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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member

The plants are progressing. All of them threw a pistil shortly after they were crowded in the tiny pot. Now that they have room and are outside all of the time exposed to very slowly decreasing daylight, they have sorted themselves out distinctly to two males and two females.

The aromas of strongly citrus, leathery, and peppery as are common in Thai crosses. The leaf shapes are unusual to me, though the males lean a little towards Thai shapes, especially one of them that has long leaflets. There is something else that must come from the Mullumbimby Madness that has a bit of wide leaf fatness to them. They don't look like the Thai or Neville's Hazes I have grown. Very interesting. I've grown a "Haitian indica" crossed with Papua New Guinea Gold that looked similar, but I attributed that to the indica side. The cross was named Nanan Bouclou. I wouldn't mind those traits in that Mullumbimby, because that had some interesting and spooky effects.

Looking forward to how they develop. Next year I will definately put them out a couple of months earlier, at minimum.

I'm posting some pictures to see, and for me to look back on.

Good luck in your searches!

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Well-known member
There is something else that must come from the Mullumbimby Madness that has a bit of wide leaf fatness to them. They don't look like the Thai or Neville's Hazes I have grown.
Interesting observation. The OSSxMM was fat leafed - I thought NL influence from the OSS side. the Thai78 x was somewhat narrow, but not as narrow as some NLD I’ve done.

Yes, good luck in your searches indeed. 👍



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just on the Nanan Bouclou. I found the PNG leaning ones had a happy, day brightening, euphoric effect. (I must grow out some more but been distracted by other things). The Haitian pheno had a sort of uncomfortable effect but I also found that feeling went away after a bit. I much preferred the PNG side. None of the 7 I grew would I describe as trippy though. SSS's Gold Rush (Nanan Bouclou x MM(supposedly) had a very spooky effect in some plants, ,too introspective, some negative thoughts, and paranoia too. But that wore off to a nice high after about 20 minutes.

Your grow looks great and I'm sure your new location will add a lot.

PS I have followed this thread since the beginning. Great to see it kick off again.
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Well-known member
Thanks Chi13, I appreciate that.

I'm not familiar enough with the parents of Nanan to know what traits came from what parents, though I have suspicions, but even though I described the effects as "spooky" doesn't mean I didn't like it. LOL. If I had that cut here, I'd be very happy. Besides the interesting effects, spooky, timewarping, and dizzying effects, it was one of the top 3 best tasting weed I ever grew. It was piney and honey oil hashy, smooth yet lung expansive. It was good and would be very commercial.

It was too risky to bring many seeds here, so I focused on a select very few. The ones that I judged as close to Thai Stick as I could find. Thinking about it breaks my heart a bit, but perhaps I'll wind up being very glad I did. Can't wait to find out.


Well-known member
Spent some time with my plants today rubbing stems and sniffing terpenes. One of the males is so woody and sandalwood incense-like, very reminicent of the best Colombian from back in the day. Also similar to ACE's Thai x Purple Haze. Shout out to the likes of Dubi, Neville (RIP), and Kangativa for preserving old school Colombian genetic traits.

I wanted to share a youtube link about chestnut tree breeding. It dicusses in very simple terms a good breeding strategy that I think is applicable to Cannabis.

"Breed the best and forget the rest." - Luther Burbank


Well-known member
Hi there ThaiBliss, I hope you dont mind
Your grow is very interesting, a tico grow is a lot more interesting than usa or europe and I grow similar south east asian genetics south from you
I have questions for you and Verdant Whisperer
1)What is your humidity during day and night? My understanding is Costa Rica is very humid and 60% would be a low humidity day, is this correct?
2)Is SuperLaos flowering correctly for you?
3)Have you tried local brick? How does it smoke and what is it like? Verdant whisperer do you grow plants from the brick? Do you have a grow log for them? What kind of plants you find coming from the local brick? Are they adapted to high humidity?

Very very interesting all the comments about the Purple Haze x Thai. Different growers from different continents and all different opinions about it and people without any experience on the strains talking bullshit left and right
It shows we have different parameters and standards for quality, impressive indeed. At this part of the world compared to the local brick it is light weed for light smokers. You need to make a fat spliff Rizla size 1 1/4 and smoke it full in order to feel it and it is boring weed
At this part of the world people are used to smoke roaches and get high. A Rizla paper size 1 a pinner contains 12 tokes. 6 tokes of it after 10 minutes you start getting high for 2 hours minimum. But I can understand what you comment about the smells
It grew very well here, it revegged and survived the winter and very few plants do that
It is very interesting to note that these seedbanks sell this in Europe and Usa. At this part of the world at the number 1 sativa market in the planet, none of them sells shit and the seedbanks that came here were a commercial failure because the quality and all this inbreeding depression sativas/Monsanto weed is not accepted by the local market.
Thats why I am so impressed about the cult of personality in the canna world. It is about the quality of the weed, not about the quality of the people selling and ruining it. Every day a new myth is born and a new fake totem is put on a pedestal

Purple Haze x Thai
I reproduced it and I will never grow it again. God gives bread to the ones who have no teeth and dont appreciate it. He has a twisted sense of humour. excellent landrace resistance and antifungal properties intact. For me the high is meh, for people and markets not used to sativas or without access to sativas probably is excellent, it is a matter of parameters and what you are used to
South east Asian commercial brick from this century is a lot better than any of the western weed, same with the southamerican one.
I never had nor sourced purple weed in my life. I have never seen it before growing it
I clearly prefer green weed
PH x T 3 (16).jpeg
PH x T 3 (9).jpeg

PH x T 3 (11).jpeg

Winter survivor, at this part of the world would probably be perennial. I dont think inbreeding depression weed is quality at all and all of the western sativas are inbreeding depression galore, made it in purpose or not(and I think it is made on purpose, these breeders from Europe are all Little Monsantos).
PH x T winter survivor.jpeg

Good luck on your south east asian search
Northern Thai 2008 equatorial pheno
N Thai 3 (2).jpeg
N Thai 3 (1).jpeg
N Thai girl 3 (23).jpeg


Well-known member
Hi there ThaiBliss, I hope you dont mind

Welcome Funkyhorse! I appreciate the interest, truely.

It's kinda funny, I go back and forth about you. I'm not sure if you are my first troll, or you have a great sense of humor doing a Andrew Dice Clay routine, or simply can be harsh with other people's preferences. It's especially hilarious to me because I think we seem to have very similar ideas and preferences. I guess I'm similar in that I can be quite argumentative at times. We are brothers from other mothers.

