got me into all that was when all was said and done (whatever I wanted to run)...just soo much time, and soo much energy left :smoke:......ie: Okay, you got it, you get it done, you get them out....and everythings going........and now nothing to do but sit for next 3 months :smoke:

I never could :biglaugh:.....



Julian your truly a mentor to me. Ive been following this thread daily since it started. Heres a quote I'm sure you've seen
"What is the most difficult situation
you are facing in your life today?
Whatever it is, imagine that it has
been sent to you at this time to teach
you a valuable lesson that you need to
learn to be even more successful in the
future. What could that lesson be?
From this moment onward, always
seek the valuable lesson in every setback
or difficulty. You will always
find it, and it will help you in your
quest to become a self-made millionaire"


I'm very happy to have made fems this year.
This season was a great experience in many ways, but I wouldn't want to repeat it 1 to 1.
Lots of improvements to be made.
Need to lower my profile and workload.
Efficiency :smoke:
I took soil samples and got some nutes today.
As soon as I'm done with the hash I will start prepping my spots.
And in spring a quick hit with the fems.
Have 4 crosses that should be fun to work with from the hobby perspective and offer serious quality product.
Fems will be an immense improvement he he
And I'm sure I learned enough, can time and prep better and double the yield with same numbers and same spots.
btw the spot I feared lost due to heavy machinery turned out fine. I didn't find all of them but enough to make me happy :)
I must also praise my partner. Full involvement. Same view on security. Knows the trade and I don't have to teach anything. Harmony so far and most of the work done. Just last bits, a few more days.
As far as last season experiences, I did hang some plants outdoors for up to a week. What wasn't moldy didn't mold. I liked how they lost volume. Smoke evaluation pending. First tests promising :D
I even harvested some at full moon and made half a dozen different kinds of hash from the Bangi Haze clones. Dry and fresh, sift and bubble, early and late. I must be crazy :D

I wish you happy indoor gardening J. I'd love some, but not and option currently.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Julian your truly a mentor to me. Ive been following this thread daily since it started. Heres a quote I'm sure you've seen

Well thank you, and, truly kind of you to say, and, as always......anything I can do to be of help (and actually help) another in any way, shape or form to advance in any way, shape or form.....what it's all about...

Motivation many different things....some discussed, some maybe not (I don't keep a list....), and, lot of my worse things thrown in also, and maybe tie in.....ie: The unfavorable situations I encounter are enough that I'd do anything I can to help another avoid them.....(Frankly....I don't know anyone personally who I think could be dealing with the things I do/am........some might consider that a boast when possibly just a testament to how stubborn I am...:biglaugh:...and that reason is such negative things tend to completely overwhelm many people (as it does occasionally myself for that matter....)....but approach and how one views things can obviously determine a lot....(My situation has just been getting worse and worse by the day this entire time....still not back on track....still lot of things up in the air....pressure increasing still day by day....(working out a lot more....and helps.....byproduct and benefit is pretty much right now at my best as far as physically.....and probably helps with the stress also.....

(I just changed this post and response up a little as a lot of whats on my mind now falling related to the below.
"What is the most difficult situation
you are facing in your life today?
Whatever it is, imagine that it has
been sent to you at this time to teach
you a valuable lesson
that you need to
learn to be even more
successful in the
future. What could that lesson be?
From this moment onward, always
seek the valuable lesson in every setback
or difficulty
. You will always
find it, and it will help you in your
quest to become a self-made millionaire"
Of course if reading from start.......you know I truly believe in the above....have had many real examples..(and again some lately)..

Problem is, of course.....we can't assume we know what "the universe" has in mind, the lessons and intentions.....(Of course some cases, yes....one might very well be able to see and understand.....)

My down times have taught me more in past year than ever before.....and, rally....about every single aspect of life also (not just green...not money...not business...family..relationships....friends...etc.....all of it....)

One of the things that comforts me is knowing that maybe all of this.......that I'm just "in class" ....and if I do well enough...will be out soon and back on track (a different track :smoke:.....)

Money's the easy part, and "self made millionaire?".......

I am several times over...(fuck....whenever that was...beginning of what I am now calling "the crash"....single week probably made 7 figures....(followed by some violent movement to cost me the same plus more...)

You know......I used to be one of those people who would think absurd the idea of "losing" especially "everything"...couldn't imagine it...couldn't see how can happen....and always a remedy and prevention from such occurring...

Have had some interesting conversations this year with circle (close and not)...and relates to as mentioned earlier...I take one hit here and there in worst time in my lifetime and all of a sudden my talents and skill sets in question....(One conversation, someone close, was in regard to I have given them advice/advised them on 3 matters in 15 years....(Hmm...I think most will find this as interesting as amusing...)...I advised them 3 times...1 time they made over a million on that direction..($1.2MM in 6 years from $200k)....the other they made about $300k in 1 year from $100k....the third?....they lost $20k....

What do you think they always talk about? :smoke:

One of the people I turned to for a helping hand denied because said my position and losses made me "too risky".....on all levels....

Heard 5 months after their statement they lost $2MM....

