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you know U are a real grower when:


Active member
You don't need to buy any smoke off the streets, because yours is much better because you learned how to do it better from the information and seeds available here. Oh yeah and your friends tell you that you scored some great ganja, and it must have been real expensive.
*****Here are the ones I agree with the most:*****

Lots of 5 gallon buckets.

Won't smoke anyone else's weed.

Wouldn't know how to score weed if I had to.

Know exactly how house is wired and what the limitations are.

Every time we see HID lights, we think about how they could be used in a big grow.

Any new housing we're dreaming of includes plans for how to grow bigger and better. (DUH!)

You realize money really does grow on trees.

You can start to estimate dry weight by looking at the plants.

You think you hear noise elsewhere when working in your room.

You can sleep well with grow noise going on. (Hey others listen to whale noises, why not?)

- You know you're a real grower when: you realize that regardless of whatever you do or eventually end up doing in life you'll never be happy unless you can cultivate the sacred plant.

- You know you're a real grower when: you realize that marijuana isn't just a source of fun and games but real healing.

- You know you're a real grower when: you grow and never stop.
you've gotten amazingly better at math, especially measurements, conversions, and fractions lol. (Never been bad at math, but loved this one!)

No one drops by your house without calling first. No one. Ever.

Your friend's friends have the best pot, period.

You check your babies constantly, but you have no kids.

when after all this time of talking to your plants you are convinced that one of them finally said something back (This one is super cute!)

when you want to turn your swimming pool into a huge outdoor ebb and flow op (This made me chuckle!)

you spend most of your time when not in worrying you might come home to an inferno.

-All your major purchases are scheduled a little after harvest time

-when you wake up and the first thing you do is tend to the plants

-when you know where all the local offices are of all of your bills so you can pay in cash

You check out the soil everywhere you go

You find random nugs everywhere in the house.

You don't feel right unless you are flowering. Preferably in multiple locations.

When you BECOME a botany and genetics freak b/c you want to KNOW MORE.

- you seriously can relate to 90% of the posts on this thread and you are still busting a gut as you read them.

when you judge every light bulb you see of how many lumens it outputs

When you wonder how many other people are growing?

When you are constantly researching and experimenting in order to make things better.

you know you grow many weeds when trash (just leaves and stalks) become a liability.

When you politely accept gifted bud from a grower friend who all proud and pleased with his acheivent, but then throw it in the bin later cos its sub standard to your own. done that a few times...lol

When you cant go on Holidays cause youre afraid to leave your Girls at home alone !

When youve just spent 15 mins reading this thread laughing to yourself at how many other people there are like YOU (It's good to not feel alone!!!!!)

- You're an expert in inventing credible stories to protect your grow

- You get stiff fingers every time you harvest from all the trimming

- You get an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction from growing and smoking your own

vacations are planned around harvest cycles

you turn down "elite" cuts because you have too many already

you correct people who think that growing is lucrative...and have an itemized spreadsheet to prove it....in your head

you can estimate the real weight and value of the latest police bust

when you keep saying theres room for 1 more and now you cant walk in there.

when you can eye out a 1/4 oz

When your day job provides you with an unlimited amount of stress, and your night job an unlimited amount of stress relief.

When you have a memorized list of safe dumpsters including pickup times.

When the last thought in your mind before you sleep is the grow room and the first thing you think of is how they look in the morning.......

when you have to crawl & snake around on your hands and knees under the canopy of your plants just to water them

When you wake up to take a piss and have to peek on your plants.

- You quiz your wife on the different lights you see when outside together...lol

- your wife actually knows the difference

- seeing the funny faces your wife makes when smelling Sour D or Haze....

you're willing to risk your freedom for belief in your ideals......

When your veg chamber is overfilled with candidates for mothers.

When you forget you still got somethin hangin.

You know you are a grower when you want seeds for Chanukah or Christmas. (I want SweetTooth for Christmas so I can grow some anti-anxiety pot for my BFF. She hasn't been able to smoke pot in about 8-10 years, and maybe this would work for her.)

when you can quit your day jo

- you wonder how the time changes affect your timer schedules

- your own buds make you break into smile

When the rest of your house is dark becasue you are trying to keep the electic bill lower

When butter just isnt butter to you anymore and you have some "green butter" in the fridge

-you've lost that anxiety of illegality in your mind to some extent, and have to try to keep from casually talking about pot like any other plant

you know exactly which appliances you can run without tripping a breaker during lights on.

