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What is Colombian Gold šŸŸ” to you?


Well-known member
Lugo, have you grown any of the european releases of colombian genetics? Your descriptions of it match my experience growing them

I have never heard of something called colombian gold until recently when I came back to SA and started growing and reading these forums. In Usa you can see pictures in the magazines from the 70s and a lot of different experiences about colombian gold, it is interesting, was it a Usa only crop or it was the generic name given to colombian weed like Punto Rojo in the southern cone?
What arrived to the southern cone in the 80s from Colombia was called Punto Rojo. If it was Punto Rojo or something else i dont know. It was brick. A small pinner containing about 12 little tokes would put 4 people with 3 tokes each on a 4 hour trip almost like mushrooms. Red eyes, Robin mask, it wasnt sociable, everybody could see you were very high
So is this high Punto Rojo or Corinto? I never heard of Corinto nor Mangobiche nor anything else. The only thing we heard in the southern cone from Colombia was called Punto Rojo

I read the first cannabis grown in South America was in early 1500's in Quillota Valley, Chile
And you have here a paper talking about the cannabis trade in Chile during XVI and XVII centuries

And jesuits built their economy empire with hemp and they were travelling around the viceroyalties including the Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada so cannabis has a history of more than 500 years in South America

The first time I saw a real bud was in 1987. A chilean friend brought something from his country and shared. It was the first time I heard the word cogollo. At that time we called it marihuana, today that bud belongs to a strain called chilombiana which is real colombian weed adapted to Central Chile. Not many people saw buds at that time, all trade was brick

This thread is about paraguayan brick, I was rolling my spliffs on the magazine cover of the first post. The stuff from the 80s is gone, at least not available for mortals. It got hybridized beginning 90s. The old paraguayan had many leaflets, from 13 to 21. The more leaflets, the more potent the plant was. If you find it, I want to grow it

So the thread is from 2009. Now you can read a dossier from 2017 about paraguayan weed which is not really changed from what is happenning today

What you should find from modern paraguayan brick is a lottery. A lot of diversity and many intersex. I have not seen the leaves of paraguayan 80s in any picture. And it seems grown indoors paraguayan suffers same inbreeding problems like haze
Thanks everybody for your posts, very interesting comparing the different realities in the continent, north and south.
If the south american 80s high is still alive, I want to grow it. It is the only thing that interests me in cannabis and it is very hard to achieve this seed.


Chasing The Present
SMG - Santa Marta Gold - very very old relatively inbred line

Iā€™ve grown every available gold I know of, private SMG I bulked years ago wesos / Huesos shared with me my favoriteā€¦

14 F / 14 M - 28 plants total used in reproduction / bulking -ā€¦ fairly uniform plants for seed

Two phenos, one tall limey one shorter darker, I preferred the taller longer flowering oneā€¦

Bless brother @Huesos if you around - I hope you doing well buddy, miss ya


Durlumbo I made is SMC/Durban x SMG - searching within is a worthy cause those that got ā€˜emā€¦ I biased - kudos to @oldbootz for the name

Red & Gold phenos in Durlumbo - Both Exquisite

IF youā€™ve grown the SMG send thanks to wesos, we donated them all for free to all elsewhere and from there I hope as many got them as they could

Cornerstone breeding foundational blocks
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Well-known member
Classic deep ignorance and racism of new America empty of history and its experts full of shits compared to the great Mexican and Colombian proto-history, not surprising that Phylos confirms and close the brainwashing with modern Thai lol.

Seriously? Iā€™m a deeply ignorant racist because I opine that nobody knows exactly how and when cannabis came to Colombia?

Am I a racist because I said there was no indigenous ganja culture in Colombia? I should have qualified that by saying ā€œcompared to Southeast Asia.ā€ If cannabis originated in Asia, where ganja cultures existed thousands of years before Colombia was colonized, how did pre-Columbian Colombians get cannabis from the other side of the planet?

Am I deeply ignorant because I havenā€™t considered the possibility that Phyllis has been brainwashing us by falsely reporting the presence of Thai genetics in Colombian herb? Or by reading a magazine article in 1977, when journalists actually chased down stories and reported on them?

You owe me an apology.


@OldCoolSativa, Excuse but my message was not intended for you personally but for the fake paradigm that constituted your comment, that also owe to cannabis history an apology imho!

@led05 @Huesos @oldbootz Big up broz, so good to see SMG alive and in good hands bravo Led05, pretty good male ratio for pure sat please how many seeds at start, 50? Do you know how many generations since its pure landrace?


Well-known member
Zaprjaques, aged resin, whether its hash or on the bud is always a superior smoke. Its simply sublime. Everybody is in a hurry now. Spend the time and effort to grow good smoke and then get in a hurry to smoke it
I have to disagree about that, I found a jar who was forgotten for 2 years and the smoke was really not the quality it was when the buds were only a few months. It was a jar of indoor buds.

