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Bush Weed Seeds


The Haze Whisperer
thats exactly what i asked u previously hempy ,
how did he even know that cross would be made ,, its mind boggling isnt it ,,
you need to refer to the line of questioning eb was having with you on the pertinent thread to find out that answer i guess ..
i am fairly sure bushy is not a time traveler btw ,,
timeless???? , well who knows ...

Clearly there was a different Thai being called 78 and i tried to tell you n others this but ha what would i know right i don't need to answer any of EB questions as i have all ready clearly explained and i posted it.

Nevil called my Thai Thia because of how i spelt Thai before i used spell check my only role in any of this is to keep it factual honest and i have done that.

Donald Mallard

el duck
ahhh , so thia and thai , same year , makes sense ,
of course nevil woutd go for that because its like an abc , 123 things to clearly distinguish between one and another ,
or does it??" lol ...
man i dont even care what the heck it is even ,
it was bullshit anyhow ,just like all the crap you have dragged here from mns , ,
nevil meeting haze brothers , and other garbage like that u guys like to believe,
no big deal , nothing important , who gives a fuck really ,
i have more issues that are actually real than you and nevil and the crap that went on with u both ...


Well-known member
Thats is because thai 82 aka swiss thai is a different strain....if you want the 78 thai pure the highland thai one ask romanoweed...he may be able to point in the right direction if you can get some back his way...ther are others who know of the same thai 78....so a different pure thai
​​​​​ know as thai 78 exists....try it... the swiss thai is a different product....hempys isnt the only strain know as 78 thai.......ask ojd to show you hempys thai pheno in the outback haze...as strain that is 25% hempys thai...you will never find a pheno like that in bushys yet you can find many in the outback haze...and they come out more extreme and more regularly in the 50% hybrid....weve seen bushy ones grown indoors and outdoors ther is nothing resembling hempys thai in that line yet the ones that have hempys thai in show clear recognizable traits...such as that mad bud structure.....everything using the swiss thai nevil put out is labeled swiss thai or 82 thai..why would you ask reef if that was called anything else

If people who didn't know anything about what went down between Nevil and Bushweed stopped posting in this thread, we'd still be on page 1.

Just ridiculous.


Well-known member
Just to make clear....I have never ever in this thread mentioned anywhere about any personal dealings between nevil and bushweed.....I do however know quite abit about what nevil used and how it was used. I think ive made clear there are 2 different thais in question being used here......if people want to believe they have something else and pass in to the future a strain as something it isnt...so be it......I personally dont think thats fare....and have given people fare information.


The Haze Whisperer
If people who didn't know anything about what went down between Nevil and Bushweed stopped posting in this thread, we'd still be on page 1.

Just ridiculous.

So would you say Donald knows more about this than me who owns the line and was talking to Nevil daily Raho ?.

The fact Nevil called me soon as bushy and his wife left his home after smoking my Thai were bushy was flat out told no after asking for seed have any relevance in this you think or were Nevil told me at a different time he had asked again for the Thai and for the MM x Thai and told me he was not getting them at best he would consider giving him the reefermans Thai x to MM relevant ? lol.

But the kicker bushy having a MM x Thai78 3 to 4 years before Nevil even had the seed and germinated the seed and you lot question it is mind blowing clearly facts don't sit well with you lot.


The Haze Whisperer
Just to make clear....I have never ever in this thread mentioned anywhere about any personal dealings between nevil and bushweed.....I do however know quite abit about what nevil used and how it was used. I think ive made clear there are 2 different thais in question being used here......if people want to believe they have something else and pass in to the future a strain as something it isnt...so be it......I personally dont think thats fare....and have given people fare information.

I wouldn't waste my time on them mate clearly they have an agenda.

Nice pics by the way.


The Haze Whisperer
ahhh , so thia and thai , same year , makes sense ,
of course nevil woutd go for that because its like an abc , 123 things to clearly distinguish between one and another ,
or does it??" lol ...
man i dont even care what the heck it is even ,
it was bullshit anyhow ,just like all the crap you have dragged here from mns , ,
nevil meeting haze brothers , and other garbage like that u guys like to believe,
no big deal , nothing important , who gives a fuck really ,
i have more issues that are actually real than you and nevil and the crap that went on with u both ...

