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blackberry widow vrs blackberry s1



dam now why can't i tell folks as well as that!!!!! man so many words in my head and so few fingers they just can't keep up. :bat: i have the blackberry widow from jojo and i must say they all where the same here is a pic

very easy to grow they where f2's and just a real treat to grow. :woohoo:
i only wish i had a real cut of somaBlaze's blackberry (god rest his soul).i am playing with the blackberry and the afghan and from what i can tell so farm,it looks to be just down right killer :bat: but dam the real deal bb would be just awsome for my crosses.oh well guess i make due.hopefully i will have an f1 update soon i just wanted to say hi to you all,i know it's been a while and i miss talk'n with you all well stay safe and as allways

see ya soon :wave:


:asskick: :friends: Alright my friend put the bottle of Patron down and give us some pics of what you have flowering now!!!! :wave: I know you think you are some kind of amateur photographer or something , but I don't want to look at your statues I want to see your plants!!! J/K

Hope everything is well with you


dam garlic

dam garlic

well garlic dosen't like my pics :badday: lol :bat: here are two of my f1's you old shit and notice nothing but flowers :woohoo: so as thing progress i will post some more up :woohoo: iam off to the store to buy a lot of props for my pics so i can over load garlics slow ass dial up :sasmokin: oh yea check your mail this is what you will be doing garlic :wallbash:

well as allways see ya soon :nanana: "garlic"


a sneak peak at the f1's

a sneak peak at the f1's

well things have been good for me and i hope that all is good for you this is a quick note and a sneak peak at my f1's so lets talk soon ok :wave:
as allways see ya soon :bat:


Active member
Here is another pic of how my blackberry s1 is finishing not to much longer as she is flushing... GPB i thought they where all to be females as well but i ran into a mal eplant that was supposed to be his s1 but i trashed it so they may be in there for others.... PeAcE


hey wrecked that is a way nice pics lets see the whole plant man i beat it's sweet !!!!!!! do let us know about the smoke and weight and the good stuff


deep purple....

deep purple....

hey there :joint:
ohh wrecked your only the second person i now of that has found a male in those VBS....i sent a buddy of mine 5 seeds he has one confermed male one possibe male one did not germ and two that are lookinf femalish....but ohhhh sooo sadly he is unable to host a male plant at this time so it was killed off this very night.....that just may have been the last chance to get any more of that strain of blackberry.......
peace :wave:

P.S. wounderful piture dude.......


Active member
Thanks for the comments i will get a a full plant shot around harvest and i am expecting over a oz of nice purple buds.... I had the room to raise my male but why raise a male thats shouldnt be in the pack to begin with and one could only imagine the origin.... ill let you guys know about the smoke once i try some.... I am also really intrested in making some hash or oil strictly from some of this plant but thats a few weeks away... PeAcE


whats up jaws man how the hell you been????? long time no see!!!!!!! after all the hype i don't think the vbs is all that it's made out to be!!!!! well i know one thing for sure it's way to unstable thats for sure.i will say that my bb widows by jojo kick some real ass as far as the color goes.i am waiteing to hear from GCG about the smoke i gave him last night and lets see what he thinks.hey does anyone know if jojo is on here on icmag that is???? i want to tell him thanks if any one know him pass that on for me ok!!!! well got to run time to get laid he he
as allways see ya soon


Hey everyone, I've been following this thread for a bit and have been waiting to add to it with my vbs grow. Got a great germ rate 12 out of 12 and some cool plants. :woohoo:

here's a few shots, day 40ish:

Thought I had more of this baby tonight but I'll post some closer to harvest shots soon.

p.s. (jaws you can add me to the list of peopla that found a male in these beans; all 12 germ- 1 male, 1 bad herm, 10 nice plants)
Last edited:


hello friends :joint:
humm maybe i'm just easyly pleased or something, i have nothing at all bad to say about the V-B-S......all 4 of mine were female 3 purples 1 green all three purples were pretty much exactly alike in size and bud strucsure(sp)...the green one was taller and lankyer and the buds were not as soild but she did yield very good....i also had no problem with the potence of either one me and mine were very happy with that sweet after taste that we got from smoking the purple pheno.......if i had one thing to complain about it would be the color factor, like my friend dezylu said they just did not put out the best purple color, i was expecting alot more and deeper purple color.....

wrecked, bro i know what your saying my friend but the way things are going with the seed banks if i ever get a male you can bet your ass i will be making seeds......there is no doubt this strain can and HAS been approved apon, i'm thinking dezylu has already taken the first step in making that a reality....
peace friends :wave:


:wave: Hey everybody I thought that I would chime in here. I am lucky enough to be close friends with Dezy and on Wednesday night I was priviledged to get my hands on some of his finished product.