You have to start a real garden to hide all your used dirt.

You convince yourself that not having a bedroom is normal. (we gave up the two spares and now one bathroom).

You can convince your wife that not having a bedroom is normal. (see above.)

Home Depot: You can grow it we can help

you no longer have problems to fix, only room for improvment,

you know you are a real grower when you don't buy ounces, you trade ounces

When you haul all your stuff you bought from the Hydro store into your grow house at 1:00 in the morning so no one sees anything.

you breath on your plants just to give them carbon dioxide

you leave the heaters off so you dont dry your smoke too quickly, but freeze your butt of instead

...your idea of good financial advice is helping people grow their own

...your idea of job security is prepaid rent and a generator

You finally own your own business and realize it's just as annoying as working for someone else.

when you give away cannabutter because you have so much of it.

you think you can barter with weed (and you find ways to do it within your circle)

your calendar is in terms of crop weeks

you become a pot snob

When you turn around in your house to see another plant hanging in front of your face.

When reading this thread makes you feel like way less of a crazy person because you realize everyone else is thinking and doing the same type of shit you are!

you know your a real grower when you throw heaalthy plants away cos they arnt strong enough

when ur happy to release bugs in your house

- You forget that not everybody views marijuana the same way you do

when you constantly think of ways you could improve your harvests

When you have to manually look at everything carefully before you throw it out in the trash.

When you promise yourself that your next house must have a fireplace and basement no matter what the cost!

When you are willing to lose your freedom and good name.

When you learn, finally, the value of patience.

When you meditate about your own fragility and mortality while harvesting and trimming.

When you consider finger hash as early commission.

When you roll through your local grocery store and buy 4 boxes of nitrile gloves, 5 bottles of 99% iso-alcohol, cheesecloth and a bunch of vegetable oil...lol. (You can get everything but the cheesecloth at Sam's Club for much cheaper, fyi.)

When the seed stash is your most prized possession

when growing replaces all other hobbies

Here are the ones I'd like to add:

Your cat/plant sitter is also a cable guy. (Good in case the internet or cable need help. Also good in case there is any leakage since he is head of that department and could help us take care of it without involving anyone else.)

One of your co-growers dates a power company dude and he swipes a spare clip for your power box so you can upgrade it and then slip the clip on.

Harvest = Garden Gear first.

You know those portable grow trailers that are being advertised are a red flag to cops and yet the thought of going on summer tour and continuing to flower and/or veg the whole time is very alluring.

You call Home Depot "Home de Pot" b/c of the pot smuggling that went on there and b/c you go there all the time for the garden.

You REMOVED all the scented oil warmers b/c you were worried it would harm the pot.

you grow sativa cause you know what you want. (working on it)

your scent protection is what non-smoking hotels use to fix rooms that were smoked in, hospitals use to cover death, and places like serve pro use in recovery of damaged property.

AND FINALLY, this happened last night:

Your cats stare in awe at the huge nugs their daddy has harvested. Go Mr. Mountain!!!!!


Active member
when some motherfckn thief robs 20 plants from yer OD and your girlfriend is more pissed than you.

when youre just happy they were so fckn big they left the other fifty.


that you still have two other plots to trim.

when you just read the entire 33 pages instead of gettin laid.


plant pimp
You know your a real grower when:

Your wife/gf starts to say things like "maybe if I had a fan leaf hanging out of my ass you would spend time with me"


"easy growing type"
- when you look at natural trees and examine their branching.

- when you have every hydro system but only use one.

- when you have more nutrients in your closet than clothing. :) (Maybe just me)


Life is one big grow........
when your fingerz so sticky that you can wax your girl or ya self anytime

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
*****Here are the ones I agree with the most:*****

Lots of 5 gallon buckets.

Won't smoke anyone else's weed.

Wouldn't know how to score weed if I had to.

Know exactly how house is wired and what the limitations are.

Every time we see HID lights, we think about how they could be used in a big grow.

Any new housing we're dreaming of includes plans for how to grow bigger and better. (DUH!)

You realize money really does grow on trees.

You can start to estimate dry weight by looking at the plants.

