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Spotify, IC, and other sources of misinformation. It’s all about the cash.


Well-known member
their faces look different but i suppose it's just the angle.....

the person is a neo nazi that was outed as a nazi by phillyantifa.org

so either way you're still peddling disinformation that takes 12 seconds to debunk.




Well-known member
lol, but don´t forget that truckers never go home with an empty one. They also always transport american goods (export) back to Canada, which is important for american businesses.
As for making all products in the US...what about canadian maple syrup? :)

got maples in US. syrup can also be made from other trees as well, walnut for one...hickory too, i think. the further north, however, the longer the sap season is.


Well-known member
This is all fake news Cannavore. The Truckers have no leader. It is a grass roots organized movement. Why do the fakenews want you to believe the movement has a leader? Easy to paint as racist? Why would that person be "the leader?" Is he even a trucker, lol. Just a convenient deep state asset?

"Let's get one of our "racists" and paint them as the movements leader so we can smear the entire movement. We can launder money thru GFM and kill two birds with one stone. Otherwise, we will lose control of Canada."

these people are literally listed as the local leaders within the canada unity organization lol. but hempy says otherwise!

this is your brain on fascist propaganda. everything is deep state fake news except for the most obvious fake shit, Q Anon!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
these people are literally listed as the local leaders within the canada unity organization lol. but hempy says otherwise!

this is your brain on fascist propaganda. everything is deep state fake news except for the most obvious fake shit, Q Anon!

Oh, well there you have it (except no one's ever heard of any Canada Unity organization)!


Well-known member
no one (hempy) has ever heard of canada unity!


JAMES BAUDER: James Bauder is the founder of Canada Unity, one of the groups responsible for the initial organization of the convoy to Ottawa.
Ahead of the convoy’s arrival in the capital, Canada Unity directed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) to the Senate and the Governor General, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and the reinstatement of those who lost jobs over COVID-19 vaccinations, or else “RESIGN their lawful positions of authority Immediately” (sic).

In the same video, Bauder said the hoped-for election would be legitimate because Canada does not use the Dominion voting machines at the centre of rigged-election conspiracy theories about the 2020 U.S. presidential vote. Dominion Voting is suing Fox News for defamation after the news outlet’s TV personalities suggested widespread vote-switching contributed to Donald Trump’s election loss.

In December 2020, Bauder posted on Facebook about his skepticism over the origins of COVID-19, perpetuating the disproven belief that the virus was intentionally created in and leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, as a bioweapon and wrongly implied that billionaire George Soros may have been involved. Soros is often the subject of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories spread online.

they're canadian trump/q which is exactly why the trump/q of this forum post so much about it. they're all a part of the same propaganda feedback loop.


Well-known member
ahh grassroots...

there was/is a big PR firm that Clinton and probably a lot of other politicians regardless of party affiliation have used, George Bush had some aides that came directly from them, that Dr. Kaczynski targeted (I think one of the early ceos)

they engage in various operations such as crisis management (aka damage control) and smear/doubt campaigns, one of their operations is known as "grassroots marketing consultancy"

they have global presence and are generally thought of as having been started as a CIA front company, they have had their dirty little fingers in everything from south american dictatorships and big tobacco to more current digital operations


Well-known member
i'm hoping that it was only an expression of berries education (or lack thereof) that he meant "condemn" instead of "condone" in his post about leftists RE violence. words have meanings, people keep saying...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
no one (hempy) has ever heard of canada unity!


JAMES BAUDER: James Bauder is the founder of Canada Unity, one of the groups responsible for the initial organization of the convoy to Ottawa.
Ahead of the convoy’s arrival in the capital, Canada Unity directed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) to the Senate and the Governor General, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and the reinstatement of those who lost jobs over COVID-19 vaccinations, or else “RESIGN their lawful positions of authority Immediately” (sic).

In the same video, Bauder said the hoped-for election would be legitimate because Canada does not use the Dominion voting machines at the centre of rigged-election conspiracy theories about the 2020 U.S. presidential vote. Dominion Voting is suing Fox News for defamation after the news outlet’s TV personalities suggested widespread vote-switching contributed to Donald Trump’s election loss.