Anyway..point is many....anything can happen (good or bad)...applies to all (growing especially)..planning, execution, skill sets don't seem to protect one against the unexpected....(my hits from the greatest movement in markets I will probably ever experience in my lifetime...), but......I take all as positive..(ie: Everything I do creates large amounts of money....trading....properties...ops....all 6 figure payoff's from a single good stretch, so.....will I be back?....I'm advising people not to bet money I won't :smoke:.....my problem right now is all of those things require substantial capital to make more...so...rock in hard place....but, doing what I can....(and how I always did it was funnel profits from one, into another, then funnel profits from that into another,and so on, so....remove my main income sources and can't keep the other things going, etc....)

Anyway...we'll see....but, as above....trying to see what lessons are..(and I think they become more apparent when one stops looking for what they are :smoke:......doing what I with what I have...(actually working out okay...) and actually feel great almost every day lately (fuckin scary.....worse things get, better I feel....and, yes...I know the psychological possibilities behind that :smoke:......and I find them quite interesting actually and those alone help with possible lessons ....)

All of the above relevant?......well...I'm sure not everyone is going better than they ever have.....and sure many on a long road to reach somewhere else....so....included all of the above because maybe of help to someone.....

Money in the end one of the easier things........sure more related below..

vod said:
I'm very happy to have made fems this year.
I'm actually trying to fully switch back.....cost starting to be an issue, so...and with the in's starting to identify some extremely impressive mothers....so...going to find a happy medium somewhere in there...(less fems, clone, some mothers, etc....)...Would still like to do runs....just taking it day by day.....(especially AF's, as have a great spot for next year....)

(Actually, I'm picking up new spots now by the handful ...)

Glad all turned out well.....You sound pleased overall....positive (whole post)....glad all is well....
This season was a great experience in many ways, but I wouldn't want to repeat it 1 to 1.
Sure not the only one who understands and doesn't need an explanation.

The above statement though....really carries more power than most realize.....(As it signifies an internal change/processing......)

Usually statements like that are the pathway to much larger and greater things in the future....(I've found..)
Lots of improvements to be made.
Well......don't forget....one could come off biggest and best season ever and would still apply....

One of my many views is this is "art"....so much thought and effort put into a final product...which every factor we judge and analyze....

Such is the life and thoughts of an artist :smoke:...We're never pleased (Our own worst critics :smoke:....)
Need to lower my profile and workload.
Efficiency a big issue....not only for large, for anything and everything.....
I took soil samples and got some nutes today.
As soon as I'm done with the hash I will start prepping my spots.
And in spring a quick hit with the fems.
Have 4 crosses that should be fun to work with from the hobby perspective and offer serious quality product.
I'm actually thinking I am going be switching up strains and such quite a bit....ie: Maybe everything run going to be things I have never run.....quote a few I haven't actually....(in and out...but every time I start a shopping list it ends up a little too high :biglaugh:.......again...maybe the answer to just do it all as I go along......some here, some there, etc.....(but that probably has to do with my circumstances....ie: I'd like to have enough stock to do all in's, and all outs in hand right now.....Necessary?...nah....Would make me feel better?....yeah....will I be able to work around it?....most likely.....)

Yeah....spring coming fast.......be here sooner than we think :smoke:....
Fems will be an immense improvement he he
And I'm sure I learned enough, can time and prep better and double the yield with same numbers and same spots.
btw the spot I feared lost due to heavy machinery turned out fine. I didn't find all of them but enough to make me happy :)
Little work goes a long way......ie: anything and everything one does produces measurable results.....(I've done a lot of lo maintenance, no maintenance..minimal work...but have done just as much heavy work...realize the above of course and done by choice...which is part of change ups we do when we feel it.....(ie: Upcoming my circle pressing me to do more prep less numbers....which I very well might do....but, have to see what happens when time....ie: I say fine, we have to do this, this and this in order to do that, do it and let me know when done....and we'll see :smoke:...)

I hear you on the above...had some this year like that..(but since M/F...returned to basically find seed...so....if all fems, would have pulled big time from those :smoke:....they were all good.....fine.....just no males pulled...so....I know better anyway.....)
I must also praise my partner. Full involvement. Same view on security. Knows the trade and I don't have to teach anything. Harmony so far and most of the work done. Just last bits, a few more days.
This is nice to hear.....and, don't get me wrong....while I do my share of bitching, I mean, I still stand behind partners 100%....as earlier and always: A good one can make up for 10 bad ones and will be around long term, etc....Like anything..(workers, women, etc)....Can't assume only person you come across/do something with going to be perfect...(especially applicable to relationships...10-20-50 to find the best/right one, etc.....is what it is....but if you've made it this far and happy...I'd say your probably good......next season will give you more about them...)

Hmmmm......interesting thought: All my bad ones.....the display showing signs or hints always come quick...:smoke: (ie: sooner than later....if they are not going to work out, your going to know within 3 months instead of 3 years....(why it's pretty easy to go through many of them....)

Some will go south down the road for various reasons....but seems in my experience, most who don't work out are only around 1 season, etc...(indoor, 1 year or less, etc)....

Glad they're working out...we all can't be everywhere, all the time, doing everything...(I say partners, but mean more anyone who can help and be trusted, etc...."partners" seems on surface to indicate 50/50, but, my use means anyone who draws a percentage...ie: even 10%?...your a partner....paid for hour, job, $?...then a "helper" ..
As far as last season experiences, I did hang some plants outdoors for up to a week. What wasn't moldy didn't mold. I liked how they lost volume. Smoke evaluation pending. First tests promising :D
Note the resin also :smoke:....and, as you see....I mean.....

