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Strange Slime buildup on roots


Out of the slime, finally.

The following is all about spores.

I am posting this info I cut and paste from various sites on the web. You must know about spores and it will become clear why once you have finished reading.

You will not defeat them
. Know that right now. You will read below that quaternary ammonium compounds will not kill spores. That is what physan20 is. Not even physan20; what does that tell you. You must control them as I have stated over and over. They are a priority to control, especially, if you have been infected with root rot or the slime. Failure to control them will lead to to your garden's failure and that is guaranteed.

You must manage your grow rooms air to the extreme and if you suspect spores in your source water, you must treat that too!!! If you don't or try to half ass it, you are just asking to fail and prolong your suffering.

Air Filtration !!!
Air Filtration !!!
Air Filtration !!!

You can buy all the magical potions you want and waste your money, time, and sanity. You can continue to buy one after the other thinking each one is the one to end it all. You will fail and drive yourself crazy.

Most products out there are meant to protect and prevent. For some things like the slime, the products on the market do not even work. I went thru product after product. That is why I formulated the richyrich hydro tea recipe especially for hydroponic use. And, the pluses of my hydro tea recipe are that it's completely safe to use, it mimics mother nature's intentions, the roots are the healthiest you will ever see in hydro, the roots are explosive, the root balls are huge, and you get bumper crops. Who doesn't like any of that. That is nothing short of amazing.

Like I said, I tried all of the products on the market during my epic battle with the slime. Nothing can do what my hydro specific tea recipe can do. If you have gone thru the slime thread you will witness the testimonials. And since then, five years ago, it has become wildly popular that it has spread all over the place. The particular bone I have to pick is with people attempting to profit from it and plagiarizing my work; and, I have the ethical high ground.

Anyway, that is all being taken care of for me. All of the people using my original work for those reasons are in direct violation of copyright laws and are illegally infringing. They will find out soon enough. We all have unknown fellow growers/friends that care. Friends in our community that share good principles have offered to undertake the work for free. I gave them my blessing. Anyone is free to use my original work for their personal use and helping other people under proper copyright law. Use for personal gain is a no go, obviously, and rightly so.

Veering back on track, in the past I had tried all the beneficial microbe products available at the time and they all failed at protecting and preventing. That's how I ended up coming up with the recipe. I didn't simply try combining products until I got it right. I researched my ass off and taught myself all about the topics I needed to know. I figured out what was needed and then sought the specific microbes needed in available products that anyone could buy. That is how I came up with the hydro specific tea recipe. Oh, and I can't forget all of the experimenting I did too.

Anyway, I am mentioning this because I have gone much further since that time. This is the chief reason why I am back as it has become clear that there are resistant (mutant) strains of our root enemies.


Can't tell if you have root rot or the brown slime algae, come on in ?!

If you don't feel comfortable doing so, then PM me. I have products I have been working on and I need study participants. I will send out my products for free in return for your participation from growers I choose which I believe make for a good study. I want the narliest and nastiest infections you guys have. Not the person who has their first root problem. You need to first try other courses of action that you can find here on icmag or from my instructions.

Okay, now on to the reading about spores... Remember, everything else is secondary!


Living cells are known as vegetative cells; the smallest unit of life that is like a tiny factory that is constantly working to live, grow and reproduce. But vegetative cells are vulnerable to damage from many environmental forces.

A few types of cells have a special trick up their “sleeve” that allows them to go dormant when environmental conditions become inhospitable. The trick is the ability to form spores. There are certain types of bacteria that form resistant bodies called endospores; structures that can weather the hostile conditions that kill vegetative cells.

When the living, vegetative cells of these genera are exposed to harsh environmental conditions, they undergo a process called sporulation and ultimately generate endospores. As one of the hardiest life forms, endospores are able to withstand high temperatures, drying out, freezing, radiation, chemicals and many other environmental conditions that would easily kill a vegetative cell.

Endospores are metabolically inactive, like a seed that is able to wait for the environment to again become favorable. Once environmental conditions improve, the endospore then germinates back into a living, vegetative cell that can grow and thrive.

In biology, a spore is a unit of asexual reproduction that may be adapted for dispersal and for survival, often for extended periods of time, in unfavorable conditions. By contrast, gametes are units of sexual reproduction. Spores form part of the life cycles of many plants, algae, fungi and protozoa. In bacteria, spores are not part of a sexual cycle but are resistant structures used for survival under unfavourable conditions.

In fungi, both asexual and sexual spores or sporangiospores of many fungal species are actively dispersed by forcible ejection from their reproductive structures. This ejection ensures exit of the spores from the reproductive structures as well as travelling through the air over long distances. Many fungi thereby possess specialized mechanical and physiological mechanisms as well as spore-surface structures, such as hydrophobins, for spore ejection. These mechanisms include, for example, forcible discharge of ascospores enabled by the structure of the ascus and accumulation of osmolytes in the fluids of the ascus that lead to explosive discharge of the ascospores into the air. The forcible discharge of single spores termed ballistospores involves formation of a small drop of water (Buller's drop), which upon contact with the spore leads to its projectile release with an initial acceleration of more than 10,000 g.

An endospore is a dormant, tough, and non-reproductive structure produced by certain bacteria from the Firmicute phylum. The name "endospore" is suggestive of a spore or seed-like form (endo means within), but it is not a true spore (i.e., not an offspring). It is a stripped-down, dormant form to which the bacterium can reduce itself. Endospore formation is usually triggered by a lack of nutrients, and usually occurs in Gram-positive bacteria. In endospore formation, the bacterium divides within its cell wall. One side then engulfs the other.

Endospores enable bacteria to lie dormant for extended periods, even centuries. Revival of spores millions of years old has been claimed. When the environment becomes more favorable, the endospore can reactivate itself to the vegetative state. Most types of bacteria cannot change to the endospore form.

Endospores can survive without nutrients. They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, desiccation, high temperature, extreme freezing and chemical disinfectants.

Astrophysicist Steinn Sigurdsson said "There are viable bacterial spores that have been found that are 40 million years old on Earth – and we know they're very hardened to radiation." Common anti-bacterial agents that work by destroying vegetative cell walls do not affect endospores. Endospores are commonly found in soil and water, where they may survive for long periods of time. A variety of different microorganisms form "spores" or "cysts," but the endospores of low G+C Gram-positive bacteria are by far the most resistant to harsh conditions.

Some classes of bacteria can turn into exospores, also known as microbial cysts, instead of endospores. Exospores and endospores are two kinds of "hibernating" or dormant stages seen in some classes of microorganisms.

Endospores are resistant to most agents that would normally kill the vegetative cells they formed from. Unlike persister cells, endospores are the result of a focused morphological differentiation process specifically tied to nutrient limitation (starvation) in the environment and is initiated by quorum sensing within the "starving" population. Nearly all household cleaning products, alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds and detergents have little effect.

Bacterial endospores are resistant to antibiotics, most disinfectants, and physical agents such as radiation, boiling, and drying. The impermeability of the spore coat is thought to be responsible for the endospore's resistance to chemicals. The heat resistance of endospores is due to a variety of factors.


hvac guy

Active member
I have built dozens of hydro setups and the one thing I know for sure, DO NOT use cheap white pvc or pex pipe, use only SuperPex. SuperPex is white one the outside and black on the inside. The pvc and pex allow UV light to penetrate the pipe and cause algae, bacteria, etc and other nasty shit to grow. If you can't use the SuperPex, then the yellow hose with grey inside works great as well and is flexible.


Active member
To think I've watched this thread sit here stickied for years and never bothered to click it once…

Well now, it's biting me in the ass, and dealing with my EZ-cloner success(more like failure) rates are causing me to lose sleep and my fucking mind. Been cleaning it every other day w/ different things including bleach, and trying every product out there only to have the slime, whether it's clear or brown or white, come back with a vengeance every day.

Off to read more than these past few pages.. And hopefully find this $25 list of tea products… THIS SHIT WILL REALLY MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND..!


wow, i just read the whole thread and it was going so good then went south fast for a few pages.

anyway, my thoughts. im an experienced soil grower new to dwc. i got the brown slime on my first bucket in dwc. being new i was referred to heisenburg tea. only after reading his whole long ass thread and doing more research did i find that richyrich was the originator. does seem shady to not give him credit where its due.

yes he may not be the first guy ever to brew a simple microbe tea, but people werent brewing microbe tea's to use in a hydroponic setting for this reason.

the tea is the only thing keeping my res and plants thriving. i have perfect conditions and still get brown slime. so i just wanted to say thanks for your time and effort with everything. ive invested a few grand into my setup transitioning over to hydro and if not for the tea it would be a loss. now back on track i can turn that around.

oh and i did look at that jokesters website with his 6 teabags for 20+ dollars. what a joke. i bought all my supplies (excluding the big jar of mycogrow soluble) for about 20 dollars and itll last me probably a year. vs 6 gallons of brew which will last me not even 2 weeks.
thanks for keeping it real and free for the community. the problem is this community here is full of people who dont appreciate it.

i dont refer to my tea as heisenburg tea or richyrich tea. not out of disrespect, i just refer to it as microbe tea or compost tea because thats what it is, and i was doing it years before in soil applications and its the same thing. never would have gotten the idea to use it to battle these issues in hydro though without you.


To think I've watched this thread sit here stickied for years and never bothered to click it once…

Well now, it's biting me in the ass, and dealing with my EZ-cloner success(more like failure) rates are causing me to lose sleep and my fucking mind. Been cleaning it every other day w/ different things including bleach, and trying every product out there only to have the slime, whether it's clear or brown or white, come back with a vengeance every day.