In December 2020, Bauder posted on Facebook about his skepticism over the origins of COVID-19, perpetuating the disproven belief that the virus was intentionally created in and leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, as a bioweapon and wrongly implied that billionaire George Soros may have been involved. Soros is often the subject of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories spread online.

they're canadian trump/q which is exactly why the trump/q of this forum post so much about it. they're all a part of the same propaganda feedback loop.

You have to read fakenews more carefully.


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Our premier Doug Ford (leader of Ontario gov't) is a diehard Conservative . . . but . . .

"The Ontario government has invoked new emergency measures by declaring a state of emergency aimed at protesters and ending the blockade at a key border crossing in the province.

Ont. Premier Doug Ford announced the measures Friday, saying they will be used to levy stiffer fines and penalties on protesters, including a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to a year imprisonment for non-compliance . . .

Ford said the provincial government will provide additional authority to revoke the personal and commercial licences of anyone who doesn't comply with the new orders. The measures are temporary, but Ford said the government "has every intention" to bring new legislation forward to make them permanent." CTV News


Well-known member
got maples in US. syrup can also be made from other trees as well, walnut for one...hickory too, i think. the further north, however, the longer the sap season is.

but it ain´t canadian syrup innit :) never tasted the other types of syrup and I´ve never seen them sold in shops round here. I bet they have a very different kind of flavour though.

Three Berries

Active member
The area I live in was settled by Canadian French. They brought with them some Canadian Maples. There's quite a grove of them south of me. I got a couple a few decades ago.


Well-known member
but it ain´t canadian syrup innit :) never tasted the other types of syrup and I´ve never seen them sold in shops round here. I bet they have a very different kind of flavour though.

maple syrup is maple syrup; and different grades exist too. every type of maple syrup i've tried tastes the same. i'm sure there are snobs that think their favorite is the best...that's true about everything.


Well-known member
Our premier Doug Ford (leader of Ontario gov't) is a diehard Conservative . . . but . . .

"The Ontario government has invoked new emergency measures by declaring a state of emergency aimed at protesters and ending the blockade at a key border crossing in the province.

Ont. Premier Doug Ford announced the measures Friday, saying they will be used to levy stiffer fines and penalties on protesters, including a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to a year imprisonment for non-compliance . . .

Ford said the provincial government will provide additional authority to revoke the personal and commercial licences of anyone who doesn't comply with the new orders. The measures are temporary, but Ford said the government "has every intention" to bring new legislation forward to make them permanent." CTV News

it is true that one can be a conservative yet not be a moron, in spite of the impression that some GOP politicians might leave with you. just an example - Liz Cheney voted for about 95% of GOPs agenda , yet had the integrity to vote "yes" on impeachment for Chump once she realized what a criminal he was. unfortunately, there are damn few in the GOP to speak truth to (what they perceive to be) "power"...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
it is true that one can be a conservative yet not be a moron, in spite of the impression that some GOP politicians might leave with you. just an example - Liz Cheney voted for about 95% of GOPs agenda , yet had the integrity to vote "yes" on impeachment for Chump once she realized what a criminal he was. unfortunately, there are damn few in the GOP to speak truth to (what they perceive to be) "power"...

Your girl is going to lose her political career over her showing her commie azz.


Well-known member
Your girl is going to lose her political career over her showing her commie azz.

have you seen the amount of money folks are donating to her campaign? she is outraising her Chumply- approved opponent by over 4 to 1 margin. she's NOT my girl, but i do admire her courage unlike Chumps bootlickers total lack thereof. she seems to be a pretty good judge of character, unlike yourself. have you noticed recently, that many times having Chumps tramp-stamp of approval is the kiss of death? LOL! Cheney a commie, how fucking ignorant.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Q is a fascist radicalization program. Congrats on being a big enough sucker to fall for such horseshit.

The two fat bearded dudes eyes & face are different

The 1933 Antifaschistiche Aktion flag is not the flag of the nazis lmao boy you must be another home school student under the tutelage of flylow. They were german communists who opposed the Nazi's and fascism, who were eventually executed by the fascists/Nazis. Unless you're about to say 1933 Antifa were the real nazis and Hitler was the good guy lmfao.

took the words out of my ... almost