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For those TRAITORS who think cannabis should be taxed


Active member
Further proof of its already legal status.
http://www.kcra.com/news/21082965/detail.html said:
Police raided a marijuana-growing operation Wednesday in East Sacramento, but no arrests were made.

The grow was found in a rental house at 4216 C St.

Police in protective gear entered the home early in the morning.

Investigators said the pot was apparently being grown for medicinal purposes. The plants were documented and information about the find will be turned over the district attorney.


Throbbing Member
If it is legal then tax it......gotta pay for the next war somehow why not put it on the backs of stoners?


Patient Grower
Police in protective gear entered the home early in the morning

Now I've got that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail where they encountered the killer rabbit running through my head. Aye that's one foul rodent with a vicious streak a mile wide.


people prop215 has been around for years and as f.f. says you medisnobs are just that.
I think therefore I am sums up the basis of rhetorical crappy argument blue dot aka buffalo bob always being captain negator yea fuck s.d.
I have said this before I will say it again you cannot modify a ballot proposition except with another ballot proposition the body of law the numerous attempts by legislative bodies to modify prop 13 were all declared unconstitutional ,and was just recently modifed by what?: another state ballot inititive.
prop 215 is specific in declaring persons with a valid dr recommend to be immune from being prosecuted for possessing or cultivating cannabis.
making blanket statements that people just want to get high,and anyone can get a rec means what?only that your positing an unqualified medical opine because you are not a doctor which means:you are a qualified asshole for sharing and promoting your ignorance as fact.
it really pains me to read some of these posts. conjecture is just that so leave it at home,please try to leave your opine with the used asswipe and give it a flush,and try to keep things on a factual basis when posing an argument not things that are inherently subjective to reader,and writer.
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How can anyone be against taxing? Of course the gov. will want to have thier share of the money and to say we paid our taxes already with the jail, probate and such I kinda agree with but they do not smoke and do not really care to allow us. So they need a reason. Whats really wrong with charging $20 a pack of joints just like a cigarette pack. The gov can have 15 the store 3 the manufacturer 2. The Gov., the stores and the big tobacco whom would obviously be in the position to produce and market the best would make way more money than they do now and we would be paying $1 per joint for the top of the line stuff. And of course we should have the right to grow but at $1 per joint (pack of 20 for $20) growing ALMOST doesn't make sence (indoors at least)

To be against that is messed up what does a pack of cigarettes weigh? wiki says a cigarette weighs a gram. so a dollar a gram for premium top of the line perfectly rolled every time. If your against that you have obvious black market or commercial interests. Mass production is the best friend we can have when it comes to weed. No longer will there be "Elite's" their will be commercial and crap home grown with commercial being the former elite's except they won't be elite anymore when thier fields of 100,000 cuttings at a time growing all over the south. And by crap i mean even the highest quality home grown done right but that would the vast majority of the time not compare to what you could buy at any gas station.

I challenge anyone to give me 1 reason that would not be a good thing that doesn't involve your own self interest.


taxes like your idea licks ass you can pay the goverment a dollar every time you smoke a joint.I don't see your rationale which is I think therefore I am.cali goverment is one of excess .I don't see any reason why pot smokers should have to pay anything when we have prop 215.and yea i rather give my doctor money than the state county city.


taxes like your idea licks ass you can pay the goverment a dollar every time you smoke a joint.I don't see your rationale which is I think therefore I am.cali goverment is one of excess .I don't see any reason why pot smokers should have to pay anything when we have prop 215.and yea i rather give my doctor money than the state county city.

Then the prop @ http://californiacannabisinitiative.org/ is for you.

Personal use isn't taxed if grown in your home and not sold.

no new taxes for Medical users under prop 215/sb420

removes all previous convictions for Cannabis use in California and prevents new convictions.

Now, if you want to sell it, then you get taxed. You want to buy it from a store, you get taxed. Appeases both sides of the fence, makes you legal and untaxed as long as you grow your own, and those who want to make a profit still can by paying a tax.


i am all for releasing prisoners of all drug crimes,but I would not vote for any inititive that taxed marijuana,make all the money you want but i don't want one cent going onto the states general fund.I won't vote for a ballot intitive that uses taxation as a measure to achieve legitimacy,after all the crap I have been thru with prop215 i have no desire to fund any bureaucratic organisation be it state,county,or a municipality just say no to taxation!


i am all for releasing prisoners of all drug crimes,but I would not vote for any inititive that taxed marijuana,make all the money you want but i don't want one cent going onto the states general fund.I won't vote for a ballot intitive that uses taxation as a measure to achieve legitimacy,after all the crap I have been thru with prop215 i have no desire to fund any bureaucratic organisation be it state,county,or a municipality just say no to taxation!

You don't have to. Grow your own and you won't be paying taxes at all.

But instead, you would rather dunk your head in the sand and not help out the millions of people who are sitting in jail for non violent cannabis offenses.

