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PLANT ill in 10 days from seed


Active member
Alright this is the last step that you want to do:

Measure your solution everyday and keep a good record of it on paper or computer. You will have to see exactly how much PPM's your plants are eating but keep in mind that you have to always top off your rez because your readings won't be accurate if you don't. As your plants eat, the pH will rise and this is normal but you want to bring it back down because 5.8 is the perfect place for you to be at in your situation. If the PPM / EC of your solution isn't going down within the next 5 days, then you're giving it too much but you don't want it to go crazy down either. The older that they get, in the VEG cycle, the more nutes that you will introduce to them. You want to introduce those nutes slowly over time. Personally I would give them 50 - 100 PPM xtra per week but you will have a better idea by checking your solution with your meter and seeing how they are eating. Any more questions?


right thats fine mate, but i could see that when ec was 0.9 the ph was rising up to 6.2 but ec stayed in the same place 0.9
any way i took all water out just puting fres in. what ppm u want me to keep for them ant the minute 100 ???


Active member
Start out between 250 - 350 PPM's. And as I told you before, .9 EC is what I would give much much bigger plants. I have some plants that are 3-4 feet getting 1.2 EC. Your plants are babies.

If you like what I told you and you are happy with the results, please feel free to PM me (if you have a post count of at least 50) or message me (if your post count is less than 50) when you need more help. It gets a little crowded in here sometimes and can turn into a big debate. Good luck and Happy growing!


oh and can i keep them under 600w hps about 130cm away ??? shoudl be alright?? i really want them grow fast
and another one ;/
my plain water has ppm of 30ppm as u said i should keep ppm of 250 is it 250+30of plain water or just 250 it included with that 30


Active member
Yeah because now I know all the information (that was left out before and I thought you were being helped) now it is alright to use the 600. Keep it high up for now so they can get used to the light and every 3 days drop it down about 10 cm until it reaches a good place.

If your plain water is at 30 PPM then you can add in an extra 30 PPM to the equation.


Active member
Oh yeah one more thing, if anything goes wrong, blame it on YummyBud! It's always his fault! :dueling:

Just joking, you'll be fine :)


Right, LETS FU***** GROW SNYPE STYLE !!! A YEAH !! oh mate i hope thing gone be OK now :(((
Pump on 24/7
light 600w dual sylvania about 130-140 cm above plants

Thanks for your big activity on my thread mate.


dont u think that ec of 0.6 is still to much ??
I just found out, that there are different conversion from ec to ppm...
Can u tell mi what ec should i keep.. because when i have ppm of 260 ec=0.6


dont u think that ec of 0.6 is still to much ??
I just found out, that there are different conversion from ec to ppm...
Can u tell mi what ec should i keep.. because when i have ppm of 260 ec=0.6

look that 0,6 is too high..bring it down
..get good soil,get off the pests(microwave-5 minutes)
replant,water the plants(Ph 6)(no fertilize).
after week,(two) wash the roots and displace to your amazon with(Ph 5,8)(Ec 0,6-0,8)

good luck


Active member
Dok you're looking at the wrong thing. I said EC not CF. Your meter is going to CF and that's a totally different equation. If you're using CF then you are correct at being at 4. Anyway that's why I used PPM. Next time I'll just stick to PPM's instead so sorry about the confusion.

4 CF = .4 EC = 256 PPM on the conversion that I was giving you. These companies make all this so confusing and they should all just use the same conversion but I guess that would be just too easy.

Edit: I just saw the last picture that I missed. I have never seen a conversion so hi before. All the conversions in my charts (Hanna, Eutuch, and Truncheon) at 260 PPM you are in the .4's max on EC and 4's max on CF.

What's your PPM at now?


i know mate i was shocked as well.... i have down my EC to 0.4
Plain water ec=0.1 ppm 40 cf=4
At the minute ppm of 190 ec= 0.4
What u recon mate ??


yes im sure mate..

"Three display options for Nutrient - EC, CF, ppm (500 scale) "


Active member
Alright Dok, lets keep all the talk to PPM's so we aren't confusing everyone because PPM will always be Parts Per Million. You will be fine with all the info that I gave you before. Follow posts #59 and #63. Your PPM's are fine at 260. But now that you changed it and got it down to 190 PPM (water = 40, nutes = 150), then just keep it that way for now. I'm really not sure why newhousegreen told you that 260 PPMs is too high. That's all! I'm out!


i am in bed now, but i am gona check ppm tomorrow after work if they have eaten anything... i thinck its still to high and should be about 120ppm, but i am gona leave it as it is 190 as u say buddy


Active member
You don't want the solution to drop down after a day and your plants are really small. I don't think that you'll see a difference tomorrow in terms of a drop but check in and we'll see what's happening. Have a great night.

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