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*Stoned User*
Bummer!!! :wallbash:
Really sorry to hear that bro! Hermies are a PITA to deal with and scraping them are probably the best choice. Glad your PUs are still bitches though. :D All is not lost.

Peace. Good vibes. :ying:


Khaleel: yeah man... bummed. I think thats the best options. cut this all down as soon as the other girls are ready to go, and go!
ill keep (be my biggest personal sack ever) the whole lot, maybe sell a couple Oz's so i can get more soil etc etc. and get Round 3 underway ASAP!..
also, now im not even sure whats gonna have with my NFU taste testers.
i cant exactly be asking ppl to do a smoke report on a girl that hasnt even been finished all the way! whats the fucking point!
unless i try to make the room to keep them under 12/12 for the rest of the way ... but i wont know that until im ready to start round 3.

i guess if theres anything positive i can take from this, its ive been itchy to get round 3 rolling since ive had the clone numbers ready.... i guess ill be on round 3 soon than i thought.
i just have to get them big enough to get another 18 clones, and get round 4 ready with another 18 clones. *sigh*

Shitake: no worrys man... the SG was not a problem, nor your fault. you had warned me from the start, and i know they were still being tested. so i had been keeping my eyes on her for a while.
its really just the G13s im steamed about. whats the point in winning seeds that are bad?... other than pissing me the fuck off,wasting my time and making me never want to pay for seeds from Headseeds...
ive heard so many great things about G13, and the G13D... yeilds, high, taste etc etc.. but to find out yet again i have another hermie... and cloned the fucking hermie... just... grrrrrrrrrr!

Trich: hey mate... yeah Urkles are still sexy bitches. what i would do if i didnt have my Urkle baby...

Thanx for the support guys... fuck i wish i had a joint right now.... :badday::badday::badday::badday:


dam bro that suxballz.well a growers life is packed with bumps bro,we all know that.still though i know you was really tryin to get some shiyt poppin off man.heres to round three with no bumps in the road yo.
dude do me a favor and show a pic of the seed pod that was starting and the nanners cool?cool.peace -Y-


shiiiiiit! i so woulda bro... but i already pulled em off... i will if i see any more though... promise.

now ill go look for some for ya :D
but i think i got em already... but yeah
ill see what else i can find


cool man no problem,hearin ur dillema has me all searchin my ladies! put a pic up 4 a playa when ya can.


i got ya back bro... i got a pic of the seed bract (from soylent green) that i had already cut and thrown out.

here ya go:

and Nanners (bananas - for obvious reasons) that are on the G13s... and after looking harder to find some for you, i found even more.. so, im thinking ill chop the other 2 G13 down aswell.. fark.:

well, at least ill get to smoke SOMETHING after 5 days of nothing.
heres what i got to smoke from G13D #3

hope those pics help man.. but remember, im 3 weeks into flower.
the seeds were still not ready to pop. (another day or two though)..
see though man... you got a small window to see em... but bigger window than i think you are noided about :D
hope the pics help though, sorry i couldnt get good better pics... but SOME of us dont have 18x optical Zoom. lol.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about your troubles Jay, it sucks to have "the herms".

I recommend you take some of this asap! :biglaugh:

(I was bored and had a spare 20 mins)


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: fine work Sammett...I'm sure it can be used to ease the pain of hermie sufferers in threads to come :yes:

Always a bright side to some early smoke/hash/cooking materials :yes:


hahahahhahahaha Sammet! thats great man... thanx for putting a smile on my face :) brilliant mate!
hopefully the English cricket team will need some too! 72/2 i see! think ill tune in for an hour before i head to bed.

:edit: jesus mate, even the Sammet rocks in the corner... excellent work! im cracking up. Cheers mate!

