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Addictive Powder Added to Most Foods



A quick look at history shows that at some point everything has been labelled as bad for you. If you do as you are told you will never eat anything again. Even water is toxic if you drink enough. People need to realise that unless you grow it yourself you cant avoid eating shit and everything should be eaten in moderation. It's hidden in the foods you think are safe or named something else to throw you off. there is no avoiding crap unless you grow it yourself.

I can remember when eggs, seafood, meat, dairy and many other things were banned or warned against and these are all staple foods.

in my opinion there is to totalitarian in your thinking friend

according to this logic my parents who smoked before warnings came out should never of quit when the warnings did come out?

look in the toker's den Grat3ful head posted the dangers of high fructose corn sugar

ask a someone with a doctrate in nutritional science

the cost of poor nutrition is evident in every living thing

pot plants are a pretty obvious example of the cause and effects of properly applied nutritional balance


Andinismo Hierbatero
buy flour and bake your own bread. all types of flour to be had even where I live (not the U.S nor Europe)

buy tons of fruits and vegetables.

buy grains, such as rice (parboiled rocks), lentils, black beans.

get good quality corn oil and olive oil.

plain sugar free yogurt. butter, milk.

bee's honey, or real maple syrup. or real brown sugar.

no need to buy anything else. maybe a little quality red meat every now and then, and quality eggs.


in my opinion there is to totalitarian in your thinking friend

according to this logic my parents who smoked before warnings came out should never of quit when the warnings did come out?

look in the toker's den Grat3ful head posted the dangers of high fructose corn sugar

ask a someone with a doctrate in nutritional science

the cost of poor nutrition is evident in every living thing

pot plants are a pretty obvious example of the cause and effects of properly applied nutritional balance

Yes thats right, if you parents gave everything up when told it was bad they would be pretty hungry. My point was that you should take these things with a pinch of salt. So many things are bad one minute and then good another it's stupid to change your life everytime you learn something is supposedly bad for you.

Salt is another one and a good analogy. Salt is bad for you as it kills in decent doses so should be avoided, then a few months later they realise that saying salt is bad meant people panicked and gave it up. They then suffer nerve disfunction due to a lack of salt and have to eat salt again. My point is that anything is bad for you in excess. These warnings should be taken as simply that, warnings, not portent for the future or guarantees of illness.

As for your parents giving up smoking, the advice is simply that smoking increases the risks, it's not a guaranteed way to die of lung cancer. A few burns a day would likely be fine, 200 a day would no doubt fuck them up.

Same with High fructose corn shite, it's not going to kill you in small doses but if you constantly expose yourself you increase the risk of problems, you dont guarantee you will have problems.


Salt is another one and a good analogy. Salt is bad for you as it kills in decent doses so should be avoided, then a few months later they realise that saying salt is bad meant people panicked and gave it up. They then suffer nerve disfunction due to a lack of salt and have to eat salt again.

I believe salt is actually good for you. (Natural sea salts, etc.) It's the sodium IN the salt that is bad for you.


Salt is not good or bad for you, it's simply required by the body. It also doesn't matter which part is bad for you as you have to ingest the whole thing. Same with many other things, radiation therapy actually kills off parts of the human body but is still considered good treatment for you overall in certain cases, should it be banned because a component part is bad? No, it goes back to the 'all things in moderation' issue.


Yes thats right, if you parents gave everything up when told it was bad they would be pretty hungry. My point was that you should take these things with a pinch of salt. So many things are bad one minute and then good another it's stupid to change your life everytime you learn something is supposedly bad for you.

Salt is another one and a good analogy. Salt is bad for you as it kills in decent doses so should be avoided, then a few months later they realise that saying salt is bad meant people panicked and gave it up. They then suffer nerve disfunction due to a lack of salt and have to eat salt again. My point is that anything is bad for you in excess. These warnings should be taken as simply that, warnings, not portent for the future or guarantees of illness.

As for your parents giving up smoking, the advice is simply that smoking increases the risks, it's not a guaranteed way to die of lung cancer. A few burns a day would likely be fine, 200 a day would no doubt fuck them up.