You clearly do care and i am not the one dragging the bull shit from mrnice to here that be you and Raho n a few more of your mates.

As for the Haze brothers Shanti had posted that up if you have a problem with that then i suggest you take it up with him.

As for my Thai i personally don't give a rats ass on what you think about it Donald considering you have never smoked it even in hybrid form you be in no passion to comment on it ether way so move on.

Donald Mallard

el duck
your aggressive writing style,
the innuendos , the hype ,, its the stuff you have dragged here from mns,
folks here just talk and discuss , we try to find answers together,
a quest for truth if u like to call it ,,
where as you have some other quest ,, the one to be right at any cost ,
the irony is that you believe a guy who duped folks in many dealing prior to you,
but of course he never did it to you ,

if he didnt do it to you , he did it to the guy who supported him financially during a time of extreme hardship ,

either way he duped someone ,
its a part you tend to gloss over ...

Im in no passion to comment am i?? hahaha

you definitely fit into the fable about the tiger and the donkey,
its easy to tell which character you represent ... lol ...

The fact Nevil called me soon as bushy and his wife left his home after smoking my Thai were bushy was flat out told no after asking for seed have any relevance in this you think or were Nevil told me at a different time he had asked again for the Thai and for the MM x Thai and told me he was not getting them at best he would consider giving him the reefermans Thai x to MM relevant ? lol.

what you wrote above seems to suggest that bushy indeed had access to this cross ,
and either nevil gave it to him , or he gave him something else and labeled it incorrectly ,
the fact he felt the need to ring you as soon as bushy left his house says something ,
sounds a bit like guilt raising its ugly head there id say and someone trying to cover their tracks
and that you are simply in denial because u have clearly been lied to ,
they do say sometimes its best we dont meet our heroes , this seems to be the case with your story here i think ,
never mind mate , we wont talk about it anymore as clearly its hurtful to you .....


Well-known member
Just to make clear....I have never ever in this thread mentioned anywhere about any personal dealings between nevil and bushweed.....I do however know quite abit about what nevil used and how it was used. I think ive made clear there are 2 different thais in question being used here......if people want to believe they have something else and pass in to the future a strain as something it isnt...so be it......I personally dont think thats fare....and have given people fare information.

Sometimes in your posts, it seems like you know a lot.
Other times it seems like you are just guessing.

You make statements that you have absolute certain knowledge of things that only Bushy and Nevil knew.
What you have never explained is how you would have any info at all about what happened in Aus at all given that you seem to be in europe somewhere and showed up here out of nowhere 2 years ago.

Either Bushy or Nevil is/was capable of lying if it suited them at the time.
I have never had Bushy lie to me in years of friendship, but all humans are capable of it.
Nevil on the other hand has a long history of being creative with "facts" when the business required. Doesn't make him a bad guy. Simply human. Flawed like all of us.

You have never explained to anyone why either of them would share any info about this with you.

What I see in your posts is you kissing Hempy's butt to try and get Uncle Tony's Thia, and pimping another seedline that is not on the market yet while casting aspersions about the seeds this thread is about that you have never grown or smoked, and have no way of knowing with certainty what the true pedigree is.

All this is pretty transparent. Clear enough that even members here with no personal connection to Nevil or Bushweed can see something is not right.

Hempy's situation is more complicated.
Loaded with emotion and a long history of being used as an uncontrollable attack dog by Nevil and Shanti.
He has been lied to repeatedly by them, but to his credit he remains eternally faithful to them out of his hero worship and personal need to be part of the big work that they have done.

It is absolutely inconceivable to Hempy that Nevil would have lied to him about giving Bushweed those seeds, even though Bushweed was the only guy that stepped up and saved him with large amounts of cash when he needed it. There was a debt there and no doubt a large sense of gratitude by Nevil for what Bushy did.
Hundreds of people gave seeds to nevil. Bushy gave him CASH when he needed it the most.
Of course Nevil gave Bushweed whatever he wanted from the seeds.

