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If you could have a fat session with one person...


HerbGlaze said:
Dave Chapelle all the way.
I smoked with Dave Chappelle, years ago, in Vancouver, some time after he did Half-Baked, but well before the show. I saw him on the street and he begrudgingly accepted a toke - you could tell all the stoners in Stonertown had been hitting him up, but you could smell the superiority of my already-lit sticky :D

Oh, if I could smoke with anyone, it would be, no question, GHENGHIS FUCKING KHAN. Baddest motherfucker ever.


Janis Joplin.
For some reason I feel like she had this incredible energy.
Have a friend that actually knew her and said she was one of the sweetest women in the world.

Think I still have that teenage girl crush on her.

Probably go with one of the three Jessica's...probably Simpson I think she'd have the lowest tolerance and be easier pickins than the other two.

Edit...on second thought J Simpson would probably get the school girl giggles and annoy the hell out of me before she passes out...so either Beil or Alba, I'm not too picky.
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Grizzly Adams.....Paul Bunyan ( I know he smokes some fatty's, hell he's got a blue cow too!) and last but not least Hoss from Bonanza, he was always dumber then a horses ass to begin with might be a good time....lmao


I'd smoke with my dead grandfather to ask him about marijuana use in the history of my family and see what he smoked on...

Honorable mentions include:
Albert Hoffman
Hunter S. Thompson
John Robert Boone
Terrance McKenna
Alex Grey
Andrew Weil
Alexander Shulgin
Jerry Garcia
Stanley Owsley
Salvador Dali



as strange as this may sound.....I think I would choose George W. Bush.

have him pull a big tube, and watch that glazed look slowly spread over his face.

then the truth would come out.



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My top picks of people to toke with would be
Ed Rosenthal
Tommy Chong
Jody Emery (Marc's wife)
Keira Knightly (just cause she's such a FOX!)