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zombieland...only cuz of woody harelson?


To ANYone that has seen it, have you read zombie survival guide? My girlfriend is obsessed with zombies and she is adimant about the fact that this movie is about or goes about that book in some way or another. I am not out to prove her wrong but, I wouldnt mind seeing the flick.
I honestly dont even know if the movie is out yet......ahahah I am so out of the loop



better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
well now when I take LSD type compounds I do indeed consume movies of the genre, and this is why I didn't like I guess, it doesn't work for me; whereas I did grow from experiencing these movies while in that particular state....

- The DOORS movie
- Planet of the Apes
- Beneath the Planet of the Apes
- Escape from the Planet of the Apes
- Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
- Battle for the Planet of the Apes
- The Trip
- Barbarella
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Easy Rider
- Midnight Cowboy
- A Clockwork Orange
- Logan's Run
- Apocalypse Now
- Jacob's Ladder
- The Doors
- Liquid Sky
- Fantastic Planet
- alice in acidland

They were all pretty good on mushies or acid ;)

And the reason was that the film makers seemed to have a message to share but what's the message Fear and Loathing is about? Please tell if there is one ;)


have also heard 'walking dead' ids either in the movie or TV series pipeline...
EDIT:aceofspades- zombie survival guide was written by Max Brooks....same guy who wrote 'World War Z'...both kick arse books!



cant stop wont stop
well now when I take LSD type compounds I do indeed consume movies of the genre, and this is why I didn't like I guess, it doesn't work for me; whereas I did grow from experiencing these movies while in that particular state....

- The DOORS movie
- Planet of the Apes
- Beneath the Planet of the Apes
- Escape from the Planet of the Apes
- Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
- Battle for the Planet of the Apes
- The Trip
- Barbarella
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Easy Rider
- Midnight Cowboy
- A Clockwork Orange
- Logan's Run
- Apocalypse Now
- Jacob's Ladder
- The Doors
- Liquid Sky
- Fantastic Planet
- alice in acidland

They were all pretty good on mushies or acid ;)

And the reason was that the film makers seemed to have a message to share but what's the message Fear and Loathing is about? Please tell if there is one ;)

Christ you like planet of the apes by chance?
alice in acidland.. is that like some propaganda film?

IMO Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was about Money, Fraud, Drugs and irresponsibility.. riding a wave and seeing where it takes you. a True classic

h^2 O

rosie perez...ummmm what else was she in (sorrry i dont recall anything)?????
"Pineapple Express" - "you just got killed by a Daewoo Lanos, mofo"
And I was like 9 when White Men Can't Jump came out, so in my early teens I was totally hooked on latinas. Still am.


Active member
you hate natural born killers and even kingpin?

what the FuCk is wrong with you?

yeah what are you a terrorist or something? :p.

NBK was directed by Oliver Stone and written by Quentin Tarantino.

Fear and Loathing was Directed by Terry Gilliam.

Both some of my all time favorites. What movies do you like if you don't like those?

Woody harrelson is pretty cool in my book. He trips and smokes and has been funny and entertaining for at least 20 plus years. Much respect.:joint::joint:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
if you like poker and you like woody harrelson, watch "the grand", i lol'd quite a bit



zombieland...only cuz of woody harelson?

forgive me if this is off topic...but mentioning movies to watch while baked...
'Meet the Feebles' by Peter Jackson is #1 in my books...before he made it big as a film maker...kinda like the muppets on acid!....
you'll either be totally disgusted or have to change ya shorts 'cause ya shit yaself laughing so much!...

my 2 cents..



I think this movie will be more of a "Shawn of the Dead" type thing. Trying for the cheap laugh, and I bet with Woody there, it will. I love a good Zombie comedy.


NBK was directed by Oliver Stone and written by Quentin Tarantino.

Actually, Tarantino wrote the original story, the screenplay, which differs quite a lot from the original story (as i'm told), was written by Oliver Stone, David Veloz and Richard Rutowski. On a side note, David Veloz also wrote "Behind Enemy Lines" and "Permanent Midnight" which the latter is the best heroin movie you will ever see featuring Ben Stiller. :bigeye:

h^2 O

from the few raunchy/uncomfirtable scenes in his movies you can tell tarantino is like a sexual predator/criminal

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