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saving yourself for marriage

surely some of you peeps out there are saving your for marriage. why?

for those of you who are saving yourself for marriage, why do your cock the injustice of committing to one vagina for your whole life? who told you to not bone before marriage? how can you trust them? how do you know they speak the truth and why do you openly accept what they say instead of trying to figure things out for yourself?



ICMag Donor


don't pick on Yummybud....


Okay...I won't lie. I honestly believe this is to the benefit of all involved. You know how many marriages would last if only one person didn't realized their lover sucked in bed b/c they had experienced better at some point in life...

Also, with diseases and how 1 in 3 teenagers HAS an STD....really, saving yourself is not only intelligent, but SAFE.

I PERSONALLY, have not done so, and many times I think back and realize I cheated my some day wife out of something that was rightfully hers. I like the concept of being a womans only lover...not sure why, but to me, there is a deep romance to that concept. And I am sure a woman could relate to this...to know that she is the only one to have EVER caused her man to feel THAT...it is a privilege that few will ever know.

I HAVE dated a virgin....was with her for many years. In FACT, she wanted to wait until marriage, and I NEVER pressured her, even though I had already had sex, I wanted to respect her wishes and her beliefs. I waited for 3 FULL years...and she did eventually change her mind...but once we broke up (a year and a half later) she became a bit of a slut...why?...because it no longer mattered to her...the specialness and sanctity of her body was already gone...it was HEART BREAKING to see and witness.

Maybe I am just a bit old school or contemporary, but I have first hand seen the detriment it can become in a persons life. Not to mention, those that become literally addicted to sex, losing all meaning and purpose, and becoming nothing more than an empty feeling....not an emotion...but a feeling...it is sad.

I think the only thing that makes sex so special and DIFFERENT, is when there is a deep emotional connection that exists in the first place...when it is not done out of lust, but done because you desire to share the deepest corners of your soul with another being.

Honestly, I can't have sex without "making love". Most people that I have ever been with, say I am oddly passionate...and that is because I give myself to them....unfortunately, MOST have no clue how to deal with or handle that type of intensity...why?...because they have become numb, cold, and callus...oblivious to the emotion and only focused on the feeling....

Personally, I find that type of interaction to leave me feeling empty...longing for something more, that they can't provide...and instantly I lose respect for them as an individual, realizing they have no clue what love and passion and SEX can REALLY be.

In fact, it kind of leaves me a bit disgusted...not only with concept of sex, but at myself...

I have been and will always be, a bit of a hopeless romantic. Whoring around, just doesn't do anything to better my being....

Okay....can't wait to see the responses this gets.....hahahaha!!



@Frank you just took my Yummybud attack :fsu: Funny same ways!! Can't wait to have him troll this thread as well.. This topic is tailor made for him!

Cookie monster

C'mon folks if yummy doesn't want a penis inside him untill he gets married that his choice and we should respect it :moon:


Active member
Did you ever think that 'saving myself for marriage' could maybe be a euphamism for 'get your hands out of my pants you haven't earned that yet'? I know it's college and she was topless but even girls that age can see when you really want something and that if they withhold it they can wrap you round their little finger with the promise of it.

This has happened to me a few times now and i've only recently figured it out, 'why act slutty if you're not a slut?' - to get the upper hand, power move.

Find yourself an easy non religious ganja smoking slut and have a good time (wear a rubber), save the power tripping family girls for when you get a decent job and can afford it.
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Cookie monster

From the man who loves boxers! Hmm, what are your views on y fronts?

Guess i should have wrote boxer dogs eh...now everyone thinks i'm some sort of freak with an underpants fetish, commando 24/7 for me all that blue fur keeps me warm enough.

Premarital sex is like buying a used car, it might come with a warranty but your still going to want to take it for a test drive before you buy it :2cents:


surely some of you peeps out there are saving your for marriage. why?

i had a topless mormon in my bed last night and went for her pants and got rejected. yadda yadda, shes a mormon saving herself for marriage! great... i know shes sucked a dick in her lifetime, and ive heard of catholic school sluts taking it in the ass. so whats so forbidden about the vag as opposed to taking cock in other holes, i just dont get it.

for those of you who are saving yourself for marriage, why do your cock the injustice of committing to one vagina for your whole life? the injustice to yourself of not boning hot horny college girls? who told you to not bone before marriage? how can you trust them? if god told you directly, i suppose thats fair enough. but if some other joker told you( a priest or some shit) how do you know they speak the truth and why do you openly accept what they say instead of trying to figure things out for yourself?


its like buying a car without test driving it first. plain stupid.


Eww, Gypsy is showing interest my pant fetish and i now know Cookie monster is commando under those corderoy trousers.