Glad worked out.....simplifies a lot and assists in many situations, on many levels......and I think quite a bump in quality...:smoke:
I even harvested some at full moon and made half a dozen different kinds of hash from the Bangi Haze clones. Dry and fresh, sift and bubble, early and late. I must be crazy
You got the hash bug :biglaugh: I've been running the oils more and more lately also myself...(really all I've been smoking, but, a little taste of bud every now and then when I get the urge and /or see something special in front of me :smoke:.......been sampling what's starting to trickle in from the in's also......
I wish you happy indoor gardening J. I'd love some, but not and option currently.
You know what's funny....is of course, the in (industry) was created essentially from people moving from in from the out.....ie: Out of necessity........so.....that's funny to me cause my response to the in's is "Ehh..just out of necessity, I'd rather be out" :biglaugh:.....

The in's just to fill a void..(as above, everything I do for money takes money)....so.....the in actually fueling the outs and such..(and other things...)....just filling a void out of necessity....we'll see down the road if I keep them going or not, etc....upcoming year have a lot of spots, ready to go, etc....and only thing that hurt me was males last 2 seasons, so....(even all problems combined didn't hurt even a fraction as that one aspect)...so....going to have some moms...if can't get stock I want (fems,1000's) then going to work from a smaller number like have before in tight spots....(ie: Grow out larger, 200+/- per plant, and 20 fems can turn into 4,000......so..... I just don't like all those months of lead time needed....but, again......what you can, when you can , where you can, how you can.....ie: 20 fem cheaper than 4,000 :biglaugh:....

Thanks man........the same to you....(But I'd rather wish you happy outdoor :smoke:.....I like the out better, but in does provide better hash :biglaugh:, so......)....We'll see.....looking forward to next year......can tell you are too :smoke:.....and have a feeling we will all do fairly well (weather wise...and, know many are absorbing and applying their lessons, so, performance wise a definite possibility also..(definitely going to be best year for my current crew....and if can do good pull....even if smaller will be as "good" for me as my largest .....(Just to get re-established....confidence back....and flush ($) is always nice too......especially with new position, views and such.....

You sound good man.......glad all is well....Hope everyone else the same.........and gearing up for spring.....(and if have to run clones and such....will be starting prep for that shortly :biglaugh:...(Jan 1st more or less....)


and with the in's starting to identify some extremely impressive mothers....so...going to find a happy medium somewhere in there...

I'd suggest you spray the best ones and do some of your own fems. If they are strains that did well for you outdoors...
don't know if you have the time to take care of it, but with a couple reversed clones and a couple indoor girls you can make 1000s seeds. will it be cheaper than buying? I don't know. you lose product, but just a couple plants is enough.
And if extremely impressive than maybe worth it.
Even if they don't work very well outdoors, you'll be left with quality indoor fem stock. Are you running all your indoor from clone?
If you start now/spray in two weeks, you can have your stock tested by May. not for outdoor growing, but for general quality and any intersex issues.

One of my many views is this is "art"....so much thought and effort put into a final product...which every factor we judge and analyze....

Such is the life and thoughts of an artist ...We're never pleased (Our own worst critics ....)

true that.

It turned out well, I hit the target, but I'm a bit tired by now. Just want to finish it and enjoy a brake. The hash is lots of work. I'd like to have a tumbler and a mini washing machine next time. I just don't have that much spare time to do it by hand.
And also the smoke testing is a lot of heavy work :biglaugh: most time consuming. Really not the time for it in my life.

but I look forward to the next season after a nice brake.
I realized many possible improvements and am sure that I will enjoy implementing them :D
all fems, spots prepped in autumn/winter, 4 or 5 weeks veg center and hit them out as quick as they come. some small in jiffys, some larger, so probably 3 rounds a week apart. later if spots not filled I can take cuts from outdoor and plant a couple rounds of minis.

I'm actually thinking I am going be switching up strains and such quite a bit....ie: Maybe everything run going to be things I have never run.....quote a few I haven't actually....(in and out...but every time I start a shopping list it ends up a little too high

What do you have in mind?

I have gravitated towards esbe and ace seeds. They seem to be nice people and their stuff is nice for sure. Lots of polish people here on ic grow esbes outdoor hybrids.

Guerilla Gold is seriously early and very strong. Not very mold resistant due to very compact round buds. Done end aug/beginning of sept.
But nothing mind blowing in the smell an high departments.

My overall best was Bangi Haze x Purpurea Ticinensis. Mad and beautiful smells from them. Done first week of Oct.

Can't assume only person you come across/do something with going to be perfect...
that's why it's so moving if it indeed turns out perfect the first time. makes me feel it's destiny :smoke:

Note the resin also ....and, as you see....I mean.....

Glad worked out.....simplifies a lot and assists in many situations, on many levels......and I think quite a bump in quality...
i concur.
and the first time i smoked the 7 day hung Bangi i actually ended up on the bathroom floor calling for my wife to get me some water with glucose and lemon :biglaugh:

You got the hash bug I've been running the oils more and more lately also myself...
I did :biglaugh: despite the heavy work involved.
You are doing butane oil? I though about ethanol, but that would give me black oil. I'd rather outsource the whole oil job.

