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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Oh shit hope everything works out for you gunnar bro...


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ICMag Donor
tnx for all the heads up
all primary strains are out now but i still need to get a lot of the remaining secondary strains out
its heavy rain here now but it should pass soon
well aint that much a deal cause they are still growing in the pots where they receive plenty of fertilizer and if they all show sex before transplant its much lesser work for me than finding males out on a field in the middle of the night

for growing in a corn field i only use early genetics and they where all ripe when i took them down at the end of September last year
they where all with seeds
Early Dane and Thyphoon had the highest % of mature seeds
leb27 had the lowest
in fact so few mature seeds on the leb27 that i decided to pull them with roots and put them in buckets of water at home to have more seeds mature
they where in buckets for about 2 weeks making more of the seeds mature
even though not all seeds where mature at harvest all plants where ready and ripe
for growing in corn i still say leb27 is good enough for sensimilla but for seeds they still need 2 week to mature compared to a harvest date here of end September

ill make an update later with the sorry remains in that field that was sprayed
most mighty might x b3n7erdpurt/rd are dead but maybe a few makes it
the Early danes in the field i think will have a higher survival rate but they have been severely stunned in growth and harvest is probably only going to be a fraction of what was expected
theres a field nearby with 9 Auto Lotse from Darwin seeds
i fear that field was also sprayed as its nearby and the corn wasnt that big in that field either
the other fields had alrger corn and i dont think or hope they where also sprayed that late but time will tell

next year im surely going to try to find a farmer and cut a deal with him for "rent" of a piece of his field with a no spray zone where i can start them directly in the ground as seeds

did some calculations
with a row distance of 60 cm and 50 cm between each plant in the field an area of 60x100 meter will hold 10 000 plants
half as males thats still 5000 plants and with a lot less work then currently and even after having paid the farmer its still a lot more stash and seeds for me with a lot less work and risk

i really hope theres a green spirited farmer in my area with some balls


Gunnar,theres a pic in the Big Book of Buds showing KC brains in a decent sized marijuana patch grown in the center of a corn field,I think if you make the right pitch to a sympathetic farmer your onto something,good luck.


yes thats true buddymate
but the field was located in italy and its a couple of years old. I think that it would be a lot to risky to grow such a big amount of cannabis in a cornfield, even in denmark ;)

good luck with your grow. My plants are also in the corn right now. The 2nd wave just sprouted a few days ago.


Active member
What kind of herbicide/pesticide is used during the spraying of corn, is it BT corn?
I wouldn't come close to that monsanto stuff, well I guess we get exposed to it anyway.

If it isn't GM corn, what makes the cannabis plants more susceptible to the herbicide than the corn?

I am at least glad they didn't start to flower before the spraying occured.

Any herbicide used would be targeted to only broadleaf plants, which of course would include mj. Corn is a monocot just like grass, so they aren't affected.

They're harvesting corn here right now. So no buds possible, but Some grow fall crops that will be planted soon. Still, I think they'd be spotted immediately here. So I'll just watch yours.


what a bummer! but dude, a cardinal rule when planting in corn is you have to wait until the corn is too tall for the sprayer to traverse again. and sometimes seeing the field sprayed is not good enough as i have witnessed individual fields sprayed twice cause the weed kill was not good enough the first time. going in any earlier to plant and you are risking your crop, as you are sadly aware of at this moment.

things in europe may differ, but most corn and soy beans currently planted in the usa are roundup ready which means when it time to clean the fields, a dose of roundup kills all but the planted crop. i am surprised that any of your plants still survive if the herbacide used was anything similar. that would be a first, roundup ready mj.

one final note on spraying; in certain dire cases aerial spraying may be warranted but i have never seen it used for anything other than insects, thus no real harm to your plants.



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ICMag Donor
this update is a little delayed but heres the progress ( and set backs) from the last days including my first loss this year due to a farmer spraying late with herbicide

that night i was out visiting 3 different fields
first field was Field of Lebanese where i had already planted some crates of Leb27 but had one remaining

then i drove out to another field and planted my 9 Mighty mites
its not a very big or vigorous strain so the plants are a little small compared to the corn there

then i drove back to the very first field i planted with Early Danes and MM x b3n7erdpurt/royal dane
when i did the planting at late june the corn wasnt very tall but it was passed the normal mid june spraying date and there wasnt much weed to be seen so of course it had been sprayed?

well i was in for a nasty surprise

dead, dying and plants squashed by tractor wheels
i just stood there sad and stunned
i had high hopes for that field and the Early Danes where to be used for pollen picking and dusting to exotic strains and clone only cuts at home in the greenhouse and for breeding in winter

judging from the size of the plants the spraying must have happened very shortly after i did the transplant
a few might survive but the harvest from that field is going to be minimal compared to what was expected

one of these struggling to survive
notice those little nasty animals on it
i saw them on several of the struggling plants
they are some ugly looking orange and black litlle creeps
they seem to hang on to the leaves and when trying to remove them they break on the middle and some really nasty orange jelly slime comes out

sorry for the blurry pix but the auto focus on the super macro had a hard time focusing when being lit up by a small led flashlight

more misery
this one is probably not going to make it

this one surely aint

this one might do

an Early dane having a dance with death

cant stand the misery and dying plants so heres some more cheerful looking ones
its from last night

Freja from Sagaseeds
planted out a few days ago

heres some of my promising Royal Dane x Erocket/danish passion cross that i planted out last night into the Freja field
they started flowering some time ago so males have already been removed in the greenhouse so these are all ladies being dusted by the Freja

well this is it for now
ill make an update soon again when i have planted out more of the secondary strains and crosses
next ones going out are probably Purple Peace

stray tuned, safe and green


damn bro, im happy to know a lot will come from you but its so hard to see them in the death fight. respect for all the work you do bro!


