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weed in cambodia


High Grade Specialist
hey man i been there in april this year and cambodia is a very cool country i liked it alot.

you can buy weed from all the moto guys and tuk tuk drivers they ALL have it or know someone who can sell to you. you can also buy "Happy" pizza and other dishes in the pizza places that are all over the place. some of them also sell weed and pre-rolled joints. there is also some awesome nepalese hash around but its a bit hard to find, most tuk tuk guys wont even know what hash is. i showed some guy a chunk of hash and asked me to get me some he thought it was opium he never seen that before.

i smoked literally everywhere, in upscale restaurants on the mekong, angkor wat temples, driving around in a tuk-tuk, on the beach. i was never worried about police. rule of thumb if youre in a restaurant just ask if its cool to smoke. not all establishments are down with it i heard because they can get in trouble or just dont like it.

i asked the guesthouse manager i stayed in if its ok to smoke in the restaurant and in my room. he said i can do whatever "but no heroin" LOL. these guys have other problems than ganja bc lots of ppl Overdose in the guesthouse and then the owner has to get rid off the bodies and pay fines so they dont really care about ganja.

the weed is cheap and most is from cambodia or imported from lhaos i think. for a couple of dollars you can get a fat sack. its not so potent but pretty nice sativa that you can smoke all day and you cna still do your thing and walk around and not get tired or couchlocked from it.

technically weed is illegal now in cambodia thanks to the USA but its hardly ever enforced. i didnt smoke in front of police so i dont know how they would react about that i wouldnt risk it. then again the police often times only sits around on plastic chairs guarding banks and super markets and it seems to be a national hobby to run away from the cops. i was driving with a motoguy when some cop wanted to stop him for driving wrong way down a one-way street. the guy just u-turned and fled away and the cop couldnt do anything because he didnt even have a motobike.

one moto guy told me if the police catch you with ganja they will propably try to get some money out of you for it so i didnt risk that.

overall its pretty cool and smoke-friendly you dont risk being setup and sold to the cops like in thailand. i felt really safe all the time and always had some weed on me and also travelled around the country abit and was never worried really.

theres also some places that cater especially to smokers like whiteys(??) outside of phnom penh and the happy hippi in sihanoukville. i didnt visit the place in PP but paid the hippie dude a visit which was a bit weird. but last i heard the guy is out of business now anyway...
also lots of bars in PP backpacker district (which is a shithole IMO) and sihanoukville beach bars will sell you pre-rolled joints.


Siem Reap mango goodness

Siem Reap mango goodness

I've posted this before in another forum but their real place is here...
This was a nice surprise from the usual stuff around.

I'll be starting my NFT system in a few months..just need a few cuttings...



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Further to that, the weed got better as we went south, happy days.

Kicked it on Serendippity beach for a while at some great little beach huts, only stopped for a quick beer, the staff kept pass us spliffs so we stayed!!
Had a great time with them, they got all their mates out, we smoked oils and hash with them great great times.
Mate went back last year, all gone apparently big hotels there now :(


Further to that, the weed got better as we went south, happy days.

Kicked it on Serendippity beach for a while at some great little beach huts, only stopped for a quick beer, the staff kept pass us spliffs so we stayed!!
Had a great time with them, they got all their mates out, we smoked oils and hash with them great great times.
Mate went back last year, all gone apparently big hotels there now :(

sorry to hear that, but thats how it is everywhere nowadays (with the big hotels).


Further to that, the weed got better as we went south, happy days.

Kicked it on Serendippity beach for a while at some great little beach huts, only stopped for a quick beer, the staff kept pass us spliffs so we stayed!!
Had a great time with them, they got all their mates out, we smoked oils and hash with them great great times.
Mate went back last year, all gone apparently big hotels there now :(

Serendipity beach is washed away, from the sand dredging. also a part of ocheutiel beach has dissapeared, otres beach is closed and a big resort will be built.
The changes come quick,, there are still nice and quiet beaches left, rent a motorbike for 4$ a day and explore.
personally i dont like it down there anymore.
but there are many other nice places left.
Cambodia's still a place worth a visit, but come quick it might not be there for much longer.