TML: so true mate... and im a little hard up for meds right now.
broke, and weedless with pains always sucks... but right now, after a week of nothing but frozen turkey, im even getting high off the leaf trimmings of the G13s... heh.
im a lightweight after a weed??... god i love my meds :D

most of it is hanging, but i cut a couple of the buds up to dry quicker... hopefully im have something to wake and bake too. :)
for now, even the wet leaf is better than any junk i could go out and buy.... how sad is that.
Last edited:


btw.. alot of the nanners are hard to find amongst the buds of the G13, but the seed bracts are very easy to see in the Soylent Green.

so, ive spared the Soylent greens life for now, after 3 long inspections, removed about 9 starting seeds, and put her back into the bed.
call me desperate if you must, but these are my meds!... so im gonna give her a week or two longer to grow buds with trichs. right now, if i kill her, shes nothing but trash. so im GOING to get something smokable from her. i trimmed her up and she will get daily inspections (gee... like the other G13s i had *sigh*)

until i decide i will need smoke.
the G13Ds had been in flower before.. and had trichs already... so they came down, fuck fucking with fucking nanners ever day! right?? lol.

i did it round one with the damn G13Ds... not again!


pure dynamite
too bad you have this problems. hope you'll get the smokable material you need from them without too much trouble.
good luck! :wave:


thanx nz,you crack me up ur gonna have the 18x zoom soon enough yo.
thanx for the pics,i was usin them to compare on my ss,she has the fattest female parts i ever saw shes like5 weeks into flower,the female parts look like a big thorn on a rose bush,way different then other ladies ive grown.it seems fine just wanted to make sure.i'll get a pic up of what im talkin about tonight yo.peace-Y-


Well I hope you can get something outta this. When I found my hermies, I put them outside where they got neglected. They 'sorta' finished, but definitely got treated like red-headed-step-children... Even tho I got seeds from one, the buds "worked" pretty good. I was really hoping it was environmental, but...?

Well, shiiiiiit! I guess the silver lining is...Next Round Gonna Be BOMB!!!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That sucks about the plants man, seems like you are having some bad luck bro, need to get something to get you some good luck, maybe play some Canadian Rock for them in the bunkbed


Hey all! thanx a bunch for the support all of you! helps getting through the BS when it comes up.
but hey, im over it already, specially when i turn lights on and see what number 5 is doing on a daily basis. shes got me smiling thats for sure...

Explo: yeah man... ill get my meds somehow... ive had a few puffs on the dead G13s... sad stuff. coulda been some real killer. but having been nearly a full week without anything, i did get a buzz. and bout a weeks worth or meds until im full out again.
thanx for droppin in again mate.

glad the pics helped. peace bro :joint:

B/R: thanx man... yeah its not gonna hurt me too bad. rest of the girls are doing just fine. but all the herms i was counting on for meds.. lol. typical of the luck i have...
:badday: hehe.
Round 3 wil be more entertaining anyway :)

Shitake: yeah i was thinking of throwing the clones i have of them outside... but... meh. who knows. got options now, thats for sure. lol.
thanx man.. :joint: :joint: :joint:

Vinny: i saw the good news! :D wow! :)

Dog: good idea my friend, i think i shall do that right now!

well i know today is Bunkbed update, but im quite busy right now, so i promise nothing on what time. lol.
it will come though...
thanx again for all the support!!! you all rock!!!!!!!!!!


very shitty news mate :frown: hate to hear it

i think you were right in thinking about starting your next batch early. i'd probably start it now :joint:

keep your head up bro ~ least you got your eyes pealed


The Tri Guy
Just been catching up Jay, bad news on the hermies mate, not alot you can do but throw and start again. I read you say that you won them, do you mean in a bidding war or a competition?


Kov, yeah mate... heh im very tempted to start round 3 right now... but they not ready for flower, and the other girls are fine... so ill give them another month or so before i take them down.

GMT: yeah, i won them... in the Halloween Picture contest!.... here, last year.
go to my ICmag homepage to see the pic of Frankie in my old DWC room.
what a bummer of a "win" they all turned out to be.
had 12 seeds... 4 confirmed males, and 3 hermies. now im thinking im just gonna throw the other seeds out, as this has been nothing more than a waste of my time with these seeds....

Oh well... im over it already, and ready to move on. :)
sorry i didnt get the pics... but i got other things going on that i wish i could tell you all about, but i cant.

will try and get the pics soon as i can...