I looked at a sampling of your posts to get a better bead on you. I see you have done some good work cobbing. Curing is somewhat of a lost art IMHO. Good for you to work at it. Props!

I'm hoping to try and be descriptive enough about a purple or red strain for you to be able to see things from another person's shoes. I love talking about weed, I could write a book about it. Oh wait, I just about did! This thread is approaching 5,500 posts, a hefty percentage are mine. LOL. I encourage you to read some of the beginning pages at least.

Your grow is very interesting, a tico grow is a lot more interesting than usa or europe and I grow similar south east asian genetics south from you

South from me? Colombia is not that far south of me. Man, wouldn't that be hilarious. Where abouts are you?

I have questions for you and Verdant Whisperer

I'm new to the area, and have never grown in the tropics before, so Verdant can answer your questions with much more authority. But, I'll do my best also.

1)What is your humidity during day and night? My understanding is Costa Rica is very humid and 60% would be a low humidity day, is this correct?

Much of Costa Rica is very humid and rainy. There are many microclimates because it is very mountainous. Many mountains are over 9,000 feet tall ASL. This morning, the humidity here is 58%. I'm sure that will drop as it heats up. The dry season is just starting and is generally 5 months long. There are other much drier areas. They have dry tropical forests. Not sure how long the dry season is there, but there is fire danger for much of the year. When I drive from Guanacaste to where I live, I can see the forest get noticiby greener in an hour long drive. Other areas have a 6 week dry season. LOL.

2)Is SuperLaos flowering correctly for you?

Oh boy, that hurts. I only had a few seeds. I grew half of them up north trying to make more seeds. I had a male from that Gypsy Thai Stick cross, but they flowered in Dec through Feb, and the greenhouse I used didn't have supplemental heating or lighting. They didn't make it. I sprouted the rest here, and accidentally killed them by using a soil amendment that likely had herbicide in it. It was a painful loss.

3)Have you tried local brick? How does it smoke and what is it like? Verdant whisperer do you grow plants from the brick? Do you have a grow log for them? What kind of plants you find coming from the local brick? Are they adapted to high humidity?

Can't say I have had bricked weed from here. I had some crappy local grown stuff from the Caribbean area, and some good Colombian. It wasn't like the Colombian heyday, but not shabby.

My man, about your comments about all weed that is purple, and all European and American breeders is a bit... harsh and judgemental. This is coming from a guy who has posted many rants about the indica invasion that has nearly destroyed Cannabis diversity. I think there have been some successes, but unfortunately, at the expense of old school sativa strains.

I think you and I agree that Thai weed from the 1970s was at or near the pinnacle of Cannabis breeding. If you are going to choose just one type to appreciate, you have chosen very well my friend. On the other hand, there were other spectacular and interesting weed from Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica, Hawaii, and even California. All over the world really. Some of the hybrids turned out very well indeed also. In my opinion, many breeders prioritized ease of growing, tight buds, production, ease of trimming above the high. This has caused degredation of many of those hybrids.

I think the only reason I have become addicted to smoking and growing is because in the old days, you never knew what you were going to get when you smoked new weed. Some, like Thai Stick, Sumatran or Jaimaican Ganja, were incredibly potent, and a racy adrenalin thrill ride. I've also smoked some devastatingly strong Colombian that was like quaaludes. Not even sure how I was walking, I just floated around from location to location. Others, like good Mexican were so clean, clear, euphoric and trippy. One moment, I wouldn't even feel high, then another, BAM, it hits like a ton of bricks, and I'd laugh my ass off until my cheecks and stomach would hurt. Most of these strains would hit about 20 minutes after you smoked. Then indica arrived. It would hit you as you were exhaling your first hit. You may not get higher and higher from smoking more than a few hits, but it was instant gratification.

Your rant on purple weed makes it sound like you grew one purple plant and made a judgement on all purple, including sunsets. I know this is highly unlikely with your experience, but come on.

I have grown a "modern" commercial strain that I appreciated very much. In fact, I grew what I believe were a couple lineages of a Mexican strain called Purple Zacatecas, in the form of Big Sur Holy Weed and SAGE. None of them were super potent, but boy oh boy, were they wonderfully clean, clear, and euphoric. I had two cuttings of BSHW, and I got rid of them both, years apart, in my search for something stronger. Had it, got rid of it, missed it, got another back, culled it, got something similar, killed it. I crack myself up. I swear I regretted it every time. The last one, SAGE, I got rid of it again, and yet I yearn for it again. I'm the Keystone Cop of Zacatecas preservation. LOL. Yes, I don't have the time and space to work it, but it sure was beautiful, spiritual, clean, cerebral bliss.

Then there was Cambodian Red. Sheesh! I got to stop doing this to myself.



Humidity Update: 52%
Last Humidity Update: 45%

Hey Funkyhorse. Please keep posting pictures of good S.E. Asian weed you have grown, and make me feel jealous. Everyone loves good pics of well grown weed.

All the best brother.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The purple zacatecas you describe sounds fantastic! I chase more of a euphoric weed, although don't mind trippy stuff on occasion. I have my eye on the zacateca tribute from green mtn seeds.


Well-known member
It's kinda funny, I go back and forth about you. I'm not sure if you are my first troll, or you have a great sense of humor doing a Andrew Dice Clay routine, or simply can be harsh with other people's preferences. It's especially hilarious to me because I think we seem to have very similar ideas and preferences. I guess I'm similar in that I can be quite argumentative at times. We are brothers from other mothers.
Good morning Thaibliss
I use laptop, in order to quote use the quote tag and then press enter in order to get out of the quote and answer
I just looked on youtube this comedian. So I understand you consider me as provocative or politically incorrect. I am glad you dont take it so seriously like the rest of the people, man, people take trivial things too seriously here
I just report the results I have here in real life. In any case, the troll is reality and any complain you might have please talk and tell it to reality, not to me. I am a simple reporter of reality

I am not interested in trolling nor in stiring controversies. I am not interested in futile debates. It is a waste of time and I have better things to do with my time
This is very interesting to talk with somebody from a different cannaculture than mine that likes the same kind of weed like yourself and all the difference in approaches we might have and this is what is motivating me to post here. I think we might all benefit from it. A win win situation
It is a lot more interesting than just pat in the back and approve anything said just because people think this is the way to be polite. But this is not about people, this is about weed.
There is nothing polite in the packs of sativas I sourced from western breeders with money. It is a huge lack of respect to customers.
I have for these fantasy western breeders the same respect they have for their customers, no more no less

