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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
ive had some issues lately that i need to take proper measures against
this results in the fact that i cant post pix form the corn grows at this moment
ill still take pix and hope the situation will change so i can post the updates later but right now i need to lay a little low regarding the corn field grows
future updates will mostly focus on the plants from the greenhouse but of course i hope to be able to post more corn grow pix later

stay tuned, safe and green


be as careful as you need to be. posting pix is just gravy on top of everything. prime directive: bring the crop in and be safe.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

I've long worried about two things in your grow: the use of flash to take night pictures and the driving to the fields and parking your car.

I've lived on a farm all my life. Farmers are pretty observant and I fear they may see the flash from your camera and call the police. I also worry that someone -police or farmer- will check on your parked car. If there was a way you could get dropped off and then picked back up, maybe bicycle to the spot, that may be safer.


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ICMag Donor
tnx for all the stay safe wishes

somethings have happened lately that made me stop posting pix from the corn fields for awhile but hopefully i can post these pix later

cant tell what happened as "they" would be able to figure who is growing where and other stuff...
once and if i reveal why ive taken these measure im sure everyone would agree that these measures was in place

Claude Hopper:
the problem is not exactly what you describe but similar so i need to lay a little low regarding the corn for awhile
i hope to be able to explain later

i have grown out a little past 1100 plants for the corn
for the primary strain ive brought both males and females out in the corn, although removing the weakest looking males
for secondary strains and crosses ive removed the males
then i have around 30-40 cuttings and mothers growing in the greenhouse
they need to be moved inside soon they for those mothers i dont want to flower

yesterday i put 4 fat russians, 4 double dutch and one cheese, happy brother, sssdh and one sweet skunk into forced flowering in a light sealed closet outside
they get moved outside for 12 hours if the sunshine is strong or they get lights with a timer

ill post an update with greenhouse and forced flower plants soon

if the weather is good i prefer to move them outside as i get readings saying more than 100 000 lux in good sunshine

when i measure at the tops inside the closet with 250 watt hps and an adjust a wing with heat spreader apr 12 cm from the closets tops i get between 20 000 and 60 000 at the tops meaning the lower parts get much less

so it will be a sun/hps combi grow depending on weather
natural sun is prefered of course as its cheaper and stronger


We covered this topic on overgrow. I don't care how many posts you have, or how many pics you rip off to prove your point.

Corn in this country is grown with chemicals. These get people sick. If you have a commercial grow in corn, you are selling weed full of nasty shit.

You obviously know this, and yet do not care, and I think this is fucked up unethical.


Life is one big grow........
We covered this topic on overgrow. I don't care how many posts you have, or how many pics you rip off to prove your point.

Corn in this country is grown with chemicals. These get people sick. If you have a commercial grow in corn, you are selling weed full of nasty shit.

You obviously know this, and yet do not care, and I think this is fucked up unethical.

read the hole thread....bro!!!

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
This grow diary has been amazing - I'm starting an outdoor breeding project with a mate in the UK and we hope to IBL an early potent strain so we can give out free seeds.

This year is my 1st outdoor!!
I planted 17 fem plants, and now have 6 due to, slugs, deer, rabbits, and slimy creatures, but I have BIG plans for next year. :)

I pray you have a successful harvest. :joint:

I have been reading a lot aboutDanish / Nordic strains and will have to use some for the project.

Are you running SSSDH indoors? i have heard amazing things about that cut.

Hope you're well


Active member
Sorry to hear about the losses. Hope your luck turns around.

Good work and keep it up. It looks like a fun little adventure for the rest of the season.


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ICMag Donor
just ignore the troll
he tries to be a wiseguy from the overgrow word but i bet he doesnt know that its been closed for years ( so much for having the subject "covered")

hard work, a massive amount of plants and looking forward to a BIG harvest always cause envy and trolls
actually im surprised how few there has been in here so far
well, what can i say but
fuck the envy haters..

im growing for seeds and stash and therefore not dried pot but i smoked a little of the seeded pot last year and gave some of it too friends also
every body thought it tasted good and only difference was strain dependant

only chemicals used in a corn field is weed killer early in season and if it doesnt kill the weed cause the weed is ( mostly) brought in AFTER the spray, then it get washed out and what other chemicals could tghen hurt the weed and the taste?
well chemical fertilizers are applied by the farmers early in the season and i add way more after transplant and they get the latest dose soon so it will mostly be used up when the cannabis is harvested
i do the same in my garden and no one have ever complaint about chemical taste in either my garden, corn of indoor grows

sparky14 is just trying to get his post count and experience level up on others behalf but my advice is to ignore him

as mentioned before i have some security issues that keeps me from posting corn pix atm but i hope to be able to post them later and i expect to be posting a greenhouse, garden and first batch of indoor forced flowering plants tomorrow


Gunnar, I'm glad to see you are safe and sound, and taking the right approach to the negativity of the few. It's always sad to see someone allow negative vibes to influence them; I'd suggest sparky spark up a few more j's and ease back a bit.

Sorry to read about your mishap with the lazy farmer. I went out today after a particularly bad storm, and found my male NL snapped in 1/2 with 1 of my large fems laying on top of it. The male will probably still be able to pollinate the fems around it, but I still felt a bit of shock and loss; I can only imagine how difficult it was to lose as many as you did. I am glad to read all of your others are doing great, and I look forward to some pics of your greenhouse and indoor sites.

My best to you and yours, my friend. Be good out there!


Hope you'll have a good season man!

But didn't you think from the start that it would be a major security issue to have this thread running through the season?

Running 1000+ plants grow ops, I wouldn't even tell my dog about it!

All I'm saying is it might have been safer to post when the job is done and the cash warm in your pocket...

But I know how you feel, it's just so nice to share with people who also love growing dope, and I thank you for that!




Where and how do i find cornfield, and when does the farmer havest the corn?


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ICMag Donor
as having 2 security issues at once and one of them concerning the corn fields, i havent been out in them for some time
waiting for some "heat" to clear and also the other issue has to be resolved which i hope it will soon
i would love to go check my corn babes out and take some pix for the viewers of this thread
hopefully i can do that soon
if not then ill post some from my own garden and the greenhouse

Where and how do i find cornfield, and when does the farmer havest the corn?
the corn here in Denmark is mostly used for cattle feed
i dont know why there isnt any farmers growing sweet corn for human consumption as we have corn strains here that can mature
maybe its because they are grown cheaper in more southern countries?

but from a guerrilla growers view this is good cause then we only have one kind of corn and one harvest date to worry about

cattle corn is harvested here at start to mif October for most cases but i lost one field last year in the very end of September
15-20 really nice Erocket/danish passion was eaten by the farmers harvest machine :wallbash:
but i had 7 other small fields that pulled trough

i say start the harvest with the most early maturing strains and work your way tru them in that order ( if you have several fields) until harvesting the last ones in the end of September where 95% of the fields arent harvested yet
normally they start the harvesting of the first planted corn in the first week of October and work their way trough them in that order

corn fields are mostly found in areas where theres many farms with cattle as its harvested and used for cattle feed

dont put your plants out in the corn until at at least 50 cm or preferably higher
i planted my first field in end of June cause i thought it was safe from mid June and forwards but lost most of the field to a late pesticide spray ( pix of the disaster earlier in this thread)
some security issues have prevented me from returning to that area to check if fields nearby are safe, but i think and hope they are as the corn was taller and the other ones nearby
ive concentrated most my efforts since that in a another area where i have some smaller fields and one really large one
i hope the large one is safe as it contains both a primary strain and 3 secondary ones for crosses
all males have been removed from the secondary strains so i know they can do on their own until i check them later
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