Hell, Bushy was there in the garden with him and Kanga during the entire Grail project. His pictures and posts of the project were the fuel that kept the fire burning among the members here after Shanti kicked Nev off the MNS forum for selling seeds to other members via PM (after he promised Shanti that he wouldn't.) Don't get me wrong, it was kanga and Nevil doing the work, but Bushy was there capturing and telling the story, and I consider that an important part of the historical project.

Yes, Nevil lied to Hempy.
He did what he had to do to repay a debt that was much larger than the promise he made to get the gift Hempy offered him. He wanted those seeds, and breaking the promise he made to you was something he probably did without hesitation.

Hempy is scanning the forum looking for people to argue with about things he passionately believes are true but simply are not. He wants to protect the idea of exclusivity of his Thia, presumably with ambitions to profit from it himself some day. Who knows?
I wonder how diluted will the line need to be by outcrosses before he feels OK in letting the rest of the world taste it?

I normally make a rule of not replying to anything posted by Hempy. There is simply so much incorrect in almost everything he posts, and his brain works in a way that is impervious to logic, evidence, or facts that I had to make that rule for my own sanity.
Not going to change that here.

As Donald mentioned above, the parable of The Donkey and the Tiger:
============================== =======================
The donkey said to the tiger: - "The grass is blue".
The tiger replied: - "No, the grass is green."
The discussion heated up, and the two decided to submit him to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.
Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout: - "His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?".
The lion replied: - "True, the grass is blue."
The donkey hurried and continued: - "The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him."
The king then declared: - "The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence."
The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating: - "The Grass Is Blue"...
The tiger accepted his punishment, but before he asked the lion: - "Your Majesty, why have you punished me?, after all, the grass is green."
The lion replied: - "In fact, the grass is green."
The tiger asked: - "So why are you punishing me?".
The lion replied: - "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question."

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense... There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.
============================== =======================

Bushweed and I have spoken about the seeds on Seedbay and other gear he got from Nevil many times.

I do not comment up here about the background of these seeds because it's not my job to do it and Bushy wouldn't want me to let myself be dragged into it.
If he wanted to fight with trolls over this stuff, he'd do it himself.
Instead, he put these rare seeds in a place where anyone with a passion to grow them can get them and then left the trolls to flail themselves over them in the mosh pit.

People throwing shade on this gear while pimping something else are clearly agenda driven.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Great post raho ,
your posts are always concise and to the point ,
facts vs hearsay and the voice of reason vs ignorance and dogma,
definitely gonna tick like on that one ,

the old donkey and the tiger fable is a great reference for this, quite epic drama ,
and im fine to put this one to bed now ,
after all its such a beautiful day here so no point spoiling it arguing with fools and fanatics ...


Well-known member
Sometimes in your posts, it seems like you know a lot.
Other times it seems like you are just guessing.

You make statements that you have absolute certain knowledge of things that only Bushy and Nevil knew.
What you have never explained is how you would have any info at all about what happened in Aus at all given that you seem to be in europe somewhere and showed up here out of nowhere 2 years ago.

Either Bushy or Nevil is/was capable of lying if it suited them at the time.
I have never had Bushy lie to me in years of friendship, but all humans are capable of it.
Nevil on the other hand has a long history of being creative with "facts" when the business required. Doesn't make him a bad guy. Simply human. Flawed like all of us.

You have never explained to anyone why either of them would share any info about this with you.

What I see in your posts is you kissing Hempy's butt to try and get Uncle Tony's Thia, and pimping another seedline that is not on the market yet while casting aspersions about the seeds this thread is about that you have never grown or smoked, and have no way of knowing with certainty what the true pedigree is.

All this is pretty transparent. Clear enough that even members here with no personal connection to Nevil or Bushweed can see something is not right.

Hempy's situation is more complicated.
Loaded with emotion and a long history of being used as an uncontrollable attack dog by Nevil and Shanti.
He has been lied to repeatedly by them, but to his credit he remains eternally faithful to them out of his hero worship and personal need to be part of the big work that they have done.