South from me? Colombia is not that far south of me. Man, wouldn't that be hilarious. Where abouts are you?
I am south of tropic of capricorn where less than 3% of the world population lives, southern cone.
This is the real far south. Things are different here than up north. I live at the beach. Current UV levels are 10
You cant expose yourself to the sun between 10am and 4pm at least. It is dangerous to your health.
Sativas seem to love these high UV levels. What is your local UV in Costa Rica?
Here there is a wide thermal amplitude and humidity is 100% in the night and morning and it dries during the day
This is a typical autumm dawn here, there are many foggy days with visibility of less than 10 meters, real dense fog
Morning dew.jpeg

Oh boy, that hurts. I only had a few seeds. I grew half of them up north trying to make more seeds. I had a male from that Gypsy Thai Stick cross, but they flowered in Dec through Feb, and the greenhouse I used didn't have supplemental heating or lighting. They didn't make it. I sprouted the rest here, and accidentally killed them by using a soil amendment that likely had herbicide in it. It was a painful loss.
When you mean up north you mean up north in Costa Rica or up north in Usa?
The reason I ask is because I think/suspect you wouldnt be able to flower SuperLaos properly in Costa Rica and you could get it to flower only in december and january but you couldnt finnish it properly
I am not sure I would be able to grow SuperLaos or any tropical southeast asian sativa properly in Bangkok
For me southeast asian ganja is 2 types: equatorial and tropical. They have different high. The equatorial can grow at the tropic but I am not sure at all tropicals can grow well at equatorial latitudes
Can't say I have had bricked weed from here. I had some crappy local grown stuff from the Caribbean area, and some good Colombian. It wasn't like the Colombian heyday, but not shabby.
The colombian you get there is cripi? Do you see any mangobiche there, is it famous or important?
At this part of the world nobody ever heard of mangobiche and I dont see any report of big grows of this Mangobiche
In my garden is kind of perennial. The plants loved the environment. They all revegged easily. But the high is meh, a huge dissapointment. I made repro. All males are intersex and I didnt test but I am sure it will be inbreeding depression galore like all the rest of the western sourced sativas
Mangobiche cbg perennial (1).jpeg
Mangobiche cbg perennial (2).jpeg

My man, about your comments about all weed that is purple, and all European and American breeders is a bit... harsh and judgemental. This is coming from a guy who has posted many rants about the indica invasion that has nearly destroyed Cannabis diversity. I think there have been some successes, but unfortunately, at the expense of old school sativa strains.

I think you and I agree that Thai weed from the 1970s was at or near the pinnacle of Cannabis breeding. If you are going to choose just one type to appreciate, you have chosen very well my friend. On the other hand, there were other spectacular and interesting weed from Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica, Hawaii, and even California. All over the world really. Some of the hybrids turned out very well indeed also. In my opinion, many breeders prioritized ease of growing, tight buds, production, ease of trimming above the high. This has caused degredation of many of those hybrids.

I never seen purple weed in my life before growing it. I grew a few and I was soft in my words and I am certainly judging the contents of my commercially sourced packs. T
he best weed I have was given to me for free. Or it was a private share like Wally SuperLaos or it was the freebie given from Europe, I must tell you the freebies they give is their garbage.
European garbage is gold here grown outdoors.
They cant grow thais in Denmark and indoors southeast asian weed dont like it at all and it turns into intersex shit, growing deformed pearl and foxtail buds
The european gold at this part of the world is all huge garbage. All sativas are touched. Typical Monsanto breeding
I cant believe there is no southamerican weed in the cannaworld. I believe local weed in Europe must be garbage and cant grow well

I cant agree with you about Thai Stick, I never smoked it.
2 strains in the world I never smoked and I really would have loved to smoke and one of them is Thai Stick. I arrived to South east Asia end of 90s and remained for 20 years. By the time I arrived Thai Stick wasnt even a myth, people didnt hear of it. It was war on drugs, it was nothing like it is today after legalization. People were falling in jail for just a couple of grams of weed. Midnight express conditions
The other strain is Fumo da Lata. I missed it for just 1 month. My friends that found the cans and smoked it came back home craving for paraguayn weed big time. This is the only asian weed that ever made it to South America and it changed the course of cannahistory in the continent
Funny you mention that. There was an Indonesian ship that was packed to the hilt with that bud en route to the USA, via the coast of South America, and was being tracked by the DEA in the mid eighties. The crew were alerted that it would be boarded the next day and they began to desperately unload the cargo (stored in 1 gallon milk cans) into the sea. The following weeks were like Christmas to stoners. Tons of cans washed onto shore and floated all through Rio and made many people happy and became an instant legend. The bud was exquisite as you mention, and had Indonesian newspapers lining the cans...
A friend of mine found one and to this day he has a nickname associated with the cans heheh. Too bad we can't get that herb here anymore...

Here's the article on it, has pictures of the cans etc..the ship was called Solana Star


The ship was a made in Taiwan, reformed in Australia, and when it was intercepted on route to the USA from Asia, it was flying a Panamanian flag and was working for some "company" called Compal Investments. They were boarded by the Federal Police near the coast and the cans had already been thrown overboard.

There were 20,000 cans with 1.5 kilos per can thrown overboard when they found out that the DEA were on their trail. The summer of 1988 became known as the Summer of the Can. lol

I have never seen any indica invasion in my life. The only indica invasion I see is my garden coming from bullshit western breeders making fantasy tags carrying sativa names when it is all touched with indica shit
The first indicas I smoked in my life as bud are the ones I grew here recently. I tried Deep Chunk, Aunt of Farouk and Blueberry. I cant believe people hype those buds and like smoking the buds of it. If they would be hyping the hash these strains make I would understand the hype, but hyping indica buds is amazing this shit is what westerners like
We have different canna cultures and opposing views because of it.

Sorry for this long post, I could make it a lot longer
Your rant on purple weed makes it sound like you grew one purple plant and made a judgement on all purple, including sunsets. I know this is highly unlikely with your experience, but come on.

