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Just got pulled over by a cop while carrying freshly picked marijuana.


Smokes, lets go
nice story good job standing up to that cop i would have done the exact same thing. I have given up my rights once as a teenager and I'll never do it again... basically I was pulled over for a broken taillight LENS not the light itself just the lens...

anyway me and my friend had just smoked a joint at my other friends house and had left to go watch a football game at my other friends house and on the way is when we were pulled over... anyway the cop pulls me over and comes to my window says, hey, _insert my name here_ got any marijuana today? i said no why did you pull me over just to ask me? he said no your tail light lens is broken I said so what my light works there is no law that says I have to have a lens, he said well i just wanted to let you know, and he said so do you mind if i search your car i said yes i do mind i dont have anything and im in a hurry-

he said well if you want to wait on the drug dogs it will take 45 minutes for them to get here, it'd prolly only take 5 min for me to search- and i said ok we don't have anything anyway so he searched my car didn't find anything besides a pack of papers and asked us what they were for i said rolling up cigarettes he put them on his car like there some kind of drug- but never found anything so he calls the dog anyway and his dog comes in my car and practically rip my passenger side door panel off breaking it still dosn't find anything (at this point football game is over) so we ask if we can go now and he says yeah i guess so its probably hiddin in your asshole anyway and none of us are going there so just consider yourself lucky... he threw my papers back in the car and sped off spinning tires flinging crap all over my car with his lights on

i filed a complaint against the officer who was given 2 weeks suspension unpaied for unbecoming of an officer for the asshole remark and i got the sheriffs dept to pay for my new passenger side door panel...

I would also like to throw in there some of you have said that if you are told to wait for a drug dog you can leave. i tried to leave after the cop searched my car i said if you are not arresting me i must go he said your not under arrest your being detained until the drug dog gets here so your not going anywhere and put me and my friend in handcuffs is this legal?
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cant stop wont stop
NorCalFor20 said:
nice story good job standing up to that cop i would have done the exact same thing. I have given up my rights once as a teenager and I'll never do it again... basically I was pulled over for a broken taillight LENS not the light itself just the lens...

anyway me and my friend had just smoked a joint at my other friends house and had left to go watch a football game at my other friends house and on the way is when we were pulled over... anyway the cop pulls me over and comes to my window says, hey, _insert my name here_ got any marijuana today? i said no why did you pull me over just to ask me? he said no your tail light lens is broken I said so what my light works there is no law that says I have to have a lens, he said well i just wanted to let you know, and he said so do you mind if i search your car i said yes i do mind i dont have anything and im in a hurry-

he said well if you want to wait on the drug dogs it will take 45 minutes for them to get here, it'd prolly only take 5 min for me to search- and i said ok we don't have anything anyway so he searched my car didn't find anything besides a pack of papers and asked us what they were for i said rolling up cigarettes he put them on his car like there some kind of drug- but never found anything so he calls the dog anyway and his dog comes in my car and practically rip my passenger side door panel off breaking it still dosn't find anything (at this point football game is over) so we ask if we can go now and he says yeah i guess so its probably hiddin in your asshole anyway and none of us are going there so just consider yourself lucky... he threw my papers back in the car and sped off spinning tires flinging crap all over my car with his lights on

i filed a complaint against the officer who was given 2 weeks suspension unpaied for unbecoming of an officer for the asshole remark and i got the sheriffs dept to pay for my new passenger side door panel...

I would also like to throw in there some of you have said that if you are told to wait for a drug dog you can leave. i tried to leave after the cop searched my car i said if you are not arresting me i must go he said your not under arrest your being detained until the drug dog gets here so your not going anywhere and put me and my friend in handcuffs is this legal?

man i feel ya.

i've had police officers actually damage my appolstry by tearing the backs out of my driver and passenger seats.

searching for what they "knew" i had.

of course they found nothing or i woundnt have let them search my property.

i was out of state at the time and that was the real reason they searched my vehicle.

i had just dropped off the product so in a way i felt lucky that some dammaged property was the only concequence suffered.

police officers have to follow some rules but many of them will ignor the law.. appearantly they feel they are above the law.
fucking faggot ass motherfuckers if you ask me.


Everyone is harvesting right now. I thought i would bump this thread so you all remember your rights! be safe out there and happy harvesting :)


Everyone is harvesting right now. I thought i would bump this thread so you all remember your rights! be safe out there and happy harvesting :)

Thanks for the story, NickMode, I remember well reading it last year -- I was nearly stuck in a similar situation.

Have you changed things this year? Doing anything differently? I changed up a bit -- I don't leave the grow spot in a car that the police can pull over. That seemed like a big risk to me.


:yoinks:! dude my heart was racing as I read your story..... I'm glad you got away and held your ground. Way to go on the whole warrant demand I liked that one

I have also heard of locking your keys in the car so they don't try and take your keys.


I remembered this thread from last year i was about to say what are the chances haha!
Good vibes to all unless your a dick haah jk. well maybe not.

Hell yeah man way to control the power hungry little peon!

Had a feeling i posted in this thread. haha sorry im baked i can still edit that post form 1 year ago


Now imagine if he smelled it and called the drug dogs while you were downtown.

That's a crazy story, glad to see you got off.


Maryland police suck!!

Friend's nephew (white) was pulled over after crossing state line by black pig. Similar car and driver had BOLO. After handing him license and registration, cop reached in driver's window to remove key from ignition. "What are you doing?" Cop then proceeded to punch and abuse until he passed out. Woke up in cell covered in blood, nose broken, eardrum broken and eyes swollen shut. This 38 year old man was coming home after attending his uncle's funeral.

The lawsuit resulted in nephew getting 250K. Used it to buy home in Silver Springs. Cop later ended up dead. Beaten to death in bar fight.

Karma's a bitch!!


Hmmm I'd say it's a tough call as to what to do in a situtation like this. I mean if you are in a remote area, he's got a gun and handcuffs. And you've got your dick in your hand. I mean I'm glad we live in America and all and we have rights. But rights are concepts and a gun and nightstick are real instruments of force and violence. Your rights are only a good defense after you've had a nightstick shoved up your ass. So the charges are dismissed and you walk with a limp for the rest of your life. Can you say Abner Louima...from your hospital bed?

I mean some cops are just thugs in uniform. Does he have control over his emotions or is your defiance going to cause him to beat you into a bloody pulp and claim you were resisting arrest? Thats a very tricky call to make and you'd better be good at reading people. And good luck when it comes to your word against his in a courtroom if there aren't any witnesses.

It might be better to take the ticket for posession if its a small amount. Now you are on his shit list and god forbid he catches you dead to rights. Sometimes you've got to sacrifice a virgin to the volcano so the crops can grow. You read the situation right and made what turned out to be the right call. He tried every trick in the book to get you to cave and you held fast. But it could have easily gotten ugly. Good job though. I'll bet the adrenaline rush of that lasted a while.


I've been watching videos on the youtube which involve police requesting to search a suspect, him getting anxious and bolting for it, needless to say he got tackled and taken down.

This was in the UK, which makes me wonder. could he refuse a search? I'm more familiar with US laws and rights. What would this fellows best course of action be? I hear a new legislation is in place now which means a warrant is not needed for a spot search. Anybody familiar with UK laws?


I've been watching videos on the youtube which involve police requesting to search a suspect, him getting anxious and bolting for it, needless to say he got tackled and taken down.

This was in the UK, which makes me wonder. could he refuse a search? I'm more familiar with US laws and rights. What would this fellows best course of action be? I hear a new legislation is in place now which means a warrant is not needed for a spot search. Anybody familiar with UK laws?

They are allowed to search people.