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I did it! Finally!


Active member
Trichy!!! Oh lord...! I don't know how many times I have tried to quit, this is the first time I was actually able to do it. I don't really know how I even did it! I just did! :D :D


It was a great time to quit then!!! Does it almost feel surreal?


I quit cigarettes today after 10 years smoking at least a pack a day. I've been planning on quitting for the last few months, and finally it just happened, almost on its own. I made a pack last me the last 5-6 days, and yesterday were my last 2 cigarettes. Today I had absolutely no desire for a cigarette. It was perfect timing. It feels great knowing I don't "need" them anymore.

So long tobacco, you sure were expensive!


I know the feeling, keep reminding yourself just how terrible they taste, how bad they make your breath smell and how shitty the nicotine overdoses felt. Don't go anywhere near the smell of a cig. Its that easy to start the craving. Good luck to you nicoli, I quit smoking after 7 years of it and couldn't be more proud of myself that I haven't touched a single tobacco product for the past 14 months.


Active member
It was a great time to quit then!!! Does it almost feel surreal?

Damn it feels awesome. I feel like my old self again, if ya' know what I mean. I am trying to figure out why I even smoked.. and im not really coming up with any answers... Lol. I always felt like I had to have one after a meal or after a bowl. They were hand in hand. Also before bed.. last night before bed I remember telling myself "damn I want a fucking cigarette" but knowing I would never have one again.. it was interesting to sort of read myself... I wanted to give in and wake up today and go buy a pack of smokes, but also I knew, I KNEW I would not be buying a pack. I duno.. its been a strange week. My mind is still fighting this unknown urge to want to smoke at times, but at the same time i'm telling myself its not going to happen ever again.

Damn.. I need a bowl!


sounds like a growth spurt :bigeye:
let your subsconsious help you stop.


Active member
its been 1.5weeks since i last smoked a cig and well im dieing for one lol. im on patches to replace them and using 2patches instead of 1 cos they aren't strong enuff.
if i had any weed to smoke instead it would be easier as i never want a cig when stoned, not so sure that counts as smoking tho? are you still smoking weed??
anyway, from the time i tried cold turkey before, the first 1-2weeks are the hardest, you are likely to be iritable and fighting the urge to smoke. after that passes you will be fine!!


Active member
Yep man, I have plenty of herbs and I think without that it would be much more difficult.


I feel bad for people who just smoke cigs and not herb. It probably sucks way more for them to quit. I think smoking bud is probably an under-rated quitting technique. That money counter is great too.


btw I substituted joints for cigs. In the first month or so anytime I felt like smoking a cig, I lit up a joint. It turns out most of my addiction was centered around the act of smoking itself and not the nicotine.


Active member
btw I substituted joints for cigs. In the first month or so anytime I felt like smoking a cig, I lit up a joint. It turns out most of my addiction was centered around the act of smoking itself and not the nicotine.

hmm thats only part of it. ive tried quitting both ways and this time without weed, i would be going nuts without these patches. a joint gives you that "AHHHHHHHH" feeling when you smoke it and a cig gives you a "AHHHHHH" feeling too. you replaced that feeling with another thats very close in terms of feeling. these patches give me that "AHHH" feeling too.


I understand smokey, I was only referring to my own special circumstances. In no way do I think the way I quit would be sufficient for everyone. I am a very strong willed person and can ignore urges most of the time. Except for the act of smoking though.


Active member
Two days, 1 hour, 52 minutes and 28 seconds. 41 cigarettes not smoked, saving $8.83. Life saved: 3 hours, 25 minutes.

:D :D
I may just post in here every damn day forever. It's kind of motivating.


Active member
Two days, 1 hour, 52 minutes and 28 seconds. 41 cigarettes not smoked, saving $8.83. Life saved: 3 hours, 25 minutes.

:D :D
I may just post in here every damn day forever. It's kind of motivating.

I dont know you Nicoli but im happy for you. It is a hard one to give up. I have been off for over 9 months.

The cravings are few and far between except around one asshole friend that always trys to get me to smoke. I have a feeling he is just jealous because i quit and he cant.

there are a lot of haters that try to ruin my quit and say things like it wont last. Screw them i say and their negativity only makes my quit stronger.

Sounds like you got this! Never take another puff of nicotine!

My stats:

301 days, 18 hours, 25 minutes and 25 seconds smoke free.

4527 cigarettes not smoked.
$1,302.38 and 1 month, 4 days, 13 hours of your life saved.

Your quit date: 9/30/2009 8:30:00 PM


Keep it up! its wicked hard and takes true self control. Stay away from that smoking devil in the bottle!


Nine years, five months, four weeks, 18 hours, 11 minutes and 55 seconds. 103972 cigarettes not smoked, saving $36,390.02. Life saved: 51 weeks, 4 days, 20 minutes.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Amazing Trichy...

Great job Nicoli. It's one of the toughest things to do. Harder than any drug I've taken and quit. But it is totally doable. Keep at it.

GreatLakes THC :joint: