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Jamaldelika and Banghi Haze in the open


Well-known member
You'll get creative and find a way. A long time ago a grower friend told me more good herb is ruined after harvest by bad handling and drying then any other way. I've really taken that to heart. I use buckets and coathangers, run twine through boxes to make mini drying closets, anything to not press the buds and ruin them.
I was wrong about the LUI being mold free. The more yellow plant, in it's bigger nugs, had stem rot in the very center of the biggest dankest buds. It's heartbreaking.
They must of been waterlogged inside on the stem and just never dried out. The outside looked great. I tear it open and there's some mold fuzz.
I can tell because as I follow the stem into the bud I see it change color from greeinish yellow to white. I think I hate stem rot more than I hate bud rot.
The losses are small but the tip top flowers are my favorite part..


Active member
I've never ruined a single harvest despite scattering them twigs and branches all over the basement, on radiators(not functioning!), on stools, on tables, on the walls...talking about small quantities though of no more than a couple of pounds...

As for the mould, having been a burned child once too often I do dread the fire! So I spend almost an hour every morning trying to inspect as many a bud as possible for I have learned the hard way that the culprit is very well hidden before becoming conspicuous to the untrained eye...
always looking for decayed little leaves and pulling buds open here and there, a tedious yet rewarding procedure...

Weather has turned again bringing rain and loads of morning dew, moist heavy clouds resting on crests of surrounding mountains, it looks as if I am to go mouldy meself:biggrin:



Well-known member
My window of good weather has closed nasty wet morning fog. I've been hacking down everything. Mold springing on everything.
The Bangi Haze has shown it's worth. Even though 15 centimeters of stem rotted all it did was work like girdling. Instead of making fatties it made wispy long sativa flowers. Bad for trimming but great for mold because it can't spread through the center of the cola up the stem. It was the first to get sick but the part below the mold will be some of the last to be harvested. Back on September 10th I had my doubts but it came through.
I've been having fun with my different phenotypes.
The LUI is awesome sleepy time chill out medicine.
I was gifted a bunch of Mendocino seeds from another old timer, his breeding strategy is to breed his biggest healthiest plants to get a true monster. He was the one of the 5 lb claims. I tried two of his strains, P1 and P6. Both had some Diesel in the genetics the rest were his own.
She looked similar to Bangi. The high was great clear headed stimulating with a completely clear head. Instant body high.
No doubt it was old time Mendo Sativas crossed with the hot new clone to make a super plant.
The Mendo guys tend to trade off their elite type clones. Than they use pollen from their own strains. It makes for great breeding because they're always outbreeding. Taking their best old strains in male form and crossing it with the hot new girl in town.
It's been going on so long these strains are a hopeless mix. But they are the best cannabis I have ever seen or smoked.
The P1 and 6 were so fruity beautifully floral. They have that orange peel spicy finish. I'm glad I picked a female P6 for pollinating she was the best smelling male I've ever sniffed.
Try to get up a couple pics next couple days. So busy.


Active member
Oh, that Bangi! I've got two of them in the same hole. One has been badly attacked and I had to scrape off the infection for at least 30 cm length, but still fighting ... a good sign of resistance I take...Unfortunately the caterpillars have deprived it of the nice trichomes shown in a previous post. The other one sitting a metre away has no single sign of infection whatsoever...strange, isn't it?

Now, the raging storm has gone by, but the aftermath is quite bitter. Although I have done quite a lot of supporting and staking, still there are branches I simply can't work my way around and the consequence of my impediment is visible in the pics.
Nevertheless, what I have done to mend the damage hopefully will keep them branches alive and strong. But then again, if they don't make it, I'll shed no tears for this four-metre-girl has got plenty of branches to harvest, weather permitting...


P.S. That LUI of yours seems to be my next attempt, if I can come up with an idea...;)


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Well-known member
A lot of mold attacks are random luck. I don't understand how two plants grown exactly the same, same strain, one almost dies and one doesn't have a bit of mold.
A big factor is the type of sun they get. In my morning/early afternoon spot 3 of 4 grey mold. In my late morning/afternoon sun spot less than 50%. Small sample size but it helps my planning.


Active member
orfeas nice duct tape trick. I did that once and it worked very well. Just make sure to remove the duct tape before new mildew develops underneath it.

No worries my friend! That Jamal Hash was treated the same way back on August 20th and she's been thriving ever since.
By the way, I've never had PM on my plants despite seeing it on other plants nearby...


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Active member
A lot of mold attacks are random luck. I don't understand how two plants grown exactly the same, same strain, one almost dies and one doesn't have a bit of mold.
A big factor is the type of sun they get. In my morning/early afternoon spot 3 of 4 grey mold. In my late morning/afternoon sun spot less than 50%. Small sample size but it helps my planning.

You don't understand how it happens and neither do I!
It does happen, nonetheless...
Two Bangi in the same hole, barely a metre of a distance between them. Two different phenos, the affected one with elongated buds, the other with round ones the size of a wallnut...
Took the former down today, too much caterpillar damage but cloudy trichs. It'll go into the ice bin soon in the hope for some nice bubble...

Makedon, old chap, thanks for the lovely tune!



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Well-known member
You don't understand how it happens and neither do I!
It does happen, nonetheless...
Two Bangi in the same hole, barely a metre of a distance between them. Two different phenos, the affected one with elongated buds, the other with round ones the size of a wallnut...
Took the former down today, too much caterpillar damage but cloudy trichs. It'll go into the ice bin soon in the hope for some nice bubble...