It is absolutely inconceivable to Hempy that Nevil would have lied to him about giving Bushweed those seeds, even though Bushweed was the only guy that stepped up and saved him with large amounts of cash when he needed it. There was a debt there and no doubt a large sense of gratitude by Nevil for what Bushy did.
Hundreds of people gave seeds to nevil. Bushy gave him CASH when he needed it the most.
Of course Nevil gave Bushweed whatever he wanted from the seeds.

Hell, Bushy was there in the garden with him and Kanga during the entire Grail project. His pictures and posts of the project were the fuel that kept the fire burning among the members here after Shanti kicked Nev off the MNS forum for selling seeds to other members via PM (after he promised Shanti that he wouldn't.) Don't get me wrong, it was kanga and Nevil doing the work, but Bushy was there capturing and telling the story, and I consider that an important part of the historical project.

Yes, Nevil lied to Hempy.
He did what he had to do to repay a debt that was much larger than the promise he made to get the gift Hempy offered him. He wanted those seeds, and breaking the promise he made to you was something he probably did without hesitation.

Hempy is scanning the forum looking for people to argue with about things he passionately believes are true but simply are not. He wants to protect the idea of exclusivity of his Thia, presumably with ambitions to profit from it himself some day. Who knows?
I wonder how diluted will the line need to be by outcrosses before he feels OK in letting the rest of the world taste it?

I normally make a rule of not replying to anything posted by Hempy. There is simply so much incorrect in almost everything he posts, and his brain works in a way that is impervious to logic, evidence, or facts that I had to make that rule for my own sanity.
Not going to change that here.

As Donald mentioned above, the parable of The Donkey and the Tiger:
============================== =======================
The donkey said to the tiger: - "The grass is blue".
The tiger replied: - "No, the grass is green."
The discussion heated up, and the two decided to submit him to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.
Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout: - "His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?".
The lion replied: - "True, the grass is blue."
The donkey hurried and continued: - "The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him."
The king then declared: - "The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence."
The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating: - "The Grass Is Blue"...
The tiger accepted his punishment, but before he asked the lion: - "Your Majesty, why have you punished me?, after all, the grass is green."
The lion replied: - "In fact, the grass is green."
The tiger asked: - "So why are you punishing me?".
The lion replied: - "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question."

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense... There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.
============================== =======================

Bushweed and I have spoken about the seeds on Seedbay and other gear he got from Nevil many times.

I do not comment up here about the background of these seeds because it's not my job to do it and Bushy wouldn't want me to let myself be dragged into it.
If he wanted to fight with trolls over this stuff, he'd do it himself.
Instead, he put these rare seeds in a place where anyone with a passion to grow them can get them and then left the trolls to flail themselves over them in the mosh pit.

People throwing shade on this gear while pimping something else are clearly agenda driven.

Hold on where have I said dont get these seeds....or bushy sells crap.....bushy also thinks nevil only ever had one pure oaxacan male and stated that.....bushy also put the original description about haze rebuilt being what he was seling..which actually came with something else.why did he change it........your also implying bushy knew everything nevil made in Australia wich is nonsense...I can tell you plenty strains bush dont know....like the lemon oaxaca made with a Oaxaca other than the one Oaxaca male wich bushy thinks was all nevil had.

Here listen to this.....raho and Donald are guaranteeing that bushys mm78 cross uses hempys thai.....if it turns out not to be take it up with them.....so its a risk free buy......as for my own personal stuff I dont have to explain to no one....by the way the pictures I put upk of outback haze is a line thats unavailable and not sold. It was put up for reference reasons not for sinister resons.

ps your asumptions make you believe false things....ask bushy if ive ever tried any of the strains he sells myself.....why would I want hempys thai....for all you know I may have already had it.....it was me who said to hempy dont give it no one.....like I said assumptions......an just so you know bushy was only there while nevil did early parent selections....not the whole grail project.....there to se some early test crosses in deciding parental strains ......so another false assumption


The Haze Whisperer
Hempy's situation is more complicated.
Loaded with emotion and a long history of being used as an uncontrollable attack dog by Nevil and Shanti.
He has been lied to repeatedly by them, but to his credit he remains eternally faithful to them out of his hero worship and personal need to be part of the big work that they have done.

