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You know you're a grower when...


New member
You feed your dog more than most people smoke.

You can always find buds around the house if you look hard.

Part of your rabbits daily diet is canna leaves


Active member
You converse fluently with the entomologist on the phone about subclass species specifics when trying to ID a garden bug.

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Polar_bear said:
someone says ak-47 and the last thing you think of is a gun
you see Northern lights inside the house
you consider 2~5 joints a day "moderate usage"

Sums it up for Me!

Good post!



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You buy CFLs by the case.

Your son tells his class 'Daddy builds lightsabers' after seeing you test firing lights.

You can spot a nitrogen defieciency at 50 paces, but have no garden.

Helicopters cause heart palpitations.

You have a garden shed with more security than the local bank.

Someone runs over a skunk and your first thought is your scrubber failed.

You can intelligently discourse on the pros and cons of aquarium pumps, but have no fish.

Seeing scissors causes your hand to cramp.

Your alarm system does NOT call the police.

Your closet has a deadbolt.

Your electricity bill has been confused with your mortgage payment.
This thread is great!!

When every time you get a fatal error on your computer, you think to yourself, "Man, I should just bust this CPU open and get that fan."

When you tell your wife she needs to use a flashlight to do the laundry between 5 am and 5 pm.

When you actually start to test the batteries on your smoke detectors.

When every trip to the hardware store turns into a 4 hour browsefest.

When you start worrying about whether you forgot to feed your plants instead of your cats.

When you have ten surge protectors.

When you wear sunglasses more often indoors than you do outdoors.


Active member
you can't get up for work, but you can get up to turn on/off the lights..

someone passes you a can of pop and you see a DIY CFL reflector..

you have multiple shoplights but no shop.

great thread..


Active member
you can remember the height of each plant, but not the height of your kids..

you start to use a calender for the 1st time in your life..

you can remember when you started your last batch of seeds, but not when you got your wife pregnant.


When your close friends how much smoke you got left, "About 5 jars"

You dont realise how much your clothes stink like pot.

When any exttra money comes in you werent counting on you think of what the grow room needs first.(if the wife dont know about the money she wont get mad when you buy yet another light)

The bed of your truck is filled with bails of pro-mix. And its snowing out.

You got a box of scissors you cant use anymore, dam things are all gummed together.

of course the classic . When your closet is filled with pot plants, wait thats too obvious.


Active member
this thread is funny i like these 2 personally
you start to use a calender for the 1st time in your life..

you can remember when you started your last batch of seeds, but not when you got your wife pregnant


Active member
When you have more jars than your Grandma..
When you have too many women. :wink:
When you can talk about bending bitches over, and not worry about looking like a pervert... :D
When you go to work straight, ppl wonder if your stoned....
When everywhere you go your lookin for outdoor plots.
When the only reason you go out for a walk is to tend your plants.
When you have stocks bigger than your wang... :yoinks:

This thread rox... hehehe


when you use Google Earth to find an outdoor spot for the next season.

When making sure your girl is trimmed has a whole new meaning.


You know your a grower if you've seen "you know your a grower if..." threads at least a 1000 times!


You sit and post and watch the clock meter on your PC waiting for the lights to go on so you can go out and handle your young girlies and then sniff your fingers! :muahaha:
You guys are funny as hell. This thread is really turning up some great original humor. Thanks a lot for being part of it. I think people that grow are the smartest and funniest people there are.

Stay green!

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