I just mean the purples I grew myself. I cant judge all the purples in the Universe because I didnt try them all
The hawaian I have here is a hashplant called lemon Thai. All hawaians are hashplants? I didnt like this weed but people hype it a lot. I crossed it with Original Haze and it is still a hashplant not of my liking. It is like the Deep Chunk x Ohz cross. A hashplant on sativa frame

Man, I love Angus grassfed steaks, I dislike grain fed, the difference in taste is huge. I just tried Wagyu steak. Wagyu is the meat used in shabu shabu, I knew this meat from Asia, now they are exporting steaks of this fat shit here. It is the most expensive meat in the world and I dislike it as much as indicas and western sativa Monsanto breeding

Yesterday we tested this brick
Grinspoon Thai coming from your favourite canna breeder
Another masterpiece of inbreeding depression
Allow me to use the same words Elmer Bud used for describing the Bushweed commercial seed release, I never heard them before and I agree with him big time. It seems he knew what he was talking about
Grinspoon Thai below and Northern Thai equatorial pheno above
Thai ACE vegbox 2 below n Thai girl 5 above.jpeg

Grinspoon Thai top shot 3 meter plant
ACE Thai vegbox 2 top shot (1).jpeg
ACE Thai vegbox 2 top shot (2).jpeg

The seed costed me 6,5 euro plus shipping. 17 seeds sprouted out of 18. All firm males same grinspoon shit pheno and the rest of the males all faggots outdoors
The soil costed me 3,5 dollar. Total 11 dollar cost per plant
I painfully gathered every single bract of this shit and some of the sugar leaves and bricked it
You judge yourself if this is a good business or not. For me a good business is only when both parties are satisfied with the deal
Almost 1u$s gram for having the privilege of growing this garbage
Smoke test of the smaller half by my neighbour, 32 year old agronomy engineer father of a 3 year old boy craving for some weed on a sunday morning beach walk:
"Ideal for parents with small kids, I could perform properly and talk with all neighbours, function properly and the crave is out, good taste burns well, excellent placebo of weed!"
6 months grow and another 6 months cure
Grinspoon Thai brick (6).jpeg
Grinspoon Thai brick (7).jpeg

For purple weed lovers, this is the amazing, exotic and unique Purple thai, never seen in Thailand before
I gave the jar to my neighbours helping me telling me they liked the Mangobiche. They came back the next day very politely asking if I had something with a high because this shit is only smell and taste, pure placebo of weed, a total scam
I am just another scammed customer, no more no less. The trolls are the breeders releasing such garbage to the market and calling this bullshit pure race
By far the most productive of the pack and the worst of all the pack, even worse than the bullshit grinspoon thai
Purple Thai top shot (2).jpeg
Purple Thai (15).jpeg

Reality is harsh. Any complain talk to reality please, I am only reporting reality and the contents of the packs I bought with money. All very good people but western breeding sucks big time and this is the result of breeding out of the tropics under lights tropical sativas + a lot of bullshit by people who have no education and no clue about sativas like spaniards.
They know about paellas, the know about favadas, they certainly know how to make a decent chuletón but they dont have any clue about sativas. It is a traditional hash market. At the milennium I was there and the only thing I saw was moroccan hash. How come these people are now the reference for sativas??? No wonder it is all degraded and bullshit.
At this part of the world Cannabiogen was a commercial failure.
I cant believe the prestige they have. You can see the inbreeding of Destroyer they show it is all pearls and foxtail phenos. Pearls and foxtails is the end of the road, who is smoking first with such poor productivity? All of their breeding ends in the same pearl and foxtail shit, very beautiful to see but this is unwanted and a sign that you need to throw that weed to the garbage and start all over again

Have a nice week, life is nice and fun, dont take life too seriously please.
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Hi there ThaiBliss, I hope you dont mind
Your grow is very interesting, a tico grow is a lot more interesting than usa or europe and I grow similar south east asian genetics south from you
I have questions for you and Verdant Whisperer
1)What is your humidity during day and night? My understanding is Costa Rica is very humid and 60% would be a low humidity day, is this correct?
2)Is SuperLaos flowering correctly for you?
3)Have you tried local brick? How does it smoke and what is it like? Verdant whisperer do you grow plants from the brick? Do you have a grow log for them? What kind of plants you find coming from the local brick? Are they adapted to high humidity?

Very very interesting all the comments about the Purple Haze x Thai. Different growers from different continents and all different opinions about it and people without any experience on the strains talking bullshit left and right
It shows we have different parameters and standards for quality, impressive indeed. At this part of the world compared to the local brick it is light weed for light smokers. You need to make a fat spliff Rizla size 1 1/4 and smoke it full in order to feel it and it is boring weed
At this part of the world people are used to smoke roaches and get high. A Rizla paper size 1 a pinner contains 12 tokes. 6 tokes of it after 10 minutes you start getting high for 2 hours minimum. But I can understand what you comment about the smells
It grew very well here weed dispensary Camrose, it revegged and survived the winter and very few plants do that
It is very interesting to note that these seedbanks sell this in Europe and Usa. At this part of the world at the number 1 sativa market in the planet, none of them sells shit and the seedbanks that came here were a commercial failure because the quality and all this inbreeding depression sativas/Monsanto weed is not accepted by the local market.
Thats why I am so impressed about the cult of personality in the canna world. It is about the quality of the weed, not about the quality of the people selling and ruining it. Every day a new myth is born and a new fake totem is put on a pedestal

Purple Haze x Thai
I reproduced it and I will never grow it again. God gives bread to the ones who have no teeth and dont appreciate it. He has a twisted sense of humour. excellent landrace resistance and antifungal properties intact. For me the high is meh, for people and markets not used to sativas or without access to sativas probably is excellent, it is a matter of parameters and what you are used to
South east Asian commercial brick from this century is a lot better than any of the western weed, same with the southamerican one.
I never had nor sourced purple weed in my life. I have never seen it before growing it
I clearly prefer green weed
View attachment 18930173 View attachment 18930174
View attachment 18930176
Winter survivor, at this part of the world would probably be perennial. I dont think inbreeding depression weed is quality at all and all of the western sativas are inbreeding depression galore, made it in purpose or not(and I think it is made on purpose, these breeders from Europe are all Little Monsantos). View attachment 18930175

