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confession thread

i did this with my current lady the first time we ever did it. many many years ago. i told her about it a few months ago and it makes for a good laugh. she teases me about how we could of had a 5 year old by now


man, this thread wins ICMAGs most fucked up thread award no doubt...
i'm speechless

i have a fast metabolism and i eat A LOT.
this is followed by many hellacious shits which i photograph via cellphone and send them to all my stoner friends.

i can upload a few later tonight when i get home if anyone is interested.


Active member
fuck this is some hard core shit. I can't believe I am in a community like this at times. If you seen me at a PTA meeting or Golf tournament I would not stand out. Not that I am judging, I know this shit happens.

I hope you find some relief from the H. Sounds like a fucked up way to live to me. I still have all kinds of goals and future ahead of me. That is what you need too.

Living on the edge......I still have goals and a future ahead. That is what keeps me going. I am definately not the average retiree here. Most old ppl suck in their attitude. But sorry to hear about the heroin addiction.....that is a dead end addiction. But it can be stopped before its too late.


ICMag Donor
i have a fast metabolism and i eat A LOT.
this is followed by many hellacious shits which i photograph via cellphone and send them to all my stoner friends.

i can upload a few later tonight when i get home if anyone is interested.

nooooo thanks...please dont :D


I have fordyce's spots (a genital condition, beware of pics in article).


It's not as bad as in the picture but it did make me feel self conscious for a while, like I had some STD from a toilet seat or some shit.

Mods, please leave this up. I'm only posting this because it's actually a fairly common condition in both men and women, not to mention treatment info in the article. I got some karma back at OG for posting this(before I even knew the name). Made some folk feel better, like they're not alone.

omg I thought i had the herps! thx lmao


I can't match most people's stories in here but back when me and my friend where slinging we made a 4 hr. trip to one city to deliever a major load everything's going find to some dudes bust in the house trying to rob us so of course we thought we had been set up. But with them being stupid they bought knives to a gun fight I had a little .380 and my boy was carrying an .45 so nevertheless we turn the tabkles on these dudes I pistol whip the shit out of one of em just cause he made me angry my friend starts wailing on another dude and before we left I took a concrete block in front of this guys house and hurl it at his face for setting us up. When we left the owner was bleeding badly and the robbers were on the floor moaning still don't know to this day whether that guy is alive or not but I don't fuck around when I get set up should have shot his ass but I'm a pacifist so I couldn't do that lol.

Anyway after getting out of that situation we never went back to that city to do buisness again and if I ever run into that pansy I might finish his ass off for crying like a bitch. But I believe that's the only bad karma I have from my dealing days besides light bags to people I didn't like.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I did not shoot the deputy

I've been trying to rack my brain but I just can't think of anything I've done that is that bad....


The Hopeful Protagonist
I did not shoot the deputy

I've been trying to rack my brain but I just can't think of anything I've done that is that bad....

Fibber :nanana:

Ohh wait, on second thought....don't tell us....I want to let my imagination work overtime :laughing:



I ignored the fact that my girlfriend was pregnant for about 6 months(we went on a break after 4) and then she had to travel out of state for an abortion and I didn't help pay. Honestly, though we had talked about getting an abortion and she should have taken the steps earlier and not waited so long, also she told me she was on the pill. Plus my best friend died recently and I was still not sure about an abortion being the best plan cause I kinda wanted a kid (maybe just trying to replace my friend).

I guess that's kinda fucked up?


Everybody chill I might be a violent person but I'm not quick to temper unless crossed. I must confess smoked a blunt last night with a friend after not smoking for 3 weeks must confess I was severely stoned. I got a drug test coming up for the military I'll also confess I'm going to use synthetic but shit gets out of my system in a week run 3+ miles plus everyday so won't be smoking again for another 2 weeks sucks ass. Oh and for those wondering I;m about to beat my meat like it oh's me money horah for porn.