You think you hear noise elsewhere when working in your room.

You can sleep well with grow noise going on. (Hey others listen to whale noises, why not?)

- You know you're a real grower when: you realize that regardless of whatever you do or eventually end up doing in life you'll never be happy unless you can cultivate the sacred plant.

- You know you're a real grower when: you realize that marijuana isn't just a source of fun and games but real healing.

- You know you're a real grower when: you grow and never stop.
you've gotten amazingly better at math, especially measurements, conversions, and fractions lol. (Never been bad at math, but loved this one!)

No one drops by your house without calling first. No one. Ever.

Your friend's friends have the best pot, period.

You check your babies constantly, but you have no kids.

when after all this time of talking to your plants you are convinced that one of them finally said something back (This one is super cute!)

when you want to turn your swimming pool into a huge outdoor ebb and flow op (This made me chuckle!)

you spend most of your time when not in worrying you might come home to an inferno.

-All your major purchases are scheduled a little after harvest time

-when you wake up and the first thing you do is tend to the plants

-when you know where all the local offices are of all of your bills so you can pay in cash

You check out the soil everywhere you go

You find random nugs everywhere in the house.

You don't feel right unless you are flowering. Preferably in multiple locations.

When you BECOME a botany and genetics freak b/c you want to KNOW MORE.

- you seriously can relate to 90% of the posts on this thread and you are still busting a gut as you read them.

when you judge every light bulb you see of how many lumens it outputs

When you wonder how many other people are growing?

When you are constantly researching and experimenting in order to make things better.

you know you grow many weeds when trash (just leaves and stalks) become a liability.

When you politely accept gifted bud from a grower friend who all proud and pleased with his acheivent, but then throw it in the bin later cos its sub standard to your own. done that a few times...lol

When you cant go on Holidays cause youre afraid to leave your Girls at home alone !

When youve just spent 15 mins reading this thread laughing to yourself at how many other people there are like YOU (It's good to not feel alone!!!!!)

- You're an expert in inventing credible stories to protect your grow

- You get stiff fingers every time you harvest from all the trimming

- You get an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction from growing and smoking your own

vacations are planned around harvest cycles

you turn down "elite" cuts because you have too many already

you correct people who think that growing is lucrative...and have an itemized spreadsheet to prove it....in your head

you can estimate the real weight and value of the latest police bust

when you keep saying theres room for 1 more and now you cant walk in there.

when you can eye out a 1/4 oz

When your day job provides you with an unlimited amount of stress, and your night job an unlimited amount of stress relief.

When you have a memorized list of safe dumpsters including pickup times.

When the last thought in your mind before you sleep is the grow room and the first thing you think of is how they look in the morning.......

when you have to crawl & snake around on your hands and knees under the canopy of your plants just to water them

When you wake up to take a piss and have to peek on your plants.

- You quiz your wife on the different lights you see when outside together...lol

- your wife actually knows the difference

- seeing the funny faces your wife makes when smelling Sour D or Haze....

you're willing to risk your freedom for belief in your ideals......

When your veg chamber is overfilled with candidates for mothers.

When you forget you still got somethin hangin.

You know you are a grower when you want seeds for Chanukah or Christmas. (I want SweetTooth for Christmas so I can grow some anti-anxiety pot for my BFF. She hasn't been able to smoke pot in about 8-10 years, and maybe this would work for her.)

when you can quit your day jo

- you wonder how the time changes affect your timer schedules

- your own buds make you break into smile

When the rest of your house is dark becasue you are trying to keep the electic bill lower

When butter just isnt butter to you anymore and you have some "green butter" in the fridge

-you've lost that anxiety of illegality in your mind to some extent, and have to try to keep from casually talking about pot like any other plant

you know exactly which appliances you can run without tripping a breaker during lights on.

You have to start a real garden to hide all your used dirt.

You convince yourself that not having a bedroom is normal. (we gave up the two spares and now one bathroom).

You can convince your wife that not having a bedroom is normal. (see above.)

