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Fuck you, grow yo-yo's!



the yo-yo light hangers and yo-yo plant support hangers are two different products... the light hanger ones are black... plant ones are white

Very true, and the plant yo yos are cheaper, but if someone were to have a bunch of them lying around they could use them as plant hangers instead of buying new plant hangers, if they were inclined to grow trees. :tiphat:

I hate those damn things. Time to go to Home Depot, roll out the chains, pick the one you want, buy the lengths and get the little clamps for them and you're set. Probably cost you $3.00 for the chains and $1.40 for the little clamps. Depending on how many length of chain you need but it's around $5.00 and are much better than the damn Yo-Yo's.


These Yo-Yo's are SHIT!!


what else did you change when going to white chain?

what else did you change when going to white chain?

I have a box somewhere with 4 of those pieces of shit in it as well. I use white "decor" chain from home depot. Each link is 1", it is easy to raise your lights accuratley as long as you can reach your ceiling.

Since switching to white chain I have seen my yield go up 28.3%

It has got to be the combination man.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
^Hahahahahahahah....yes indeed! We have our ginormous XXXL ochos hanging from eye hooks. Some people have been doing this a while and know what they're doin':plant grow:


Active member
i had a few. made me nervous. went back to chain and i sleep better. gonna look for new white chain tho hoping for a 20 percent yield increase too LOL


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
my ochos hang with'em just fine, even with a little breeze from the oscillating fans.....


Active member
Yes I trust those little hooks that are rated to hold over 450 pounds and secured to a stud, what do you do?

I'm sure the little eye hooks will hold up, I'd be more concerned about the material they are screwed into giving way.

I built a frame for my light which sits over and around my garden. A bit overkill, I'm sure, but I know there is no way that I'm gonna open the door to my garden see a bulb and reflector has fallen into my grow.

Clearly the eye hooks work, but over time I would be worried of them giving way. Seems like something that would work great for 10 years and then one day BOOM.

Cookie monster

I'm sure the little eye hooks will hold up, I'd be more concerned about the material they are screwed into giving way.

I built a frame for my light which sits over and around my garden. A bit overkill, I'm sure, but I know there is no way that I'm gonna open the door to my garden see a bulb and reflector has fallen into my grow.

Clearly the eye hooks work, but over time I would be worried of them giving way. Seems like something that would work great for 10 years and then one day BOOM.

I've been using them in my shed for years to hang stuff up, only way eyehooks are gonna come out is if the timber rots.

Those yo yo things are a gimmick.


Used the Yo yo's for a while never had a problem with them. But I needed a new hanger for my Magnum XXXL. I know they have a horticulture specific rope ratchet light hanger with carabiners, but these are the same thing with hooks for a bit cheaper at $11 at the hardware store. They look great, probably get a few more of them.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I always just used pulleys and chain from WalMart hardware section. Cost for both maybe around $8?


New member
I am in the HVAC industry there is a company called Duro Dyne that makes wire hangers that we use to hang ductwork it comes in rolls of aircraft grade wire and adjusters that go thru each end of the wire and are fully adjustable,I buy ferrels at Ace Hardware and make loops at the ends you just crimp the ferrel and your in business they are also used in the lighting industry its a kick ass way to hang lights or anything you can think of you just pull the little lever on the adjuster and move whatever you have hung up or down use the smaller size wire its easier to work with ill post a pic works like a charm


Use them to hold up monster trees (this is a pic of krunchbubble's grow, I forgot to write that earlier sorry everyone)


I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but those lights are facing the wrong way. If I could only hang them that way, I would at least put them lower to the ground. Preferably right in between the trees.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I have never had those yoyos work correctly, either I overtighten them and then the threads get fucked up and won't tighten OR they are not strong enough to hold up anything.

they scare the fuck out of me and yes CHAIN or bungee cords is what works for me

little will

chain all the way, we get something similar to the yo yo here in the uk, an i could'nt use them, dont tighten up properly an you get 1 end of the light lower/higher than the other.
chains on the other hand dont slip or break,

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