Makedon, old chap, thanks for the lovely tune!


Hello Orpheus,

One might be fooled into thinking that Bangi Haze is not so strong because it is so clean and clear, but it really shines as hash. I've only made ice water hash a half dozen times or less, but I got the most from the one time that I made Bangi hash.

My Bangis came down yesterday because:

1.) One looked done.
2.) It was Oct. 11th.
3.) I found mold
4.) Many braches were broken and laying on top of each other from a previous storm, and mold was likely present more than I could see.
5.) Significant rain is in the forecast starting tomorrow.
6.) The others looked very close to being ripe.

I'm a bit disappointed that they are not all a little bit earlier compared to what I was hoping for, but I did seem to find an exceptional one, because:

1.) The skinny leaf one was the earliest.
2.) It was also by far the most pungent. I forgot how pungent Bangi Haze is in general, but this one is overwhelming. It is the only one with the perfumy sweet and sour aroma.
3.) It also had the cleanest buds.

We'll see what's what after the smoke test.

Congrats on the harvest. I think you'll love that hash.



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My little SOG goes 10.000 watts (Part III)

My little SOG goes 10.000 watts (Part III)

Hello, ThaiBliss!

Interesting comments on your Bangis, which in a way match my Bangis.
Pungent smell from the one I took down, but sweet flowery from the one depicted below. According to trich-observation it looks as if it needs another couple of weeks. End october that is and not first half as claimed by the breeder.

What really intrigues me though is the Jamal Hash with its extremely resinous buds. Even the branches are sticky to touch! Not as sticky as the buds though:biggrin:



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Active member
Lovely sog bro! I would use sticky steams to produce some voodoo objects against police :)

Tah, kono mate!
The trunk itself being the size of baseball club, if not thicker, would be good enough for bashing them fascist heads...:biggrin:



Active member
Almost a week later and the branches look as healthy as can be, meaning they have evaded the inevitable...

However, what you see in the 3rd photo is what my neck of woods looks like at 9 o 'clock in the morning, 100% RH that is, when everything is literally dripping with moisture. The photo is not modified, just a little hazy only, because of the morning sun...
So with such weather you can't go wrong with mould...



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Active member
Mould has been lingering for quite a while now, but very mild an attack...
So following a fellow Aussie's suggestion stripping has begun as of today...
Btw trichs are all cloudy.



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Well-known member
Almost a week later and the branches look as healthy as can be, meaning they have evaded the inevitable...

However, what you see in the 3rd photo is what my neck of woods looks like at 9 o 'clock in the morning, 100% RH that is, when everything is literally dripping with moisture. The photo is not modified, just a little hazy only, because of the morning sun...
So with such weather you can't go wrong with mould...



I think it is the fog that does us in around here. The rain can be bad, but when it becomes foggy, it might as well be raining. They get soaked every morning.

Still, I think they are relatively mold resistant, since I would have expected more mold due to the way the weather worked out this year. Two years ago, was a great year. Last year was very bad, and this year just bad enough to get some mold.

Can't wait for your smoke reports to come out.



Active member
Morning ThaiBliss!

How frustratingly true that fog bit with the weather having been so wet this summer...
Had it been another strain, they would have definitely gone way mouldier. Speaking of weather, it's turned magnificent for the last couple of days, temps round 25 and RH no more than 50% at its max, so ideal for them trees, especially with northern brisk winds...

As for the smoke report, you're well aware of the fact that some-if not most-sativas won't tell you the story untill a few months curing.
Yet a fresh Bangi bud I sampled was quite powerful with a strong head rush in the first 10-15 mins settling down to a warm euphoric feeling afterwards. Looking forward to iceolating the one I've already taken down...:biggrin:

How are your Bangis doing?



Well-known member
Yet a fresh Bangi bud I sampled was quite powerful with a strong head rush in the first 10-15 mins settling down to a warm euphoric feeling afterwards. Looking forward to iceolating the one I've already taken down...:biggrin:

How are your Bangis doing?


Glad to hear your initial report is sounding so good, to me anyway. I hope you like it that way also.

I have not sampled yet. They are drying, with only the very first bud cuts getting into the cure zone moisture content. The super sweet smell is less, and the sour, menthol, and slight spicy smells becoming more dominant. I'm very happy so far. Still much work to be done. I don't smoke heavily, so it is easy for me to be patient until at least a slight cure gets going.

Best to you,



Well-known member
Haven't sampled my Bangi yet, she's still drying but will be ready any day now. Here's some pictures. Pleased with how crystally she turned out next year I'll go for yield too.


Looking forward to sampling her.
Just for fun, here's my most frosty plant. She's a Dream Beaver from Bodhi seeds.

Small yield and quite a few nanners on the lower limbs but she's some of the best I've ever grown. Took one hit and I was well stoned last night.


Active member
Bangi time, lads!

Think I'll give it another week at least since trichs are cloudy all over. So resinous it is I can't help getting me fingers sticky when fumbling buds looking for caterpillars...

Therevverend, that Dream Beaver looks frosty!

ThaiBliss, I am not a heavy smoker either, but I always sample while fresh just to get an idea-a slight one at least- of what it'll be like...

All the best to you both!



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