Same with High fructose corn shite, it's not going to kill you in small doses but if you constantly expose yourself you increase the risk of problems, you dont guarantee you will have problems.

yeah everything in moderation


lets not forget that the amount of people who have that finite control over their human impulses and those wiht perception keen enough to discern are few and far between

those of lower intelligence or at severe educational disadvantage, the young, the old, or any one else who didn't fall out of the womb perfect and fault free will be subject to eating what they believe is good for them caues it feels (tastes) good to eat it

th subsequent drag on society because of the gross health imbalance that is a by product of this cost about 93 billion annually

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Salt is not good or bad for you, it's simply required by the body. It also doesn't matter which part is bad for you as you have to ingest the whole thing. Same with many other things, radiation therapy actually kills off parts of the human body but is still considered good treatment for you overall in certain cases, should it be banned because a component part is bad? No, it goes back to the 'all things in moderation' issue.

some of this may be geographical different

in america snack food companies exploit the desire for salt and its taste to the point of salt overload

now my family are all European immigrants and have sound nutritional habits

it seems preparing your own food is far more common and there might be a vast difference in the general understanding of nutrition there opposed to here

i cook mainly form scratch and use sea salts and unprocessed amendments

if i feed my family from local eateries (esp fast food) or preprepared meals the body fat skyrockets, health issues pop up.

I have had to fight this because it seems most people in america at least have no fucking clue about nutrition

but really its as simple as everybody self balancing through healthy choices but come on

how many people are that balanced? how many people feed on others trying to sell em the good and hide the bad? IDK seems a bit ivory tower, like were people should endevour to be but many will spend a life time not even having a clue what the concept is about

look at gun control in the uk vs the usa

far less shootings over there because people dont have the same choices

guns are harder to get so many people dont have the chance to exercise a choice that can have a devastating cost


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Thing is, the post was about the addictiveness of sugar, and the pervasiveness of it.

The health effects are well known, and not the primary concern of the post.

Have either of you guys done what I asked, and taken a look at the food in your panty?

Fun fact:

Table salt contains sugar. Granted, it's just to keep the salt from clumping as easily, but it does go to the point :)
i cook mainly form scratch and use sea salts and unprocessed amendments

i try and do that myself as well. Unfortunately, I cant always afford commercial organic produce, much less farmers market stuff.

Im in an apt right now, but im growing out some wheat grass and have some lettuce rafts going to help supplement my food stock.

I wanna get into juicing wheatgrass, as well as beets .
Plus get a house so I can at least have a yard to grow my food.
Start jarring, and canning.

You eat grass fed meats RND?

just to kick up a little dirt. scroogle : codex alimentarius


Researchers in that case found that the sweet taste of sugar was preferred 94% of the time over IV cocaine!:yoinks:

This sounds like b.s. for a few reasons.

1. Good cocaine is the fucking shit.
2. If you snorted cocaine, it would numb your nose, and you aren't smelling much. 70% of taste is smell.

Everyone knows that Coca-Cola once contained cocaine. Some say that the government allows Coca-Cola to contain to use cocaine derivative, unannounced to the masses. When you are the second most recognizable phrase in the world (behind "OK") and bring in a bajillion dollars in tax revenue, I guess Uncle Sam is just more apt to let things slide.

I love sugar

Gotta make a lifestyle change. Cola is empty calories to the max. I had the same problem as you before, that is how I got to be tall, dark, and chubby. :D

If you cut out sugar for a few weeks entirely you'll lose your "urges." After awhile if you have something sweet it will be TOO sweet.


This sounds like b.s. for a few reasons.

1. Good cocaine is the fucking shit.
2. If you snorted cocaine, it would numb your nose, and you aren't smelling much. 70% of taste is smell.

Everyone knows that Coca-Cola once contained cocaine. Some say that the government allows Coca-Cola to contain to use cocaine derivative, unannounced to the masses. When you are the second most recognizable phrase in the world (behind "OK") and bring in a bajillion dollars in tax revenue, I guess Uncle Sam is just more apt to let things slide.