Good luck on your south east asian search
Northern Thai 2008 equatorial pheno
View attachment 18930177 View attachment 18930179 View attachment 18930178
Hello, two of us and our 6 month baby have just moved into our first home and we have discovered cannabis has been growing in the house. To start off we viewed this house a few times before buying, you could smell fresh paint as the whole house had been painted as well as the doors, door frames etc. New carpets had been fitted upstairs and on the stairs. Bathroom looked lovely and the whole place was empty except a few things like a bed, sofa, dining table and table stand. So loved the house so put an offer in. The house was unoccupied for some time as the owner had moved in with her partner roughly 15 miles away. Offer was accepted and it took some time for mortgage to come through but the owner asked the estate agents to put it back on market because they were desperate, luckily the mortgage came through on time. Paid the deposit and got the keys, this is where the problems start. Went to estate agent to get keys and only 1 front door key was there, was told the owner would drop rest off after work. End of day comes and no keys, owner decides they will post the keys in the mail. Estate agent wasn't happy but nothing they could do. Waited over a week for the keys and eventually a letter came with only 1 extra front door key. The rear door key was already in the door but the side door key was no where to be seen and these were the only keys she apparently had. Estate agent and solicitor weren't interested so I changed the locks. So next day I tried to use the washer and dish washer which wouldn't work, I pulled them out and both were plugged in but not connected up to the pipe work, strange especially when the washer had a stopper on the end as if it had never been used. Few days later I noticed the house was getting cold quickly after turning the heating off. I checked the loft again and invested a bit more. They had boarded the middle part of the loft off and installed floor boards, I thought what a neat place to store stuff. Anyway I pulled up a floor board to check insulation and there was none! I then pulled back a plaster board to find loose live wiring, chopped cables, aireal missing and the worst part, a whole set up for a cannabis grow. There was boxes stuffed with insulation, big metal exhaust type things with massive flexi tubing going all around the loft and exiting where the extractor fan was (which obviously wasn't working in both rooms). I came back with a torch and noticed chains hanging for what they would have used for heat lamps and all sorts, I then started to find cannibis leaves and actual small buds in places. So now I know there was a grow in the loft but I went to look further into the loft and noticed a big hole in the bathroom ceiling which had been boarded over. I haven't had a chance to speak to neighbours yet but from what I know the owner was a flight attendent and was rarely here. Solicitor thinks she was renting it out but isn't sure. Whatever went on seems dodgy and I'm not sure if they used more than the loft to grow plants, maybe why the have put fresh carpet down and painted everything. I have explained this to the police and all they said was change the locks but I suppose there's nothing they can do. The solicitor said nothing they can do. The loft is going to cost me a fortune to sort the wiring and insulation out. I'm hoping there is no damp under the carpet. I'm glad I've changed the locks too but it's it doesn't feel like home at the minute. Any advice you could give us? Has anyone been in this situation and what did you do? :(


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
On Purple weed.
I started using cannabis in 1977 and smoked a bit of Thai stick in my teens. In 1981-1983 I had a very close friend who grew some bagseed that produced deep red buds in flower and cured to this deep purple colour. It was the closest thing I can rank to Thai stick. Just amazing. I lived in a rural university town full of this mix of hippies and punks. My friend used to turn up at parties and people would flock to him for his cannabis (all the older hippy heads), which was so good it just cut through any high. It was intense and trippy.

Maybe the purple weed y'all get in the US isn't good but this stuff certainly was. You can't judge by colour or looks.


Well-known member
In any case, the troll is reality and any complain you might have please talk and tell it to reality, not to me. I am a simple reporter of reality
LOL. The problem with "reality" is that it is like looking through a straw at the universe. Everybody is using a different straw. It makes little sense to criticize other people's straws. Try using "...in my experience..." or "...this stuff is shit when I grew it my way...". I understand that we are just having a communication / language issue. We're cool.
Things are different here than up north. I live at the beach. Current UV levels are 10
You cant expose yourself to the sun between 10am and 4pm at least. It is dangerous to your health.
Sativas seem to love these high UV levels. What is your local UV in Costa Rica?
In San Jose Costa Rica, UV levels are often between 9 and 10. I'm significantly higher in altitude, so UV rays are higher in my garden. I've gotten a sunburn at 8:30 in the morning. Yikes! Strong ultraviolet conditions: Check
When you mean up north you mean up north in Costa Rica or up north in Usa?
I used to live at about 42° north, in a Mediteranean climate. The bone dry arid summers made the UV rays higher, though not as high as near the equator. Very potent weed was grown there.
The reason I ask is because I think/suspect you wouldnt be able to flower SuperLaos properly in Costa Rica and you could get it to flower only in december and january but you couldnt finnish it properly
I believe I can, but it will take time to learn. I have a lot of experience smoking weed from all over the world. The best I ever smoked was from my grow closet. Most people don't believe it's possible. Oh well, they have their own views (straws to look through).
Also, one of the reasons there are so many different types of great weed from Colombia, is that farmers from Mexico and their seeds were brought to Colombia because of them fleeing the paraquat spraying in Mexico. Mexico is subtropical and Colombia is tropical. The genetics of the best weed from my closet was a mix of Colombian, Mexican, Indian, and I'm convinced Thai.
The colombian you get there is cripi? Do you see any mangobiche there, is it famous or important?
Cripi is most prevelant, same as everywhere, with indica in it's past. :(
Mangobiche is famous and important, like most old school sativa strains.
The other strain is Fumo da Lata. I missed it for just 1 month. My friends that found the cans and smoked it came back home craving for paraguayn weed big time. This is the only asian weed that ever made it to South America and it changed the course of cannahistory in the continent
I've read that great story. :) I highly doubt it was the only S. Asian genetics in South America. There were sailing routes from S.E. Asia that went to near Acapulco Mexico. Also, indentured servants from India and their seeds were broght to Jamaica. I think drug companies also brought Indonesian weed to the Americas. I think these various historical incidents is how really good weed got to the Americas. And a lot of old school indigenous breeding occurred to make it their own.

Here is one of the indica invasion strains that came to the U.S. I grew this plant in 1982 from seeds brought from Afghanistan, near Kandahar: I never crossed a pure indica to a pure sativa, but everybody else was doing it. The crosses displaced the old school pure sativas. That is what I mean by "invasion". I can't say I wasn't enthralled by those indicas, or I didn't love them. I did. I just don't yearn for them like I do the good old sativas, especially Thai Sticks:


Active member
Good morning Thaibliss
I use laptop, in order to quote use the quote tag and then press enter in order to get out of the quote and answer
I just looked on youtube this comedian. So I understand you consider me as provocative or politically incorrect. I am glad you dont take it so seriously like the rest of the people, man, people take trivial things too seriously here
I just report the results I have here in real life. In any case, the troll is reality and any complain you might have please talk and tell it to reality, not to me. I am a simple reporter of reality

I am not interested in trolling nor in stiring controversies. I am not interested in futile debates. It is a waste of time and I have better things to do with my time
This is very interesting to talk with somebody from a different cannaculture than mine that likes the same kind of weed like yourself and all the difference in approaches we might have and this is what is motivating me to post here. I think we might all benefit from it. A win win situation
It is a lot more interesting than just pat in the back and approve anything said just because people think this is the way to be polite. But this is not about people, this is about weed.
There is nothing polite in the packs of sativas I sourced from western breeders with money. It is a huge lack of respect to customers.
I have for these fantasy western breeders the same respect they have for their customers, no more no less