Can today get worse! lol


18 and Doh!
God told me directly through the bible. Sometimes in the past ive given by interpreting the rule saying that marriage was different back then because people got married basically right away and i've used that to cheat it but upon further reading i've realized that i can't do that anymore.
take care


New member
So heres a story for you guys... names ages e.t.c. changed for obvious purposes...

Im around 27 years old spent the better part of my adult life traveling around the world in the military... slept with mmmmm 15-20 women. Had a injury in a foreign country that ended my career. Was planning on doing my 20-30 years retiring between 40-50 and living it up... well didn't workout that way so I started college at a big 4 year state university we'll say UCLA... met, fell in love with a 19 year old virgin (I was we'll say 23-24 at the time)... She also fell in love with me she came from a hugely conservative evangelical christian family but she was a down chic you know... anyways long story short i've always been tested for stds and when we started sleeping together I was tested again and nothing... Year and a half after we started dating she has an abnormal pap smear which turns out to be high risk HPV which turns into cancerous cells which turns into pollops which turns into me watching her slowly die of cancer... some weeks shell be fine the next white as a ghost about to start chemo/radiation crap here in the next couple months and then prolly her cervix removed. We're not together anymore (how do you stay with someone that gave you cancer?)...

For those of you that don't know HPV is two types either warts or high risk... you can have both or one or the other if you have high risk hpv as a man no test in the world will show that you have it and you won't have any symptoms... currently 45 percent of men in the country have some form of hpv its that common and most times a womens body will fight it off and never have to worry about it... but there is that chance... so yah for me the sun rises and sets with this chic i'd cutoff an arm literally to be with her... hell the only reason i grow is cuz it's to difficult for me to hold a job now cuz i'm all fucked up in the head.

But the point is that shit can happen when you have sex before marriage and its just not worth it... cuz I never thought i'd ever actually love a girl before I met her and then when I did this is what happened as a result of previous mistakes...

Bad writer could've made it better but I got some trimming to do


At one point in time I was saving myself for the right girl. Then one day I said fuckit and I lost my virginity to a drunken whore at a party. Once I lost my virginity I felt alot less shy around girls and no longer felt like sex was holding me back in my relationships. Sex is an important part of a relationship whether or not we want to admit it. It all relates back to our primal/innate instincts. "love" is simply a chemical imbalance in the brain to encourage procreation. If you think "no, love is the union of two souls blah blah blah" then you are delusional and can't accept the fact that we are, although highly evolved, still just animals.

I would guess saving yourself for marriage would be nice, if you actually ended up marrying exactly the right person, soulmates if you will. Think about it realistically though, how many people do you know that haven't lived a life of failed relationships? I've been engaged twice and have had countless girlfriends, but never a one night stand. I do "believe" in love and soulmates and all that, I'm just more logical about the possible outcomes I suppose.

I would never forgive myself if I would have saved myself for marriage, only to be divorced a year later. Marriage is no guarantee that you'll be "together for ever". People change and there's nothing we can do about it, no matter how much we love them.


ICMag Donor
i agree there is something to be said about turning your lights down low and giving some sweet love to your lady. but isnt there some satisfaction to railing a girl doggystyle and passing out? i figure i probably will get tired of that of that emotionless drunk slut fucking, and that will be in a few years. then i can romance a new special girl that means something to me when the time of drunk bitches is gone forever. IT WILL ONLY BE THERE ONCE!

See that is in essence my point. Making love doesn't have to be lights low and romantic...it isn't setting or any type of mood or cliche Hollywood scenario I am talking about. I have had some very intense and rough interactions...almost like a fight...but it was STILL very passionate and emotional...it was a letting go of ones self...letting down your guard and becoming vulnerable to another human being that made it special.

It has zero to do with positions or styles....people are all lost and caught up in some performance like they have something to prove...yeah, I did her like a porn star...so what! I mean, if the end result is all someone is after, I'd just as much assume leave them with some batteries on the night stand.

Honestly, I can be with a woman, and if the connection is not there emotionally, the physical aspect of it will never take off. Even if in the moment, I'm dead. Just the way it is for me. What makes it GOOD and worthwhile is literally allowing the brute force of nature take over. We are all mammals and it is natural and ingrained in our DNA...so why allow any perception or expectation or style or method affect what would otherwise unfold naturally. Sometimes it is sweet and passionate...other times it is rough and powerful...other times cuddling can be JUST as rewarding...it is all about the individual and the connection between two people. Like I said, letting go of inhibition and becoming vulnerable and awkward...and that exposure and openness, it what makes it more than just an orgasm.

And for those that know what they are doing...it will not only be there once. It will be there for their entire life, because, like in nature, a woman can sense an alpha male.


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