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The Gardening with ALMOST free supplys Grow 2011... Check it again!.


Your CJ got crazy last year! Thanks for the buckets for scale, fools be posting lotsa photos of plants in smart pots and you don't know how big either the plant or the pot is!

500 gallon holes?!!

I'll admit I wish I had a greenhouse to finish sativas. Maybe next year.

Lookin' good, Mani, keep those fotos rolling.

I"m gonna crib your label stakes. Mine are small and keep getting faded /erased. Somebody on some Tom Hill forum thread used these little metal tags with the strain name SCRATCHED into the metal.


stakes made from the old wooden slats from a closet door! pull closet door ends away from eachother, and look... 200 label stakes fall out!


Active member
OH my!
This grow is going to be realy big Manitoid :)
I followed your last' year grow, and it was epic!
The plants looks like loving you so much man ! :dance013:

Can't wait for the summer ;)

Peace! :rasta:
Looking forward to this one Manitoid! Followed your advice from last year's grow and set up a 55 gallon drum using the "lasagna" method. So far so good! Tons of life in the bucket.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Hey dude!

He is lying!
Our weather is shitty, the people are all assholes and everybody's out to fuck your momma!
Oh, and, Tornados do happen in the mountains...

Oh, BTW, our winters suck. Fucking sleet, that's it!


ha i love colorado and everyone is nice...

Ive been feeling blessed... I have been running out of weed to smoke. Like seriously Ill be waiting Until aboot august. But i found a few bags of dry trim, so what i havent ran out of was medicine. I made phoenix tears out of it. I have some serious dermatits in which boils and open sores plague my hands and feet. I was an organic farmer first, and then an organic ganja farmer 2nd. While still warm and plyable, i put more phoenix tears than one could smoke in a few days and rubbed it into my hands in a few minutes. Cleaned out the crock pot with my fingers in the cracks, rubbed it in.

My hands are covered in boils. but they dont hurt at the moment, and i hope the healing plant brings the inflamation down a bit. I had never invested so much hash oil in my own well being before. Yes my hand are covered in straight hash oil. I wouldn't go out on the town reeking of hash weed nar stench. but right now.

Bliss. Thanks for listening.


ha i love colorado and everyone is nice...

Ive been feeling blessed... I have been running out of weed to smoke. Like seriously Ill be waiting Until aboot august. But i found a few bags of dry trim, so what i havent ran out of was medicine. I made phoenix tears out of it. I have some serious dermatits in which boils and open sores plague my hands and feet. I was an organic farmer first, and then an organic ganja farmer 2nd. While still warm and plyable, i put more phoenix tears than one could smoke in a few days and rubbed it into my hands in a few minutes. Cleaned out the crock pot with my fingers in the cracks, rubbed it in.

My hands are covered in boils. but they dont hurt at the moment, and i hope the healing plant brings the inflamation down a bit. I had never invested so much hash oil in my own well being before. Yes my hand are covered in straight hash oil. I wouldn't go out on the town reeking of hash weed nar stench. but right now.

Bliss. Thanks for listening.

Sorry to hear that you've nearly run dry, Manitoid. I hope you're feeling better.


I really enjoyed following your 2010 grow, definitely watching this one too.

I use the lasagna method on my raised tomato and pepper beds with great success. I believe it contributes substantially to either less soil pathogens/pests or more plant resistance. Either way, my plants and soil are healthier for it. Composted horse manure is gold!


hash oil of doom

hash oil of doom

This jar has demolished my motivation, and cleared up my hands.

fucking drip some on another bowl... oh yeah!



Live mulch question

Live mulch question

So obviously my straw ground cover has seed in it.

I was wondering what you, Mad Lib, thought about straw grass as living mulch?

Are the roots too deep? Does straw grass accumulate some good nutrition? If i left it i would be cutting it down and mulching with it... if i took it out id be weeding forever.

I envision it looking nice.



And finally getting to some watering system... Have a 1/4 of it done. This is a small Green Crack in the back where the holes are closer.


Boy do i need a new camera, pardon the abstract photos.

Thanks, as always, for tuning in. Time to hit the hash oil.



cool thread, very nice

i am insprired to do my next medicine grow on a budget of next to nothing!! im sure we can all take something from this idea, thanks!!!
great gh by the way!

Trinity Gold

hey man my straw had major seed in it last year and it all germinated i pulled it all and the plants took off .... I also had coaxed my ganja roots to the very tip top of the soil so the grass roots really competed with the upper layer of ganja roots


quick update, plant expansion...

quick update, plant expansion...

Plants are going pretty nuts. If there was "transplant shock" we are past that now.

Blue goo first 6/2:


6/14 twelve days later... i mean holy shit on the hearty and growth scales!!!


I mean damn!

Sawtooth 6/1:


Same one 13 days later on 6/14...


I say photos are the best way to see this... i see these plants every day and I do notice they are growing, but I do not notice by how much until i get back to my computer for comparison shots..

thanks for tuning in!



Loving all the comparison shots going around here lately, everybody's ladies are blowing up with growth it's going to be a great year for all. Whats the strain behind the Blue Goo? She seemed to completely double in size!

Happy growing


Mondo comparison pictures update

Mondo comparison pictures update

Plants grow fast on the Gardening with ALMOST free supplies farm!

First is the flagship (largest on insert) Flo Plant... June 2, day after in ground...

Now on the 16th, 2 weeks, 14 days later... where's the 5 gallon gatorade jug? hahahahahaha!

White Widow, on June 1, day in ground:

Now 15 days later... woah!

Remember, these have only been given water... the holes seem good!

A Blueberry in one of the mongo large centers holes... on June 2:

Now June 16th... totally floored at the growth of the beautiful fatty ladies!

and Finally comparison wide shot... June 2:

14 days later, June 16th...

Plants and I are loving life...

Thanks for tuning in!
