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zombieland...only cuz of woody harelson?

Love the comic "Walking Dead" but I'm only through the first 5 books out of the 9 that are out so far...it is FUCKED UP though...those peeps can't catch a break!
World War Z also is really cool, and I hadn't heard about the movie.
And I will definitely be seeing Zombieland...looks like fun.
yea he was the other hitman in no country. that movie was really something else. whoever said he sucked in it doesnt have good taste in movies imo. zombie land will be watched by me because its a zombie movie..yea brad pitts production company is behind wwz, thats going to be the end all be all zombie flick.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
harrelson was awesome in no country for old men, and zombieland looks hilarious. i think the same zombie movie over and over is getting ridiculously boring!


Active member
Rosie was in Do the Right Thing.

NBK was amazing for the moment it came out. One of Oliver Stone's best. Dark psychadelia.

anyone who thinks that NBK wasnt the shit...lets have a little side chat...or public, but WTF ae u thinking?


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
This movie looks awesome! Some of the lines are sure to be classics:

"Whoah, I love the FUCK out of this song!"

"You are like a giant cockblocking robot"

Don't forget, McLovin is his sidekick. This shit's gonna be comedy gold! :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

woody's great and zombieland will be so-so imo

NBK was awesome, a well directed spoof flick

Kingpin was/is a twisted movie I still need to add
to my growing collection of flicks. Kingpin has that
certain edginess giving it 'cult status' in my opine.



Active member
I stopped giving my money to that tool woody years ago. If he had a real job, he wouldn't have the time he has to be such a communistic dick.


zombieland , its suppose to be a horror but it by the commercial it looks like a comedy , ill be getting to bootleg from the shop the day after it comes out or mininova


cant stop wont stop
white men can't jump was racist. Rosie Perez' shrill voice kills my buzz. Natural Born Killers was okay - bad directing and Robert Downey Jr. probably did his worst acting ever in it. Kingpin was absolutely awesome, on the other hand

hey AquaMan have you ever seen Natural Born Killers? Have you ever seen Natural Born Killers on WEEEEED???

hahah nah that movies a classic IMO actually saw part of it on some Booms and it just so happened to be the part where they eat shrooms. was intense man!! lol

ZombieLand looks F'ing bad ass gonna be a good Larf.. i'll wait till homeboy DL's it tho..

and why the hell isnt this movie in 3D?? we got the technology damn it!


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
..and how you ppl say NBK sucked is seriously beyond me.......thats one of the best movies ever, and im the harshest movie critic ever.....

(i like my movies fucked up and twisted tho)....

Apparently you are, but that's ok :)

I don't really know why it didn't work for me, at the time when it came out there was a bunch of excellent movies in this genre, like Kalifornia with Brad Pitt and was Pulp Fiction out then? and a couple a others that really worked for me, Love and a 45 I think was another, anyways when I hit NBK I sat feelin gipped, can't be any clearer why unless I watch it again and maybe I will ;)

And that Jonny Depp one I hated too, Fear and Loathing, dunno why just didn't like it but everyone else seems to, oh well where's that pipe time for another heh


cant stop wont stop
Apparently you are, but that's ok :)

I don't really know why it didn't work for me, at the time when it came out there was a bunch of excellent movies in this genre, like Kalifornia with Brad Pitt and was Pulp Fiction out then? and a couple a others that really worked for me, Love and a 45 I think was another, anyways when I hit NBK I sat feelin gipped, can't be any clearer why unless I watch it again and maybe I will ;)

And that Jonny Depp one I hated too, Fear and Loathing, dunno why just didn't like it but everyone else seems to, oh well where's that pipe time for another heh

Take a bit of LSD next time you watch it, you'll gain a new respect and appreciation for that movie.

Or At least read the book. Gotta lotta good shit in there that makes the movie seem half-assed

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