Gotta make a lifestyle change. Cola is empty calories to the max. I had the same problem as you before, that is how I got to be tall, dark, and chubby. :D

If you cut out sugar for a few weeks entirely you'll lose your "urges." After awhile if you have something sweet it will be TOO sweet.

Red Bull Cola was banned in some Eastern countries because it contained trace amounts of an inactive form of cocaine. I thought this was funny. lol. There are worse things in our sodas!


Active member
Sugar is a mean drug for sure. I am hooked.

And now it looks like I could have Diabetes.

I keep getting very high blood sugar readings even after fasting since the night before my test.
Dr. D'Adamo has some books and info on choosing foods, according to your Blood and Genetic Type's ability to digest them.

Check it out.... the info has been steadily gaining ground for the last decade or so.... I even heard it was on Opra(sp?) last year. :jump:

Amazing what choosing your food can do for you. And yes.... it's DAMN difficult to eat healthy these days... especially if you're buying food from the stores.

In Nazi Germany... they had concentration camps where they specifically controlled the diet of the inmates.... to hamper thinking and promote programmed death through exhaustion. (among other things)
The only difference here in the states..... most of us buy and consume it willingly.

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor!

Stay Safe! :tree:


Garden Nymph
:yes: Hydro-Soil

I rarely go out to eat anymore. When I do go out to eat, I can't help thinking, "How did they cook my food? Was everything pretty much clean?" I grew up in a family that made dinner at home every night. Seems to be less health problems in my family.


great topic .. sugar is crap, i like stevia for sweetening:


with all poison the amount makes it dangerous ofcourse.. but the amount of sugar we eat is so nuts .. it can only lead to diabetes and other illnesses imho!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
This sounds like b.s. for a few reasons.

1. Good cocaine is the fucking shit.
2. If you snorted cocaine, it would numb your nose, and you aren't smelling much. 70% of taste is smell.

Eh? As you quoted, and the research specifically stated, that the test was with IV cocaine? Plus, it's not the only study, just the most recent I could find, as I mentioned in the OP.
Everyone knows that Coca-Cola once contained cocaine. Some say that the government allows Coca-Cola to contain to use cocaine derivative, unannounced to the masses. When you are the second most recognizable phrase in the world (behind "OK") and bring in a bajillion dollars in tax revenue, I guess Uncle Sam is just more apt to let things slide.

Yeah right? Money can buy you all the politicos you want, just a matter of haggling the price :D

Gotta make a lifestyle change. Cola is empty calories to the max. I had the same problem as you before, that is how I got to be tall, dark, and chubby. :D

Cola sucks :D If you were to take and mix massive amounts of sugar with water, and food coloring, most would turn up their nose. But put it in a can, and they line up :dunno:

If you cut out sugar for a few weeks entirely you'll lose your "urges." After awhile if you have something sweet it will be TOO sweet.

Didn't work that way for me, I still had the cravings for something sweet. Now, as you said, after a few weeks it took very little 'sweet' to satisfy the cravings, compared to what I had been taking in. Too sweet is exactly right! :yes:


Eh? As you quoted, and the research specifically stated, that the test was with IV cocaine? Plus, it's not the only study, just the most recent I could find, as I mentioned in the OP.

My bad, misread. To be honest I can taste anything that enters my blood stream, from saline salt water to morphine. Most doctor's I've told are surprised and have never had a patient say that they can taste things through an IV.

I will say without a doubt, when I had knee surgery and had a morphine drip I vowed to never take heroin. Morphine was so delicious, you have no idea, it tasted like the best candy on earth. It was literally sweet to taste and gave you the best feeling ever, I had a blister on my thumb from mashing that drip like I was playing hungry hungry hippos.

So I will agree, most people probably think sugar tastes better eaten than IV cocaine tastes, just because most people can't taste the IV cocaine.

The meningitis vaccine before college is probably the worst tasting shot I've had.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Oh god, that sounds horrible! I couldn't imagine how horrible some of the IVs I've had must have tasted :nono:

Interesting that morphine was sweet, though. The study looked at sweet flavors in general as well, and found the addiction. Wonder if there is a corollary with the morphine being sweet?

Hmmm, some food for thought there... :chin:

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