With outdoor grown buds it was possible to store them until the next harvest without losing quality but after 15/18 months there was a decrease in the quality as well. The only old buds I've smoked who had not lost their quality had been frozen once dry, they were 5 years old when a friend shared them with me, I was amazed how fresh they were looking. I've not try personally to freeze some buds but it seems to be a really good solution to store buds for really long term.
With the years I've come to appreciate more and more my buds in the first 6/8 weeks after harvest compared to long cured buds, I prefer the high and taste I get with fresh buds. It's a bit different with outdoor grown buds, they are for me more enjoyable after 2/3 months in the jars. But I don't think the buds get better with a very long period of storage.
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Chasing The Present
@OldCoolSativa, Excuse but my message was not intended for you personally but for the fake paradigm that constituted your comment, that also owe to cannabis history an apology imho!

@led05 @Huesos @oldbootz Big up broz, so good to see SMG alive and in good hands bravo Led05, pretty good male ratio for pure sat please how many seeds at start, 50? Do you know how many generations since its pure landrace?
Thank you bro

Maybe 30 seeds, 28 came up healthy and a perfect split, that NEVER happensā€¦ IIRC Wesos got them from a old lady decades ago and he passed onto me for reproduction/bulking, I may even still have pollen from those males but itā€™s now nearly 5 years old and lost most/all viability ā€¦

My Best guess P2 or 3, but their uniformity supports a farmer in the fields whom knew what they were doing imhoā€¦

Durlumbo I used seeds from e.t and selected on the mom, used pollen from my favorite 6 SMG dads IIRCā€¦

SMC = Purple Colombian
Durban = Same lineage as Cookies Dad as I understand it

Durlumbo bootz came up with name and likely has looked as deep as anyone within the X, his work is outdoors too :)


Colombian leafs - Tight serrations, relatively smooth edges & many / leaf

SE Asians - alligator serrations, huge definition, fewer serrations / leaf

So easy to tell apart imo, i knew Phyllos was a scam the very first time I talked to Mowgli all way back in 2014/15 - funny how all them others ā€œmissedā€ it all those years, some would say profited fromā€¦



Chasing The Present
I have to disagree about that, I found a jar who was forgotten for 2 years and the smoke was really not the quality it was when the buds were only a few months. It was a jar of indoor buds.

With outdoor grown buds it was possible to store them until the next harvest without losing quality but after 15/18 months there was a decrease in the quality as well. The only old buds I've smoked who had not lost their quality had been frozen once dry, they were 5 years old when a friend shared them with me, I was amazed how fresh they were looking. I've not try personally to freeze some buds but it seems to be a really good solution to store buds for really long term.
With the years I've come to appreciate more and more my buds in the first 6/8 weeks after harvest compared to long cured buds, I prefer the high and taste I get with fresh buds. It's a bit different with outdoor grown buds, they are for me more enjoyable after 2/3 months in the jars. But I don't think the buds get better with a very long period of storage.
Go into the jars more wet, vacuum seal properly - donā€™t open stick in fridge or stable cool spot, come back in a year or 3ā€¦ you may change your views, or not - everyone has preferential nuances


Well-known member
Is this your repro?
If this is not yours, whose repro is this and is this stock the same as the ones you call santa marta gold coming from same source? Numbers are similar to yours led05

Prices are a scandal for untested seed with probable inbreeding depression problems like all the stock I grew coming from Europe carrying the tag "colombian", you guys are requesting more than a third of a monthly salary of a colombian store restock worker, same salaries in my country. And they would probable charge for shipping too
Prices are a lack of respect
If prices are a lack of respect, why the content of that pack wouldnt be another lack of respect?


Well-known member
@OldCoolSativa, Excuse but my message was not intended for you personally but for the fake paradigm that constituted your comment, that also owe to cannabis history an apology imho!

@led05 @Huesos @oldbootz Big up broz, so good to see SMG alive and in good hands bravo Led05, pretty good male ratio for pure sat please how many seeds at start, 50? Do you know how many generations since its pure landrace?
How do you know if there was cannabis in pre-colombian civilizations like Aztecs or Incas ? Archeologists have not found any traces of cannabis crops or usages in the vestiges of those people as far as I know.