You know what's funny....is of course, the in (industry) was created essentially from people moving from in from the out.....ie: Out of necessity........so.....that's funny to me cause my response to the in's is "Ehh..just out of necessity, I'd rather be out" .....
i'd like some in just coz i would like to garden year round. preferably as ornamentals all around the apartment/house :biglaugh:
yeah i feel you. outdoor better in many ways.

Best wishes for your projects and new beginnings. You must be itching for 2010 after last two seasons. So am I :)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
I'd suggest you spray the best ones and do some of your own fems. If they are strains that did well for you outdoors...

don't know if you have the time to take care of it, but with a couple reversed clones and a couple indoor girls you can make 1000s seeds. will it be cheaper than buying? I don't know. you lose product, but just a couple plants is enough.

And if extremely impressive than maybe worth it.

Even if they don't work very well outdoors, you'll be left with quality indoor fem stock. Are you running all your indoor from clone?

If you start now/spray in two weeks, you can have your stock tested by May. not for outdoor growing, but for general quality and any intersex issues.
Well, the overview is I think that was a final run which didn't go out, or part of a larger final (maybe 3-400).....seed.....mixed...so...basically, I was starting to identify the seriousness of my pending situation(s)...(legit and not), so, thought the start was to shift those last couple hundred to a quick in, and get started on in's, in the process....(so basically, minimal, week veg, then right to 12/12 in beds......)

Funny note on that one. (1 hour set up, literally to flip down, fuckin "ghetto" to the max :biglaugh:...) So....the overview is, no one here really knows, or see's :smoke:, but, those large clear (opaque?) trays I use for the starts?...well, I have dozens of those :smoke: Set up, lined up those fuckin empties, soil beds, pl;anted (2 hrs, 3 hrs...quick),m flipped down and boom....so...overview is I just ran 3-400 individuals, (so say 200 fems final) and, out of all, one strikes me as special, impressive, etc...

All started same day, all placed the same, all fed the same, this one basically turned out to be maybe 3z single cola more or less(couple smaller, tighter, denser lower), and lower scrap (going to use that)...in....about a 8 square inch space, so.....you know...it's stuff like that , that makes me think about possibilities, principles, and importance of thorough mother selection which I really haven't, due to I don't maintain 24/7/365, and multiple in's and such....

(Solid, large, dense, greasy....). You know....you see "greasy" used sometimes....and you sometimes ponder, but, this one.."greasy" is the first thing that comes to mind when handling...Just brush leaves (not buds) and your basically covered with oily stickiness.....but..."greasy" :biglaugh:

Anyway...point being....I mean.....3 z's from 8-9" square, and, I mean, SOG would dictate almost impossible yields....which starts to hit "impossible" territory and numbers, but.....is what it is, so....would be interesting to try it , and, want to...

Anyway...think what I am going to do is either reveg entire bottom, or try last minute cuttings which have discussed last several days with many who have done such.....fuck...even talked to couple that basically took their lower popcorn and reveged/cloned and turned out great.....

Further note: Not sure lineage, but, recall several similar...last season or before....came in extremely early, single colas almost hitting q'ers with same footprint....not pure stock...think 2nd generation mutt mix....maybe an ice x sour bubble x?........thinking about similarities...looks like a really nice sb in form and growth, but, some aspects of ICE, and so on....

Anyway...so, started with 400, sexed, probably in half,m so, from 200, one that specifically jumps right out at you...(might try and get a pic in of it....)

You know...if doing the in's...I can have some laying around sometime in future if I "work it"......(meaning of course, say I get 5 nice cuts and grow them out......then shave them for 50 more.....and so on and so on.."worked"...cou8ld get moms for the in's, and, in the process have some on hand for upcoming season......

(and on and on.sooo many variation and possibilities.....but, going to try to keep it....regret 3 seasons ago not digging up another extremely special one....which actually turned out to be something that finished product actually completely and totally blew away everyone who got any....had maybe 100 max of those...have no idea of final number, but, again, out of all of them, one specific individual "exceptional".....and a little stock came out of all of those and then fed the next seasons stock a little which turned into a mutt mix...(ie: spot with many of the best things...but a male missed here and there by crew, and, created the "we" stock....which I've been working last 2 seasons.....)

Really not sure what going to do, but, something has to be done....I don't really have room anywhere at the moment for any 24/0,20/4, etc, so, thinking maybe get it ready and just ride someone on it...ie: Call them every day, tell them water, how to water, what mix, and then tell them call me when they are done, etc, to make sure they're maintained :biglaugh:....don't know...we'll see..(maybe reveg larger, cross with something else, etc......who knows.......cross would of course create something other than the exact mother...maybe better, true...but, maybe not...or maybe traits and characteristics lost, so...(Breeding and such not my primary area of expertise, but, I know enough to know the above, so...)

We'll see....Last couple days have my life turning (fuckin dive bombing? :biglaugh: for the worse, and quick, so......I really don'
t know where and what and how, right now, etc......I really don't know....

Very bad news last couple days.....one after another, and, who knows man.....couple weeks from now?....I might lose/have lost everything...might end up Ricky'in :biglaugh:...(ie: driving around with moms in car :biglaugh:.....sleeping in tent in next seasons spots......which, at least I'll be able to get everything done myself and know it's done :biglaugh:....)

(I know...I'm making fun....but, right now just preparing myself for the worst.......)

