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Stoned Crow


Therein lies the problem for some organic farmers/growers.

Let's say for sake of discussion that you're growing a specific strawberry variety known for it's intense flavor profile (like the Alpine strawberry) which has little, if any, commercial value as a retail product, i.e. it's basically for selling to the various flavoring agent companies which buy these type of products along with spearmint, peppermint, etc. out of Eastern Oregon.

IF you're selling to a company which does business in Europe you can NOT use blood meal and/or bone meal in your operation. These companies will reject your produce without comment.

So besides health issues in using bovine fertilizers/amendments there is a financial paradigm that has to be considered by some growers.


We need a flow chart that consists of the various Organic Labeling Companies compared to Countries organic laws, and what is allowed and what is not. I would do it, but from my limited research, I'm positive it wouldn't make sense....SC

Clackamas Coot

Active member
We need a flow chart that consists of the various Organic Labeling Companies compared to Countries organic laws, and what is allowed and what is not. I would do it, but from my limited research, I'm positive it wouldn't make sense....SC
Stoned Crow

There is such a chart - give me a day or so and I'll find it and post a link as such.

Let me say this - the USA has some of the goofiest laws in the world of organics vs. the laws out of Europe, Asia, etc. We almost look like a friggin' 3rd World Country in the whole scheme of things.

Then again it was the USA the decided that 'ketchup' was a vegetable under the Reagan administration.

No comment.


Stoned Crow

Stoned Crow

There is such a chart - give me a day or so and I'll find it and post a link as such.

Then again it was the USA the decided that 'ketchup' was a vegetable under the Reagan administration.

No comment.



Somehow I knew you would have a chart like that. If I could give you K+ I would. Now, if it was "Catsup", then you would have an argument on your hands.....SC :dueling::dueling:


Living with the soil
Stoned Crow

There is such a chart - give me a day or so and I'll find it and post a link as such.

Let me say this - the USA has some of the goofiest laws in the world of organics vs. the laws out of Europe, Asia, etc. We almost look like a friggin' 3rd World Country in the whole scheme of things.

Then again it was the USA the decided that 'ketchup' was a vegetable under the Reagan administration.

No comment.

"Call any vegegtable".....
The Reagan trip was the biggest bad trip of it all. The "war on drugs"............Twisted shit!!
Thank gawd people took it upon ourselves to keep our trip "organic" in the sense of the term.
Could it get any worse?


CC- That chart would be cool ty.

I agree our food laws are odd. No gmo labeling is even allowed here, yet in Europe it's law. Also there are "veggie libel laws" which are oddly named since they basically prohibit anyone from photographing\distributing pictures\video from any feedlot or cattle yard. Not much to do with veggies eh??

High fructose corn syrup is the one of the main ingredients in most ketchup. It reminds me of a Simpson episode when Marge is mad at Homer for eating a doughnut. He says,
"this doughnut has purple on it, purple's a fuit....." lol

Clackamas Coot

Active member
"Call any vegegtable".....
The Reagan trip was the biggest bad trip of it all. The "war on drugs"............Twisted shit!!
Thank gawd people took it upon ourselves to keep our trip "organic" in the sense of the term.
Could it get any worse?
The Bush II administration would certainly fall under that query - at least from my perception.



Clackamas Coot

Active member
High fructose corn syrup is the one of the main ingredients in most ketchup. It reminds me of a Simpson episode when Marge is mad at Homer for eating a doughnut. He says,
"this doughnut has purple on it, purple's a fuit....." lol

You MUST get a copy of Michael Pollan's tome "The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals"

BTW - Pollan is also the author of "The Botany of Desire" which besides being a published book was also the basis of a PBS documentary by the same name. It's available through most public libraries but expect a long, long waiting period. LOL

Both books are absolutely necessary to begin understanding the history of food sources, per se, as well as the problems with the dominance in the western world with corn products as well as cottonseed oil.

Cotton uses 25% of the USA's consumption of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides. Because it's not classified as a 'food crop' there is little, if any, control over this crap. The snack foods and fast food items that use cottonseed oil need to be called on it - big time.

I have used cottonseed meal in fertilizer mixes in the past - I cannot and would not recommend any cottonseed meal product in an organic grow - conventional, transitional and/or organic.

GMO or non-GMO - this stuff is CRAP and is far worse that any blood meal or bone meal amendments.

Do some research.




dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
you can watch the botany of desire on the pbs website for free. i liked it a lot.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
you can watch the botany of desire on the pbs website for free. i liked it a lot.

I did not know that - I've been waiting for my 'on hold' copy from the local library system since October - LMAO

Much appreciated for your info, Jay.

im trying to produce the best quality with the most ease, organics will be a huge part of that but if im up there in my percentages im happy, i dont care if im ever a hundo pecent organiligeous.



You MUST get a copy of Michael Pollan's tome "The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals"

BTW - Pollan is also the author of "The Botany of Desire" which besides being a published book was also the basis of a PBS documentary by the same name. It's available through most public libraries but expect a long, long waiting period. LOL

I have used cottonseed meal in fertilizer mixes in the past - I cannot and would not recommend any cottonseed meal product in an organic grow - conventional, transitional and/or organic.

GMO or non-GMO - this stuff is CRAP and is far worse that any blood meal or bone meal amendments.

Do some research.



Just watched it on Netflix it's one of their "watch it now" movies. It was really good, the part about marijuana is o.k., but I found the apple farm that had hundreds of different apples to be the coolest part. Gmo's aside mono-culture is dangerous, and some people say the main reason behind CCD among bees.

As for cottonseed meal I use that too in everything, especailly teas...this thread has turned out to be pretty useful after all..:snap out of it:

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Just watched it on Netflix it's one of their "watch it now" movies. It was really good, the part about marijuana is o.k., but I found the apple farm that had hundreds of different apples to be the coolest part. Gmo's aside mono-culture is dangerous, and some people say the main reason behind CCD among bees.
LOL - yeah that was the weakest part of the documentary.

If that's an example of a professional, 'Cali medical grow' I'll stick with our backwards methods here in Oregon.

To say the least. That part of the film was an pitiful by any standards. And here I thought that 'Cali' taught the rest of the world how to grow medicine - go figure.



LOL - yeah that was the weakest part of the documentary.

If that's an example of a professional, 'Cali medical grow' I'll stick with our backwards methods here in Oregon.

lol that was cali? The husband commented on how the plants just loved his wife and were sad when she left.lol If I remember correctly they were wearing lab coats. I guess it fit with the point that pot is a "prized medicine" so they went for a cheesy half-baked pot lab.

I also had no idea tulips went for that much back then!


:D Me too...... i was in 1st grade and found a copy of "Truly Tasteless Jokes" in my moms office and the rest is foul mouthed school kid history....



btw..... you're old lol Was gonna burn you a copy of botony of desire when it gets here but now....... lol


Yeah at one point in history (I believe the 16th or 17th Century) tulips were a 'medium of exchange' or par with gold.

Weird times indeed......................

BTW - the annual Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm Festival is going on here in Oregon. What a spectacular show of color. A nice day for taking photos and such.

whens that ill lock for this guy with a j in his mouth

Clackamas Coot

Active member
whens that ill lock for this guy with a j in his mouth
That's his Divine Grace Shirdi Sai Baba (aka Sai Baba of Shirdi), a crown jewel among Saints and regarded by his Hindu and Muslim followers as a saint.

A saint and sage for the kali yuga deal.



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