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Well-known member
i cant say anything that has not been said about our friend JEFF .hard to believe how many people he touched in 1 way or another .


Active member
Ditto that. I knew him before I joined this site (did I tell him about this?) and they were all good years. He will be missed, but not forgotten.


Services about to begin

Thinking about Jeff ... and although I couldn't be there ... I am very much with you all in spirit

Stay strong

God bless in Heaven



Active member
May the breezes carry you lightly, my brotha!

May the breezes carry you lightly, my brotha!

It's been a tough few days for me since I first heard of Jeff's passing. We were some of the early, early members here on the Mag back in 2004-2005. In fact, Jeff was the 2nd person I ever met in real life from ICMag or any other canna-site.

When I had just lost my business and my home, Jeff (aka Moth, aka Mothra) along with CoughCoughErr (aka Anita Bonghitt) and Fernandro (aka Nandro) came to rescue and adopt my plants, which were halfway through flower, just days before I was evicted. The deal was half of the yield for finishing them for me. But, for me, the deal was far sweeter as this began three truly wonderful friendships which last to this day. Minus one now. :(

I didn't realize that the funeral was so quick or I would have dragged my sick butt there. I have been way-layed by a terrible cold all weekend long but I thought I would be able to make it tomorrow for sure. Please forgive me, Jeff, as you know I would have been there if I would have known but I've been so sick that I haven't been online at all.

It's really academic though as my times with Jeff in real life were what is important in the end. Many days spent "chiefing it up" at his place and TRYING to teach the boy about pH, magnesium deficiencies, cloning, etc. (lol) I remember that he would ask a question about some function of growing, truly interested in seeking an answer to his question. Alas, 30-45 seconds into the explanation (well before the question had been answered) and his eyes would just glaze over and his mind already racing on to the next topic at hand! LMAO God love you, Jeffy, my brotha! You were one in a million!

The truth is that he didn't NEED my explanations because the boy just had a wonderful touch with his plants. He really didn't know what he was doing. He really didn't feed them a full nutrient regime. Truth is he just barely gave them enough of what they needed. And, you know what?!? His plants ALWAYS turned out beautiful! He never used a pH pen, never checked trichomes for the right harvest window and couldn't tell you if his plants had any problems. In one of the most "ghetto" setups you'll ever see, they just grew and grew, inspite of Jeff (lol), and the finished product was always "top shelf"! I would be like . . . . DAMN, how the hell does he do it? I've read thirty seven books, watched hundreds of hours of grow videos, studied every damn nutrient program under the sun and my plants would turn out looking like schwag and his was always amazingly perfect. But that was Jeff. If you knew him at all, then you know what I'm talking about. Moth just had it in spades!

His loss has hit me deeply. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that he's gone. The last time I saw him was back in late Spring/Early Summer just after he had radiation the first time. I took him some plants that CoughCoughErr and I had vegged up for him to put into flower so he could have some meds to comfort himself with. He actually looked pretty good then albeit tired from the treatments. I truly thought he would lick this thing. Alas, things turned far worse soon after my visit. I couldn't go see him last week since my daughter was visiting for the holiday. So, I had hoped to go see him this week with CoughCough but he couldn't hang around long enough for us. He obviously had another place to go. So Jeff, just know that we love you and miss you dearly, bro. There won't be a time that comes when I won't remember the great times we had together. You were a true canna-warrior and a fierce friend. I know that the whole North Texas Crew will never be the same without you. Rest easy, my friend.

I would personally like to thank everyone for posting up here for Jeff. And a special thanks to GreatLakesTHC for being the one who was able to be there for him the most during the toughest times. GL, you are an angel, my friend. I know that no words could ever convey what that must have meant to Jeff to have you there. It's a rare human being that can be there for someone who is going through such misery. You are obviously a very, very special person and I hope that many blessings come back to you for your compassion and sense of humanity. You're one of the really good ones, bro!

Rest easy, Moth . . . . I love you, my brotha!