I am south of tropic of capricorn where less than 3% of the world population lives, southern cone.
This is the real far south. Things are different here than up north. I live at the beach. Current UV levels are 10
You cant expose yourself to the sun between 10am and 4pm at least. It is dangerous to your health.
Sativas seem to love these high UV levels. What is your local UV in Costa Rica?
Here there is a wide thermal amplitude and humidity is 100% in the night and morning and it dries during the day
This is a typical autumm dawn here, there are many foggy days with visibility of less than 10 meters, real dense fog
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When you mean up north you mean up north in Costa Rica or up north in Usa?
The reason I ask is because I think/suspect you wouldnt be able to flower SuperLaos properly in Costa Rica and you could get it to flower only in december and january but you couldnt finnish it properly
I am not sure I would be able to grow SuperLaos or any tropical southeast asian sativa properly in Bangkok
For me southeast asian ganja is 2 types: equatorial and tropical. They have different high. The equatorial can grow at the tropic but I am not sure at all tropicals can grow well at equatorial latitudes

The colombian you get there is cripi? Do you see any mangobiche there, is it famous or important?
At this part of the world nobody ever heard of mangobiche and I dont see any report of big grows of this Mangobiche
In my garden is kind of perennial. The plants loved the environment. They all revegged easily. But the high is meh, a huge dissapointment. I made repro. All males are intersex and I didnt test but I am sure it will be inbreeding depression galore like all the rest of the western sourced sativas
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I never seen purple weed in my life before growing it. I grew a few and I was soft in my words and I am certainly judging the contents of my commercially sourced packs. T
he best weed I have was given to me for free. Or it was a private share like Wally SuperLaos or it was the freebie given from Europe, I must tell you the freebies they give is their garbage.
European garbage is gold here grown outdoors.
They cant grow thais in Denmark and indoors southeast asian weed dont like it at all and it turns into intersex shit, growing deformed pearl and foxtail buds
The european gold at this part of the world is all huge garbage. All sativas are touched. Typical Monsanto breeding
I cant believe there is no southamerican weed in the cannaworld. I believe local weed in Europe must be garbage and cant grow well

I cant agree with you about Thai Stick, I never smoked it.
2 strains in the world I never smoked and I really would have loved to smoke and one of them is Thai Stick. I arrived to South east Asia end of 90s and remained for 20 years. By the time I arrived Thai Stick wasnt even a myth, people didnt hear of it. It was war on drugs, it was nothing like it is today after legalization. People were falling in jail for just a couple of grams of weed. Midnight express conditions
The other strain is Fumo da Lata. I missed it for just 1 month. My friends that found the cans and smoked it came back home craving for paraguayn weed big time. This is the only asian weed that ever made it to South America and it changed the course of cannahistory in the continent

I have never seen any indica invasion in my life. The only indica invasion I see is my garden coming from bullshit western breeders making fantasy tags carrying sativa names when it is all touched with indica shit
The first indicas I smoked in my life as bud are the ones I grew here recently. I tried Deep Chunk, Aunt of Farouk and Blueberry. I cant believe people hype those buds and like smoking the buds of it. If they would be hyping the hash these strains make I would understand the hype, but hyping indica buds is amazing this shit is what westerners like
We have different canna cultures and opposing views because of it.

Sorry for this long post, I could make it a lot longer

I just mean the purples I grew myself. I cant judge all the purples in the Universe because I didnt try them all
The hawaian I have here is a hashplant called lemon Thai. All hawaians are hashplants? I didnt like this weed but people hype it a lot. I crossed it with Original Haze and it is still a hashplant not of my liking. It is like the Deep Chunk x Ohz cross. A hashplant on sativa frame

Man, I love Angus grassfed steaks, I dislike grain fed, the difference in taste is huge. I just tried Wagyu steak. Wagyu is the meat used in shabu shabu, I knew this meat from Asia, now they are exporting steaks of this fat shit here. It is the most expensive meat in the world and I dislike it as much as indicas and western sativa Monsanto breeding

Yesterday we tested this brick
Grinspoon Thai coming from your favourite canna breeder
Another masterpiece of inbreeding depression
Allow me to use the same words Elmer Bud used for describing the Bushweed commercial seed release, I never heard them before and I agree with him big time. It seems he knew what he was talking about
Grinspoon Thai below and Northern Thai equatorial pheno above
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Grinspoon Thai top shot 3 meter plant
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The seed costed me 6,5 euro plus shipping. 17 seeds sprouted out of 18. All firm males same grinspoon shit pheno and the rest of the males all faggots outdoors
The soil costed me 3,5 dollar. Total 11 dollar cost per plant
I painfully gathered every single bract of this shit and some of the sugar leaves and bricked it
You judge yourself if this is a good business or not. For me a good business is only when both parties are satisfied with the deal
Almost 1u$s gram for having the privilege of growing this garbage
Smoke test of the smaller half by my neighbour, 32 year old agronomy engineer father of a 3 year old boy craving for some weed on a sunday morning beach walk:
"Ideal for parents with small kids, I could perform properly and talk with all neighbours, function properly and the crave is out, good taste burns well, excellent placebo of weed!"
6 months grow and another 6 months cure
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For purple weed lovers, this is the amazing, exotic and unique Purple thai, never seen in Thailand before
I gave the jar to my neighbours helping me telling me they liked the Mangobiche. They came back the next day very politely asking if I had something with a high because this shit is only smell and taste, pure placebo of weed, a total scam
I am just another scammed customer, no more no less. The trolls are the breeders releasing such garbage to the market and calling this bullshit pure race
By far the most productive of the pack and the worst of all the pack, even worse than the bullshit grinspoon thai
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Reality is harsh. Any complain talk to reality please, I am only reporting reality and the contents of the packs I bought with money. All very good people but western breeding sucks big time and this is the result of breeding out of the tropics under lights tropical sativas + a lot of bullshit by people who have no education and no clue about sativas like spaniards.
They know about paellas, the know about favadas, they certainly know how to make a decent chuletón but they dont have any clue about sativas. It is a traditional hash market. At the milennium I was there and the only thing I saw was moroccan hash. How come these people are now the reference for sativas??? No wonder it is all degraded and bullshit.
At this part of the world Cannabiogen was a commercial failure.
I cant believe the prestige they have. You can see the inbreeding of Destroyer they show it is all pearls and foxtail phenos. Pearls and foxtails is the end of the road, who is smoking first with such poor productivity? All of their breeding ends in the same pearl and foxtail shit, very beautiful to see but this is unwanted and a sign that you need to throw that weed to the garbage and start all over again

Have a nice week, life is nice and fun, dont take life too seriously please.
Hey man, could you tell me, based on your experience, which bank seed or variety you will definitely think its pure sativa?