I'm actually in the process of preparing something extremely aggressive, which I under all circumstances do not want to do.....but, you know...could put 200k in my pocket in a 24hr period, so.....

We'll see......while hard...more frustrating than anything...ie: can't even begin to contemplate how many 10's of millions have passed through my hands over the years......will never meet a bigger, stronger earner, and....I'm in a position like this......it's just fuckin pathetic, and a shame.....and, an insult in many ways....one(s) which I will not forget long after I'm back where I should be.....

In the end...my entire life has been to take a bit of money and 5 different ways turn it into hefty bags full quick....so....only need one good thing to hit, and, will go from there quickly, but....what is going to take place before that happens......disappointing....(unless I can come up with 200k within a week or 2........:smoke:...

We'll see.....maybe not. Who knows....
true that.

It turned out well, I hit the target, but I'm a bit tired by now. Just want to finish it and enjoy a brake. The hash is lots of work. I'd like to have a tumbler and a mini washing machine next time. I just don't have that much spare time to do it by hand.

And also the smoke testing is a lot of heavy work most time consuming. Really not the time for it in my life.

but I look forward to the next season after a nice brake.
I realized many possible improvements and am sure that I will enjoy implementing them

all fems, spots prepped in autumn/winter, 4 or 5 weeks veg center and hit them out as quick as they come. some small in jiffys, some larger, so probably 3 rounds a week apart. later if spots not filled I can take cuts from outdoor and plant a couple rounds of minis.
I've really been wanting larger tumblers for a while now.....could see just incredible value and use there....Haven't done the washing machine, but, same, been on the "to do" list for quite some time.....should have been done seasons ago......(I'm going to change direction....I'm very negative towards people in general right now :biglaugh:)....

Different starts....well even during thread, I mean, fuck...even same locations...I've done a lot of different starts and, think you'll actually find results and growth and such quite interesting...ie: I'[ve done jiffy's minimal (7 days) right into good ground, same right into drilled holes, 3-6" right into ground, same into drilled holes, 6", 1', 2'+/-....and, think 3 seasons ago had a round that were 4 x 4" RW maybe 3' done the same, right into ground, and some into larger prepped holes, and on and on.....(and same with minis...some holes, some beds, some right in ground, some rw, some pellets, some cups, and so on......)

I think that kind of stuff can give you a "feel" that really can never be explained....etc......and really good experience about seeing reactions and results regarding all related environmental and prep issues, and on and on.......and, for a lot of different reasons....sometimes not having to do with intentions but necessity......ie:might run out of supplies, schedule might change, prep supplies and implementation might change, either way, and on and on......you know...it all starts out of course as a solid "plan", but, going back?....main ingredient is adaptability/flexibility.....

What you can, when you can, where you can, how you can....

A lot lies within those (Everything lies within that outline actually......so.....)

I mean....what I hear when I see such things is, basically "I get it" :smoke: (You "get it".....), and......I mean...that right there opens up an entire range of possibilities which may escape one.......

(I know a lot of people, who know, and do a lot of things...and, for the most part, almost know no one who "gets it"........yeah, sure...everyone says they do until pressed to come up with 100 different solutions to 200 different problems :smoke:.....)
What do you have in mind?

I have gravitated towards esbe and ace seeds. They seem to be nice people and their stuff is nice for sure. Lots of polish people here on ic grow esbes outdoor hybrids.

Guerilla Gold is seriously early and very strong. Not very mold resistant due to very compact round buds. Done end aug/beginning of sept.
But nothing mind blowing in the smell an high departments.

My overall best was Bangi Haze x Purpurea Ticinensis. Mad and beautiful smells from them. Done first week of Oct.
Well...make no mistake...when I "shop"....I fuckin shop :biglaugh:...I can (and have) spend/spent weeks at a time going over every single thing, from every single breeder, from every single source......and, combine that with what I see and hear and research, I mean......hundreds of things I could run...some new, some old, etc....Would like to try some things in GH line....I'm tired of the politics of it all, going to run them and judge for myself....fair values on some....TH has a fem mendo I think that's supposed to be a September finish....have been wanting to do SSH out for a while and haven't due to people saying it won't finish, but, think they're mistaken :smoke:....(and would do both, and might run both in also to see comparison....) Barneys has some stuff which interested me...Grindhouse has some interesting things,and so on....and, if budget becomes an issue, going to go for entire Mandala line, some KC products,etc, etc...(but again, maybe will stick with original and instead of volume, just do a pack of each and turn into clones, some fem stock, etc.....still pushed and ready for the AF's...but, that's a budget issue, as, only place for AF's in my world is earlier spring run out....ie: Every other scenario I could go with something else in same amount of time.....out, mid, late, in, etc......especially if I get some moms going, etc, so.....Talked with a couple people last couple weeks about obtaining some west elites also, so......we'll see......way too much up in the air...budget not there as has been in the past, so....not sure final, but....will do what I have to do (when, where,how I can, etc...) Right now....if I could get this exceptional one vegged out and then a couple more....that would be fine in itself for in or out....(out I think I recall similar coming in mid/late Oct, so....out would be fine also, aside from density and issues which accompany density and size.....)
that's why it's so moving if it indeed turns out perfect the first time. makes me feel it's destiny
Well........the bigger picture is of course even if it didn't, doesn't (knock on wood and best of wishes for it, of course)...well...exposure, what learned is absolutely priceless......and, as anything, can be applied daily for decades to follow....I've been working with multiple people 25+ years.....everything with person today is what learned yesterday and everything tomorrow what learned today, etc......you know, a process......one like anything that you work on day after day, month after month, year after year......(and, of course, in working with others, we also in the process have to develop and evolve ourselves :smoke:....ie: The more rational, reasonable, understanding and easy to work with we are, the easier they are to work with also........)

