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Pot Smoker Victimized By Thieves And Cops


i been preching this for a while in my state... start a npo or pac and get our voices heard... we have yet had a political pot movement... we may have change some laws but i never seen a united movement committed to a politician that was in our favour... we will never have a voice until we can influence a political race PERIOD!!!!

I'd Vote For Poopy. I do think any person who wanted to run here in michigan on A Pot/Peoples rights platform now is the Time.

Vote For Poopy. He can Do Somethin With this Shit....


money, time, and other resources, I can barely afford a hair cut. We are all stuck in this elitist system, all to often one must choose between survival and doing what is right, and some people's idea of survival is getting that new car and that big house, the problem is people with resources spent too much time getting their bullshit that they don't care about much else at that point. While the person that cares about, especially an issue like marijuana, can barely survive because nobody wants to hire the weed activist.

The system is stacked against us as advocates for the legalization of marijuana, it is an uphill battle, in light of all the prescription drug abuse and alcohol abuse that goes on, it's an extremely worth while cause.

What are we saying to our children, many of whom have tried the harmless drug marijuana, that marijuana is a drug that is to be feared. Meanwhile the kid is popping prescription amphetamines or some nonsense prescribed by a doctor.

More breeding of the "gateway" drug mentality, get kids hooked on (prescription) drugs, tell them that the weed plant they will likely smoke is worse than the prescriptions they are hooked on... the kid puts 2 and 2 together, the kid is hooked on drugs he/she may or may not enjoy taking, he/she tries marijuana, a harmless pleasant drug, in the context that it is a bad drug that should be feared. The kid thinks "Marijuana is bad? I enjoy it more than my Aderol... the gateway mentality now has a path of self enabling... "if weed is not as bad as Aderol or alcohol, what other 'illegal' drugs are equally harmless?" None of course, this is the gateway trap we set for our kids.

Why? To sell drugs while simultaneously harming public knowledge and the image of a wonderful plant, a plant that will surely cut into the profits of many industries, including the pharmaceutical industry.
^^^^ Wish I had saved a Vote!! Well said Sir


interesting thought... if we all unite, form PAC's and other such organizations, hire expensive lobbyists, media blitz, get props on ballets, and change the law..... are we any different? i would ask if the essence of the problem is the government, or simply people? using the term "government" is easy because it puts a nice clear face on the "enemy".... do you change peoples minds with changes in the law? do you think its wrong because its illegal? i would imagine many would still be against it regardless of legality, as many are against alcohol and other recreational drugs.....

I don't care about changing peoples minds, only the law right now, average people with "the wrong idea" about MJ are not the ones smashing down doors and arresting people, no, it's "Law enforcement" that does that, so I want to start with the laws first, time will change peoples minds about it once its been legal for awhile, and the average church rube no longer associates it with crime.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well for one I would not put my trust in those that took an oath to protect YOU!! lol that shit is just funny..
For one thing cops can't protect you in anything they percieve as a crime and cannabis to them is a crime so do not call them about cannabis but do call them about assault.Just leave the part about drugs out of your story . Cops are pretty bad at investigating any case anyways so I wouldn't hold my breath. peace out Headband707

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
11% of adults smoking in 2011 seems low to me. Maybe because most of the people I know smoke regularly. I wonder what the real numbers are?


http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1821697,00.html a time health article with much higher numbers. Also remember all the numbers of reported pot smokers is going to be lower than the real number because of the taboo subject. kinda like polls on the percentage of woman who masturbate. lol, its just not admitted most of the time but it sure as hell goes on a lot.


Active member
Has anyone here participated in such a poll??? I have never been asked. Polls are a guess at best. They might give you and idea but not the whole picture.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1821697,00.html a time health article with much higher numbers. Also remember all the numbers of reported pot smokers is going to be lower than the real number because of the taboo subject. kinda like polls on the percentage of woman who masturbate. lol, its just not admitted most of the time but it sure as hell goes on a lot.

Yeah I seriously hate when they throw out these fucking numbers as they seem to use whatever number works for them. Kinda like the news... Well if the Netherlands do it then it must be right LOL.. yeah okay then..
Never mind that each kid grows at his or hers own rate ect. lol. Nah screw that info lol..
The more bullshit they push the happier I am I didn't listen to them.. peace out Headband707:)


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
so why dont you just start a npo or pac?

everyone that wants, start their own group, sooner or later they will unite.

one pot alliance in every town and city.

and soon one big one lol

why not?

know a lot of smokers? invite them to a barbicue or something, have a talk.

i have a lawyer looking into PAC's and super PAC's right now... im trying to go that route. id like to establish it and then go state to state and get one going till all 50 states had a voice....
how about having your crop ripped by an ex-friend...

knowing its him and entering his house to get it...

it was somewhere else... small altercation one punch thrown.

broken jaw of thief...

leave house... he calls police and makes up story...

you go to jail for 6 months and now have 2 felonies...

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