Well-known member
Hello, two of us and our 6 month baby have just moved into our first home and we have discovered cannabis has been growing in the house. To start off we viewed this house a few times before buying, you could smell fresh paint as the whole house had been painted as well as the doors, door frames etc. New carpets had been fitted upstairs and on the stairs. Bathroom looked lovely and the whole place was empty except a few things like a bed, sofa, dining table and table stand. So loved the house so put an offer in. The house was unoccupied for some time as the owner had moved in with her partner roughly 15 miles away. Offer was accepted and it took some time for mortgage to come through but the owner asked the estate agents to put it back on market because they were desperate, luckily the mortgage came through on time. Paid the deposit and got the keys, this is where the problems start. Went to estate agent to get keys and only 1 front door key was there, was told the owner would drop rest off after work. End of day comes and no keys, owner decides they will post the keys in the mail. Estate agent wasn't happy but nothing they could do. Waited over a week for the keys and eventually a letter came with only 1 extra front door key. The rear door key was already in the door but the side door key was no where to be seen and these were the only keys she apparently had. Estate agent and solicitor weren't interested so I changed the locks. So next day I tried to use the washer and dish washer which wouldn't work, I pulled them out and both were plugged in but not connected up to the pipe work, strange especially when the washer had a stopper on the end as if it had never been used. Few days later I noticed the house was getting cold quickly after turning the heating off. I checked the loft again and invested a bit more. They had boarded the middle part of the loft off and installed floor boards, I thought what a neat place to store stuff. Anyway I pulled up a floor board to check insulation and there was none! I then pulled back a plaster board to find loose live wiring, chopped cables, aireal missing and the worst part, a whole set up for a cannabis grow. There was boxes stuffed with insulation, big metal exhaust type things with massive flexi tubing going all around the loft and exiting where the extractor fan was (which obviously wasn't working in both rooms). I came back with a torch and noticed chains hanging for what they would have used for heat lamps and all sorts, I then started to find cannibis leaves and actual small buds in places. So now I know there was a grow in the loft but I went to look further into the loft and noticed a big hole in the bathroom ceiling which had been boarded over. I haven't had a chance to speak to neighbours yet but from what I know the owner was a flight attendent and was rarely here. Solicitor thinks she was renting it out but isn't sure. Whatever went on seems dodgy and I'm not sure if they used more than the loft to grow plants, maybe why the have put fresh carpet down and painted everything. I have explained this to the police and all they said was change the locks but I suppose there's nothing they can do. The solicitor said nothing they can do. The loft is going to cost me a fortune to sort the wiring and insulation out. I'm hoping there is no damp under the carpet. I'm glad I've changed the locks too but it's it doesn't feel like home at the minute. Any advice you could give us? Has anyone been in this situation and what did you do? :(
If you are posting this in a thread like this is because you are looking for an unconventional answer/point of view/different prism/different straw call it what you like
What you are describing is clearly what I think about owning a property. You never own a property but the property owns you and you are a slave of the property
I am a nomad/backpacker. This amazing growing experience is the first time in my life I am staying some years at the same place and it is a complex experience for me being sedentary
I only rent, I will never own a property. How many years of rent you just spent on a property of which you are becoming a slave of. Sell it back and free yourself from the burden and enjoy renting
Hey man, could you tell me, based on your experience, which bank seed or variety you will definitely think its pure sativa?
Look, I sourced my seed collection in 2019. I only bought names, none of it is what I can call a pure sativa being pure race.
The only pure sativas I got are SuperLaos and Northern Thailand 2008. I call pure something intact breeding true without inbreeding depression problems. I got some interesting sativas but they are IBL or at F14 like Seedsman Haze and this is the kind of progeny I get from it at about 15-20% of the progeny. I cant call this thing pure and it is the result of inbreeding depression. They dont smoke better than their normal sisters and make a lot of undesirable pearl phenos. It is what it is. They are beautiful to see and grow, they taught me a lot about myself
Guys, please post and tell which ones are the pure sativas on the market. The only pure sativas I see posted are in the hands of private collectors and most of them dont share, it doesnt matter if it is for free or for money, pure lines people dont like sharing nor selling. I feel it is like people think they own the weed and we get in this case the same as owning a house. The weed is owning you when you think you own it. It is the same with any posession. Are you the caretaker or the owner? Is the plant yours or you belong to the plant?
This thing about patenting living entities is aberrant and decadent
Tri Haze
haze tri (2).jpeg

Quad haze
quad haze (2).jpeg

N Thai 2008 was a freebie from Seedheaven in Denmark. Seeds were sleeping in their fridge for 12 years. The best Thai weed in Denmark is garbage, they cant grow it. Under light is all intersex
Thats why I got it, it was a serendipity
For SuperLaos you would need to convince Wally to open a seedbank and sell it to the public
And now I have my first pure sativa hybrid. Seedbanks seem to think the pinnacle of breeding is sativa x indica or indica x sativa and I didnt like any of these crosses
Laos x N Thai boy 2. I will also check the cross x boy 3
Laos x n Thai boy 2.jpeg

ThaiBliss, I think I am making clear I only talk about the limited experience I have growing western weed and cant generalize on other people weed nor grows. I am sure your version of NH21 x MM from Bushweed is not the same as the public release I have grown.
What you got is a private share from long time ago and it was probably done by the masters themselves. What I got is the emotional offering and it seems it was done by a third party. So names can be misleading. I am seeing strains having many different releases and the only thing remaining the same is just the name, so it is a little difficult or challenging trying to understand what the poster is showing under a tag name.
Pedigree and traceability in the canna world suck big time, totally unreliable. In this matter the canna world should learn a lot about the wine industry. At least every bottle you know year of making and correct location. In the canna world it is all just fantasy
I used to live at about 42° north, in a Mediteranean climate. The bone dry arid summers made the UV rays higher, though not as high as near the equator. Very potent weed was grown there.
Man, I lived one year in lat 42N in North east China. Winter is -30C. It is subsiberian climate and was the coldest place I have been in my life and I saw crazy things like trees in may starting to flower and only after the flower they start developing leaves. I never seen it before. I saw the same thing afterwards in lat 42S in Patagonia.
By the way the first indica that made it to S America was grown right there at lat 42S
It was brought in 1980 and it made a revolution only locally because it was the first time the local hippies could harvest weed properly. It was brought by french sky instructors
I cant relate lat 42 with mediterranean climate or maybe we are calling mediterranean climate 2 different things and you were living in an amazing microclimate like the lat 42S. Well Barcelona is almost lat 42 but I think of the african coast as mediterranean so it is complicated to call a climate mediterranean in general. So your climate might be cold mediterranean and I like hot mediterranean
Sorry no english for this geographical area. This is the place where the first south american sativa grew

Also, one of the reasons there are so many different types of great weed from Colombia, is that farmers from Mexico and their seeds were brought to Colombia because of them fleeing the paraquat spraying in Mexico. Mexico is subtropical and Colombia is tropical. The genetics of the best weed from my closet was a mix of Colombian, Mexican, Indian, and I'm convinced Thai.