i never came across a happy pizza in sihanoukville, wasnt in siam riap

thoght cambodian weed was average to very, very good, on occasions(in sihanoukville)
Report As of early 2010 happy hippy was selling outstanding weed in sihanouk, ask the tuk tuks. he did have some great weed bt it is not cheap

considering sihanouk, room with tv private shower, double bed, 90 dollars per month, all inclusive

however, small bag of weed, maybe 4g of really nice nugs, 10g of crap, -10-15 dollars phnom penh. you can smoke nywhere, i was smoking at a national football game cambodia sadly lost 1-0 in a frieldly. good team potential bad tactics was my assessment

happy hippy was about 8g i think, for 20 dollars, i cant remember exactly how much it weight id say a good qr mnow 20 dollars for some stunning eed wow you might say and wow is wha i said but this is outdoor weed, at cambodian poverty levels weed prices are still outrageous for "barang" in cambodisa, weed is cheap in phnoom penh and very good in sihanoukville but considering how much everything else is it seems crazy prices for raw outdoor weed in origin,

i aallways wondered where the best herb was grown, so if anyonw is wondering this is what the man told me,

ratinakiri, however, its primitave as fuck, supposedly, even y khmei standards, well il tell u what, cambodia mite be alot poorer than india but good on them and salute their public service accomplishments by having sprayers for your arse not hand washers, by big gripe about india

but weed is maybe expensive except if miles off the beaten track (where grown??? like ratinakiri? bulsan! many infant mortality rates like sb saharan africa there)

yet 20 dollars, for a bag of weed,


New member
[FONT=&quot]Cambodia 101 – An Introduction[/FONT]

I've been reading these posts with interest since I am an old grower from California, retired, and now living in Cambodia. I've been here for a couple of years and I really love it. It has all the advantages of Thailand, yet it's considerably cheaper and much more weed friendly.

Cheap? How about a nice place for $100 a month (or a small and dark place with a shared toilet for $60, or a shack for $30, or . . ). Oh, $30 a month still too pricey for your wallet? Try free. That's right -- Utopia in Sihanoukville advertises free dormitory beds (off season only). They expect to make it up by selling you food and drinks, but that's up to you. But with draft beers at 50 cents just about everywhere and a full seafood barbecue at the beach (big piece of fish, salad, baked potato) for $3.00, there are a lot of options.

Weed friendly? Well, in some ways the legal matters here are very simple: there is only one kind of paperwork that you need, and the same paperwork will handle just about any hassle you might encounter. I am sure you know the kind of papers I'm talking about. But that works two ways -- sure, it can get you out of any jam at all, but they will be looking for any opportunity to use that ploy. No one here cares one bit about anybody smoking any cannabis. The "working girls" addicted to ice (amphetamine) are far more of a problem. I was reading in one of the papers that it is legal to grow 10 plants for your own use -- but that seems to apply only to Cambodians! A Westerner was growing his plants, and the cops saw it and told the landlord that they would have to be taken down "or there would be a problem" (read: "shakedown for money"). At least it was nice of them to give warning.

It is really simple: smoke all the weed you want, drink all the alcohol you want, play with all the girls you want -- over 18 -- don't mess with the underage girls, which are serious jailbait; again, it isn't the locals who worry about it -- plenty of young girls are easily available at very modest rates, usually arranged by the girl's mother. (If you prefer a boy, they are just as plentiful, and just as cheap.) In most cases, the working girls are dutifully supporting their parents from their earnings. No, it is the sexually repressed foreign ladies who aren't getting any, and haven't gotten any in many years, and don't want anyone else to get any either, who are causing the problem. It is all about money (I know -- you never would have guessed). It is so easy to raise money from your Church back in Kansas to save these poor girls from being exploited by all these foreign vampires who come to prey upon these helpless little girls. There are lots of missionaries here, and they spend lots of money. Actually, I have heard so many stories of men paying huge sums to a girl's parents, buying a big house for the girl, buying a restaurant/guest house, or whatever, and then they have to go back to Australia for a few months. When they come back, "Who are you? Go away. Finished." Who’s exploiting whom?

But back to the main item here: smoke all the weed you want, but be Very Careful about Growing any or Selling any! If you do have any plans to put in a big grow, just be sure to include several high ranking members of the government on your team. I am not kidding -- there is no other way to go about it. In many ways, the civilization here is quite charming.

Now about the quality of the weed. I look at those pictures posted earlier, and read some of the glowing comments. Well, I don't know if you rubes from Kansas are easily amused or what, but where I come from that stuff gets composted. It is true that Northern California grows the most stunning weed anywhere in the world, way better than any of the feeble, inbred stuff you can get in Amsterdam (OK -- I'm exaggerating – the fact is, really serious growers in Amsterdam and British Columbia can frequently equal all but the very best Northern California weed – not to worry; I’m just inviting you to prove me wrong – go ahead and bring me something as good or better than what we used to grow back in the “old country”). All I am saying is that the weed available here is passable, but not great.

Where do they grow the best stuff? Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but try inquiring around Kampot.

