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UFO sighting in stephenville texas! 30 witnesses


Grinding extra.
Wow. I guess I was too late.

Just wanted to apologize if I offended people (which I did).
No excuse, me and my brother have heated arguments about these things.

I'm just re-reading your posts NYCDFAN, and I guess your angry. I really did'nt intend or expect to get this type of reaction. I know I was harsh, but ouch.

LoL. I was just asking someone else what getting flamed meant, cause I wasn't sure of the meaning, but I'm sure again.

Whatever man. Sorry.

And I only have 90 whatever posts because I went awat for 15 months in prison for a small grow. And I told the judge when he asked me if I had anything to say (it went to trial) "Your honor you should be ahamed. Think of me growing a plant and sitting in jail for it when you sleep tonight." So I have a real DESIRE to change things and bottom line that IS why I'm here. To help others learn to grow to OVERGROW the world, and change the laws. I got excited, I spologized. Peace. I won't be ARTofbeingstupidonimag anymore. Peace.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^^ wtf?? yo i feel retarded trying to understand what you just wrote....are you sure you are not on acid right now?? cuz youre acting like brittany spears LOL yo man up get a grip LOL relax yer body...lol what a terd lmao


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ im gonna move forward here...we seem to be stuck in a low gear....lets try to kick it up a notch! i sadly found my nycd ladys lower branch had almost snapped clean off...i luckily was able to zip tie her ..ill try to get shots of the mend - job later...im glad i caught it in time!!! DAMN ALIENS!!!!!! lol

but i think itd be cool to wake up to an advanced species making contact in a friendly way..showing us the secrets of the universe..helping us fix the eart and battle the evil zorgon race! all kidding aside


all praises are due to the Most High
B4, they may look fake because all colouring is added at NASA after the picture is taken :wink: I don't know what to make of it; they say their telescopes take the picture in black and white, but as well scans the spectrum of light emmited from any formation that has been pictured, so then later after the pic has been taken, people add the colours according to the reading they get on the spectrum.

nycd, I saw a ufo the other day, no kidding. in plain daylight. but it was just that, an unidentified flying object. I dunno if I want to become the pet of some alien with higher intelligence though; me thinks if they have been so sneaky about their presence, it does not usually mean good; u know?

the other day I was talking to this nice lady who lives around me, she's chinese, she was telling me how all these people in china think most of our current technology was given to us by extra-terrestial intelligence, with the intent to make us the dependent fools we are today; interestingly enough, this idea has a following of people in China that out-numbers the communist party members, and it is an illegal belief to mantain according to chinese goverment. crazy world we live in hehehe....


The Tri Guy
The main reason that these genuine "photos" look fake, is because they aren't taken optically. They are created using data streams from sensitive instruments and various coulours are selected and introduced to the computer generated images.


"ok we al know they exist..and this is the second ufo sighting where policemen, and reputable business owners and regular people saw this thing. They describe it as the same shape and the describe the lights in the same way...30 people spread out over an entire county?? they cant be lying....initial reports suggested(last night) that fighter jets were trailing it...but i dont seet hat in any of the news reports now thati look(thats odd). What the hell was that??

Lest we forget the sighting at ohare airport?? where pilots, cremen and even ground crew saaw a disc shaped object zip off intot he clouds???

and what about the sighting in indiana?? where 6 different police officers in SIX different counties tracked a similar objectl ike the one in texas.... well heres the link"

next generation of unmanned drones...


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
hteres plenty of sightings that really matter...the one at the chicago air port recently, or the one that involved the mexican weather air plan that one had video of it! that happened a few years ago!....then one over indiana where it crossed 4 counties and five difffferent patrol cars followed it for hours...then there the pheonix lights...flares from a warthog?? pshhht.....what about the one over new mexico...during a festival...where thousands of people saw...and hundreds video taped large squadrons of silvery orbs doing insane arial maneuvers...tons of people video taped this from different angles...what do you say about that..these are DOCUMENTED...you can find video of them online right now...

wether they are ours or not isnt the question...the question is why would it be so secret?? if it was ours?? you would think you would want people to know you got the sickest weapon/aircraft and show it off....it kindamakesn o sense..especially after all this time.

this means something! lol

now do i beleive in the aliens abducting humans or doin strange laser experiments on cattle...look i dont know..but i dont think all these sightings are BS..these people saw something.
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stone fool
We take cruises to Alaska or the caribe. That ship in texass was just on one stop on the milky way tour ship for a race that did not take several billions of years to evolve.