Well-known member
Go into the jars more wet, vacuum seal properly - donā€™t open stick in fridge or stable cool spot, come back in a year or 3ā€¦ you may change your views, or not - everyone has preferential nuances
I've tried a few methods for conversation but none of them made the buds better after a long period. I'd like to try some of your long stored buds to see what you mean. I think haschich is different as the resin glands are not disposed as they are on flowers.
My preferences have evolved with time, now I like to have pretty fresh flowers because I find they lack smells and tastes after more than 2 months of storage but it was not the case 20 years ago. In fact I was not a fan of fresh flowers when I started growing and I did prefer to smoke haschich.
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Chasing The Present
Is this your repro?
If this is not yours, whose repro is this and is this stock the same as the ones you call santa marta gold coming from same source? Numbers are similar to yours led05

Prices are a scandal for untested seed with probable inbreeding depression problems like all the stock I grew coming from Europe carrying the tag "colombian", you guys are requesting more than a third of a monthly salary of a colombian store restock worker, same salaries in my country. And they would probable charge for shipping too
Prices are a lack of respect
If prices are a lack of respect, why the content of that pack wouldnt be another lack of respect?
Excuse meā€¦!? My reproduction/ bulking and EVERY seed I shared for FREEā€¦I did this reproduction when it was highly illegal to do so, paid obviously for the entire grow and shipping seeds over to Europe, a few times - I got Nothing in return but my satisfaction to see others grow something I shared for freeā€¦

SMG is a very stable & proven line (look at uniformity above of 28 seed plants, do you know what youā€™re seeing?) , I have no clue nor interest in what they charge but Iā€™ve grow many of the available Colombians & imo these are the best golds available to buy

Iā€™ve restocked it for FREE a couple times as well, and I would gladly again but then I question why with comments like yours above; disrespectful & ungrateful are two words that quickly come to mind.

For those whom have respect, decency - cheers, thank huesos too for his generosity

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Thanks for info and all Led05, it seems that you had just received fresh healthy seeds from Huesos's repro but your serious amount of males is surprising for pure sat i think. Probably from the same kind of ratio selection at start hehe big up to Huesos and his big males detection from a pretty good number of landrace seeds i guess, PachaMama good vibes i feel! :biggrin:

How do you know if there was cannabis in pre-colombian civilizations like Aztecs or Incas ? Archeologists have not found any traces of cannabis crops or usages in the vestiges of those people as far as I know.

Hi Kro,
If they haven't found anything yet, it may be because they haven't looked in the right places and with the right means and methods. Any fossil pollen studies from South Mexico to North Chile ? Not yet right! :biggrin:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Same, Age is not friendly to anything organic. It all decomposes. Cannabis less than 6m old is fine. If you want to keep it fresh as long as possible freeze it. There are other ways to store long term. Air, heat, and light are all bad. Terpenes are volatile and are the 1st to go.


Chasing The Present
Thanks for info and all Led05, it seems that you had just received fresh healthy seeds from Huesos's repro but your serious amount of males is surprising for pure sat i think. Probably from the same kind of ratio selection at start hehe big up to Huesos and his big males detection from a pretty good number of landrace seeds i guess, PachaMama good vibes i feel

Seeds wesos sent were stored well for decades, I reproduced them, he never didā€¦ If his contact got them from fields then seeds I grew P1, ones I made P2

M:F ratio is one of many reasons why I speculate the farmer they came from has worked the line very well & properly



Seeds wesos sent were stored well for decades, I reproduced them, he never didā€¦ If his contact got them from fields then seeds I grew P1, ones I made P2

Okay i gonna check him soon in private to know more about Santa Marta special community, thanks again for the pass!

M:F ratio is one of many reasons why I speculate the farmer they came from has worked the line very well & properly


Hmm yes seems to be a really rare worked landrace, Have you found some hermie and/or intersex?


All related to human strong and old culture with resilience facing the test of time, rare nowadays! Just few preserved spots on the planet like less than 10 and a third can be South Americans i think.


Well-known member
Thanks for info and all Led05, it seems that you had just received fresh healthy seeds from Huesos's repro but your serious amount of males is surprising for pure sat i think. Probably from the same kind of ratio selection at start hehe big up to Huesos and his big males detection from a pretty good number of landrace seeds i guess, PachaMama good vibes i feel! :biggrin:

Hi Kro,
If they haven't found anything yet, it may be because they haven't looked in the right places and with the right means and methods. Any fossil pollen studies from South Mexico to North Chile ? Not yet right! :biggrin:I
I'll check but I'm sure those type of studies were made already all over the world. If cannabis or hemp had been present in south america before Europeans came with their seed it would have been found. And saying they have not found it yet is not a proof of its existence only a proof of your belief.
About jars I've tried all the way I could to store long term when I was doing only one crop a year and I've always seen a decrease in quality after 18 months sadly. Except for the 5 years frozen buds.


Chasing The Present
Okay i gonna check him soon in private to know more about Santa Marta special community, thanks again for the pass!

Hmm yes seems to be a really rare worked landrace, Have you found some hermie and/or intersex?
Darker shorter ones more likely to herm late flower than taller more light greenā€¦not bad though, that was a bit surprising as Colombians are more firm ime than most other NLDā€¦.


@kro-magnon Yes "absence of proof is not proof of absence" ^^ If you find those fossil pollen studies for the East coast of South America or Colombia please report! Ya know that antic cannabis traces have been already found in North America ? ^^ I let you do your research!

@led05 Sounds good according wise and old Colombian cannabis culture, i found the same firm with Swazi ;)
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