My bad partnerships?......well.....even the worst.....I'm still here....and they might have many negative things to say about me, but most would have to do with work ethic and fanaticism and such, which I accept :biglaugh:....but they would never take a shot at me :smoke:,so......and sure some regret and would li work again also, etc, so......kinda like some of the women throughout my life :biglaugh:...ie: Even the ones that hate me most would still say mostly positive stuff ...so.....(I've worked very hard for many years to try and be as reasonable, rational, and understanding in all situations as possible, and, still do to this day...so.....)

You take it one day at a time, and remember...it's all about you learning about them which dictates success....

Good luck......should be fine though...if they made it through whokle season and finished and worked out?......well....as above...most people fuck up in the beginning (if they are going to).....others?....maybe down the road, after they "hear" things from sources, read an article and think they're a pro, and so on......can take all forms with many people.....(You know...you do a batch, they're a secondary, and, by 2nd, 3rd season, they're calling it theirs, and how good they are, and so on.......)

You know.....time goes by man...and you see it all.....(not as pessimistic as realistic.....majority aren't the good ones....and, you get a good one, and, your lucky.....)
i concur.
and the first time i smoked the 7 day hung Bangi i actually ended up on the bathroom floor calling for my wife to get me some water with glucose and lemon
:biglaugh: That's funny......yeah...I've hung a lot...and, 7 days seems to be the "sweet spot" for me more or less...( I haven't done 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc..... but couple too little, 14 too much, 7 perfect, etc..(then couple more days to finish it up, more or less, etc....)

Would be interested in any side by side notes...(same in, same out hung, etc)...always love the comparisons, as many have different ways of viewing, expressing observations, etc.....
I did despite the heavy work involved.
You are doing butane oil? I though about ethanol, but that would give me black oil. I'd rather outsource the whole oil job.
Yeah...(outsource), again with the people.......(heavy sigh....) Have been building trim reserves, (and packing in freezers this year...), and, my main hashmaker (mentioned earlier),.....told him he could have my share(s), and, whenever he's ready......do it with my other guy.....

3 weeks later.....he hasn't had the time I guess.....(again....large portion his to keep, for free.....)

Previous have run bubble.....some oil, but, back into oil as above....changed up slightly.....BHO was target, but,between suitable materials and supplies......initial runs were ISO....(which actually turned out better than they have before for me, so...)....think what I am going to do is out going to finish up bubble and iso, and in, maybe trim for bubble, and any popcorn for iso, and, build if not extremely large amounts of material....ie: I would rather save upo and do large runs and finish all then do little runs at a time, etc.,.....reason being volume of product...ie: Large volume of product gets spread out.....smaller volume I'm "on the pipe" so to speak :biglaugh:

That all could change, but, transitioning now from the out to the in's and some done, and lot already frozen and such, so....think best and easiest the above..out trim for bubble, out popcorn ISO, and in trim collected for bubble and popcorn bho....looking forward to the in for bubble...my out bubble never near the quality of in (rain, contaminants, dried trim and such, etc.....so..looking forward to in frozen and think a superior product..etc...)

Yeah man......I've got the bug big time......wish I could just turn it all into something...but, not cost effective for me.....and starting to work the oil, spread it out, so.....
i'd like some in just coz i would like to garden year round. preferably as ornamentals all around the apartment/house :biglaugh:
yeah i feel you. outdoor better in many ways.
Well...out you have greater volume, safety, etc....(some would argue the safety, but, most cases just going to lose plot...compared to sitting on it and directly connected to it in, so......and volume...can pull same, triple, x 10 from single out than running 24/7/365, so......)

Apples and oranges but I feel ya...:smoke:...completely different set of animals, both with completely different sets of advantages, disadvantages, etc.....and also personal preferences as far as comfort levels and skill sets, and so on, so.....
Best wishes for your projects and new beginnings. You must be itching for 2010 after last two seasons. So am I :)
Thanks man....I need it, and, the same to you and yours and everyone else.....

Itching for it?.......I can fuckin taste it :smoke:...last 2 hurt me more than I even want to think about.....but what's done is done....couple bad out of many more...eh, is what it is....actually, the worst has been what it has done to my credibility in some circles......same as above.....1 month bad trading overshadows 9 years success....2 seasons down the tubes overshadows 25 plus hundreds of in's....etc....You lose once and all of a sudden all of your previous work (decades..) is worthless.......was thinking about that today....and has been said before....your only as good as what you did today....fuckin absurdity......

Anyway......I'm positive about it......and now, given circumstances more firm and a new and higher level of "ferocity" than I've ever had, so.......I'm confident..(very...more so because going to take greater part myself..limit others more, etc...ie: I know I can count on myself, so, will use others for tasks which carry less importance from now on.....holes, cutting and such.....)

Yeah man......I don't know about anyone else, but, I'm prepared to enter an entirely new level :...

Good luck to all.....spring around the corner.......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Yeah.....moms......special things......

