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Raistlin's Room '08


Raistlin Majere

accessndx ~ thanks for the info bro :friends:
and perhaps the P.S. part should be deleted, so far he has not showed up here
but we don't want to invite him in should he read the post, i would hate to hate negativity like that in this thread :badday:

cocktail frank ~ WORD !! thanks man i'll remember if/when i need it :friends:

------------------no pix yet :fsu:
starting to get on my nerves a bit to be honest :violin:


mornin friends!
thanks for the avid info..heres hopin we never need to nuke our grows! :muahaha:
If P shows his face in this thread, he'll be pounced on for sure, and not just by one person...

The pics thing is makin me not want to be part of IC anymore. Im feeling like it's a waste of my time.
Im sorry to say that, and obviously my friends are not a waste of my time, but hayzus christos, what the hell are these forums based on if not pics???
I really wish GN would fix this pic prob.. :badday: :rant: :rant: :cuss:

Raistlin Majere

oi no pouncing please !!
i have no problems if someone visits
if they leave a negative post, i'll have a mod clean it up
but if everyone posts up it really throws the thread off track

they get the pix fixed soon i hope too, but i won't leave over it LOL
Keep it green bro :friends:


Raistlin Majere said:
oi no pouncing please !!
i have no problems if someone visits
if they leave a negative post, i'll have a mod clean it up
but if everyone posts up it really throws the thread off track

they get the pix fixed soon i hope too, but i won't leave over it LOL
Keep it green bro :friends:
your right. but you know we would just be verbal assasins anyway.. :bashhead:
Speaking of mods, has anyone tried pm'ing DG about this server problem just to try to get a fix on this??

Raistlin Majere

LOL i would be willing to bet everyone in charge here has at least 50 P.M.'s each regarding the issue
and LMAO @ verbal assasins, accessndx can wax an azz poetic for damn sure


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
verbal assasins... i love it... im glad theres always positive vibes in this tread.

RAist~ good news.. those old casings... are finally starting to pin.. i might actually get a few boomers out of it.. id show you some pics.. but... well.. im not going to mention... it... im sure the prob will be fixed soon.. dont you guys go anywhere.. its only temporary!!


Raistlin Majere

sweet deal bro !! :friends:
glad they are working for you
and shit mang i won't be going anywhere :joint: this is my home away from home, although i wish this damn pic upload problem would stop
it seems to keep happening over and over



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raistlin Majere said:
accessndx ~ thanks for the info bro :friends:
and perhaps the P.S. part should be deleted, so far he has not showed up here
but we don't want to invite him in should he read the post, i would hate to hate negativity like that in this thread :badday:

LOL. The P.S. part says "my chick loves my tentacles..." Which she does...I think I need a tentacle job later 2nite! But consider the other stuff d-leted! You're absolutely right...NOBODY wants that crap here...or on the F-thread.
I know "you know who" was trolling 'round last evening....so he's probably done with both since no posts in either.
Much love to ya bros.

Raistlin Majere

pix :jump:

the eggs

and a gift from the Grat3ful's better half, only one did not make the trip
but there are 12 in the pack still :rasta:

more later :smoweed:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ooooooooooooofah. Those are some big motherfu*king eggs man. At least a baker's dozen. They look like caviar...certainly not spider mites or other things I'm familar with.
Honestly I think picking them off and giving the plants a high pressure water hose down....then some "safer soap" would do the trick. I still would clean down the cab and isolate stuff as much as possible. If you DO take cuttings off those plants anymore do the following: submerge them in water like you're washing a dish.....
Dunk the cutting completely under cold clean water and then shake vigorously........that should wash everything off. You'll need to prophylactically use safer soap, neem and capsaicin to avoid the development of problems then.

Raistlin Majere

took no chances with these plants because i do not want a mother from them
so they are already out in the woods
need to make sure the room is clean for the CC and GA
cause im gonna pack them in and run the hell out of them
got no time to be fighting bugs, whatever kind they are :dueling:

downloading now, but no more canna pix till tonight
just some local shots for cellard


nice yo,finaly some updates on the way...can you imagine how long its gonna take to check out everybodies grows LOL peace

Raistlin Majere

sirgrassalot ~ hey man no prob :joint: covered bridges are still pretty common where i am at
Cellard is from near by and was feeling homesick, so he asked for pix
i am glad you liked them as well :rasta:

YwouldntI ~ chit bro, i'll take a week maybe to get around to seeing them all :muahaha:
but with the state of things now, everyone crazy up-loading/posting pix, LOL no one will mind
just takin my time like i always do :joint:
Peace :smoweed:


aw man..:redface:
Thanks much Rais. I remember all of that like it was yesterday.
I see you gotta pic of my family reunion at that turkey farm too! :muahaha: :laughing: :laughing:
I also remmeber what it looks lke in autumn as well and am just countin the days..
heres one back at ya!

this is off a trestle near my old home.
Im gonna be here and there and uploadin and updatin and my comp's actin all squirrely so I wanna get all my pics uploaded into IC so I can delete them from my comp to take t in for service so I might not be on in a couple of days.. :violin:
Thanks again for the pics man!!:respect:
edit: nice score on the Jones!
I would boil those eggs fo a egg salad sammich! :muahaha:
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