It is absolutely inconceivable to Hempy that Nevil would have lied to him about giving Bushweed those seeds, even though Bushweed was the only guy that stepped up and saved him with large amounts of cash when he needed it. There was a debt there and no doubt a large sense of gratitude by Nevil for what Bushy did.
Hundreds of people gave seeds to nevil. Bushy gave him CASH when he needed it the most.
Of course Nevil gave Bushweed whatever he wanted from the seeds.

Hell, Bushy was there in the garden with him and Kanga during the entire Grail project. His pictures and posts of the project were the fuel that kept the fire burning among the members here after Shanti kicked Nev off the MNS forum for selling seeds to other members via PM (after he promised Shanti that he wouldn't.) Don't get me wrong, it was kanga and Nevil doing the work, but Bushy was there capturing and telling the story, and I consider that an important part of the historical project.

Yes, Nevil lied to Hempy.
He did what he had to do to repay a debt that was much larger than the promise he made to get the gift Hempy offered him. He wanted those seeds, and breaking the promise he made to you was something he probably did without hesitation.

Hempy is scanning the forum looking for people to argue with about things he passionately believes are true but simply are not. He wants to protect the idea of exclusivity of his Thia, presumably with ambitions to profit from it himself some day. Who knows?
I wonder how diluted will the line need to be by outcrosses before he feels OK in letting the rest of the world taste it?

I normally make a rule of not replying to anything posted by Hempy. There is simply so much incorrect in almost everything he posts, and his brain works in a way that is impervious to logic, evidence, or facts that I had to make that rule for my own sanity.
Not going to change that here.

What is wrong with you guys you troll me attack my credibility claim to know more about my genetics than me and talk about things not one of you had any involvement in like it was your business.

You Raho need your ego stroked often and any one that dose not do this becomes your enemy fast sorry but i honestly dont think highly of trolls and posts like this just reinforces why i think your not a good human being your a KAREN dude grow a set.

Bushweed was not liked by Nevil bushweed never received my Thai or hybrids of my Thai and he never received clones of any of the plants Kanga and Nevil selected get over it.

A member of mrnice and here one of your friends made a threat to out me publicly at MrNice thinking he had my information from the envelope i had sent him seeds in you saw this as did Donald and the rest of your group and not one of you said shit about your mates actions so excuse me for thinking very little of you lot as rats are vermin and before you claim this didn't happen there is a screen shot of this saved and many also saw this happen and why i left.

So stick your opinion and lies.

Donald Mallard

el duck
i left mns around 2011 ,
the first i heard of someone threatening you was you telling me hempy ,
and i told you how i was disgusted with anyone that would do or even say that ,
you were still very active when i left mns , so you didnt leave then , it must have been later ,

i left because your mate jesse continually posted a video of me , i had asked for it not to be shown in public due to my legal troubles at the time,
but he continued , so i left ,
or should i say , really was pushed out by your buddy ...

btw , why have u deleted most of your posts on mns?
surely they were not revealing your details?

i am also not friends with the person you told me threatened you ,
because he seems to think its ok to troll people continually,
as far as i know he is not welcome here after lastly trolling tom hill ,
and being pulled up for it by chimera ,
i just cant be friends with people who do that and act that way ...

btw , we are simply disagreeing with you , its not the same as trolling ,
but you are a bit of a drama queen and you like to overreact,
making a big deal out of things that in fact are not such a big deal ,

as for your mate telling you he didnt like bushweed ,
well he sure seemed to like his monetary support though ,
bit rough to backstab a guy who has provided support for one in a time of extreme need dont you think ???
of course he would never do that to you would he?? (smiley face icon)

and your genetics , we/I dont claim to know more about them than you ,
but we have seen how your friend has acted , and its easy to read what his reputation for honesty and keeping his word was ,
hell he even got kicked off mns as raho said for selling seeds ,
in other words backdooring his ex-partner ,
oh but of course he wouldn't do that to you would he??


