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Pot Smoker Victimized By Thieves And Cops


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Pot Smoker Victimized By Thieves And Cops

By "Radical" Russ Belville

Marijuana prohibition makes life more dangerous for all of us – even those who don’t smoke pot.

We tell story after story of the crime inherent in an unregulated market. Dealers shoot other dealers over turf. Deals go bad and consumers are killed. Rippers come to steal the marijuana grown and harvested by others because it is so profitable and because what is the victim going to do, call the cops?

In this recent case in Chicago, the victim did:

A man who called police to report being robbed of two pounds of marijuana and a laptop was arrested himself early Thursday after police found narcotics in his Lincoln Park apartment.

Police were called to the Fullerton address at 12:40 a.m. because [the arrested man] and a 19-year-old man had reported being robbed of their marijuana and a laptop, [police] said.

The 19-year-old said he’d been hit over the head with a bottle and suffered a cut to his back during the robbery, [police] said.

[The first man], who reported being punched, refused medical attention and was arrested when they found him in possession of narcotics, [police] said.

Some people will read this and think “What did they expect, getting involved with two pounds of pot?” These are the same kind of people who will question the dress of a rape victim. Whether it was two grams or two pounds, do you feel safer knowing that someone in your apartment building can be beaten in their home in the middle of the night and have no recourse to police?

Consider that the next young man who reads this article may learn a lesson and decide he needs to get some guns to protect himself and his two pounds in the apartment. Then consider what leads someone to hoard two pounds of pot is its profitability due to its scarcity. People don’t hoard cases of tequila and nobody busts into their apartments to steal it.

Then consider that even the casual consumer at that two gram level could be a crime victim; thieves may want their home electronics, jewelry, and other valuables. Does that consumer call the cops and risk the detection of some contraband in his home?

Finally, consider that you may be the victim of a crime. Does your pot-smoking neighbor call the police, knowing he may be called on to answer some questions about that funny smell coming from his door?

Eleven percent of American adults will smoke pot this year and over 6% will consume cannabis this month. Can we really be safe as a society where 25 million of us are criminals loathe to cooperate and interact with police?


We are between the devil and the Deep Blue. Never ever never talk to the police..My neighbor has a backhoe.
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I love my life
11% of adults smoking in 2011 seems low to me. Maybe because most of the people I know smoke regularly. I wonder what the real numbers are?



Pot Smoker Victimized By Thieves And Cops

By "Radical" Russ Belville

Eleven percent of American adults will smoke pot this year and over 6% will consume cannabis this month. Can we really be safe as a society where 25 million of us are criminals loathe to cooperate and interact with police?

And that 25 million is primarily just the cannabis constituency. How many other segments of society that not only loathe to cooperate and interact with police they rightfully just plain old fear them?

These segments are systematically being discouraged and or being prevented from voting.

How many non violent felons are in jail as well and also can not vote, guilty of just simple possession/manufacturing a plant?

Who exactly is our government really representing?

Sure as hell not me or any of my friends.

mark lar

New member
11% seeming a bit low to people like us probably because it's right on, by my ghetto logic. My parents would say it seems much too high to be accurate, so the number seems to strike a nice balance between extreme viewpoints. And 11% is actually a huge chunk of the population. If 11% of the country decides collectively to take action, the entire structure will be at its mercy. In 2000 movie theater attendance dropped by 5% (home theaters became more prevalent, etc.) and many nearly bankrupted as a result. Take away 5% of any organizations profit base and this virtually wipes out all profit margins. It's seriously ridiculous that people don't understand the power of the concept of collective action.


Registered User
I'm not for sure where the connection to rape is... really I'm at a loss... as I can certainly try to understand how difficult it is for women in a mesogynistic society. I do happen to feel the cops & courts & their communities aren't very good at addressing such problems... even by putting women on trial, where they are the victims. Certainly they do not deserve this, after such a violent crime against them in the first place.

It just seems such an odd comparison.

What does my getting robbed, while having a key of cola in my dresser, have to do with the situation of rape? I say key instead of MMj, cuz I feel maybe it's just the weed issue at play? Either way, how am I like a rape victim?

Cuz, wouldn't you agree that I would be nuts to call the cops about my 2 keys getting jacked?

Weed, right or wrong, is illegal in Chicago, just like having 2 keys? How could you possibly think to call the Chicago popo for this??? Kids.


Registered User
Perhaps... started to type out a response... and it sounded like that too. Maybe true.


Active member
Exactly Mark lar , Collective action is grossly underestimated by some of the brightest most influencial people . So many issues could be shape an corrected thru this type of movement . Theres injustice every where u look . VTA this kids an ass , I know u would agree , But some comparisons u made were reaching a bit .

master shake

Active member
Well that is very unfortunate but that doesn't take away the fact that the guy is an outstanding moron. What kind of fucking idiot tells the cops they got robbed of 2 lbs.? And plus he didn't hide his stash after making the stupid phone call; that is what got him in trouble. They had probable cause to search his pad and what do you know... If this guy were even remotely thinking, he would have removed all drugs and accessories from the home, then report being robbed of a laptop and some imaginary HDTV or jewelry or something! Don't snitch on yourself!!

