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2017 tester run - KC x Zamaldelica fem


Well-known member
dwd good news no pollen from them! Stopped feeding mine nitrogen wk 10 which may have been too early as I let my zams go to 16 wks.:tiphat:

Cool, bro, super helpful. With the nanners I'm thinking if I can see four sets, there are 10x that I can't see;) I'm hoping that big Miss P finishes a couple of weeks ahead of ZAmtam and Lady S, that're more sativa. That would open up that canopy bigly for the other two to finish;)


Active member
Your welcome dwd. I agree probable got more than what can see. Read something about when needing more height in a tent someone put blocks under the corners to raise it. Don't recall what they did to fill the resulting gap but they were happy.

To even canopy I use different sizes large tupperware containers to bring up the shorter plants to canopy level.:tiphat:


Well-known member
deepwaterdude; Sensi question (if anyone's read this far): I'm guessing you guys drop the Nitrogen at some point around here?[/quote said:
Hey Dude lately in the Coco I just taper way back around week 5 on a eight weeker then they fade out easier and keeps the CEC happy till its flush time .then I hit them with final finish for ten days or so and I'm liking this stuff it really pulls her down better than straight water then straight water last 2 3 days by then my runoff reads the same or close as my tap,makes for some smooth smoke Buddy..:tiphat:


Well-known member
Hey, fellas, thanks for the input;) They're at 7 weeks tomorrow and I'll start flushing the 3 gals and reduce the EC on the trough babes. They've been at 1.8 this week with no worries.

SO, I'm embarrassed to say I found the likely source of Miss P's nanners in a faulty light timer over the 3 gals. They were lighting up early while the tent waited 15 min-1/2 hr to turn on. It also explains why the poor girls pretty much started closing off right after I gave them more space and they should've done the opposite. I corrected this a couple of days ago and hope they have time to settle back in to finish well. The girls in the trough will go longer than the other two due to hormonal confusion, Lady S and ZAmTam still going. Miss P has some honking nanners, still no pollen drop. I don't want to piss her off more by plucking.

To the other 4's credit, they obviously suffered hormonally but haven't hermied (yet). In fact, 5-top and Lady S are going to be very nice plants despite everything. Great smells, evoking all sorts of things that stay hidden at the edge of my awareness, like a dream you try to remember. Room is very stinky;) A few weeks to go. Pics tomorrow. Waking up to NepJam.


Well-known member
7 weeks 12/12 Part 1

7 weeks 12/12 Part 1

Well, where there is a muse (or 5) a poet may appear;)

You'll see for yourself how the girls look-many a frosty and beautiful purpling bud to behold, and a couple wicked and threatening nanners;) I've dropped EC to .7 after a last feeding where I dropped the KoolBloom and added kelp 1-1-16. Very little base N.

I think I can start actual flush, but I'm way open to suggestions. Lady S and ZAmTam look like 3 more weeks, and Miss P will come down earlier. Haven't bothered looking at trichs yet.


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Well-known member
7 wks part deux

7 wks part deux

There you have it fellas. All the plants are very distinct. Opinions/guesses welcome on finishing times. Edit*there's an obviously misnamed photo in the bunch.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Looking very nice deepwaterdude :)
Thank you very much for taking the time to update us with pictures and comments so frequently about this new hybrids between Zamaldelica (F1, mango carrot elite) and Kali China (F4, line 21, elite hashplants mango incensey pheno).

I'm loving their huge hashplant structure. The hybrid is indeed very very KC dominant, with many desirable Kali China traits: beautiful short hashplant structure and leaves, good indoor adaptability, good resin production, very early flowering (much faster than i expected!), good bud density.... I guess the terpenes are going to be real nice and complex in their peak of maturation, should be a nice mix: strongly fruity (mango), cream, sweet and sour, candy and probably with earthy/hashy/incensey tones. I'm really curious to know your opinion about it when the aromas are fully developed.

It' a pitty that one them showed bananas, the erratic photoperiod could be the reason. Chinese and chinese hybrids also neither like flowering stimulators with hormones (and similar kind of new era 'bloom' fertilizers), this could be another reason in case you are using this kind of flowering stimulators. Anyway, the outcome looks and sounds very promising ;)

The outdoor Nepal Jam is a beauty too, i'm glad you found her stronger and better in this last round, it's the kind of phenos where i'm breeding Nepal Jam towards nowadays.


Well-known member
Hello, Dubi, thanks for checking in, it's generous of you to share your time, and reassuring;) I was thinking about which ones I'd choose to run again in clone form, much smaller, to see if I can't get them to express better (and even faster) without all the problems... unfortunately, I hesitate to choose, I wanna rerun them ALL. Each has its strengths; the one that threw nanners would have been the highest yielding plant of the 5; great crystal, smell and bud formation. I think she, the bigger of the 3 gallon girls and the one with the tall cola, Lady S, are my favorites in their structures and potential. The smaller plant in 5 gal is a super hashplant, as you say, is starting to finish and has some of the dankest, best perfumes of them all. The one that looks more like KC line 22, ZAmTam, I just want to rerun for her obviously different characteristics from her sisters, who seem to follow line 21. She's less fruity candy, but GREAT smelling pot that one day I will try to describe;)
All in all, without having finished a plant yet or taken a sample, I think the strain is a winner with its budding style that tends to the chunky and fat calyxed, lathered with crystal and ridiculously complex/tasty terpene profile. If people dig color and bag appeal, this has a lot of purple and massive calyxes when they swell. If I had to choose only 1 plant to rerun based only on smells, trichs, stability and yield potential, even flowering time, which for her is a bit longer than the others @ maybe 10wks, it would be Lady S, the untopped one. Like syd, if I understand correctly, I'd like to run the parents to see to what degree they're present in the offspring.
I can see potting a couple/6 clones today, planting them in the trough after harvest of the others and going directly to flower for a quickie 7-8 week PM cycle in the 5x5, adding some seed plants along the way; Malawi, Panama x Zamaldelica, maybe something else. Also, will invest in a light controller, stop screwing around with 20$ timers not made for HID.
Those are some of the cannabis based thoughts of the morning.