Off to read more than these past few pages.. And hopefully find this $25 list of tea products… THIS SHIT WILL REALLY MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND..!

maybe its just me, but when i used tea from the get go in the ez cloner, it made me get slime on my stems and mushy (stemrot i guess). what works for me is just using DM zone at aggressive strength, a dash of liquid karma, and a dash of rooting solution. im thinking of trying to add a cup of tea starting at week 2 when i usually get roots. but without the tea using this combo (without this combo i get slimed fast in ez cloner) i get roots in less than 10 days


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
For the UK growers who can't get Physan20, there is Mar-V-Cide available through Ebay or most hairdressing outlets. (Exactly the same formula) Stuff kills viruses like Herpes - even HIV/Aids!
Great for cleaning up after you've been slimed/rotted.
Stay safe & happy growing people :tiphat:


Out of the slime, finally.
To think I've watched this thread sit here stickied for years and never bothered to click it once…

Well now, it's biting me in the ass, and dealing with my EZ-cloner success(more like failure) rates are causing me to lose sleep and my fucking mind. Been cleaning it every other day w/ different things including bleach, and trying every product out there only to have the slime, whether it's clear or brown or white, come back with a vengeance every day.

Off to read more than these past few pages.. And hopefully find this $25 list of tea products… THIS SHIT WILL REALLY MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND..!

Did you get your sanity back?


Out of the slime, finally.
For the UK growers who can't get Physan20, there is Mar-V-Cide available through Ebay or most hairdressing outlets. (Exactly the same formula) Stuff kills viruses like Herpes - even HIV/Aids!
Great for cleaning up after you've been slimed/rotted.
Stay safe & happy growing people :tiphat:

Good to know.


Active member
Did you get your sanity back?

Fortunately yes, thanks for asking brother!
Didn't go all in with the tea before first trying the erythromycin as advised by Snype, but erythromycin DEFINITELY worked for the 5wk buds I attempted to clone as a test.:tiphat:

Edit: When looking back at that post it humors me how annoyed I was with what turned out to be a simple issue, and how much it can really affect an entire grow… and my sanity haaha:biglaugh:
Last edited:


Out of the slime, finally.
Fortunately yes, thanks for asking brother!
Didn't go all in with the tea before first trying the erythromycin as advised by Snype, but erythromycin DEFINITELY worked for the 5wk buds I attempted to clone as a test.:tiphat:

Edit: When looking back at that post it humors me how annoyed I was with what turned out to be a simple issue, and how much it can really affect an entire grow… and my sanity haaha:biglaugh:

Thank you RichyRich.

Thank you RichyRich.

Actually, giftedone ran off, deleted account. S/he will reinvent themselves and be back. I warned and warned.

Hey Richy, it's amazing the audacity of some people. He/she also deleted all of his/her nonsense (shame he/she "deleted account" because I'd like to ask how he/she is 'gifted')

Didn't want to bloat your 'consolidated thread' so I'll post my thanks here.
I read this from the start up to where you found the solution (& then came the profiteers from that other forum who allows one to get away with murder IF one is a particular nationality)
Five years is a long time to persevere.

Thank you so much for sharing with the community. :tiphat:



New member
I just experienced the same problem but only with one of my plants. I sprayed as much of that slim shit off with a water and peroxide mixture and added some to the buckets. My room really never goes past 74 degrees. I'll wait and watch and give a follow up. The think that sucks is that I'm days from starting flowering.


I just experienced the same problem but only with one of my plants. I sprayed as much of that slim shit off with a water and peroxide mixture and added some to the buckets. My room really never goes past 74 degrees. I'll wait and watch and give a follow up. The think that sucks is that I'm days from starting flowering.

In my experience, the root rot comes when there is not enough movement and oxygen in the res. If your pump is substantial, check the res and make sure you have it moving. It should look like it is boiling. I even with warmer res temps I have not had this issue as long as the water is agitated.


Active member
During my first DWC grow i didn't have any of these root problems. I used a product called Vita Link Biopac (now discontinued) and this resulted in perfect white healthy roots without having to even do regular res changes. Trying to pick up with DWC again a few years later and i'm having nothing but problems. I have been taking the sterile approach this time as i couldn't find any benny products that i really had faith in and was recommended this Silver bullet roots which is a longer acting H202 solution. Which has really struggled to do the job. I have some calcium hydrochlorite (pool shock) on the way this run as i have two dwc tanks going now with one of the plants struggling as i burnt the roots with too much ph down and the other tank which was pretty healthy is now getting some yellowing on the roots and growth is slowing down. Has anyone been using this pool shock? I've probably not been using enough of the silver bullet roots but my past experiences with H202 have not been great which is another reason why i was looking at using something else. So, anyway, Pool shock lol.....


Active member
This thread was awesome until richyrich decided to turn it into a celebration of his own ego. It started out as a group effort collecting info and testing ideas, and slowly devolved into a 'me' and 'my' and 'I' fest.

Thanks for sharing information. Can you tell us where all the information you have collected throughout your life came from? Do you give distinct credit for everything you know?


Drop the ego bro, this isn't about you. It's about sharing information. If you're that concerned about 'credit' just keep the info to yourself.