Active member
hardly on the boards these days. reading moth is gone is a shock , and very sad news.
first met him back in the day , when we were both on the hunt for rare TRC seeds. when plan B started releasing them on c-bay he outbid me on a few , and i won a few , but he was such a gent , he offered to share the ones he won.
hadn t been in contact with moth for 3 or 4 years, but that doesn t stop me feeling like i v lost a good friend.
RIP Moth, miss you mate.


Active member
Thanks for the anecdotes! I just read the obit in the Herald-Banner. Moth used to want to drive up to MO to see me, and I selfishly deferred the offers because I thought I'd feel bad about his driving all that way just to see me. After his move, we'd planned to meet in Joplin, but that never happened.

We had many happy exchanges, both of us being part of the old OG crowd. He was a great comfort during my own times of loss and strife. No regrets (at least that's the goal) and there will always be pleasant memories!!


Active member
RelikBuz how the hell are you my friend, don't know if you remember me but I remember you mate. Your post made me smile :)
You, and the many of his mates on here are good hearted people. GreatLakes is a mountain of a man full of love and friendship. :joint:

I'm happy to know he had so many people to care about him and help as you did. His family must be amazing if his friends are as good as you guys.

Moth you Rock man,Always remebered and living in the minds and hearts of many :joint:


Active member
Miss you already brother. Forget the bad, the riff raff of life, they are nothing but sand in the wind, but remember the good for they are the earth that keeps you grounded, they are the air in your lungs, they are the light in your eyes. Jeff, I can only hope that my life can impact so many with such goodness. In another place and another time brother. Much love my friend.



Active member
To all of you I want to say thank you so very much for the words of encouragement and well wishes over these past months for Jeff.

The first time I logged in to the site I was simply checking his emails for him and letting him know what was there. Then I came across you guys. This board was his world, I kinda felt like I was invading his privacy but I was so amazed at the out pouring of support and encouragement from so many who had never even met him. I would tell him about the messages everyday. In the last weeks, I became attached to you guys reading all of you messages and getting comfort from knowing my Jeff had such caring and supportive friends out there. I would like to thank you all, Great Lakes, Chuckyoufarley, Sundance, Resinryder, Buzz, and just everyone of you for being great friends. I know you were true friends and I will remember you always.
Even tho I'm a bit sick I was able to sing a song I wrote for moth. Halfway through I cried and daughter sat on my lap. Love to my buddy up there!


To all of you I want to say thank you so very much for the words of encouragement and well wishes over these past months for Jeff.

The first time I logged in to the site I was simply checking his emails for him and letting him know what was there. Then I came across you guys. This board was his world, I kinda felt like I was invading his privacy but I was so amazed at the out pouring of support and encouragement from so many who had never even met him. I would tell him about the messages everyday. In the last weeks, I became attached to you guys reading all of you messages and getting comfort from knowing my Jeff had such caring and supportive friends out there. I would like to thank you all, Great Lakes, Chuckyoufarley, Sundance, Resinryder, Buzz, and just everyone of you for being great friends. I know you were true friends and I will remember you always.

Lots of tears shed reading this thread ... it been an awesome gathering of friends who love and care about Jeff ... some really beautiful things were said

Still crying

Can only hope Jeff is in a better place ... and that we will all see him again someday

God bless Jeff

God bless you too Angel - you have been awesome ... and a great inspiration of strength and grace

Jeff was a great guy ... I am thinking of ... and missing him everyday ... and probably will for the rest of my life ... as I do all the others I have loved and lost

Life is CrAzY - no matter what happens ... no choice ... head held high ... we all have to keep moving forward as best we can

Great heartfelt thanks to everyone who posted in this thread - a very beautiful thing indeed

A great big hug to you Angel - you did great

Wishing you lots of peace ... comfort ... and strength in the days ahead

Always let me know if, and/or how I can help




Captain Expando
God Love.... AGAPE'

the light just becomes brighter friends. I will meet with you someday soon Moth you're a good being.

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