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You know you're a grower when...

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
when you look at houses and apartments and your more worried about basements and closet space.

when trees remind you of big buds

dream about your crop being ruined

go into the grow room every hour to stare at your plants

when you spend your last $70 on a HPS light

constantly thinking about what strains to order or what to get

hanging out in the gardening section in book stores

go to the gardening section in a store if they have one

looking at things and wondering if it could have a use in the grow room


  • You know you're a grower when someone says cab and your first thought isn't of a big yellow car...
  • You know you're a grower when you post pictures of your "babies" online like a proud father...but don't have any kids.
  • You know you're a grower when you see someone eating a bowl of Cocoa puffs and wonder why on earth anyone would want to eat hydrton.
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When you always have pot, but never have a lighter on you (at least that happens to me a lot)
When you flunk biology, but know more about plants than the teacher.
When you see a plant at a resteraunt, and think, "that looks like it could use some nitrogen."
When you know what n, p, and k stand for, and what each one does for a plant.
When you decide to grow tomatoes and grow giant 10 foot monsters because you use your soil and ferts from your pot plants.
When you have buds longer than your hand. Lots of them.
When someone asks what the price of bud is where you live, and all you can tell them is, "It's $2500 a pound."

Verger OG

... when you see a movie featuring a submarine and wonder why it ain't yellow.
... when you lock yourself in your grow space in the dark
thinking 'I am a plant, I am a plant' just to see if there is light leakage.
... when you talk about family with people and switch the number of daughters you have with how many 'girls' you have.

..when you pretend you took a leak coming out of the undergrowth when you checked a possible spot for a guerillia growin op..

... when you turn down the fridge and sit in the dark and cold rooms of your place to save on energy bills to compensate.

...when you wake up from a nightmare in which you stumble and fall on your plants.

..when you wanna talk about marijuana to aquintences and feel like exloding because you really can't.
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Verger OG

..when you look at your guinea pig cage and see the potential for a hydro or a scrog setup.


Active member
when you read the " you know your a grower when thread..." for 2 hours and agree and done everything everyone says in the thread!!!

when a casual day of trout fishing on the stream turns into finding alot of nice grow plots next to the stream.

when your buddy works at a dirt plant and brings home 1000's of lbs of
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You know you're a grower when someone pastes a link to as site with naked fat girls/boys with droopy mj plants and you say "Nice, but I think they're a bit underfed"


When you keep garbage bags full of grow related trash in your bedroom, and wait till the 5 mins before the truck comes , just to be safe


New member
cool thread!!!!
nice posts chaps:)

when you go to a hardware store asking for a certain type of glass or netting or something for the grow room, and they respond "whats it for?" and you say.........


it looks like the second coming of crist is coming out from your closed closet door.

When you go out to get the mail and realize you have a dean fan leave stuck to your sock. ( that wasnt mine, was on original OG thread)

when you refuse to trim popcorn buds, cuz it aint worth the fuckin time

when you are hauling 40 pounds of dirt up the flights of stairs at 3 am.

when you give herb to a friend in a jar, he asks " do you have a ziploc" and you say " for what?" Forgetting people actually but herb in bags

When someone wants an ounce and you reach in your jarful with your hand ( no scale) and pull out 28 grams. I can weigh out better with hands than a scale, plus who has a scale? charge waiting to happen.



you know your a grower when ....you can give away elbows for free with a smile on your face.


when youre changing your reservoir 3 hours after surgery.

when your dogs knows to take a nap everyday 15 minutes before lights on, everyday.(pavlov styley)

when your homies argue about strain lineage to the point of fist o cuffs.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You know you're a grower when...

some of your grow books (bought new) are over 20 yrs old.......


Active member
You know you are a grower when:

you have to move and spend 3 days packing your grow equiptment plus negotiate with your landlord to move mid month to accomodate your grow cycle.

the first thing through your mind when looking for a new home is how will my grow fit. Not is there 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. LOL

you have no where to buy weed when you use to have like 4 connects to get it from.

your friends ask what is this killer bud and you find yourself saying "I've been told it's ...... " and then bite your tounge so you don't sound like you are a weedfomercial.

you have tan lines from sun glasses in winter

I find my self doing a lot of these things like seeing grow spaces in everything and everyware. See bud like plants and trees, giving buds in jars not bags, staring at cabs thinking how I could grow it that.
this thread is a good one very funny too.


Active member
your wife says things like "didn't we just buy more rubbermaid tubs?"
you have an off limits to everyone else drawer in the fridge for seeds.



when you keep a 5 gallon jug of RO water around the house but you drink the tap water. The good water is for the plants.

when you have blackstrap molasses in your pantry but have no clue how to actually cook with it.
when you'd rather relax instead of sorting through tons of pictures that all look the same(you know when you take a picture of the same plant trying play nice with the focus and it takes forever to get a good one), just so you could get annoyed by the big pain in the ass it takes to upload the pictures and post it on icmag(sometimes it wont go and other times you double post)... fuck that shit man, i really love icmag and im not hating on people who post their shit but to me it seems like alot of work just to potential negate my real life work

respect to all those mother fuckers who dont need icmag to grow dank but share anyways in an effort to help others(or stroke the ego) while potentially putting yourself at risk(i know icmag is safe and people can use proxies and shit but you cant tell me your just better of not posting)... those guys are good guys, better than i

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