Sad to see GG....next year u got to find some bio cornfields

Hope the best for you and specielly your plants

peace all

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

I admire what you've done. Big balls to pull off what you've been doing.

I've raised corn myself, but not for about ten years. Things are changing and the last few years farmers have been going more and more with Roundup Ready corn (and soybeans)

Roundup kills nearly everything it touches --unless that plant has the roundup resistance genes. Farmers are using Roundup herbicide on their feilds of Roundup Ready corn so they can spray much later in the season than they could with the old herbicides.

I lost my plants this year to Roundup. I thought it was safe planting when the corn was shoulder high. I didn't expect them to spray in such tall corn.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Gunnar,theres a pic in the Big Book of Buds showing KC brains in a decent sized marijuana patch grown in the center of a corn field,I think if you make the right pitch to a sympathetic farmer your onto something,good luck.

Can you post the pic?


ICMag Donor
Definately hard to watch plant torture like that... Run over and sprayed...

Glad you have several other fields that will make it... They're looking great by the way! Keep growin hard, harvest is getting close!

Thanks for the updates gunnar!


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ICMag Donor
thnx for all the well wishes for the harvest despite this first losses

Claude Hopper:
tnx for the valuable input
well i thought it was safe here from mid June and forward regarding pesticide sprays but its never to late to learn new stuff but hopefully not too many the hard way

i thought i was late for first starting to transplant the first field in late June but boy was i wrong!
i guess ill have to be extra careful next year and look more at the height of the corn instead of focusing on the date
i hope some Early Danes is going to survive at least for seeds because i had very good experience with that strain last year and was hoping to harvest a shit load of them this year for all those ppl wanting a potent early harvest, but now i just have to see how many survives the poison onslaught but at least its a comfort that those who survive and makes seeds are even stronger then the 08 generation but loosing all those seeds its still a very sad blow

i guess ill make extra efforts next year to cut a deal with a farmer for some safe growing that we can both benefit from
im also going to settle for less strains in order to keep the work down to less fields going bigger for each field instead

i still need to transplant some of the secondary strains and then ill go back and inspect the first fields again to see if others where also damaged by late sprays

lessons learned already this year and the losses are sad but it makes me already starting to rethink and adjust strategies for next season


I lost all my 80 dreamtimes, shit, original dc and original sunshines to spray on my own property in early jan.

I organised with a contractor to spray a few blocks while I was away and instructed him not to spray certain blocks. The company sent a new driver unfamiliar with the vineyard and with me not being there fucked my crop totally. We had an awful vintage and now I have to pay for smoke when i am strapped for cash.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I lost all my 80 dreamtimes, shit, original dc and original sunshines to spray on my own property in early jan.

I organised with a contractor to spray a few blocks while I was away and instructed him not to spray certain blocks. The company sent a new driver unfamiliar with the vineyard and with me not being there fucked my crop totally. We had an awful vintage and now I have to pay for smoke when i am strapped for cash.

too bad when that happens

i also lost a field with 20 very nice looking plants last year due to a farmer harvesting early

i guess thats just the nature of the game but i dont hope ill loose plants like the above again
it was really a sad experience
i came into the field with high hopes and was expecting to see some nice plants that have had a nice grow since i was there last time and then that awful sight met me

this night i was out in the field again where i planted Freja as the primary strain and royal dane x erocket/danish passion as a secondary
i planted the Purple Peace there also as a secondary to night and had a look on how the 2 other strains where doing after i was done with the transplanting
on the way home i stopped in with a field of Carpatians to see how they where doing as ive heard some other growers with warnings of possible herma tendencies with the newest batch, but all was fine there
but lets start with first things first

heres the purple peace just after transplant

heres the Royal Dane x erocket/danish passion
i have very high hopes for this cross as the parent lines are very good, early and potent and the cross was the first to show sex for both males and females

heres a look again on Freja
seems like they have adjusted very good after the transplant and it now starting some growth after stabilizing root system and adjusting to the new environment outside the SOG in the greenhouse

After some fellow growers had reported some herma problems with this seasons batch of Carpatians i decided to inspect them on the way home
no problems encountered
i had started them very late so im not worried they show sex late in my case
theres 9 weeks left until harvest so i should be able to a decent harvest on them regarding both stash and seeds ( seeds only of course in the case i dont find any herma problems with them)
from 12 or 14 plants, i cant remember, i had 2-3 early flowering males, 2 early flowering females and one good looking male in full flower

a good looking and very early male compared to the others and the late start i gave them

all in all a good and pleasant nights work without any awful encounters compared to last time i was out in the fields

if the look a little bend out of shape its because it was windy as hell when i took the shots

stay tuned, safe and green


Hope ur project will run smooth from now on. There is nothing wors than loosing plants when there is no time to start all over. Crossing fingers for u



ICMag Donor
Plots are looking great, gunnar! Glad ya found happy plants this time... Royal Dane x Erocket x DP should make some great plants... Looking forward to watching them all bloom out! Do you have any plots where you think the plants may not be able to grow fast enough and might end up getting shaded out? Hope not.... Timing is critical with corn growing...
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