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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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that is what we use , bees wax and coconut oil…

where do you source your beeswax?…
IMHO ,to a degree its hard to have organic bees wax as well as real organic honey.
The area a bee forages makes it hard to not forage from places not subject to pesticide ,fertilizers .
There is a woman Dee Lusby who raises bees in the desert and in areas where the bee's foraging area is void of that stuff.In addition to all the treatments bee keepers may use for varroa mites and every other dam things bees get. Old comb is full of a lot of crap which you could be rubbing into as a salve.
Just my opinion and your milage may vary.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ya really gotta admire this guy.



Well-known member
Premium user
Didja also know that in the kids decorating contest, any religious motif decorations have been forbidden?

I had written something on friday.
I did not release because of the vile things I wrote.
The little 12y/o girl for some "Easter" type school deal made a Jesus using Legos and the festering twats did not allow it.
I had many and way more offensive words that used parts of the anatomy in detail describing these folks.
I used festering a lot too ,its a good word..
She lives across the street with her 2 sisters and parents ,all sad now for having to put down a big boned handsome Doberman Pincher❤️
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I had written something on friday.
I did not release because of the vile things I wrote.
The little 12y/o girl for some "Easter" type school deal made a Jesus using Legos and the festering twats did not allow it.
I had many and way more offensive words that used parts of the anatomy in detail describing these folks.
I used festering a lot too ,its a good word..
Festering - reminds me of Uncle Fester - of The Adams Family - now who looks more like Uncle Fester around here ? - lol


IMHO ,to a degree its hard to have organic bees wax as well as real organic honey.
The area a bee forages makes it hard to not forage from places not subject to pesticide ,fertilizers .
There is a woman Dee Lusby who raises bees in the desert and in areas where the bee's foraging area is void of that stuff.In addition to all the treatments bee keepers may use for varroa mites and every other dam things bees get. Old comb is full of a lot of crap which you could be rubbing into as a salve.
Just my opinion and your milage may vary.
Joe knows bees.
Thanks again for the lifetime supply brother!
I had written something on friday.
I did not release because of the vile things I wrote.
The little 12y/o girl for some "Easter" type school deal made a Jesus using Legos and the festering twats did not allow it.
I had many and way more offensive words that used parts of the anatomy in detail describing these folks.
I used festering a lot too ,its a good word..
She lives across the street with her 2 sisters and parents ,all sad now for having to put down a big boned handsome Doberman Pincher❤️
Turning the other cheek's gonna get us in trouble I fear.
On a positive note took Bubba out back and did some shooting in the draw to see his reaction.
Perfectly would be the correct word,rock steady.

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