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you know U are a real grower when:


...your idea of good financial advice is helping people grow their own

...your idea of job security is prepaid rent and a generator

...your growroom is worth $10K+, but your living room looks like you're broke

...you have dreadlocks and drive a diesel truck

...spend more money on food for your plants than food for yourself

...you start preparing your summer crop in january

...you have a group of trimmers on speed-dial

...you know know the pros and cons of: dwc, dtw, nft, tag, fag, e&f, hempy, krusty, coco, rockwool, and dirt.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
when you have 9 open tabs on your browser, and 5 of them are to different pot growing forums!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
or when every house you see for rent, you instantly start wondering if that would be a good spot.........


... you start planning you holidays around your harvests

... you stare out of the windows of trains, planes etc looking for perfect spots for guerilla grows

... you giggle when people start conversations about growing their own veg

... steamy windows doesn't mean "fun in the back of the car"

... you look forward (and pray) for sunshine in September and October more than you do in the height of summer (Northern Hemisphere... you know what I mean)

... you feel insulted when people imply that "homegrown" means badly grown/cured weed


Active member
you start planning you holidays around your harvests

... you stare out of the windows of trains, planes etc looking for perfect spots for guerilla grows

hahaaha so recognizable


when someone brakes in your grow house because they know you have the best SSH around
sad story it happend to me 8 pounds of the best SSH off of a 13 week pheno

.....When you have the best SSH, 13 week pheno around and you are toking it right now :D




I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
You cut your grass and find a car... peace.

oh wait that is when your a redneck... hmmm

My one and only is when you dont give a flying fock when its dry and cant find puffs anywhere...
that when you know your a real grower... peace.



Registered Med User
when u got a pasion for hashin!

that was kinda dumb.

when u rant about a plant!


......when your sittin on a weed forum tryna come up with rhymes that haveto do with growing.
when you boght all the snail pellets in your town.also you bought every gallon baggie in your town. and you go through a new garden claw every season!!!!!!!!!!


...when you go into a hydro store or dispensary and you're amazed how much more you know about the stuff they're selling then they do. And you keep getting responses like "I've never heard of that" "what do you mean what kind of trainwreck is it...it's trainwreck" (it's kinda sad when a dispensary doesn't know their own genetics at all)

yeh when ya ask a disp owner if they have any of xxx's gear and they look at ya funny. shit, i thought EVERYBODY'S heard of xxx! well then, how about yyy? no? don't get out much huh?
i get a lot of this...


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you know U are a real grower when

You water a plant.. and it doesnt turn Brown and dry up... peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you know U are a real grower when: You carry a conversation with yer plants... peace.



When you get a powercut, your heating dies for hours in sub-zero temperatures and the only thing you can think about is how your photoperiod will be affected!

Happened to me two weeks ago...


- you have more pictures of plants on your pc than family an porn.
I dont have any pics of family or porn on my laptop!

When you answer the door with a fan leaf stuck to the top of your sock.

A relative sleeps on the couch, but the plants get there own room.

My mum used to do my washing for me & she used to go mad about all the leafs that were stuck on my socks & the stinck of weed on my stuff.

I used to sleep downstairs on a sofa-bed cos out of the 3 bed rooms the big one has flowering plants (pics in my sig), the small room for mothers & clones & the other bedroom was used for drying the bud, storage of grow equipment & old soil/plants i could only get rid of 1 rucksack at a time.

You don't have a job, and spend 23.75 hours out of everyday doing whatever you feel like.
If i wasn`t with my plants i was reading about cannabis, hashish or growing & if i want doing that i was online posting pics or on forums & if i want doing that i was making my own hash & oil & all the time i was smoking.

when you have to dedicate a whole day to "trimming"
I used to hate it, now i miss it so much!

When most of the people you talk to are on a internet grower's site......
I saw more avatars than faces at one point!

You know when u are a real grower when.....

You have to shower at your parents house cos your bath is full of room temperature water to feed the plants.
You cant take a girl back to the house cos the bathroom is full of plant food.
You see the electric company digging up the street & you have a panic attack.


Cannabis 101
when every time you scratch your eyes it buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrnnnnnn because of the intense resin glands stuck on your fingers:)