Since the RL risk of having you all take me for a nut isnt a problem here...;) I will share what I saw. Me and my dogs takin a pee in the back yard, 10:00 at night in November a few years ago. It was clear and cold but Im doin my regular scan of the cosmos on clear nights and all of a sudden I see something moving fast a few hundred feet above me. As I focus in on it, I realize I am looking at three perfectly round balls, dimly lit in opaque orange, no lines, no lights. It was hard to say exactly, but I would say they were four or five feet in diameter each. They must have been about ten feet apart. These things were totally silent and their formation was so precise it almost appeared as a hollywood movie computer generated spectacle. I wouldnt have noticed them at all if I hadnt looked up right then. I saw them for about ten seconds and they became too dim to see even on a dark November night in the country.
Heres the thing, they were going about two hundred mph at about 300ft altitude in a very straight course that in a short time would put them smack dab on a USAF base that houses some high end stuff like U2s and back in their day the SR71s. Personally, I think thats where they were going but who really knows. If they were going there, where the hell did we get that technology?
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i find it arrogant to think that we r the only intelligent life out the vastness of space..
i also think its arrogant to believe that a civilization advanced enough to have managed interstellar travel, would be so intersted in us and would bother fucking about flying round freaking ppl out, mutilating cows and doing anal probes....


Active member
I am quite surprised this thread hasn't had a hostile takeover by all of the skeptics and flamers on this forum...

Aliens are real, there is no doubt anymore.

The objects seen in the skies are mostly either government reverse-engineered craft, or service to self extra terrestrial entities, belonging to that of the Orion group. These government craft are pilot-less, and are referred to in the PNAC document presented to Clinton in the late 1990's by Dick Cheney. However, due to design flaws, they cannot attain the speed of light.

A true extra-dimensional craft will have no rivets or seems. A flawless design...

According to extra terrestrial channeling called the Law of One, the Earth is in a type of "Quarantine" zone, protected for many reasons such as nuclear weaponry, hostility, and negative polarization of the Earth at this time. When this quarantine ends, positive extraterrestrial entities will be allowed to make a mass landing.

As for attaining the speed of light, it is very possible... These beings are extra dimensional in essence, and they can travel from said point A to said point B in a matter of no time at all (in our understanding of space/time).

As the speed of light is approached, using a high voltage anti-gravity propulsion system, a quantum leap is attained and space/time is manipulated, creating a sling shot effect. A wormhole would be created, and as one passed through this worm hole it would act as a back-door, so theoretically you could travel from A to B without any time elapsing at all (at least in the 3rd dimension fabric of space/time)

Other more advanced species can travel by thought alone, and would appear to the human eye as pure light, ie. angels, ghosts, etc...

I truly believe we are nearing contact, the stage is being set for this monumental shift in human consciousness...

Imagine what a rapid shift in consciousness would occur upon contact...


Good thread, keep it that way!



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Wiimote said:
The thing that SCREAMS that we are/have been visited, is UFO's in rennaissance (sp?) art. Modern day ones may be governmental, but it is real hard to argue with paintings done long before man could fly.
Here's a link to my thread about UFO's in Renaissance Art.UFO's in Renaissance Art


PazVerdeRadical said:
the other day I was talking to this nice lady who lives around me, she's chinese, she was telling me how all these people in china think most of our current technology was given to us by extra-terrestial intelligence, with the intent to make us the dependent fools we are today; interestingly enough, this idea has a following of people in China that out-numbers the communist party members, and it is an illegal belief to mantain according to chinese goverment. crazy world we live in hehehe....

Yeah there is also people that believe that great civilizations like incans, mayans, egyptians, atlantians, etc.... were all gifted technology by extraterrestrial beings. Some of the stuff that scientist have found at these sites have been nothing short of amazing especially for that time.

Personally I believe there is something other than "we humans" out there, but before we get all excited and try and communicate with ET or travel to ET's crib we need to finish exploring our own planet first. We find something new everyday on this planet...maybe our planet holds all the answers to these strange mysteries.

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