Sour Deez

Weed, right or wrong, is illegal in Chicago, just like having 2 keys? How could you possibly think to call the Chicago popo for this??? Kids.

yea i dont understand why someone would call the cops, shits illegal, gotta play by their rules unfortunately.

I had a run in similar to this back in the day. All the sudden door came busting open, i thought it was the cops at first, but then when i saw 2 masked guys yielding guns I knew what was about to go down. They knocked my ass out, it came from behind, it had to be the gun. I was out for I think only 10 min. But they got my xbox and ps3 with all the games. Only had like a QP at the time, but that was gone, along with my wallet which sucked. It looked like the cops went threw the place, everything was everywhere.

Sucked, but I sure didnt call the cops. Shit, I might still be in jail.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i know when my door got kicked in the cops asked me what did i do to have these guys want to break in your house???

I about shit myself told them i know that you guys dont do shit. Your not gonna look for no one. Your gonna write a report and not give two shits or a fuck... All i want is a report so when i kill them next time i can at least say i tried.... i was pissed....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
cannabis trumps all violent crimes for some reason... even murder!!!! woohooo


Active member
its probably the 80´s generation thats the biggest trouble.

mj probably reminds them of the 60-70´s and their parents :)

the filthy dirty lawless hippies, scares the shit out of them.

just goes to show how much Power we have.

if , we would unite, yes.

been difficult, being "social outcasts" and stigmatized as criminals with the heaviest attention by the police and society.

but we are doing just that.

how can we hit them where it hurts? (THE WALLET)

can we boycott any powerful businesses? threaten to not vote for some local politician in every place?

what can we do more to speed this up?


Active member
probably what speeds this up and slows this down, is our image.

wonderful that the hippy goes "peace and love man"

but we got that "dumb as a post" tag to that to for a long time.

thats been changing, the smartest people in the world are many of them smokers.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
its probably the 80´s generation thats the biggest trouble.

mj probably reminds them of the 60-70´s and their parents :)

the filthy dirty lawless hippies, scares the shit out of them.

just goes to show how much Power we have.

if , we would unite, yes.

been difficult, being "social outcasts" and stigmatized as criminals with the heaviest attention by the police and society.

but we are doing just that.

how can we hit them where it hurts? (THE WALLET)

can we boycott any powerful businesses? threaten to not vote for some local politician in every place?

what can we do more to speed this up?

i been preching this for a while in my state... start a npo or pac and get our voices heard... we have yet had a political pot movement... we may have change some laws but i never seen a united movement committed to a politician that was in our favour... we will never have a voice until we can influence a political race PERIOD!!!!


Active member
so why dont you just start a npo or pac?

everyone that wants, start their own group, sooner or later they will unite.

one pot alliance in every town and city.

and soon one big one lol

why not?

know a lot of smokers? invite them to a barbicue or something, have a talk.


interesting thought... if we all unite, form PAC's and other such organizations, hire expensive lobbyists, media blitz, get props on ballets, and change the law..... are we any different? i would ask if the essence of the problem is the government, or simply people? using the term "government" is easy because it puts a nice clear face on the "enemy".... do you change peoples minds with changes in the law? do you think its wrong because its illegal? i would imagine many would still be against it regardless of legality, as many are against alcohol and other recreational drugs.....

is something that changes your state of mind or perception moraly bad? I would argue no. However there are downsides to abuse of mind altering substances.

Counter point: of course there are downsides to abuse, just dont abuse it.... bit too idealistic imo.

we are weak creatures of habit, to pretend that mmj is all happy go lucky and absolutely without any downside.......... i dont think thats true

our way forward lies not in the law, but within ourselves. and it extends far beyond our little gardens. this is a fundamental issue of humanity and the future of our existence.


so why dont you just start a npo or pac?...
money, time, and other resources, I can barely afford a hair cut. We are all stuck in this elitist system, all to often one must choose between survival and doing what is right, and some people's idea of survival is getting that new car and that big house, the problem is people with resources spent too much time getting their bullshit that they don't care about much else at that point. While the person that cares about, especially an issue like marijuana, can barely survive because nobody wants to hire the weed activist.

The system is stacked against us as advocates for the legalization of marijuana, it is an uphill battle, in light of all the prescription drug abuse and alcohol abuse that goes on, it's an extremely worth while cause.

What are we saying to our children, many of whom have tried the harmless drug marijuana, that marijuana is a drug that is to be feared. Meanwhile the kid is popping prescription amphetamines or some nonsense prescribed by a doctor.

More breeding of the "gateway" drug mentality, get kids hooked on (prescription) drugs, tell them that the weed plant they will likely smoke is worse than the prescriptions they are hooked on... the kid puts 2 and 2 together, the kid is hooked on drugs he/she may or may not enjoy taking, he/she tries marijuana, a harmless pleasant drug, in the context that it is a bad drug that should be feared. The kid thinks "Marijuana is bad? I enjoy it more than my Aderol... the gateway mentality now has a path of self enabling... "if weed is not as bad as Aderol or alcohol, what other 'illegal' drugs are equally harmless?" None of course, this is the gateway trap we set for our kids.

Why? To sell drugs while simultaneously harming public knowledge and the image of a wonderful plant, a plant that will surely cut into the profits of many industries, including the pharmaceutical industry.