South Mexico is tropic of Cancer and Colombia is equatorial. North Mexico would be subtropical
Paraquat was spread in Colombia and most of the third world in the war of drugs that is still being fought by DEA at this part of the world and it killed the old weed, the old food and it poisoned innocent people
After this event things were never the same

Was paraquat spread in California and Oregon or was just a privilege reserved for third world?

I highly doubt it was the only S. Asian genetics in South America. There were sailing routes from S.E. Asia that went to near Acapulco Mexico. Also, indentured servants from India and their seeds were broght to Jamaica. I think drug companies also brought Indonesian weed to the Americas. I think these various historical incidents is how really good weed got to the Americas. And a lot of old school indigenous breeding occurred to make it their own.

What I mean is weed grown in South East Asia making it to South America. It is not the same south east asian weed grown in south america than grown in SE Asia and it was the first time it happened
The cans were wrapped in indonesian newspaper, Fumo da Lata was probably indonesian weed. Nobody grew the seed. There was plenty of local weed in South America. But it awoke the hunger of the giant for sativas ad it put a lot of pressure on paraguayan weed and it got hybridized after that, probably paraquatted as well, I dont know. By that time it got hybridized I was living in Asia

Do you still have those indicas preKandahar soviet invassion or just right after the invassion?
Man, today this shit is worth platinum, lithium and rare earths. It is like mining in the asteroids

The Punto Rojo that came here preparaquat shit was the best weed. The only strain having matching descriptions is Thai Stick. many people talk about mids in Usa from Punto Rojo stock. I think what we got as Punto Rojo and what you got in Usa as Punto Rojo are 2 different things. Same like many things in the canna world


Well-known member
If you are posting this in a thread like this is because you are looking for an unconventional answer/point of view/different prism/different straw call it what you like
What you are describing is clearly what I think about owning a property. You never own a property but the property owns you and you are a slave of the property
I am a nomad/backpacker. This amazing growing experience is the first time in my life I am staying some years at the same place and it is a complex experience for me being sedentary
I only rent, I will never own a property. How many years of rent you just spent on a property of which you are becoming a slave of. Sell it back and free yourself from the burden and enjoy renting
Sweet Jesus, you just can't help yourself can you? I'm a bit on the autism spectrum also, but writing is slow enough that one can reflect on what you are saying and ask yourself, are you hurting or helping? Take the time, please.
Any advice you could give us?
Sorry about finding out about the house after the purchase. I would suggest finding a handyman that has a good reputation including electrical work. There should be many given that someone had to do the electrical work for those grow rooms. Licensed electritions are going to charge you a lot.
I am sure your version of NH21 x MM from Bushweed is not the same as the public release I have grown.
I am sure also, as I have Gypsy Thai Stick x (NH21 x MM). I've never had the male parent NH21 x MM or tried any of the females from that cross.
I cant relate lat 42 with mediterranean climate or maybe we are calling mediterranean climate 2 different things
Yes, no doubt. LOL
SW Oregon and Chicago, both about 42° north, are vastly different climates. The lattitude is loosely related to climate type. I educated myself by looking it up in a climate type gardening map before spouting off.
So your climate might be cold mediterranean and I like hot mediterranean
I never heard of such a thing. We can learn new things if we listen.
Average high temperatures in the summer there are about 93° fahrenheit. Maybe 20+ days are over 100°, with records about 115°+. Very dry summer climate with cool nights. I consider that pretty hot, despite it being on the northern edge of a Mediterranean climate zone by published scholars.
Was paraquat spread in California and Oregon or was just a privilege reserved for third world?
I take your point that the U.S. has a long history of being disrespectful to other nations. But as with most countries, there are plenty of wrongs against it's own citizens. It took a long time to get them to stop spraying herbicide 2,4-D, basically agent orange derived from WWI nerve gas, on our forests to kill broad leaf trees to promote timber tree density. No doubt this caused a lot of cancer from the polluted water supplies.

It is likely that the govenment would have sprayed paraquat in California and Oregon if conditions favored it. But, unlike other countries where there are vast plantations of weed, a very large crop here was 2,000 plants, not 20,000+ plants. In California and Oregon, the police used military helicopters to drop in ambush teams with helmets, flack jackets, and machine guns to wait for growers to return. Then they would imprison them. Different tactics for different conditions. You shouldn't waste time feeling so special and aggrieved. Try working for positive change like the rest of us.

Despite the vague truth of your obviously rhetorical question, it's a pretty shitty, dick move, thing to write. As if I'm personally responsible for it. WTF did I ever do to you?
Do you still have those indicas preKandahar soviet invassion or just right after the invassion?
Hadn't it ocurred to you that there is a third option? Are you inferring some special slight that I'm missing? If you think I'm lying, then this is the most subtle insult I've ever heard from you. So out of character, for you.
I don't have any. Yes, all pure old school strains are very valuable.
I was spoiled as a youngster. I got stuff from all over the world. At the time I had no idea that this would all collapse, everybody would start favoring hybrids, and these unique genetics would become very difficult to find.
many people talk about mids in Usa from Punto Rojo stock. I think what we got as Punto Rojo and what you got in Usa as Punto Rojo are 2 different things.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you talking about in your lifetime? When we were getting Punto Rojo from Colombian in the 1970s, nobody considered it "mids". It wasn't anything like Thai, Sumatran, or Jamiacan Ganja, but it was excellent. Sorry, I'm not even aware that it is widely available in the U.S. now or even 20 years ago. Good for you for having experienced it. See how good you have had it! Why all the grumpy, whiny, complaining, and insulting everyone?

Got no more time for this. Later snappy gator.