Let me tell you the pics he has posted do not do the color of these buds justice. In his pics they look lavender while in real life they are some seriously deep dark purple. I haven't seen purple buds like these in a while. The buds that I got were also pretty compact and dense for a sat dom strain.

Nice sweet berry smell and taste. It has a very clear Sat high. Nice mix of body and head. The head high is way more energetic than the hardcore narcotic indica high . The only problem that I have is that the high is not very long lasting, but I think that will be remedied by a longer cure.

IMHO I think the BBW is worth growing. Easy cloning strain, vigorous grower and decent yield.

I am friends with Dezy , but he asked me to give my honest opinion so I didn't pull any punchs just because we were friends.



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
here are my little VBS(blackberry) seedlings. The small ones in the front are the VBS's. Theres one Golden skush in there also.


thanks everyone

thanks everyone

well this little thread is doing quiet well :woohoo: when i started it i thought to myself that i would get shot down put down like so many others i have read.to my surprise every one has been very kind and most helpfull :kissass:
it is very refreshing to see so many folks like ourselfs that enjoy the colors and the love of growing.as many of you know i have been messing around with the ideas of some crosses.jaws thanks for the props man i would like to think that i have made a step in the right direction with my f1's.a small babby step but never the less i am moving forward :bat: there are some tester's out there now.i know it's so hard to find good folks like gcg that will give me the honest truth and i do value them so much just for that!!!!! i am happy to say there are lot of good folks watching us reading us and suporting us our little thread at last count had over 5000 views.and some might say that we only have a little over 100 replies but to them i say thats cause we got the folks that matter :dueling: .so in short as i know that gcg is rubbing his eyes and telling himself thanks god no more pics of bud and figurens :moon:
so i will just say thank you to you all and
as allways i will see you soon :wave:

twisted passions

so sorry i had to put this in for gcg :moon: i love you man :bat:


hello dezylu :joint:
hey my friend i must say i'm still totaly crazy about the pic in post 121 at the top of this page, to me that is an outstanding shot and is in my top ten pic of all time beautifuly shot bro....

ummm i will be doing some of your work in my next grow, ahh stilll not sure which one i will go with but have no doubt my friend it will be one of them.....
going to put down some bubbas and if i get a male i will be making F2's....

dezylu this may get your attention bro i will also be germing a few "BLACK RUSSIAN X DOUBLE PURPLE DOJO you want to talk about some purple color with a big time stone this will be the one my friend......
peace bro :wave:


whats up jaws

whats up jaws

thanks for the kind words jaws and for gcg you could take some tips from jaws on my pics :moon: i am glad that some one like my pics :bat: j/k gcg you know i give you shit because i love you man!!!!!! yea jaws you will get a male i know it for sure i feel strange saying that as for the most part folks want a room filled with girls i just pulled 3 males out of my place last night but don't wory i got a tray full still :woohoo: in fact gcg got my males for me due to i have hit my limit with sapce. see gcg thats just an other point of how i kow you got my back bro :woohoo: now jaws you must keep me posted on the crosses you got ok and feel free to share them hear on this thread ok.now as far as what to start well i would do the f1's and a 2 or 3 bb widows that will insure that you get what you want.and let me tell you that cloneing them is the easy as pie just ask gcg well time to run to the store and just one more jab at gcg i am going to buy a prop for soem more pics :moon: take care and as allways see ya soon :wave:

twisted passion seeds :woohoo:


hello dezylu :joint:
ahhh ya i may drop a couple of both, will have to see what room i have first.hoping to have some nice clones headed this way, and will most difinitly have to have room for them......hey is that the name of your "seed stock" "TWISTED PASSION SEEDS" if so i like it very much....
peace :wave:

P.S. hey wait a minute your not even going to comment on the BRxdpd :yoinks: :yoinks: hummm.......


:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
Back at yah brotha!!! Oh sorry about the itchy trigger finger!!!

Dezy is right about the BBW being an easy cloning strain. I took 11 cuts last week and 9 out of 11 have rooted and are now in dirt. :woohoo:

Dezy I had another test of your BBW last night and I will have to repeat myself and say that is definitely a strain worth growing. I guess the other night I didn't smoke enough because Hot Rod is a little Bogard, but she was sick last night and I was able to smoke the whole fat one I rolled all by myself. It was a great high and it lasted a lot longer than the other night.

Please no more figurines just plants and buds!!!!


back form the store

back form the store

ok i am back form the store and here is what i saw on sale so what you think'n garlic you heading out right now to go get some i know you are!!!!!
and jaws my man yea i was think'n when it was time that would be a cool name thanks for the vote now i am not sure where or what i am doing that much is for sure but just in case i'd like to have all my ducks in a row !!!!!
so garlic here you go man oh yea thats just the start of it too check back on sunday night i got a ton more man

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