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confession thread



well we all shine on, yeah yeah, all right.
...and I didn't even have to click your link..


ICMag Donor

Big D

it is quite embarrassing and shameful to think of the things i used to do Cella
let alone share those skeletons with others
i know i never would have done them had i not been in the grips of a serious addiction

addiction changes a persons morals

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

I have been there my friend. I have spent 22 years trying to make up for 5!

Peace and many blessings to you BB....D


ICMag Donor
When i was 20 i worked as a meter maid,in a beach town the east coast.On collection day myself and some co-workers would steal about $100 -200 each in quarters each week...

A year or 2 ago myself, and 2 friends were at our campsite at a festival,doing whip-it balloons ,when these 2 girls come over 1 was pretty ,the other was really pretty and she knew it,very cocky.The second thing out of her mouth was you guys got any drugs?In a tone like "you owe it to me".My friends bullshitted with them i bit,but it was pretty obvious ,they were just their with the hopes of getting something quickly and leaving. So i sat down against a tree to finish my balloon,and the cocky one ,straddles me ,grabs my balloon ,and says gimme a hit of that balloon ,and finnishes it.I was urked to say the least.

So i said to my friend ,you have something for them dont you "name" .We had 3 kinds,but I made sure they both got a larger than normal size hit.Of the strongest acid ,any of us had gotten in 15 years ,just a tiny corner ,i tried had before and i was gone,seeing fractals and hallucinating all kinds of shit,

It was a very,very mean thing to do ,but we both agreed and laughed that nite .We may not know where they were afterwards,but we were sure they were flipping brains..

Another friend was gifted a square from the same batch on another outing ,and he locked himself in a bathroom at a gym he worked at, for 3 days.He wouldn't open the door for the owner or anyone,and was fired when he finnally came out.....

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Brother Bear,,I think of you as a better man and i allready thought of
you as a GREAT person!!!!

Glad to hear you kick THAT one.

Thank's Bro


Active member
wtf 3 days??^^^ was he new to acid, or atleast new to hardcore trips? or was it just that good it lasted 3 days :joint:


ICMag Donor
When i tried a little corner ,i could taste it .In 20 minutes it started ,i just knew it was gonna be bumpy ride.That nite i insisted that we drive home ,and not camp the last nite.The next day ,i couln't go to work ,i was still seeing things shake back and forth ,and that vaacuum head feeling lasted for a few days.That was just a small amount...didn't ask for anymore of that type again...:wallbash:


i once filtered my bong-water, dryed, and smoked it, got high but tastet like mummy-feet


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
ewww that just left a nasty taste in my mouth yak lol

I use to smoke the shit out of the resin from sliders of bongs and out of pipes....

and yes i know how gross it was now lol
i met this girl on the interwebs at the height of my addictions

she "loved" me and after well over a year knowing each other she wanted to move and live with me. she sent me money for rent, deposit, cell phones, etc. the day she took a flight from one state to the other...nobody was there to greet her at the airport. nothing there for her. not me, no apartment, phone, etc etc etc.

jacked in the worst way. she had to leave her home and family.

she had to go back home and explain to all her friends and family what happened.
she didnt tell the truth...that she was scammed.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Landofthehaze wow i think you topped the list with that one


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya wasnt try to hate...we have all done messed up stuff
poor girl waiting at the airport with all her luggage in a strange town. minus a few grand from her bank acct.
i still think about it today.

i dont even remember what exactly i did with the cash.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I get stoned and eat all my kids holiday candies. I feel like such a pig sometimes.

Denial N Error

I confess...

One time when I was 18, working at this restaraunt, and my ex-gf at the time cheated on me with some douchebag.. left me, and married him.. well I saw him come in, and he ordered pancakes, just so happens I was on pancake duty that night. Needless to say, I pissed in a bottle, and poured piss allover the pancakes.. I know this is horrible, but I felt great. I figured it would be obvious but this fucker smothered pancake syrup allover his pancakes.. I walked nearby just to get a peak and saw him devouring huge pancake slabs into his mouth.

I felt like god, he even tipped the waitress I was fucking $10..

What a day.