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New Age Breeding

So easy to get off track.

I'm gonna have to just start my own thread during my next round of breeding.

Keep an eye out kiddies ;)


Active member
Its not off track- just having fun- my old professer said that teaching and learning is one half instruction and one half delight! keeps peeps interested.

I for one think this is an excellent thread son of perriot.


alpinestar said:
One more recent innovation would be that of all female seeds.
Once seen as a novelty, feminised seed varieties are now taking hold of a large portion of the market.
This is not a discussion on whether or not to buy feminised seeds and use them for your garden, but rather for breeding. This is also not a discussion of how to get pollen from females, but here are some hints, colloidal silver, and extra long flowering.
All too often people waste unbelievable amounts of time trying to find the perfect male plant. This entails growing the male (or males) out and flowering it and crossing it to something (a test cross) to see what one gets. If the results are good the male is kept and used for a few breeding projects. If not then it is ditched.
Things looked for in males include high resin production, high flower production, and good vegetative traits. Nothing here says anything about potency because its damn near impossible to find out.
Resin production and thc content are two totally different things. In many instances, more resinous plants like the land race indicas, have lower thc contents that are made up for with the resin production. One might eventually find a resinous male, but who even knows what kind of potency each of the resin glands will hold for its offspring?
The solution to the time wasting mess? Females!
When crossing two females one can already have an idea of the kind of traits the plant will be passing on to its more useful (female) offspring.
This means a lot less time involved test crossing to find the right pollen donor.
Crossing females can lead to huge jumps in the evolution in your breeding project.
What really becomes crazy is the fact that the offspring of those seeds can also be crossed to get an even larger evolutionary jump. As one continues doing this (picking the best females and crossing them) the breeder will get an exponential advantage over traditional methods.
Imagine the possibilities of what could be created. Projects that would take a few years could now take one year to complete with the right setup.
The best part is, after all the breeding is said and done, the resultant uber seeds are all female (larger market value).
Really what it comes down to is time, and plant quality.

First of all breeders do not "waste time" looking for superior males anymore then they waste time looking for superior females, finding and testing males has been needed to get superior females, it has been a necessary part of the process, not a waste of time.

What about turning males to female to smoke and judge their suitability as a pollen parent?

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mark6699331 said:
I know for fact that the arcata cut wreck was finalized by this method. I'm told from my geneticist friend who has a phd specialization in this that the female gene carries the potency traits.

What we'd really have to do is have the male gene sequenced and then have a GIANT project to identify each triat and what it does.


So please contact your "geneticist friend who has a phd specialization" and ask him where on what gene is potency controlled?
I thought potency was controlled by many genes in many places.
Like genes for the right type of trichomes.
Like genes for lots of trichomes.
Like genes for lots of THC synthase.
Like the absence of genes for the other Cannabinoid synthases.
As well as a whole lot more genes.

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I just wanna roll around naked inside your brain, Sam. Thanks for being around to correct people, when you tell morons what's up, they don't tell you that you're an idiot like the rest of us ;)
Sam_Skunkman said:
First of all breeders do not "waste time" looking for superior males anymore then they waste time looking for superior females, finding and testing males has been needed to get superior females, it has been a necessary part of the process, not a waste of time.

What about turning males to female to smoke and judge their suitability as a pollen parent?



There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
astartes said:
ERick ---

I know Cocktail Frank got a male OGKA from a Rez fem pack of SSH x OGKA. He used it to make his BPP cross I believe.

You are correct, the BPP was made with an Abusive Kushaze "Male". The Abusive Kushaze consisting of Rez's SSH / Reversed Abusive OG Kush clone.

The Male was NOT tested for hermie tendencies and I can not comment on hermies in the Strawberry Diesel / Abusive Kushaze "Male" cross. But many people got sent these beans so info should be out there.


Custom User Title
leap270 said:
this sound great but I am scared that I may electricut my self by making Colloidal Silver.

It'd be like licking a battery, nothing to worry about.


New member
Vaporizers have aided in finding potent males. But crosses still must be done to see how the genes recombine. Using exclusively females does not eliminate the uncertainty involved in determining how the parents mix.


For the home grower, I would say the advantage of female seeds should be quite apparent. I know I hate keeping clones and much prefer seed stock to clone rooms. I also have to deal with culling males as I sprout new seeds. If I could redirect my resources for all females then that saves me a great deal across the board.

While there is a net savings in resources when growing from female seeds I think there is deep wisdom in working with males while striving for breeding objectives. I also think it's unnecessary to decry the method of feminizing as it appears to be a way to trigger a naturally occurring condition of male flowers on female plants.

I can say that I am quite eager to feminize a batch of auto flower seeds. After my first seed run is complete I plan to try the CS method on the resulting females.


New member
The concept that a plants sex is determined prior to propagation is merely a theory. I have noticed much different ratios of male and female from the same seed batch based on stricly environmental factors. I' am proposing that seeds of our favorite plant are more predominantly influenced by environment at the time of sowing not unlike the alligator who's sex is determined exclusively based on the temperature of the nest.


Active member
Hey now who's calling me a moron???? that's not nice-

and sam i like your idea about reversing males, but no one has yet to explain WHY we need the males in the first place. If the selfing works for females with no detriment then the onus is on the using males advocate to explain why you want to play around with the male gene?

I just texted my friend who is a doc in LA that has specialized in genetics

His answer was like i said- you'd have to obviously sequence it and then do like a million experiments to identify, tag and locate all those traits that sam mentioned.

What i was trying to point out is that from EXPERIENCE we have found that potency seems to be on the female genome.

Let's try to work this out folks not be mean to one another. I have my place in this world too sam skunkman- and just cause you don't know me doesn't mean i don't know what i'm talking about-

now back to the fun stuff-
someone please explain to me so i can be a believer- why is male breeding stock important??



Active member
expertsetup may be onto something here- cannabis is not purely dieociuos. It can self itself in a sense by self-pollinating if conditions are right such as a stressfull season and/or short season in order to secure survival. This mechanism does exist naturally.

BTW- i do keep and breed with males, but am questioning why? I've not seen a noticable difference with the two separate methods.


are u in a position to test the why mark??
if so give it a run ...
geez us guys would wanna be careful id say , ,what happens one day when our women say what u guys are saying ,, why do we need a male ???


Active member
Now that's funny-LOL
I hate to tell you but overhere in Cali a lot of the women much to my chagrin already think that way :(

I have my own personal stuff i do but my LA friend said he could get it sequenced but i suppose anyone could do that. The problem is having to grow out "quite a lot" of plants to identify specific genomes. I'll ask him though- he'll be in back in my neck of the woods in two weeks.




Active member
I could run a parrallel on my g-13 project and check the selfs next to the traditionals.
Would take quite a bit of time though. I do have enough patients in our collective out here to do a lot of plants legally. Not as many as shanti, but a good amount.