Home Depot: You can grow it we can help

you no longer have problems to fix, only room for improvment,

you know you are a real grower when you don't buy ounces, you trade ounces

When you haul all your stuff you bought from the Hydro store into your grow house at 1:00 in the morning so no one sees anything.

you breath on your plants just to give them carbon dioxide

you leave the heaters off so you dont dry your smoke too quickly, but freeze your butt of instead

...your idea of good financial advice is helping people grow their own

...your idea of job security is prepaid rent and a generator

You finally own your own business and realize it's just as annoying as working for someone else.

when you give away cannabutter because you have so much of it.

you think you can barter with weed (and you find ways to do it within your circle)

your calendar is in terms of crop weeks

you become a pot snob

When you turn around in your house to see another plant hanging in front of your face.

When reading this thread makes you feel like way less of a crazy person because you realize everyone else is thinking and doing the same type of shit you are!

you know your a real grower when you throw heaalthy plants away cos they arnt strong enough

when ur happy to release bugs in your house

- You forget that not everybody views marijuana the same way you do

when you constantly think of ways you could improve your harvests

When you have to manually look at everything carefully before you throw it out in the trash.

When you promise yourself that your next house must have a fireplace and basement no matter what the cost!

When you are willing to lose your freedom and good name.

When you learn, finally, the value of patience.

When you meditate about your own fragility and mortality while harvesting and trimming.

When you consider finger hash as early commission.

When you roll through your local grocery store and buy 4 boxes of nitrile gloves, 5 bottles of 99% iso-alcohol, cheesecloth and a bunch of vegetable oil...lol. (You can get everything but the cheesecloth at Sam's Club for much cheaper, fyi.)

When the seed stash is your most prized possession

when growing replaces all other hobbies

Here are the ones I'd like to add:

Your cat/plant sitter is also a cable guy. (Good in case the internet or cable need help. Also good in case there is any leakage since he is head of that department and could help us take care of it without involving anyone else.)

One of your co-growers dates a power company dude and he swipes a spare clip for your power box so you can upgrade it and then slip the clip on.

Harvest = Garden Gear first.

You know those portable grow trailers that are being advertised are a red flag to cops and yet the thought of going on summer tour and continuing to flower and/or veg the whole time is very alluring.

You call Home Depot "Home de Pot" b/c of the pot smuggling that went on there and b/c you go there all the time for the garden.

You REMOVED all the scented oil warmers b/c you were worried it would harm the pot.

you grow sativa cause you know what you want. (working on it)

your scent protection is what non-smoking hotels use to fix rooms that were smoked in, hospitals use to cover death, and places like serve pro use in recovery of damaged property.

AND FINALLY, this happened last night:

Your cats stare in awe at the huge nugs their daddy has harvested. Go Mr. Mountain!!!!!

That was long, but interesting.


when you check out Google Earth specifically to find out if you can see your outdoor plots.

When you wish google would update there 10 year old aerial photo's of your area............

When you are pissed google updated there 10 year old aerial photo's of your area.............

..........during that ONE WEEK you left six 3.3 c/ft bales of peat in bright white bags next to yellow swamp tubes!!!!!!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
When you buy weed from other people just to see what else is going around.

When you buy weed from other people just so they don't think you grow your own.

When you buy weed from other people but give yours away just so friends can smoke good!

:canabis: :joint:


Active member
When you buy weed from other people just to see what else is going around.

When you buy weed from other people just so they don't think you grow your own.

When you buy weed from other people but give yours away just so friends can smoke good!

:canabis: :joint:
i wish i knew you


Active member
when you plan on getting stoned and watching TV, but you walk pass your grow and get sidetracked taking clones and pruning for an hour before you are like...WTF i was supposed to be loungin..

when you gotta stack rubbermaids on top of eachother to store all the cured packs....

when you go to walmart and buy 200 dollars worth of vacseal, turkey bags, and ball jars in cash and the cashier looks at you like wtf??? "im sending cookies to my relatives"

when every available closet space is stuffed with empty buckets, mylar rolls, old timers, empty can filter boxes, trays, etc etc etc....

you need a dedicated closet space just for all the ballasts...

when you go buy other peoples buds and you can tell every single thing that went wrong with their crop....

when you go out partying with friends and the whole time you are worried about your ladies back home....

You run several grow ops and a flourishing broker business while on house arrest for cultivation

haha definately have some friends doing this.....when you have felony cultivation charges pending and you got 5 dried pounds and a 7 lighter in mid flower in the same spot you got raided....

when you have twenty lights but only run 10 because you already got raided in that house....so you "play it safe"...
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