Sorry, but letting people out of jail, making sure more don't go back is a lot more important to me then sitting on some high horse when everything you purchase already is taxed. Not to mention the prop makes it so that the tax only goes back into the school system / rehab you are basically standing up for what again?


i care less about the unionised school system bureaucracy coupled with a seniority system.I think all drug prisoners should be freed as its a non-violent offense with the victim being whom?but to get on your high horse and couple taxation with the release of prisoners is your own view.inherantly they are two seperate issues one having merit the other none.
rehabilitation for what? pot smokers?or did you mean narcotic offenders as defined in proposition 36 that mandated rehabilitation over incarceration?which as well as prop 215 was illegally modified and its modifications were declared unconstitutional by supreme court.as will s.b 420 be overturned as an illegal modification of a ballot proposition.why should pot smokers subsidise narcotic users?how about the richest 5 percent in this state instead?or alcohol or prescription narcotics?
there is nothing that I like like about state county or municipality,our current budget crisis being large part an outgrowth of public employee unions manipulations of our state budget.goverment only cares about more goverment,or more power.so I only care about the goverment having less,and to that end the ability of all individual or groups to manipulate that power being styfled.
you want non-violent drug offenders freed start a ballot initive for that.trying to posit some moral superiority coupling two seperate issues doesn't make an impression on me.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You don't have to. Grow your own and you won't be paying taxes at all.

But instead, you would rather dunk your head in the sand and not help out the millions of people who are sitting in jail for non violent cannabis offenses.

Sorry, but letting people out of jail, making sure more don't go back is a lot more important to me then sitting on some high horse when everything you purchase already is taxed.

...is that someone with common sense? Wow. Im suprised how many assholes who are profiting from its illegality would rather see people suffer than to impose a tax on a commodity. You pay taxes on everything, why should pot be treated differently? If you think taxes are unconstitutional that is a valid argument to support, but to keep a substance illegal and its users locked up in cages like animals because you dont support it being taxed is an audacious blasphemy against human kind. Nobody should be in jail for pot, just as nobody should be in jail for alcohol or tobacco consumption. Anyone who disagrees with the legalization and taxation of cannabis obiously has more sinister hidden motives.....


nephilthim: I don't see your rationale

$30 ounces (20 1 gram joints for $20) sold at the gas station please explain how that's bad.

Prop 215 has weed going for 10x that please explain how giving the gov $15 per pack is stupid but paying 300 an oz is smart? Just because the gov won't get a dollar of that 300? well directly that is true however I bet the gov makes more off the taxes from the purchaces that the person that got your 300 makes with that money than they would have with my idea and tax directly at a low price.

Sounds like Nephilthim sells but that's just my opinion


Active member
Legalization is The devils work:mad:

Thankfully the cali med clubs have Done the job of setting back most states from attempting Legalization

Dude, you really, seriously need to get your head out of your ass!!!

nephilthim: I don't see your rationale

$30 ounces (20 1 gram joints for $20) sold at the gas station please explain how that's bad.

Prop 215 has weed going for 10x that please explain how giving the gov $15 per pack is stupid but paying 300 an oz is smart? Just because the gov won't get a dollar of that 300? well directly that is true however I bet the gov makes more off the taxes from the purchaces that the person that got your 300 makes with that money than they would have with my idea and tax directly at a low price.

Sounds like Nephilthim sells but that's just my opinion

You and your $20 packs of joints. You need to come to grips with reality - naive doesn't even begin to describe your thinking.

Do you have any idea how the gov't processes weed now? The entire marijuana plant is washed to extract the resin, then the stems, seeds, leaves and buds are all ground up together, then the extraction from the wash is sprayed on the ground-up mess to make sure that every joint has exactly the same amount of thc etc as the next. Maybe you'd pay smoke that shit, but I wouldn't smoke it if they paid me.

It's great that you have ideas, but ideas have to be tempered with reality.



Throbbing Member
Do you have any idea how the gov't processes weed now? The entire marijuana plant is washed to extract the resin, then the stems, seeds, leaves and buds are all ground up together, then the extraction from the wash is sprayed on the ground-up mess to make sure that every joint has exactly the same amount of thc etc as the next. ...

Never heard that before....can you post a link where you read that?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Dude, you really, seriously need to get your head out of your ass!!!

You and your $20 packs of joints. You need to come to grips with reality - naive doesn't even begin to describe your thinking.

Do you have any idea how the gov't processes weed now? The entire marijuana plant is washed to extract the resin, then the stems, seeds, leaves and buds are all ground up together, then the extraction from the wash is sprayed on the ground-up mess to make sure that every joint has exactly the same amount of thc etc as the next. Maybe you'd pay smoke that shit, but I wouldn't smoke it if they paid me.

It's great that you have ideas, but ideas have to be tempered with reality.


:bigeye: Speaking of tempering your ideas with reality :bigeye:

I simply don't believe that the government grown weed has seeds in it, let alone the whole plant being ground up business... they know how to grow pot now, it's not like it was back in the day. I'm sure they don't bother growing males unless they have a seperate breeding program, and even then I'd think they would have HEPA filters. Why would they have to go to all the trouble when they could just take a known %THC clonal population to maturity and harvest like normal growers?? Standing by on that reference material. :chin:


Active member
Never heard that before....can you post a link where you read that?

It was here on IC Mag. Within the last month or two there was a thread about the gov't taking bids to grow mj for research - not the thread that started yesterday, it's older than that. Try searching Univ. of Mississippi or just scrolling back a few pages on the Med forum.

Edit: Look on this page, about 2/3's of the way down the page a posting by "Pops" then further down the page he references and links to a document on the program.


But somewhere else on this forum there are a couple of posts by someone who knows a guy that is enrolled in the gov't mj research program, and has been for many years. Said user has seen the gov't weed from his friend and said it is real shit. Anyway, there have been several references to this on IC Mag.

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