Well-known member
** In response to the Indoor Adaptability category I'd put the caveat that keeping them in 3 gal or 5 gal max would be wise to get the hashplant structure. Given the rootspace, they'll overgrow;)


Well-known member
Hey DWD, great flowering progress in your garden.
I too had some nanners on my ZamalChina, she threw them in early flowering, i suspect because of light leaks.
Yet when i took two clones, they developed a nanner each and are very very fast to root. It's my first time using root hormones so it surely influenced them a bit. I only hope the hermaphrodism was stress related and it won't be a permanent attribute to this plant when put outdoors or again indoors.
The root growth really impressed me, i think those must be the zamal genes at work.



Well-known member
Thanks Koondense, I didn't expect to harvest before June 7-15, but three are getting ready;) And some of my cuttings, which are still sitting in a mason jar on a windowsill, have shot copious roots in the still water... and are still alive and kicking. vigorous babes. Tikal did that too.

Anyhoo, I took an inadvertent Panama break, not having much left, just puffing on NepJam, Bangi, GT and Tikal, like I said. This Eve I remembered it, puffed one and wowoo. The potency and high blow away anything I've got on hand and have touched peripherally... it's just the kindest, most potent weed I've smoked in a long while. And that while includes some rock star dispensary strains, some bubble hash, various dry sifts, etc. Here's a backward walk down memory lane with her, while I roll another;) Harvested november 16':biggrin:.


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Active member
Anyhoo, I took an inadvertent Panama break, not having much left, just puffing on NepJam, Bangi, GT and Tikal, like I said. This Eve I remembered it, puffed one and wowoo. The potency and high blow away anything I've got on hand and have touched peripherally... it's just the kindest, most potent weed I've smoked in a long while. And that while includes some rock star dispensary strains, some bubble hash, various dry sifts, etc. Here's a backward walk down memory lane with her, while I roll another;) Harvested november 16':biggrin:.

For the last couple of years I've taken a fancy to puffing at very long cured buds, a year at least, for the high is equally strong yet much mellower without that specific edge of the relatively fresh weed...needless to say there's always the risk of overdosing especially when high school daughter around asking for help with h/w... :biggrin:

Nice bunch there!



Well-known member
I hear you on the long cure; it's the first time I've had enough of a surplus of great smoke to let stuff sit for 6 or more months;)

That big Panama above was a great plant to grow and obviously super smoke. Recently retried Big Pink, an outdoor magenta pistiled Panama clone that had a good fight with ice, taken late october. She doesn't have a great smell, but when crushed exudes rotten fruit and earth maybe. The high is very red eyed and deep I'd say. Pretty strong if you don't smoke all the time, but I likey for fishing;) I've a buncha this left.

This current crop is getting uber stinky, so I'll have to set up the carbon filter. They're on well water with 1/2 tsp molasses per gal at .3 EC. Watering often to flush salts, though fed very little with the sensi. Dats da nudes. dwd

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
needless to say there's always the risk of overdosing especially when high school daughter around asking for help with h/w...

Ouch. I had a call from school this week. My daughter refused to take her geometry test. Turns out she's been removing all such homework from her bag on the way home from school. Geometry was not my strong suite...

As for aged weed: GT has been bountiful for me and I have some approaching 2 years. It dried out too much for taste but the potency is still there.


Well-known member
Hey fellas, 8 weeks minus 1 day today, pics tomorrow. I'll drag Beast and 5-top out into natural light.
Lady S is showing rust spots in her biggest leaves, the ones that are called on to photosynthesize the most. Either calmag or pk so I gave her a feeding at .8 EC including both. I added seaweed 1-1-16 that in my experience tends to close plants out. Of course feeding her meant feeding Miss P who with her nanners is coming down this week @ a tad early, so she won't get the flush she should. I'll start using clearex on the 3 gals tomorrow for their last week and continue to feed Lady S and ZamTam if they ask.

I put 6 clones into the aerocloner yesterday, including the few that already had some root development in the still water. Had to pinch off top flowers that had developed in the window. I know there's some Lady straight and Miss P in there, but of the other 3 mothers I don't know which are represented. Hope there's a ZamTam. I should be able to tell by the leaves, but only in flower;) Malawi and Panama Diosa x Zamaldelica up next. Maybe a straight Panama along for the ride. It's its own drug;)

Old Toker

Well-known member
My daughter refused...
Good luck man. I have two that are both grown now. The only reason they survived their teenage years was because of my wife. :)
As for aged weed: GT has been bountiful for me and I have some approaching 2 years. It dried out too much for taste but the potency is still there.
This is great news. I've been wondering how long I can keep some GT without losing potency. Are you keeping it in jars? Vac packed? Frozen? Under your mattress? :tiphat: