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****Cab of Dreams ~ 110 plant SoG w/ HPS****


Let there be light

Let there be light

Hey everyone,
Hope you're all well. And thanks roughnice420, I can't wait to get seeds going myself. Well, it's been another late night here and I wanted to post these pics before I get some sleep.

Finally, the lighting is done in the mother/clone cab. It took a lot longer than I thought, but turned out nicely. I didn't have enough cfls laying around, so I just tested one set at a time. Please excuse the roughness of the cab, it's still under construction and needs a bit of touching up.

Here's the clone side:

And here's the mother side:

And here's my break time:

Everything is good except the last light on the mother side (the single one) It's too close to the light to the left of it. I'll probably have to move it over a few inches.

I'm sending off my money again (Western Union this time, not cash again) for seeds. And I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they actually arrive this time. I'm gonna be growing ICE from Nirvana for the first grow. Then I'll be getting some Haze and G13, maybe some widow or white rhino later on. It looks like I'll be on track for the first of Feb. to start. Can't wait.

Then I can start building my next cab, the Monster Garage Cab. It'll be 4 shelves each 10 sq. ft. w/ 160 plants per shelf. That's 640 plants. It will be perpetual w/ the top shelf being harvested every two weeks. But I gotta finish this baby first before I can go do something that crazy.

Stay up and stay safe.




wow its comming along very nicely. my goal is also feb 1st. I ordered my satori seeds last sunday and should be getting them soon.


Active member
damn dude 640 plants would be just NUTS! I can't wait to see it! I'm drooling over the thought of an even canopy of 4 layers of 160 plants...man I'm so blazed right now :rasta:


Son of a bitch... I just wrote one of my longest posts ever and lost it. Oh well, it was kinda sappy. I just reflected on the status of the grow and where it has come from to now being just about 2 weeks away from starting. And what I've learned along the way (I'll save it for later)


Oahu, best of luck, the 1st is coming quick, let's keep at it.

roughnice: (and everyone else) The next cab will be one to drool over. It may be under 640 plants, but still, it will be a shitload.

Krushonkush: It's great to see you brother. You've been posting since day 3 and it's always great to see old friends. It's come a long way since November huh?

Anyone can grow if they choose to. But this thread isn't about that. It's about achieving a dream no matter what life throws at you. It hasn't come over night, nothing does. But if we stay with it, we'll achieve that dream. Damn, now that was sappy :)

It's true though. Thanks to everyone whose been here along the way. It hasn't always been perfect or easy, but it's sure been fun. Grow on!

Stay up and stay safe.



Im getting worried about my seeds because they never came yet. I ordered from dr chronic because i ordered with them before and they had great service. Its been a weeks.

Edit: Damn i went to the website and i never noticed the big writing until now that said "seeds not in stock until January 12"
I guess it'll give me construction time.

I think ill get done before the first of February. Hopefully
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Yeah man, I'm sending out my cash by wire when I get paid in two days. Seeds should hopefully be in by the 1st. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Good luck on finishing the build. I was beat last night and didn't work, but I should get the doors hung tonight and the locks installed. Maybe a few other things. I'm finally nearing the home stretch. Stay up and stay safe.



Lock Down

Lock Down

Hey everyone,
Last night was a good night. I got the doors hung, roller catches installed (they were a bitch for being so little) and I got the locks installed!

Here's some pics:

Holding bottom of door shut:


Drilling for locks. sorry for the focus, one handed


Had to trim a bit off to have the clasp fit right. bad focus again:


Clone/Mother cab w/ locks installed:


Flower cab lookin sexy w/ locks:


Well, nothing left to say really, except DAMN! I'm almost finished. Just gotta put the top on and do the last touches. Still got a bit of work though. But I'll definitely be ready for the 1st. Seeds will be ordered tomorrow!!!

As I said when I resumed construction (after more than 2 weeks off) I won't quit 'till I'm done. I can't wait to sprout some seeds. Stay up and stay safe y'all.

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Man, you guys are awesome. It's been really encouraging during this build to have the support of others here at ICMAG. Sometimes that alone has kept me going. Along with the thought of major buddage :)

I'm ordering the seeds today, buying everything for my organic soil, and hopefully getting some vent. fans. And if I'm lucky, I'll get the top on the cabs. Wish me luck. I'll post later today about my progress.

Stay up and stay safe.

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Hey Everyone,

Schlitz is the shit Cozy :) Thanks for the compliment man, I've put a lot of time, love and a good chunk of change getting this project finished. So I appreciate any compliments, like its my kid or something. Whatever :)

All I can say since I posted last is SHIT. I was gonna post on Friday like I promised, until I got my ass arrested. It wasn't drug or alcohol related, but I still have a shit ton of charges. :wallbash:

I couldn't get any access to ICMAG from jail, so its had to wait 'till now. I can't post any pics , because the police impounded the memory card that has all my pics (nothing incriminating..... yet at least)

So it's gonna be a few days 'till I get some pics up. But the man aint keepin me down. Fuck em.

Good news is I got a nice new Milwaukee sawzall. Biggest fucker in the store, and baddest too. And I got my vent. fans. They're Suncourt from Home De Pot. A 6" for the flower cab and a 4" for the mom cab. They aren't too loud, but I might need to make a sound baffle. We'll see.

Well, after my nap (last night was a doozy) I'm gonna put some hours into the cabs. Getting close to the first, I'm excited. Can I get some K+ for getting thrown in jail? I think that gets you rep huh ? jk guys :)

Stay up and stay safe everyone.



Thanks bro, appreciate it. It sucks, but I'll be ok. Got court next week, so we'll see what happens.


Riding my dirtbike down a major street at 1:30 am. Without prudent speed on suspend liscense and no lights or anything at all to make my bike street legal. The worst part was... I got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. And the other cop that was there had warned me once before for riding under the same circumstances.

I got the bracelets, an impounded bike, night at the Jail Hotel and 19 charges against me. At least I wasn't high or drunk, I might have ran :)

Talk about stupid. I'm getting too grown up to pull shit like this anymore man. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it now. Had surgery today, on lots of meds. I won't be able to get any work done til late tomorrow or Wed, but it'll be the finishing touches. Stay up and stay safe.


one hell of a ride


Yeah, it could be a lot worse. If I'd of ran I could have killed myself or at the least, got evading arrrest and then I'd be even more fucked.

Seeds should be in next week. We'll see. I'm gonna get my stuff back that was impounded this week so I can get some pics up here. Good luck Oahu, I heard in the past (on RIU) that Dr. Chronic was shady. Not sure though, hopefully it'll be ok. Stay up and stay safe.



shit bro, glad your out and safe! chill with the dump shit. hope it all turns out well.

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