The Haze Whisperer
Not interested you were there and he was your mate not interested in this bull shit any more and or excuses as for mrnice i deleted my posts because after what happened there i wanted to leave no picture or info i contributed there its that simple.

Since i logged into the forum you n Raho and a few more of your allies have done nothing but troll me and tried real hard to discrete me i even offered you an alive branch and it lasted a little while until you re started the crap.I do try to ignore most but you lot make it personal when there is no need for it.

What you guys dont seam to get here is non of this is benefiting any of us and least of the community.

I am more than happy to place you all in ignore and never interact with you lot again but sadly i cant block you and the others now as the ignore feature dose not work as i re tried today.


Well-known member
i left mns around 2011 ,
the first i heard of someone threatening you was you telling me hempy ,
and i told you how i was disgusted with anyone that would do or even say that ,
you were still very active when i left mns , so you didnt leave then , it must have been later ,

i left because your mate jesse continually posted a video of me , i had asked for it not to be shown in public due to my legal troubles at the time,
but he continued , so i left ,
or should i say , really was pushed out by your buddy ...

btw , why have u deleted most of your posts on mns?
surely they were not revealing your details?

i am also not friends with the person you told me threatened you ,
because he seems to think its ok to troll people continually,
as far as i know he is not welcome here after lastly trolling tom hill ,
and being pulled up for it by chimera ,
i just cant be friends with people who do that and act that way ...

btw , we are simply disagreeing with you , its not the same as trolling ,
but you are a bit of a drama queen and you like to overreact,
making a big deal out of things that in fact are not such a big deal ,

as for your mate telling you he didnt like bushweed ,
well he sure seemed to like his monetary support though ,
bit rough to backstab a guy who has provided support for one in a time of extreme need dont you think ???
of course he would never do that to you would he?? (smiley face icon)

and your genetics , we/I dont claim to know more about them than you ,
but we have seen how your friend has acted , and its easy to read what his reputation for honesty and keeping his word was ,
hell he even got kicked off mns as raho said for selling seeds ,
in other words backdooring his ex-partner ,
oh but of course he wouldn't do that to you would he??

Wtf Donald....someone was trying to post a private video of you....thats some messed up crap. No wonder people get sick of coming online having to put up with stupid crap like that.

Do you know if they still have the video....?


The Haze Whisperer
Wtf Donald....someone was trying to post a private video of you....thats some messed up crap. No wonder people get sick of coming online having to put up stupid crap like that.

Do you know if they still have the video....?

If i remember correctly it was a YouTube video that was in the public domain Dark all you need to do is remove it from YouTube .


atomizing haze essence
"The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense... There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more."


Donald Mallard

el duck
If i remember correctly it was a YouTube video that was in the public domain Dark all you need to do is remove it from YouTube .

darkie yes he was doing it on purpose as he knew i had legal trouble at the time ,
in order to try and make me leave the forum, which of course worked ...

ironic he and hempy were moderators at the time
then hempy can stand here saying we did nothing about a guy threatening to post up a fake addy ,
(im assuming its fake because no sane person puts their real addy on the back of a package containing cannabis seeds)
while he stood by and allowed his mate to post actual footage of me ...
this is the sort of double standard we have had to tolerate with this bloke ....

yes hempy im sure it can be removed from youtube , if you were the one that posted it there ,
otherwise it is there to stay...
not sure how you dont know that in the first place ...

as far as people descreting you (lol)
its because of what you say and how you say it also,

you speak about things you believe as though they are facts ,
when actually a whole bunch of them are urban myths and old wives tales ,

such as perennial cannabis , opiated thai sticks, etc etc
you put yourself in a position to be descreted (lol)
even your writing style encourages that since you cant be bothered making sure its correct grammar or spelling ,
and you carry on and on like an old washer woman with such emotional posting ,
this is why folks tend to target you at times ...
you create drama man so expect to cop some flack for it ...

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