Been a while since I did the in's on any sort of dedicated basis, and, forgot the extreme importance of special individuals.....:smoke:.....in so many ways..(and also maintaining....)

I'm concerned about stock and such, budgets, blah,blah,blah.......fuckin single reveg could end up stocking and ensuring endless in's and many outs at any level......

For $20.....:smoke:....(off the top estimate for medium, little nutes, etc.....have everything already basically....so..out of pocket would only actually be electric, and minimal at that if just veg and cuts and such........)

Appreciation of the smaller things.......seeing the forest through the tree :smoke:, and so on......

In's made me remember and realize all that..........(outs....didn't matter...so many, so many places, etc....ehh...who cares.....in's?.......ehhhh......every square inch highest and best use imperative/mandatory......)....

(But, at least couple months before could get any kind of volume from them...ie: 5 cuts maybe.....have to reveg.....the grow out....then couple more cuts grown out, and so on......most likely....5 months for volume, etc...(which is basically2 batches in, so.....and in the process, might pick up a couple more, special ones, so, again, in the end....might end up finding 5-10 special out of 1,000, etc.....which is what it's all about......at least to me....ie: "special" isn't 1 out of 10....100...etc....."special" is 1 out of 1,000.....etc.....

Very interesting and reawakened......something......(I was always aware that doing such volume, was a shame not to be stocking the special ones...and has been brought up and mentioned throughout here and there occasionally.......but, again......kind of passed for many reasons..(actually, could have saved last 2 seasons if I had.......but water under the bridge and ancient history......)

Yeah.....exceptional individuals....:smoke: (now...on the note of the above...if multiple cuts then of several?......well then could do a cross here and there and preserve originals...etc...)

Shame I haven't taken advantage of the volume......last couple/several years?....could have an extreme stable if would have been saving them...

Oh well.....can start tomorrow :smoke:....(isn't life great that way......:smoke:....)


Good lordy yall know how to keep a positive vibe around. I was ready to go quiet and shit until I had something ready/planned/executable, but I can't deny the joy of being here, in pain or gain.

About 5 days before my planned flip, hadn't cut clones yet, was waiting for the Deep Chunks to bring on a few more, got hit with floods, indoors. Me? I was bothered, finicky, but alright, I wanted to drop clones still, into tubberwares w/ some of the LED flashlights, Home Depots got tons of deals on em. Anyway, out trying to make sure had all supplies, and car died, no start.

So I take the walk, enjoy the cooler weather what I can, and think of all the ways around my problem. Not too hard actually, just need the lights and to get the boxes to a friends. See the landlord was coming in the inspect and repair, damage not too bad, but he wanted to see of course. Well, long story short, both cars dead, within a 24 hour period. Call family, secure a vehicle to use next morning before landlord comes over, and go to sleep thinking ok, I'll pull it off still.

In the morning, looking for ride, looking, and no show, worried, I call. They've decided to stay off work and help out move stuff around for the landlord. At this point I took my sign from the universe and said fuck it, I can only fight god so hard. So I tore down everything, I had just rebuilt box in last month, couple hundred bucks, on poly plastic, soil, etc. Not to mention DC a really different and beautiful plant, was very excited. Had planned first chop 5 days before christmas, but man, no dice, again. I guess this is the reason for words like persevere and persistence.

Yeah, so, there is good news though. Inspection out of the way, and got Sour Saver on hand. Unfortunately its all I got, and I like variety, so not sure if I'll start before get some other stuff. But, if I act quick, I can cut enough clones for a strong spring run. Couple hundred minis, or maybe 50 3 gallon ones. Even failing that, I'd love to just see 4-5 females completely bushed out in 5 gal buckets.

As you said, target is there, but whatever, I'm growing WEED until then. But I swear, this has been one of the hardest things I've ever done, and ironically, first run, when 18, so easy, no hassle, very little measurements, etc, and a beautiful finish.

Well, the clock is running, spring is right around the corner. I'm still watching spots, checking location of sun, temps. Most nights above 55 still, so, wondering how late I could really start minis. They stop the flyovers at end of October, so...another angle.

Despite the bullshit, and the pain of failure, I can't buy this shit forever, it's not me, I love seeing it grow, and everytime I try, and fail, I want to see it more and more.


thank you Julian for the input. it's a pleasure talking with you. (partners esp.)

adaptability/flexibility -> main ingredient and i did quite a range of things this season. i feel i'm getting it :)
but i still need to work on the harvest time part of the job (fuckin sub-optimal :biglaugh:) and don't have ready solutions in mind. will have to see what comes up or maybe limit my scope. (lack of space one issue the other is I can't do it on my own and will have to take a partner. which is what i did this time but next time different circumstances... needs reconsideration when all said and done. i invested a lot trust. we shall see how I fare with it.)

can start tomorrow ....(isn't life great that way..........)

precisely :D
and if all it takes is to do a reveg... :smoke:

but preserving originals not quite as easy as selfing them, coz as you sure know, it's a new mix up of genes and original certainly not homozygous for all important traits.

anyway, your special ones do sound very nice and worth the (small) trouble :D

I hope you avoid Rickyisation and the dive bombers miss your vital spots.
Best wishes and to you GroBoy as well. Sounds like a bad hit.


vod said:
adaptability/flexibility -> main ingredient and i did quite a range of things this season. i feel i'm getting it
but i still need to work on the harvest time part of the job (fuckin sub-optimal ) and don't have ready solutions in mind. will have to see what comes up or maybe limit my scope. (lack of space one issue the other is I can't do it on my own and will have to take a partner. which is what i did this time but next time different circumstances... needs reconsideration when all said and done. i invested a lot trust. we shall see how I fare with it.)