As to that poor fellow who is neither happy, nor a hippie, well, due to his frighteningly obvious relationship with the Establishment, it is sometimes possible to get decent weed there, but I would prefer to try my luck with a moto driver. It is not possible to find a moto driver or tuk-tuk driver anywhere in Cambodia who is unable to get weed for you (or anything else; you don’t have to ask – he will offer his wares; and he traffics in more than drugs, don’t you know). But you don’t simply take what he offers you.

Well, here’s how you do it. You do not wait until someone offers it to you; first you scope out the moto drivers – there will be gangs of them hanging out on every corner, hoping for a fare. Choose one that appears to have a glimmer of intelligence, not a wasted heroin addict. When you ask for some weed, he will show you some awful stuff (a typical bag is about 10 grams for about $10). You simply hand it back, “No, no, I’m looking for something better than that.” He shows you something better. You politely go through the motions of looking at it and smelling it, but then you hand it back, “Isn’t there anything better than this?? I am used to smoking better stuff.” Finally, you give him your phone number to call you back in case he can come up with anything decent. Don’t even mention the price – that’s the easy part, and it isn’t really about the money, after all, since it is cheap enough, even at the tourist price. It is so easy – the tourist price is usually exactly double the “real” price. But these people are usually very, very poor, so I don’t like to haggle too hard with them. He asks $20; you roll your eyes and offer $10. You haggle a while and end up giving him $15 – he needs the money (you don’t know anything about needing money, so don’t press these people too hard).

You see, the deal here is all about “face.” If he shows you his weed and you have to make an effort not to smile, he loses face. “His poor Cambodian weed is not as good as the stuff His Excellency the Tourist is used to.” So, in order to save face, he will be motivated to find something so good that you will have to grudgingly admit that it “isn’t too bad.”

Oh, while I’m thinking about these poor people needing money and all – when you see some poor old soul dragging himself along, missing an arm or a leg, blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other – give him 1000 real (25 cents) or more. If you have to ask why, go read the recent history of Cambodia. Or some very old woman, all of whose family was killed in the war, leaving no one to take care of her in her old age . . . But never give money to the children (who are everywhere, and very slick). Give them food to eat, but don’t give them money.

You can always recognize the girls who have just gotten off the boat from Stockholm – they will be lying on the beach nearly naked while their pink flesh deepens to dark red. I recommend long sleeves and long pants – and don’t even think about going under the sun without a hat! But don’t bring one; buy one here for $2.


"You can always recognize the girls who have just gotten off the boat from Stockholm – they will be lying on the beach nearly naked while their pink flesh deepens to dark red. I recommend long sleeves and long pants – and don’t even think about going under the sun without a hat! But don’t bring one; buy one here for $2."

Haha, dont you got girls from the northern states like that in cali?


will be heading to cambodia in like two months, just gonna head to loas soon. Wanna find me some seeds.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
nice I been there 2 years ago it was rad as I checked in to 1st hotel they asked if wanted some to buy some weed and hash , pretty awesome place relaxed , When I in 3rd world Countrys i stash my weed like it the ground stash on the Wire.... close by in some weird garbage , old smoke pack etc , just encase someone try`s to shake the kid down. I going to India this year in Feb. , tempted to bring some lil bubble bags , Its dope when the ice you would need would cost as much as the Ganja lol
peace happy travels


hiya kuk !

have u got any place names for the $90 a month all in guesthouses/hotel in sihanoukville?
im thinking about going and wouldnt mind knowing a bit more.
Cheers dude


Old School Cottonmouth
Pangloss I just wanted to thank you for sharing that bit of info. I've been feeling kinda down lately. Just up for something new and tired of the same old drudgery, but I don't have much money. But I can scrape together a few thousand superfluous dollars and I just might take a half a year off. I've never really traveled much. I didn't realize you could get such decent conditions in a reasonable place for that much money.

I'll have to do a little research and see how feasible it is for me to visit the country. I'll take your advice and steer clear of the happy hippy if I ever make it.

If you've never seen me check out my thread. There are a few folks who I'm sure would enjoy talking to you.



motaco if you have any questions feel free to pm me. it would be an honour to smoke you out.
hazelover, it depends strongly on your needs. basic rooms are arround 5$ a night with fans. monthly deals can be have from 50$ a month.
kampot is a great laid back place, sihanoukville is for a beach holiday.
also any specific questions feell free to ask.
If you dont drink or seek female company 500$ a month will cover a quite comfortable stay for a month.
i live with a 1000$ a month for my family, i buy some expensive comfort items (dairy, cereals, etc) have one night out a week or so.
visit Cambodia before its gone.