Congratulations man, sounds like your fairly pleased. I know I'll be there in time, just got different things on my plate I guess. I'm with those still working on self, (arent we all?) and mental improvement what-not, sanity? clarity? so I'm glad to be able to start again very soon.

Would say more but gotta run.
Well....sorry about problem with target and project.....(I actually haven't started that yet myself and times weighing heavily on me...)
I guess it is what it is. Flip side is I made plenty of fem beans for next year. Have run a few hundred and not one hermi problem. I will call that a sucess.

Heard 5 months after their statement they lost $2MM

Karma can be a bitch. I hate that for them

Very bad news last couple days.....one after another, and, who knows man.....couple weeks from now?....I might lose/have lost everything...might end up Ricky'in ...(ie: driving around with moms in car .....sleeping in tent in next seasons spots......which, at least I'll be able to get everything done myself and know it's done
You still have the knowledge, most precious thing on earth. The money,confidence will return, no doubt. The wise man has the power, true 1000 yrs ago, still true today.

Large volume of product gets spread out.....smaller volume I'm "on the pipe" so to speak

Damnit boy, that oil can spoil a man.

Yeah man......I've got the bug big time......wish I could just turn it all into something...but, not cost effective for me.....and starting to work the oil, spread it out, so.....

Have seen fresh buds at the patch dunked in the ISO no drying, no curing, no trimming. Limits total exposure at the spots to a few hours per crop. Much easier to transport, no smell either. Can take down whole patch,wash, ISO put in buckets, and your done. Much cleaner oil due to no green matter.When using dry product cannot wash as long or you will get the green matter in the finished product. Short wash will leave behind good oil. So basically a win win win. Love it. Now need to couple that with auto fem's and total exposure is limited even more, and done on the 4th of July.

Vod good to see you around. Always a pleasure to read your posts.

GroBoy Damnit man, hang in there!!!


Have seen fresh buds at the patch dunked in the ISO no drying, no curing, no trimming. Limits total exposure at the spots to a few hours per crop. Much easier to transport, no smell either. Can take down whole patch,wash, ISO put in buckets, and your done. Much cleaner oil due to no green matter.When using dry product cannot wash as long or you will get the green matter in the finished product. Short wash will leave behind good oil. So basically a win win win. Love it. Now need to couple that with auto fem's and total exposure is limited even more, and done on the 4th of July.

Hey, good idea Jim, thanks. Assuming you can lug around a bunch of ISO or other solvent, that may work well in many situations. Were the buds chopped or shredded at all?
Hey, good idea Jim, thanks. Assuming you can lug around a bunch of ISO or other solvent, that may work well in many situations. Were the buds chopped or shredded at all?

Getting the solvent to the patch,and out again for that matter is the hardest part. We dont chop or shred, if it is an extra large or dense bud may tear apart a bit. Other than that just get the big fans and use it whole. We use a 55 gal barrel. One of those that are smaller at the top that have a screw on lid. Look on craigslist under hydro on the SF bay area, you will recognize them when you see them. Have the black lids that screw on and off. Get two. Put equal amounts of solvent in both. Use a collander in the top of one, and dip the solvent out of the other. Put the buds in the collander and pour the solvent over them. You can check the buds with a loupe and see about how long you need to pour it over them. Strains are different I have found, but about 10 seconds will be the ballpark. Once you have used half of the solvent, let your catch barrell settle for about 10 min. It will settle into three layers Water, Oil and then alchol on top. After it settles for 10 minutes you can start over again, this time dipping out of the original barrel that was used for the catch. The settle time is so you dont use oil infused solvent to wash the buds.

This not a solution if you have a few bows. We use this more for the bigger plots. Two people can get alot done in one night. Rule of thumb, use a 1/2 gal container to wash a collander full. Once it is all washed just put in 5 gal, lid tight buckets and purge at a safer location. Hope that answers the question. If not fire away and I will try to answer.

As far as using fem beans, home made ones at that, I was a little skeptical, not anymore. So easy to make and you can do it with a 250 in a small area, can produce 1000's in no time. I didnt do a thread on it. I can post up how I did it if anyone is interested.


As far as using fem beans, home made ones at that, I was a little skeptical, not anymore. So easy to make and you can do it with a 250 in a small area, can produce 1000's in no time. I didnt do a thread on it. I can post up how I did it if anyone is interested.

Please post your method. I'm trying this right now. Even started a thread on it. Any help would be great!
Please post your method. I'm trying this right now. Even started a thread on it. Any help would be great!

You need to use 27 VDC at 500 ma minimum. You can do this with a bench top power supply or wire three 9v batteries in series. Higher voltage make the particles smaller. One quart of distilled water. 24 hrs. It will look yellow. About piss color. I know others have had sucess with just 9 v, try this method. Spray once a day for two weeks, keep solution out of the root zone. Put into flower and spray once a week, when nanners show and have pollen pick them off and open by hand, paint pollen on pistils of target plant.
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